Friday, 30 September 2022





I Corinthians 16:8-9, KJV

"8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.

9For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."

It'll be foolishness and lack of discernment to abruptly leave a place where God has flung open a ministry door for you to explore. If you lose it, you may not regain it for ever more. Paul knew this and it resolutely made him decide to linger at Ephesus even until Pentecost. Paul was saying, "if I'll leave, it is later. Not now when there are many opportunities to explore. Can't you see them? We've not even done much. Here they are littering everywhere. Not now when their streets are full of eager hearers and many people to bring to the knowledge of Christ. Not now when I've perceived a divine occasion to preach and be listened to. I'll rather stay until Pentecost. If not for the necessity of participating in Pentecost and seeing the brethren (in order to be refilled and encouraged by our mutual faith), I won't even leave to depart. By then, I should have maximized and used what the Lord is offering me anyways. I should be free of the blood of all men by then. I should be freed from any guilt of being given an open door and not maximizing it by then." All these were the revelations of Paul on why he won't leave his field though there are many contenders fighting him from bearing the gospel. 

Who's there that the Lord has flung open a ministry door to though with opposition as its twins. If not for anything but for the much opportunities avail you by the Lord, tarry, endure and do ministry there. From what Paul said, we gathered that some land are not easy to break and that once a wide door of ministry is opened unto any, it is for you to accomplish much for the Lord. It is the wide door of ministry that affords any to do effective or productive work. The work that men would stumble on and say, "how come by you this?" If such door is opened unto you, you could plant hundreds of churches in just few years. The people of the land would just agree to it. Their authorities will support it. All will just support as though they've been held by your spell - God's spell anyway. The Lord is mindful of His business and He'll see to it that a platform is given you to preach Christ, heal the sick and manifest as the called or sent in bringing Christ to men. God or angels can't come and do ministry solely on the earth without the involvement of a minister. It is still how can they hear unless there's a preacher (Rom.10:14)? Your sole responsibility is therefore availability, acceptance and manifestation of the calling you carry. It's because God is planning to rake in a harvest that you must be privy to. For same reason, he has flung open such wide door. Such door is a miracle itself because many are seeking it but they're not having it. Unless God has mercy on you and opens it, it is not what you can use your education, prowess or even connection to open at times. If you attempt any of these and it works, it's because God Himself is at work and not because of your hard work. That door is solely controlled and opened by God to those He trusts to deliver His oracle. To those He believe are sacrificial enough like Paul to contend with the devil, endure even physical sufferings etc and maximize it. If you'll allow me ask, "are you trustworthy or you're a Demas who by choice can turn back?" Do you run away at little challenges or you'll brace up like Paul to take the opportunities surrounded by pack of antagonists. If you're not Paul in mind this way, you can't but be a disappointer whom God won't be able to trust with ministry doors. The reason is because you'll always turn back in the face of little heat when you can even see the reward of pressing on and when you could have prayed your way through. How many of you God has given a place and a job to and would say, "I'll still stay here to do more work just because of profiting God and enlarging His kingdom? Such the Father wants!

PRAYER: Help me to be a diligent, sacrificial and enduring minister. I maximize all widely open doors even amidst contention. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 51:1-53:12; Ephesians 5:1-33; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 24:7

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Thursday, 29 September 2022




GREAT AND EFFECTUAL DOOR - Open Heaven Series 021

I Corinthians 16:9, KJV

"For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."

If you read the verse above and compare it with the word of Isaac after digging the third uncontested well, you'll see that there's a similarity yet with a difference also to consider. Paul said, "a great door for effective work is opened unto me." Isaac says, "for now the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land" (Gen.26:22). "A great door for effective work" and "a surrendered room for fruitfulness in the land." There was an evangelist who got such a door but not a great door known for productive or tangible work. A great door is one that's wide open. It is known for the many opportunities it avails any minister. Such door puts no restriction to what any minister could do. He could evangelize in the day. He could preach against homosexuality without fear of the government. He could convert others from other religions and such won't be regarded as soliciting or anything punishable by the law. Such is the door that becomes the joy of any minister. I call it the great opened, wide door of manifestation. Until this door is opened, one may have plans but he can't accomplish them. One might have done a listing of what he'll like to do on a note and bear same wherever he goes on his mind and with thoughtful prayers always but all these would be vain if this great door isn't opened. Some ministers have received the door but unfortunately it was a slightly opened door. When they got to the land of their ministry, they faced the greatest opposition ever. The authorities of the land fought them; the king of the land fought them; the priest of the land fought them and even the government was solicited to come and see to these ones "who have turned the world upside down." There may be opened unto you a door of ministry but let your prayer be, "make it a wide open door, God." There's no joy in having a door that restricts you. It's not different from being cramped on a chair instead of sleeping on a roomy bed. Such man won't enjoy his rest. It would rather be full of disturbances leading to body pain and aches later. This is why we all need God to have mercy on us and push open for us the wide gate of open door for ministry. 

Like I was saying, an evangelist got an invite to organize a crusade somewhere. While the crusade was launching and as he mounted, a woman came out of the congregation, by passed the ushers unstopped and excreted seriously in front of the raised platform so much more that all the souls who had gathered left one by one. A door has been opened to this minister but it's a restricted door. He's still in the midst of warfare. While the ministry door afforded him points to the manifestation of an open heaven yet it is a restricted door. He's still being debated so as not to do the will of God and all they had planned for that crusade. As the devil would have it, that crusade that day didn't hold again because everybody started leaving at the sight of that daring horrible act. It was afterwards the woman was gotten hold of and ministered to. There is a door of ministry but it is either widely opened or strictly opened. Let your prayer be, "give me a door that'll afford me all your will and my heart desires."

PRAYER: Open to me a door without opposition.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 54:1-57:14; Ephesians 6:1-24; Psalm 70:1-5; Proverbs 24:8

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Wednesday, 28 September 2022




RECOVERY AT REHOBOTH - Open Heaven Series 20

Genesis 26:22, KJV  

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Rehoboth is afar off in your journey. It is destination. It is not where you start with but it is where you end in. In Rehoboth, you're paid all the vain labour of the past. It doesn't matter how many wells you've dug which have been taken over by others. In Rehoboth, it is covered for in your fruitfulness in that land. Fruitfulness is unusual. It is the land answering by productivity like never before. Fruitfulness here would even be miraculous because it would present bountiful abundant yield to Isaac in order to recover for the wasted labour in Esek and Sitnah. 

Isaac confessed, "for now the Lord has made space for us and we shall be fruitful in the land." This fruitfulness is where the key is hidden. The fruitfulness, productivity, flourishing of Rehoboth is to serve a purpose in Isaac's life. If you've been cheated and you're not vindicated, you might still feel cheated. Your mind would just be casting shadows back, "what if I've had that with these I now possess. My goods should worth this all in all." The fruitfulness of Rehoboth is therefore out to divinely ensure that all your vain labour and wasted time of applying yourself to the work you didn't eat is paid for. God has a way of paying back so that you might lack nothing.

Today, God is saying, "have you worked and you haven't eaten? Do you feel robbed, cheated, snatched from, discontented and hollowed inside?" He said, "I will cover it up." Do you know what image I'm seeing now? When God took out a piece out of Adam to form Eve, he closed the place back thereof. He closed it back so much more that no one could notice there's a  thing missing beneath.

Genesis 2:21, KJV  

"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof."

He'll close you back with His work of fruitfulness for you in that land. As a minister, you might just suddenly witness church growth or a boom in business as an entrepreneur. God will just close you back. Your fruitfulness will pay for the wasted labour of the past. Do you really know what fruitfulness is? It is producing more than one could use. So, if you produce or possess more than you can expend, what happens to the one you can't expend? You have to lay it up. In this wise, you'll be laying up until you have to account for a store. This is how God recovers people and you are that person this today. It doesn't matter how many years you've strived making it, once you lay legs on Rehoboth, work begins in earnest to have you built back and built up. Rehoboth is an automated land to pay back by yielding its dainty and peak of productivity to its possessor and tiller. It is known for one thing - its opening up to the man called to possess it. Rehoboth is a land that doesn't answer all. It answers a few. I pray for you, "you're paid back." You're vindicated in Jesus' name. You'll witness mass production that will lead to effective restoration.

PRAYER: I'm restored for all the years of wasted labour in Esek and Sitnah. I'm recovered and I'm contented and justified. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 51:1-53:12; Ephesians 5:1-33; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 24:7

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Tuesday, 27 September 2022





Genesis 26:22, KJV

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

For the past 18 days, we've been seeing that spaces, openings and ample opportunities you receive is a sole function of an opened heaven or the willingness of God to give you same. That's why Isaac couldn't possess a space until God caused him to happen on Rehoboth. That one was what God surrendered or opened up to him for possession. Others were shut up and it reveals in the sharp contention with which he was evicted from possessing them. May God therefore make space for you wherever you go. May men not frustrate you. 

After occurring on Rehoboth, Isaac just didn't profess Rehoboth and name same land Rehoboth immediately. He proved Rehoboth to be Rehoboth before he professed same and name that newly colonized land Rehoboth. Having witnessed evictions from two places, he wouldn't have been in a hurry thinking he has gotten to his final destination. After the digging of the third well, he'll have waited to see if the men of Gerar would come again to demand them to shift on. He actually did. He waited for them to come but his waiting proved this land is actually different from other two afore collected.  This land is a secured land for them. He waited until no man appears to contest for the newly dug well in their newly located abode. After this, he concluded from all indications of having been let alone that this is Rehoboth and that God has given it to them to live in and till. So it is!

Rehoboth is room. Room is space. You've been given a latitude of free hand; a magnitude of operations. Unlike the other two places they were not allowed to occupy let alone do any effectual work, this is Rehoboth: a place where they have free hand for manifestation and to do anything that occurs to their mind. Here, they are far removed from the men of Gerar who cause strife through their envy and jealousy. This causes them to be all alone possessing all the land round about for themselves. So, if you had looked round Isaac, you'll have seen that the land round about him is indeed roomy. There, they have free hand. The fact that they have free hand is that there's no hindrance to their dwelling in that land and doing whatsoever their heart desires. Isaac had rightly named this Rehoboth. A place where we are allowed, accommodated and given free hand of operations to gain upper hand in manifestation.

After this comes, "and we shall be fruitful in the land." Why won't you be fruitful when there's no one to trouble you? How many of you have witnessed men at work being stopped before because "boys in the community" or rogues demanded to be paid as locals. Such occurrence when often always hinder effectual and fruitful work. When the work ought to have reached lintel level, it may still be at the foundation level especially if their demands are not met on time. But what if God removes all hindrances to your fruitfulness and locate you where you have free hand to operate, you'll observe you'll accelerate in building, growth and fruitfulness. The intention of God for us is that we'll be fruitful wherever He has given us free hand to operate. He wants us possess, dominate and surround such place with our work - which is His work. When Isaac said, "and we shall be fruitful in the land", it means and we shall spread, flourish and shall amount and fill this place with our works. That entire land or region, that entire space that surrounds them (free from the men of Gerar) is now theirs to headquarters. Fruitfulness is denoted by the growth of a gourd and how it covers the ground. That's what I'm seeing. It spreads all around until it fills the land. If God ever brings you into Rehoboth, His intent is that you'll have free expression to bring all He has imprinted on your mind into manifestation on site. That dream might be in you in Esek and Sitnah but you couldn't imprint them there. Here's Rehoboth however, a canvass on which all could be painted. God's mind is that in no time people will begin to come to that no place you once occurred on as a site of attraction and even civilization to want to reside in. I pray that the Lord will make your arm strong, give you rest all about, stop the mouths of lions and all evil workers for you and grant you growth and spreading like a gourd to fill the land with your teaching, business, product, campaign, services in Jesus' name.

PRAYER: Let me search for evil workers and see them no more. Give me rest all about. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 48:12-50:11; Ephesians 4:17-32; Psalm 69:1-18; Proverbs 24:5-6

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Monday, 26 September 2022




THRUSTED TO REHOBOTH - Open Heaven Series 018

Genesis 26:22, KJV

 "And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Do you know what God wants you to do today? You should continue the continuance of having an open heart for leading from Him. Many are not leaning on God but their own understanding. How? They don't have it on their mind to be led by anyone - the Holy Spirit in this case. So, they rarely can relate who's refusing them when they're contended with. They rather will die there. You should not. If you believe in the infiniteness of God whom you've submitted to, He can make whatsoever done to you to work for your good. So, you won't worry to fulfil these Bible verses.

Matthew 5:40-41, KJV

"40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.

41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."

Isaac did because He knows God makes ugly beautiful and He's in charge. Do you believe that? Isaac wouldn't be allowed in Esek and Sitnah. On each occasion he dug a well, he was fought with and necessitated to relocate as a man of peace. Anyone would think he was stupid because he kept shifting ground for those he should take on like a man. Having learnt and known that everything works together for the good of those who love God, He internally believes there's no place he finally settles that God won't make comfortable. It is where He is (by God's will), God is! Is it not that God who afore said, "sow in this land" and the reward became a bumper harvest for him? Can't be different now. That understanding of "everything works for good to those who love God" is what gives him the quick motivation to keep moving until he got to Rehoboth. Now, may I say that Rehoboth is better physically than both Esek and Sitnah. Rehoboth has a testimony of being larger, wider, bigger and more roomy. It has a space for any farmer or herder to do all he has in mind. It is free of disturbances for any minister to do ministry and effectual works. You can go left or right, forward or backward. Every place round about is what God has given you. No restriction. That's the description of the place the contention of men finally shifted him to possess. Does it not pay to be a man of peace and no striker now? If you have committed to God, you have nothing to fear. Your destiny and economy can't be dictated to or determined by the acts of crooked men or dismantled government. God leads and sees for you rather. If Isaac's wealth and rest were in Esek and Sitnah, He wouldn't allow them pack him away but it is not and so the journey for a land of peace must continue. God will rather use whatsoever crooked acts they do to you to lift you to a brighter day and place than forlorn you. This is what God did for Isaac. In the mind of Gerar's men, "we have gotten rid of him. We have sent him far away from us. Far away from where we can perceive insecurity. We have broken him. He'll linger to succeed. Here are his properties (the wells) with us." Those were their own thinking but in all, God was working out His will for a man He loves and who loves Him. Let me ask, "who did you commit to?" One who can fulfill Romans 8:28 or another? Does that verse end strife in you in not striving with men but rather seeing God at all junctures of strife as He who has a better plan for you? I found out there's a disguise God always keep when it concerns His will. The enemy rarely identifies it. For if He knows, he wouldn't allow Joseph to be sold into Egypt nor allow Jesus to go to calvary. These people wanted Isaac broke so they wouldn't have caused him to Rehoboth. This shortsightedness has cost the devil and would cost him more. You're like a dead man committed to the sea. It means the sea has permission to carry him whithersoever. If you've committed to God as a Christian too, you're not in charge. He is and Romans 8:28 tells us what would happen to us even if people call you stupid for giving your cloke to those who sue for your coat. God will not only carry you to whithersoever but where you should be. Just sleep on and see how whatsoever is done you will be mixed together to work out God's will and purpose for you. Rehoboth is God's intention for you. While Isaac was both in Esek and Sitnah, labouring there to dig what they'll snatch, God's thought and mind didn't change for Him concerning Rehoboth. If only he had knew, he wouldn't have done vain labour in Esek and Sitnah. He would have crossed once and for all to Rehoboth because that's destiny land and home for him. That's promise land. That's tent of rest. God will take you there. Destination will be worked out for you in Jesus name. You've committed to God; He'll commit to you. In all men deal you, you'll see His hands. On His hands He'll bear you up lest you come to nought like they're thinking or have thought. 

PRAYER: Bear me up! Let all thrusting take me to Rehoboth. Use contention to content me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 43:14-45:10; Ephesians 3:1-21; Psalm 68:1-18; Proverbs 24:1-2

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Sunday, 25 September 2022




WRESTLE WITH GOD - Open Heaven Series 017

Read Genesis 32:24-28

Genesis 26:22, KJV 

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

The Bible says, "ask and it'll be given you; seek and you'll find; knock and it'll be opened unto you." There's a wrestling with God in all those level of prayers. Today, God is coming to teach you how to really do it. Some have been doing it wrongly. They've been wrestling with men for a room to be made them but every good and perfect gift only comes from above. One is the author. We have all read of Jacob who wouldn't let the blessing angel go until he had blessed him. He held unto him because he had a revelation of who really has the power to change bad to good and cause newness in anybody's life. That's the characteristic you should cultivate. Persistence is good until you have your intention delivered but to whom do you show persistence? God or Men? A "room" or a "space" made for anyone anywhere is a function of an open heaven or the willingness of God to give such to him. Isaac had learnt this. On every occasion he was striven with, he didn't strive with his antagonists. He didn't pay them back. He simply took it for the Lord hindering him. He rather shifted his tent and moved on and on until he got where he dug and they were let alone. Some are fighting people and are even accusing them of not being a ladder or help to them. You're addressing the wrong quarters. If you ever desire a room for manifestation or fruitfulness, you'll address God concerning it. When Isaac's room was finally made and given him, he acknowledged God as the giver of all rooms and not men. He said, "now, the Lord has made room for us." It means till then, the Lord hasn't made any room for them and so they couldn't be tolerated let alone accommodated. Brethren, it is the work the Lord does that lasts and has no added sorrow. It rather has added value even as the years last. What the Lord alone does is what becomes like the path of the just which shines more and more unto the perfect day. If men become the initiator of your being given space somewhere, you have as well given them the key of descending you down at will. But I'll desire you have the testimony of Isaac that the room you'll have is such made for you by God and God only and not by solicitation or appealing to some elders of the land. 

I have been in ministry for awhile. I have learnt by experience that the heart of kings are in God's hands. You might have read same in the Bible but you may not know it. You know that to be true when an event happens in your life to prove to you that the hearts of kings are truly in God's hands. Then, that truth becomes concretized in you. Faith rises with it and you suddenly believe that there's nowhere you go that people can't be favorably disposed to you even if you don't know them before. Let a door be locked from behind, God will have men to open it wide open for you. If you have not been given your room and you're a tool in God's hands irrespective of your office, there's one thing the devil is contesting and hindering from really happening. It is your "fruitfulness" in the land. Arriving with the room made Isaac was the testimony of being fruitful also. It is the testimony of doing an effectual work at that site. It is the testimony of pioneering new churches, sending out more missionaries, preaching the gospel, healing the sick and having many saved. The land the Lord opens to you if you're a minister are always followed by such testimonies. It is my own prayer that God will use people to hinder you and I until we actually get to our Rehoboth. Whenever we miss Rehoboth, may hot contests of men make us seek if we're rightly located and in His will. If you don't know, Rehoboth (which is the room God alone makes for anyone) is the only place where any will have the testimony of fruitfulness. If Isaac had stayed in any of those places he had afore dug wells but contested with, he wouldn't have enjoyed his staying there let alone living there. He'll have witnessed the greatest opposition and hatred of his life. He would have seen first hand mischief and wondered helplessly why they're acting to him some way. Rehoboth is the only place that promises fruitfulness. The reason is simple. God secures it for you so you can do your intention there. It's only in Rehoboth there's space, rest and lack of contention. That's where you can sleep with none making you afraid. That's where you can build without the violence disturbance of those who don't want to see God's house. Why? Because God had settled and silenced all opposition for you. Today, if you've been desiring a room but have been looking at your mentor who runs ahead you in what you do to open it, you should be redirected to wrestle with the divine who alone blesses with an everlasting blessing and with all good and perfect gifts. Unto Him pray that a space would be created for you in the body of Christ and in that place you're going to so that you might be a blessing to them with your gifts and calling. 

PRAYER: Make me a room in the body of Christ. Set me on the hills. Lead me to my destiny land and even if amidst foreigners and people of strange tongues, let me be accommodated for fruitfulness.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 41:17-43:13; Ephesians 2:1-22; Psalm 67:1-7; Proverbs 23:29-35

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Saturday, 24 September 2022




A ROOM TO DO WHATSOEVER - Open Heaven Series 016

Read Gen.26:16-22

Genesis 26:22, KJV

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.

If you yet don't have a room, you can't manifest let alone do whatsoever is the intent of your heart. A room rather affords you that. I'm praying for someone, God will not suffer you with a room. You may be gifted, anointed or like Jeremiah, God's Word might have become fire in your bone; one you can't keep shut there but rather release its burden and let it accomplish the purpose for which it's been sent. However, because a room has not been made for you, utterance can't be known to still proceed from you because though you have gathered the thoughts by meditation, you have no platform on which to be stayed to share same. Brethren, only God could make room for anyone. Apart from God, your gift is another thing that could do it and your gift is a revelation and manifestation of God or the Divine on you. What am I saying? Unless a room is made for you, you'd still be hidden. You'd still be at the back side of the desert. Unless a room was made for David, he couldn't and wouldn't have taken his place amidst Israel's army. Afore time, he was never numbered amidst main stream warriors. People, you can strive from today till tomorrow, if God has not made a room for you, you won't be allowed by men to shine or rise. It is this divine room which God creates for those who have been endorsed by Him that causes them to come out of oblivion suddenly at our watch and sight. We'll say, "look at how he rises like a Colossus." You better thank God for the room, the reserved seat God created for him at the forefront. If not, he'd still be somewhere unknown; he'd still be somewhere striving with many striving to come out of the shadows into the limelight but when God makes a room, a man appears like Jesus' natal birth and his rising, nobody can successfully contest with even if fought.

I see the Lord making room for you all over Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America, Europe and even Antarctica. You'll have branches and daughters of your institution all over those places. I remembered a narrative of a General Overseer in Nigeria. He said they coveted being in a country for years due to its uniqueness so they could fish the many souls there for God but they were hindered until even from the government, God opened that land up to their ministry. They would be the first protestant evangelical church to be given permit to operate by that foreign nation's government. You see, that's the Lord making room for that ministry to spread and be fruitful in the land. The room God doesn't make for you is actually fruitfulness denied you in disguise. If you've not been given a place, you can't till it let alone see or reap as harvest the good of that land. Isaac said, "for now the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land." If you don't know, "room" is your expanse. It is the how far you can go in operation. What has not been given you, even if you covet it, you can't manifest it because it has not been subdued under the sole of your feet. Today, let the Lord make rooms round about you. Let doors open for you. Let lands succumb to you. Let government and authorities allow you. Have a land. Occupy a space and in that settlement, nurture a civilization and a vision for God to the shock of the world. 

PRAYER: Lord, make a room for me amidst the great and the strong. Bring me forward and into the palace. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 41:17-43:13; Ephesians 2:1-22; Psalm 67:1-7; Proverbs 23:29-35

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Friday, 23 September 2022




A ROOM FOR US - Open Heaven Series 015

Genesis 26:22, KJV

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Everyplace is not for you. It is basically because God has those places for some other sons and daughters also. However, you'll have your place in the allocation of God. And your place, no man can collect from you. One of the prayers that you should pray is that God should lead you to rest. He should help you journey on until you reach your land. Yesterday, Jacob journeyed on until by providence, he stayed to sleep in Luz later Known as Bethel. He might not have spent the night there but the appearance of the night necessitated that. God leads, God takes to a destiny land, God takes to an enlarged place, God takes to a roomy place. 

Isaac couldn't find rest on time. He was being pushed from one place to the other. They keep striving with him and calling his hard-work theirs to possess. But a time came when he arrived in a place that no one contested with him. He dug and none came to claim it. Then he said, "the Lord has made room for us here and we'll be fruitful." It means, afore times God had not made room for him. God has a way of using even the crookedness of the world to ensure that a Christian gets to his destiny and roomy land. Joseph's brother sold him off to Egypt and by this act, he journeyed into the future of his prediction. This morning, I'm looking to heaven on your behalf that both by divine providence and express leading of God, you might be led to your roomy land. Everything anyone does can't but be used by God to take you where you should be. You will find rest only at the place God scheduled for you to flower. May God cut such covenant with you. If a place is not yours, may the striving be water above your head. When it's yours, may all things settle for you to settle. A place a room is created for you is a manifestation of open heaven for fruitfulness. It is a place signalling the interest of God towards you. It means, "I approve you stay here." In that land, there's nothing you sow that won't bring forth plentifully. In that land, you'll know how to do best whatsoever you do. Eyes of all men would be on you there. Why? Because that's the place God made a room (a space) for you. A place He specifically call yours to possess. So, you can't but shine like Jesus' natal star there. I pray for you that you'll journey on until Rehoboth you reach. Rehoboth is the height of your journey even if it's not the beginning. May you attain Rehoboth in this life. 

PRAYER: Lord, lead me to my space. A place where I'll be king and little effort shall become great success for me; a place where I'll find acceptance. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 39:1-41:16; Ephesians 1:1-23; Psalm 66:1-20; Proverbs 23:25-28

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Thursday, 22 September 2022





Genesis 28:11, KJV  

"And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep."

It is just getting better. The Lord is yet digging us issues from a hollow of spring issuing with diverse revelation enough to quench our thirst. We therefore yet go on. Today, you'll swim and yet rejoice in another light of His revelation to us. Jacob left Beersheba for Haran. A place left is a pointer to a place to be regained. At the middle of his journey came he on a place. He didn't plan it. He didn't predetermine upon journeying to alight at such place. Who knows whither he knows whether such place even exists afore his journey. And if he does, he never knew such ground would be the gates of heaven or the house of God to him? By providence and God's hands leading him on however, he came on a certain (definite, particular, ) place (one we have information on as where God resides) and decided he'll stop over at such a place. In the mind of God, He has predestined that he'll journey and journey till hitherto but man is not always brought into the awareness of God and same they might receive late at times. Probably Jacob wouldn't have stopped but he did under compulsion because the sun had set and it's night. This is how God will use circumstances He alone oversees and rules over to have some of you bound to His will especially when it seems you're not yet ready for the strong meat of surrendering to Him to be led. Jacob would have journeyed on and on if night had not stolen on him. Thanks for the night that keeps his feet in the stock of that place to stay. God will always overrule. May you in your walk, journeying and hurrying not be ahead or behind God. May you be where God is scheduled for a meet with you. Even when God is being intentional in retaining you somewhere, may you not defy Him. There's a place where things have been scheduled to happen for each of us; missing it is missing time forever. I chose as first choice Obafemi Awolowo University to study for my tertiary education but I had a dream later that I went for a cricket match, won and a trophy was given to me by a family friend of mine who was then in Tai Solarin University of Education. A trophy symbolizes "winning", "headship" or being, "number one." That's how I left for the latter. There was nothing students do covet to become on campus that I didn't become. The peak of it all was that I became the campus president. People met my needs, paid my rent and even my school fees when I couldn't fund it personally again. Why? God had scheduled I should be in that school at that time. In God's mind, he has not made room for me in Obafemi Awolowo University. Another was rather to become a campus president there and have an experience he won't forget also.  Till today, I can't say I'm not a product of a campus process and revival like many General Overseers in Nigeria also have to share. Yet that was all because God worked my path to a place where He had all alone made a room for me. What shocked me most was the room God made for me in those places even amidst contentions. That proved I was slated to be there. I was already president in two major places before being made campus president. Yet that didn't deter them because it was mine from the Lord. They didn't say, "how would he cope with his academics with such workloads." Because I couldn't fund my education in 300 Level as the campus General Secretary which became embarrassing, some advised I shouldn't be ordained as president later but yet I was. Somebody said, "if God wants you to hand over to him, that same God would pay his school fees" and God did by scholarship.

Some misses heaven's meet because despite the night brought to retain them at a place of experience for such a revealing to come, they yet struggle to journey on without light, yes the light of God. Have they forgotten the words that says, "I must work the works of he that sends me while it is day for night comes when no man can work any longer (John 9:4)." Yet, these rebellious hearts would choose to journey on until into a ditch they fall and their path crossed with the destroyer. Son and daughter of the Most High, God do ordain paths to meet. He schedules and fixes certain experiences at certain places. May you not miss your Bethel experience. May you halt at Bethel. May you walk or journey on until you can't journey over Bethel. May you also journey in a manner that your casting of lot shall fall on Bethel to dwell. For that is the house of God, the gates of heaven and where God dwells residually. There, a ladder extends to the earth for people to contact the supernatural. There, God will bless you with a room no one can rival and people loyal to death to you. 

PRAYER: Lord, guide me. (Touch your feet). My path shall always cross with God's meet. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 37:1-38:22; Galatians 6:1-18; Psalm 65:1-13; Proverbs 23:24

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Wednesday, 21 September 2022




BE WILLING AND OBEDIENT - Open Heaven Series 013

Read Acts 10:8-16

Acts 10:11,13, KJV  

"11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat."

God took me over yesterday and I'd said, "He loves us first and desires us for Himself." "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom.5: 8). If you know this, you'll be assured He really desires you because He Himself initiated the process of connecting with you even while you were still lost in sin. Do you think He wants to hide Himself away from you though He desires being sought diligently? He does only as not to cast what is holy before swine. Those who come to Him He shall in no wise cast out and those who seek Him are same who shall find Him because God is said "to be a rewarder of they that diligently seek Him" (Heb.11:6). In today's reading, an aircraft descended. I call it "vessel craft." It was bearing all sorts of goodies like the Ishmaelite merchants whose stores afford all sorts of goods (Gen.37:25). What sort of invention do you desire to see? That vessel carries it! Anything, spiritual or physical (that's a good and perfect gift) that God in His wisdom has approved fitting for mankind is what it bears though bearing literally animals. Now, same is lowered unto mankind from above. Heaven's desire to relate with the earth is being established once more. Here they come! Foreign emissaries and tangibilities. Here he lies, a representative of all mankind in his sleep. Here goes a command to him to "rise, kill and eat." To our shock, mankind refuses the gift of Immortality. He has been told, "possess, walk towards and have some for yourself, show your willingness and obedience by accepting the offer we have brought to you from heaven, participate in what we're about doing" but thrice did he stubbornly rebuff God. 

Then I heard God, "it is no longer in my hands when mankind rejects the provision of Jesus offered them as the final sacrifice for sin and remission of it (Heb. 10:12). He has been so much available and lowered to them that people now have Moses (in ministers on earth today) and the law (in the Bible) to instruct them. How could you then deny so great a salvation that has appeared to all men? How could you make nonsense of the provision that costs heaven His only begotten son and which they solely prepared for you with the intention that you'll see its importance and take same. God told me, "I can't force Myself on you. I might tell you what to do with the sacrifice of Jesus for you (the sheet lowered within your arm's length) but I can't force you to accept it by "rising, killing and eating same." God said you must show willingness and obedience on what I have lowered down for you (in Jesus Who laid His life down) and be a beneficiary of His death and resurrection. Like Peter said he has not eaten anything unclean before, many there be who are giving reasons upon reasons, heaps of reasons as to why they aren't yet born again or taken of this suffered, crucified, dead and resurrected Jesus? I pray for you that at the time this offer is being made you, you'll rise, kill and eat. The Bible says, "if ye be willing and obedient, you'll eat the good of the land" but what will happen to rebels? (Isa.1:19-20). May you receive this Christ and know eternal life (John 3:18). May you show willingness at the time of willingness. There's always a time when the charmer can't charm the snake again. It is appointed unto man to die once. After that comes judgement. Therefore "today is the day of salvation." Do not harden your hearts like the former times. God has winked at your past but now commands you to repent (Acts 17:30).

PRAYER: I'm sorry for hardening my heart at Your so great salvation till now. I submit and accept Jesus' finished works. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 33:10-36:22; Galatians 5:13-26; Psalm 64:1-10; Proverbs 23:23

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Tuesday, 20 September 2022




HEAVEN DESIRES - Open Heaven Series 012

Genesis 28:12, KJV

"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

The extension of a ladder or stairway from heaven to earth is an imagery of an aircraft descending for people to take. Just like the Wings of the Morning or Morning Wings (as a flight) do present itself for people to take so that they might get to the uttermost part of the sea (peak of their destiny in life) [Psalm 139:9], so also do God lowers a step, a stair or a walkway of mercy to any He desires quickly ascends to become something in any place - especially in relationship with Himself. I found out that whenever God desires to reach the earth, He makes a lowering. Without His lowering, without Him first making avenue for Himself to be reached, how could He be reached? That's why we thank God for the personal access Jesus' death gives us. We can now mount individually as children. Today, God is coming for those who have always thought relationship with God a high thing to achieve. When we even speak of relationship with God, they'd thought we're being mystical. They'll say, "God is up there and I'm down here, how can I establish contact when we are thus far apart?" You can establish contact. The concern and fear of many is even that they're the ones initiating relationship without any effort from this Father who's merciful and wouldn't allow search for Himself diligently without rewarding same seekers with Himself (Heb.11:6). In this Jacob's dream, who lowered the stair or walkway? It is God. It is not an initiation of Jacob to reach heaven. It's God to reach the earth. The desire of heaven to make contacts with mortals was so clear and unhidden that they left no avenue to suffer mankind from climbing. We were told that the ladder or staircase they spread from heaven touched the earth. That is, it stands firmly on the ground below. Now, if you want to board a plane and there's no walkway into it, you simply know that though the aircraft is before you, yet you can't possess it. Yet, God hasn't suffered any of us like this. He's a gentle and caring Father to the core. He asked, "if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the  exceeding abundantly gift to you" (Luke 11:13 - emphasis mine).  God takes thoughts. He cares. All that encompasses your wellbeing is very much solidified in His breast. For that reason, He didn't leave you to options or to cater for what means you'll reach Him through. He has declared Himself unto mankind in the Saviour Jesus. This same God says, "call unto me and I'll answer you and show you great and mighty things which you know not" (Jer.33:3). Who's extending the hand of connection now? Who desires you'll meet Him by that act of "calling on Him" and His afore act of lowering down a staircase from heaven? If it had not touched the ground, I'll have said God just wanted man to view afar off but here is it firmly rested on the earth. This is heaven extending relationship, accord and informality to  the earth. God desires mankind first. That's even why He could willingly give His son. You'll hear, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). He's always thinking of us first. "What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou regards him is thus valid for appropriateness here?" Why would He give His son if He's not afore thinking of bridging the gap of separation between Himself and man? Is that not affirmed by the fact that "God commends His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8). Even while we had no usefulness to Him, He was to us. It therefore becomes revealing clearly that God is never selfish nor seeking gains for Himself by primarily connecting with us but that we might be greatly benefited and saved from the wrath to come. Who did He still made the plan of escape from the coming wrath for? You? Thinking of you and what you'll gain. 

Today, I am caught up in the love of heaven, the very love of the Father who stood above the ladder and heaven's stairway to speak to Jacob. I'm pondering how much He'll give and give until He has all men drawn to Himself. He thirsts, longs that men on earth will have heaven as their abode. He thirsts that while earthly assignment still tarries, they'll continue to know the joy of heaven by afore tasting of its glory in sweet fellowship with Him. For this reason, He had cut a roof open in heaven and descended a stairway - a straight invite for fellowship. Like one with an open eyes in vision and circumcised ears for hearing, I'm hearing him say, "come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18, KJV). You need to see your impoverishment O mortal and fall before this Maker of mankind. Let Him your filthy garments take away. Let him a new turban gift you like He gifted Joshua the High Priest (Zec.3: 4-5). Let him a new ring put in your finger and new shoes wear you like the prodigal son (Lk 15:22). Then, let heaven and earth make merry that "you were once lost but now you're found."

ACTION: Think of how much God has loved you by sparing your life till now. He's love you all the way and even spared not His greatest gift Jesus for you. Make His joy complete by receiving His offer of relationship to you by salvation. That's the stairway. "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, (those who can now relate with Him) even to them that believe on His name" (John 1:12). Look, the deed has been done (Jesus has died and even resurrected - sealed the work of salvation) but have you entered into the done deed?

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord. Receive me and pen me in the Book of Life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 30:12-33:9; Galatians 5:1-12; Psalm 63:1-11, Proverbs 23:22

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Monday, 19 September 2022




"OH, I'M DELIGHTED TO BE HERE!" - Open Heaven Series 011

Read Gen.28:16-19

Genesis 28:16-17, KJV

"16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not. 17 And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

Only few ever confess they are delighted to be here. The reason is at hand. What you do not experience, you can't with words flesh. For this cause, many haven't been able to share their testimony of such experience yet same is particular and ought to be common. Jacob is fortunate in this life for having had a foretaste of heaven before his eventual departure to same place. Heaven is sweet and unparalleled. If we consider all the words Jacob uttered when the dream of his head lifted, we'll see how much the experience possessed him. Firstly, he said, "surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it." Does that reveal an intention to have known ahead? If he had, he could have bowed in worship earlier. God is spirit and man is also. He's meant to contact God by his own spirit in sweet fellowship. We're all meant to unite with Him in intimacy. Our quest should be to find God and possess Him for ourselves but I show you a mystery of one who God presented Himself to but who learnt Him very late. This probably was the reason for which God rode into his dream while he slept. Man ought to be conscious of God. Alas, our heads are full of cares of this world. We are wearied, tired and all we beg for like Jacob is to recline in sleep instead of first noticing His presence around us as a urge in us calling us to sweet fellowship with Him. The cares of this world are taking their toil on us and by same we are weakened to rest instead of being woken to fellowship. O man, shouldn't you have discerned your duty to God? May mercy however find all weary Jacobs so that in sleep they might still be visited and their ears opened to still hear God.

Job 33:14-16, KJV

"14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 16Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction."

May you lose nothing. May what you couldn't absorb in life be brought you in spirit and same you shall see become a reality solidly in your life. I therefore cause your ears to open. May you always absorb God. 

Then, Jacob was terrified. Holy places are places of fear and reference. It's not a place where man's standards, ways of life or frivolities are tolerated or brought in. Heaven rules supreme and His dictate is all what mortals who will find use in His hands do. For such reason, a command went out to Moses to put off his sandals because where he stands is a holy ground (Exo.3:5). You'll be purged. God will till you. He'll collect from you your inordinate ambition, crooked way of life and melt off your dross. By then, you'll have been made a sharp threshing instrument in His hands. Holy call is only done by refined men. None discovers the holy ground who didn't shout out, "how awesome, terrifying and scary is this place!" They're gripped by His holy presence which man of unclean lips shivers at. This is the ordainment of God, that men of flesh would bow before Him in worship. 

Then Jacob confessed same place being God's house and the gates of heaven. If a place is God's house, it is where He has chosen to dwell. Any who dwells in a place resides there permanently. He's residual there. Then, it means that land or ground is God's focus and where the gaze of His attention shall always be directed on. His rays are on it and none shall hurt any who claims relation with such land or place. This is our inheritance which we share through Christ. We are His anointed one. He's the land. We are connected to Him, the Head of all principalities and powers who stood colossally above the ladder. Who will then hurt us when we have thus become the children of immortality? How can we die when eternity is our possession? Who then shall we fear having such promises? Now, it is the gates of heaven. This is our privilege to access God. We've not been forlorn. The heaven has always pant relating with man. Here is our privilege to take. A disclosure has been opened, a ladder to climb descended, a stairway already leads to heaven for us. The death of Jesus, the tearing of his flesh in suffering (which is the tearing of the curtain of the temple) opens a thoroughfare for each of us to mount this staircase to Him in relationship. Individuals can now access Him themselves. Now, I can pray and believe to be heard because of an opening from heaven to earth. This is our assurance. 

Who therefore will stumble upon such land and not holler, "I'm delighted" when he knows with what the land rewards? Christ is the land and we have found Him like a hidden treasure. We cherish Him more than gold. For this reason, the Psalmist in holy revelation and thundering shout says, "a day with You is simply better than thousands elsewhere. I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tent of wickedness" (Psalm 84:10). He intends he'd rather be in the closet, in intimacy, in fellowship, in exchange of discussion with the One above the ladder than being elsewhere. What has he discovered? The goodies, the altering that happens before Him, the foretaste of heaven's glory that makes a man long for another taste. No wonder he says elsewhere that his soul like a Hart pants after God. Like one removed far from relationship with a lover or hindered from relating with same, he asks rhetorically, "when shall I come before God and behold your face?"

This man has tasted glory afore passage to the other life. This is what fellowship, touching of Holy ground, talks with heaven does to you. It leaves in you a thirst you want to taste and quench. Oh, may you and I always be needy!

PRAYER: Lord, overwhelm me with Your visitation. Make me sensitive and attentive. May You not bypass me. What I can't grab in life, may I possess in spirit. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 28:14-30:11; Galatians 3:23-4:31; Psalm 62:1-12; Proverbs 23:19-21

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Sunday, 18 September 2022





Genesis 28:12, KJV  

"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."

You may not have the jealousy of parents or know their joy until you give birth. Many times, why our parents acted some way over us aren't understood until our own we have begotten. Oh, how refreshing, heart satisfying it is to any who God has bequeathed with issues and these strings of life. Such man has been described as "happy is he that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate (Psalms 127:5, KJV). What therefore happens to those who don't have yet? Is it the same, "happy is he or she?" That's why today, God is coming for all waiting parents. He wants to give you yours. A fountain and an issue from above will be opened to make your quiver, arms, bosoms full of them. Thank God that these gifts come from above also. Has the Bible not says, "He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children..." (Psalms 113:9 , KJV). Not a child but children. That's your prophecy today and same has come to pass over you. 

This Jacob's dream has a lot to reveal to us. He saw a stairway stretched from heaven to earth and on same, angels ascend to heaven and descend back to the earth. We are very much familiar how the Bible many times refer to angels as sons of God (Job 1:6, 38:7). Now, these sons of God are busy doing one thing - playing on the staircase. What a thing! If you were watching, you could see joy, laughter and light brimming all around them as they jump, climb the staircases up and down. They're reflecting what their Father, Lord and Creator possesses. They're playing on the stairway that leads to their Father's house - heaven. This is what children do. They revel in play to delight themselves. This stairway is therefore not only a portal for transportation of flows but it is a meadow, play ground or play field for these inhabitants God is securely watching above the ladder. Your children will delight you. You'll have some to see play children's acts.

And the Lord brought a thing to my mind, this is the joy of a father or mother. It's to watch their own children ascend and descend the stairs. It's to see them play, catch fun also. These angels are angels of joy - playing angels. God stood watching their ascension and descent. It is your turn to stay on the balcony and for care shout from there, "ensure you don't get hurt." God is not alone in that Jacob's dream. Before Him were many angels doing their profession like children would do before their parents. Did you see them in their multitude? This is how your children   "shall be like olive plants round about thy table" (Psalms 128:3, KJV). They shall delight your heart and cause you satisfaction. Children who bring grief of mind shall not be yours. I declare your womb open. Let your quiver be full of them. The idea is that you have a place for them to dwell, live, roam around and take being from. That place is no longer empty from today. It is serving its purpose. Let children line the staircase of your home. See them count each step as they climb. Receive these gifts that come from God's open heaven. Open heaven above leading to open womb on earth. 

ACTION: Buy toys and baby's wears. Begin to create a meadow in your house for your children's play. 

PRAYER: Thank you for the coming to pass of Your promise. None (including me) shall be barren. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 25:1-28:13; Galatians 3:10-22; Psalm 61:1-8; Proverbs 23:17-18

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Saturday, 17 September 2022




THIS IS THE HOUSE OF GOD! - Open Heaven Series 009

Genesis 28:17, KJV

"And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

Jacob said one more thing. It even ran ahead of the second that became the devotional title yesterday. He said, "this is the house of God." He was not referring to where God was standing above the ladder - in heaven. He was referring to the earth where the feet of the ladder was. The very place he sleeps and get transported to see the descending and ascension take place - the play field. 

This dream is a reality. Portals are real. They can be opened into a space that is unknown and when they are, they're for transportation and exchanges of other valuables between two sides. When portals are opened, inflows and outflows penetrate and are easily passed. The portal that open here is basically information portal. God opened it to instruct someone of His will and intention. But because the focus was earth and a particular place on earth, Jacob identified that place where he slept and had the dream as special itself because he dreamt such wondrous dream on such ground? So, the portal not only has to do with Jacob now, it has to do with the land he slept on and where he laid his head before he had that spiritual dream. That place he slept and specifically laid is head should be suspicious to be significant. As a matter of fact, when a church is to be built on such same land, the altar should be strategically located on that same spot Jacob's head was or be made to face or tend towards that place he had laid his head. That's where the frequency is. Something is special in there. Connection is easier to heaven standing on that same spot. 

Are you called? Has God told you you'll build for Him. If that be, wait on Him to lead you to a land and a hallowed one for you to build on. Don't just go and build a "House of God" or "House of Worship" for people to worship in and access God. Do on a ground which is a portal or has become one. A ground that you either have prayed long enough on to secure it (because inflows now happen there due to your outflows to heaven as you exhale and exhume prayer like smokes) or a land that God Himself instructed you to take for Him. It may be an undeveloped place, don't worry. Once it's a portal, God's blessing is on it. Such place would become a house of prayer so much more that whenever people come from the four wings of the earth, they'll have their needs met there. I want to believe ministers and fathers in our days who built churches, great citadels and camps for God had this revelation. You'll observe that all nations are going to a particular site. It seems God is heavily concentrated in those centres. So, it became a sort of holy ground. It is concluded God answers there. Why? That place became a portal - a house of God on earth. There's a ringed hole from heaven to earth that allows a focus of heaven to shine and solely get concentrated on that portion. So, since heaven visits there regularly, what do you expect? Since a ladder has been lowered down from heaven that touches that ground, what do you expect? Angels can't but visit. Divine taste can't but be felt. Such land even if it belongs to the worship of goddesses and gods before would be very fruitful now. Unless people are not there, that's when they won't have exchanges with heaven. Locate portals, openings, the hollows, the circumcised and circumvent place, the portion light is focused on and on same, make your erection. You could call it  "a linking site" with  heaven. We know God is everywhere but His presence is stronger and unhindered to will and do in some places. Why? The sorts of practices done in a place can descend God down unusually and have Him move unhindered compared to a place known for occultism and resistance of God. 

Then, you have another responsibility - where the altar should be in the building. Tell God to show you the head - where Jacob placed his head. That pillow is where the altar should be or tend towards. Strategically locate that there. That's where the building should face. Jacob's sleeping position and where he tends towards shouldn't be taken lightly. There's something major about the geography of where he slept and about where he turned his head or laid it. The compass of God identifies where he turns or laid his head as a place that should become the altar of such house of God to be built. So, if God tells you to build a place of worship, don't build the altar naturally as pointed out by the Architect or Bricklayer but rather build the altar on the side God is saying it should be. It may seem strange to human minds anyway but obedience pays. While that whole land seems hallowed and infected with God's light, the place or side Jacob laid his head carries the highest strength for God's passage and connection. See to that. You're blessed. May you not be unaware of holy grounds and lands in your house, city, nation. 

PRAYER: Lord, frequent me on earth. Lead me to know your dimensions. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 25:1-28:13; Galatians 3:10-22; Psalm 61:1-8; Proverbs 23:17-18

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Friday, 16 September 2022




THIS IS THE GATE OF HEAVEN - Open Heaven Series 008

Read Genesis 28:10-17

Genesis 28:17, KJV

"And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

Jacob cried out after his experience, "this is the gate of heaven!" Why the gate of heaven? Because there's an opening. There is not only an opening but one which allows or could allow transportation, communication, exchanges and flows to move to and fro. So, he said, "this is the gate of heaven" - an opening brought about for the bringing of issues to the earth. May a route be created for the sole purpose of relating with you. However, he didn't have this testimony until he had seen the stairs that prolonged from heaven to earth and yet well crested on earth, the  angels who repeatedly move and then Jehovah God Himself making disclosures to him from above it. At seeing this and waking up, he said, "what a great opening, channel or medium! This is nothing but the gate of heaven." He calls it what it is and should be. He could identify it for what God has done. You must know that it is only through the gate of heaven things heavenly could be passed and received. Every good and perfect gift haven't changed location of where they still come from (James 1:17).

If you have had this dream with Jacob, you'll have seen to your shock angels in their multitudes travelling up and down. There is just busyness. There is traffic. You could see incoming and ongoing vehicles and it makes it delightful because things were booming in his dream. There was light everywhere and the stairs were heavily polished and overlaid with gold. The brightness radiating forth seems more than that of the sun indescribable and Jacob seeing all was filled with awe and wonders. Things are moving. Relationship and linkage with the earth is being established. In such a way, those that are here can't be forlorn. They could hear the voice. They could see God. They could receive His promises. So, it becomes a gate because of all these. Eventually, a channel by which receiving can be achieved and any other exchanges done has been caved out. If the gate was not opened, it would have been a shut heaven. A heaven of iron where one will not receive a response: hear a voice or see the vision of God. But because it is opened, he couldn't have the testimony of the prophets of Baals who for long cried while humbling themselves yet without hearing "a voice or a sound from above (I Kings 18:29). It was because they were operating under closed heaven unlike Elijah whose heaven was opened for fire to rush from there down to the earth. 

You should therefore know that a gate is a passage way. There's no place where's there's a gate without the intention that flows and transportation should pass through same. Gate is a channel. It allows for transportation to and fro. Gate is a linker. It links those outside the gate with those inside it. When it's flung opened, it is to create access into anything beyond the gate itself. A closed Gate or shut heaven disallows any from being a beneficiary of what heaven has to give rather. Gate opened is a symbol for a call to relationship or intimacy also. One at the gate's end beckons you to come into the house. That's what a gate is. Today, may gates be opened unto you. God wants to relate with you and as it is occurring to my mind, the hindrance to such not happening has been done away with. You're born again. Your spirit has been made to come alive and here is even a burning desire in your mind to know God and hear Him for yourself. May you therefore have access to God and all heavenly things. Jacob was told things to come, things concerning his lineage, himself and the covenant because the heaven's gate was opened and he could then access it. May you receive the vision of tomorrow from heaven. May great and mighty things be shown you. Even in your sleep, may God causes a bright light to shine on and surrounds you which would lead you to focus on the opening from which issues pertaining to your life, calling and destiny would be revealed. Today, may you see the miraculous and witness what shocks as to declare, "this is heaven's gate!" What a sweet testimony of opened heaven! Not everyone has such to say but Jacob does. With what he saw and experienced, he could bear witness to a gate being opened, an opening being allowed and heaven being torn apart. Even in your dreams, "may you witness an opening and a voice coming from same place." Let resources, heaven's resources be brought into your life because of the opened gate.

PRAYER: I crave for intimacy. I draw near, draw me nearer. I receive You (the Giver) and get blessed by your gifts. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 19:1-21:17; Galatians 2:1-16; Psalm 59:1-17; Proverbs 23:13-14

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Thursday, 15 September 2022




THE GULF! - Open Heaven Series 007

Read Luke 16:19-31

Luke 16:26, KJV

"And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence."

The rich man who died told Father Abraham to send Lazarus to give him water, even a drop. However, one of the excuses of Father Abraham is that a great chasm or gulf is separating those on his side and they. So, connection or a walk over (by strolling, taking it gently) is impossible on both sides. That is how his case get closed. What gap do you need to cover? I say, "receive a closure of it. Cover it because of the divine invisible and visible staircases that would be henceforth provided. Let it become easy and a stroll in the park because a plank would be spread for you to pass on." To leave your current level and ascend to another won't be difficult any longer. You're receiving a linker - a stairway that'll bring you into that future and vision of tomorrow. In my journey, I have met fathers who trusted into my hands what they had. They became my joints in the body of Christ and brought flows and benefits into my life. I say, "receive such a bridge."

Once again, we're meeting a gulf. It is defined as a hollow place in the ground. A gullet or that which swallows. Because it swallows, men are fearfully hindered attempting any crossing. So, to connect remains only a wish unrealizable. One of the wisdom of the devil is "gulf creation." The one dug here by the wisdom and invention of God was "a great gulf." It's just too wide. You can't jump, fly or walk it over. The gulf beats any one's imagination. Once anyone is on that other side where the rich man found himself, no matter the agony and pressure, he sticks there. His sticking there isn't because he wanted to but because if he attempts crossing, he'll find it unrealizable because a gulf has been intentionally dug in-between to create a separation from the other abode wherein is peace, sanity and environment refreshing. So also, any with Father Abraham can't cross over to deliver out of compassion any of those in anguish. They are also restricted because of this same in-between gulf. Thus, two people can't connect. A portrayal that mercy ended after death while judgement follows. This wisdom of gulf fixing had been tapped into by ancient kingdoms and military intelligence. To secure a city, they could dig a great gulf round it. At times, security of a city may be because it's on a hill, in a mountain or for being surrounded by water (as an island). At times, it's because it's a walled and straitly shut Jericho. In such way, they live protected and secured until this means of defence could be laid bare. What was God's intention of creating that gulf? We got the answer from Abraham. That there might not be trespassing or crossing on both sides. God knew once those in hell get tormented, they'll try crossing from the rich man's side. So, He went ahead to hinder border and line crossing by creating a gulf. You've heard of the wall built to hinder inflow from Mexico to America but here's a gulf. Both are to achieve the same purpose. What God wanted was border control and He achieved it. As a matter of fact, this rich man saw the futility in arguing on with Abraham but rather tendered a new request after that last reason on Lazarus' impossibility of crossing was given. He became quietened. People, once the devil digs to create a gulf for any, it's to make passage impossible and crossing over to another side. Such is therefore stranded even if need be that he crosses. Mark it, that other side is the better side but he can't flee thee. So, the ministry of a "gulf creator" in anyone's life is what calls for the ministry of a "stairway fixer." If any is never bound; a deliverer won't be needed also. So, I have come with an anointing that destroys yokes and works restoration to declare that any gulf created to hinder your safe, fast and easy crossing be filled up. Moving from one level of achievement to the other won't be difficult now. Finishing your building or that project won't be also because of my decrees which heaven will hear. Gaps would be filled for you and every hollow opened to hinder your achieving further would be closed. I decree, "receive a staircase" on all your hollow grounds to cross over. No more gulfs. Capture new grounds that seem cut off from your reach ahead of time. Suddenly feel capable and empowered. Do new things. I proclaim the shutting down of all invention serving as a gulf in your life today. You won't always be cut off from the better land. For this reason I received the delegation of Jesus' authority in order to destroy the works (wiles, devices, strategies, buildings, foundations or implants) of the devil. I cause gulfs and gaps to close up between separating or separated spouses, friends, siblings etc. Let there be a sweet connection. Know the joy of being connected. Let hands reach hands and let new intimacy grow. 

ACTION: Are you born again? Repent and be separated unto God with your name written in the Book of Life. 

PRAYER: I escape the second death. The reality of gulf fixing won't be real in my life, relationship and dreams. I receive the miracle of divine crossover at every juncture of gulf. I'm unstoppable.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 15:1-18:7; Galatians 1:1-24; Psalm 58:1-11; Proverbs 23:12

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Wednesday, 14 September 2022




GIVE ME A STAIRWAY LORD - Open Heaven Series 006

Genesis 28:11, NIV

"He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it."

This series continues to last five days or more. Please, follow the anointed for all God has to say. Today, God is saying you need a stairway to climb progressively up until you ascend and reach your destination. Having a stairway makes it possible to connect to the other dissociated side from your own side. A stairway when needed in any case is to help bridge a gap and bring you to an intended destination. This is why our engineers build bridges, walkways, stairways or even the ladder. Or else, you'll become stoppable by a vacuum or space created in the middle which you can't by suspension or walking in the air go over to reach your destination. You need a stairway. You need God to see to it that the space between where you are now and where you desire to be or should be is closed up. What closes it and possibly makes connection and access to the other side possible is that connector. Or else, you'll only stand here to watch your destination afar off. One would only thirst and wish to connect with that place, person or thing yet same is still far and out of one's reach. Whenever there's a created space or hollow, to walk over such, we need a stairway. 

The stairway that was resting firmly on the earth came from heaven. Thank God it was touching the ground. Mark the word, "resting on the earth." It's not different from an already landed aircraft. That's what any could take. If it's suspended in the air, climbing in is hard and then impossible but first of all, it had to be brought down to reach the earth from heaven so that the people on earth could be beneficiaries in using it as their handle to mount up to God in heaven. We do know that there's a distance between heaven and earth. That distance is not what any mortal could say he'll cover by any invention of his own. You may enter the sky but entering the sky isn't entering heaven. I'm speaking of God's dwelling. This stairway is what connects earth and its dwellers to heaven. So, heaven that seems impossible to stroll into is now within the reach of anybody and even Jacob  if he'll rise to mount and peep in curiosity at what lies beyond. Have you boarded a plane before? It has its own stairway. This stairway which is external is an automobile connected to serve as bridge to the plane from the ground. Without it, the plane's door would be opened but none would be able to take it or climb into it. Why? It has yet not been made available. It is still too high from the ground to be taken. Anything offered really therefore becomes available, possessable and useful when a stairway, staircase, ladder or bridge connects the far extreme to your now and lowers it for your taking. That's when you'll be assured walking over and possessing that which lies far beyond. Oh, may God have mercy on you! May He creates a bridge for you to have your dreams fulfilled. May He give you linkages in mentors, adopters and people who will take interest in you. God gave me bridges while I was studying on campus. I reached where I couldn't pay my school fees again but God rose people and systems for my adoption. So, I was able to complete my education. In this way, the journey which began in 100 Level was able to terminate conclusively in the one of 400 Level. If not, I'll have journeyed a little and journeyed no more - to the end. Because that was not my portion, it can not be yours also. You can't be stopped. You'll rather defy all odds to arrive. I'm seeing myself as a first amidst many brethren fit for example here. You're redeemed from inconclusiveness. You're redeemed from incompletion of any sort. What Satan does is to dig a gulf (a hollow space) ahead of anyone so that they'll be stranded in their journey and not be able to go further by crossing over. If such space, vacuum or distance has been created in your life to make your journey of achievement impossible, I call for a stairway to be laid on such. You'll receive a divine walk over. You're beyond stopping. Let heavenly angels spread on such empty space walkway for you. Cross over all Jordans. Triumph over all Red Seas.

PRAYER: Lord, close the gap between my here and my there. I shall fulfill my dreams (get there). I triumph over gulfs (hollows) created by Satan to hinder me from completing journeying. I receive a spreadsheet.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 12:1-14:32; 2 Corinthians 13:1-14; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 23:9-11

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Tuesday, 13 September 2022




TO GO AND COME - Open Heaven Series 005

Read Gen.28:10-22

Genesis 28:12, KJV

"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."

Some of you, a portal will open for you today that'll allow you to have exchanges with heaven. You'll see the vision of heaven with opened eyes because a special opening of heaven for you is making it so. It is with ease. Jacob's dream is very illustrative. It reveals the going and coming of angels and this typifies how they'll desire man have relationship with God above. His gaze should be towards heaven. That connecting ladder is a proof of same. Jacob saw angels ascending and descending. He too could have ascended. He could have gone to see what's behind or after but he didn't anyway. He was rather brought words. God seeks to interact with the earth. So, He often do open His heaven for such. Here, it was not a vessel that was lowered down, it was a ladder and it stood firmly on the earth as a bridge between heaven and earth. If I may ask you, what's the purpose of a ladder? For connection, gap closing and ascension to a height. Your road is becoming easier from today. A bridge is being constructed for some of you to pass to the other side. I could remember the dream somebody had. He just finished his Secondary education then. Then he saw himself and his brother climbing the staircase. But suddenly as he was about crossing over like his brother did, he saw an invisible hand appear to remove one or two stair cases away. He woke and that was it. That boy had years of delay before he could cross from secondary school level to tertiary institution. His elder brother left him far far behind. Who has done that? The devil! He creates needs in people's lives but what's God's? He meets needs. Such fellow like this needs a ladder to be spread for him to scale through the empty stair cases to the other side. Look at me, today, you'll receive a ladder to cross over. I say, "know progress and forward movement." 

Now, apart from this revelation, the going and coming of these angels shows transportation to and fro to the earth. When they arrive, they can't but bring heaven's blessings with them. When they go back, they can't but carry our requests before the Father. So, flows are incoming and outgoing. This shows movement and traffic on heaven's road. Their frequency of journeying is how God would like you climb to Him in intimacy often. I pray that God's divine agents will be busied for your sake today. You'll begin to see angels ascending and descending in order to create a desire for heaven's journeying in you. You won't just remain here on earth. You'll journey to the great beyond. If you won't be like Jacob, who didn't follow into that thoroughfare, you'll heed and follow them to go and have a taste of heaven. You'll be surprised what you'll see on the other side. You'll be seeing the streets of gold, palaces and mansions; behold the host of heaven and get to enquire of God face to face. Then, you'll come back through that same ladder. At such point, your human spirit may be caused to enter your body again or your eyes may be rested (if your ascension is through an open vision). I'm perceiving strongly that God is opening a new channel of communication with some of you. God wants a special intimacy with earth. So, he's descending His ladder. He's exemplifying what He'll like you do before your face by the journeying to and fro of His angels. This is a come up either to dimensions greater than men. He wants you climb to Him often in prayer, worship, intimacy and descend back with answers to all your enquiries, to all human needs and problems. I see a ladder that connects heaven to the earth. May you be a beneficiary of what it offers. May such ladder of linkage with heaven find descent into your bedroom. When it does, you can leave this world occasionally at your discretion to go and be with the Lord. People would just observe you're not around. They won't know your door is safely locked behind you while through an opened portal - a ringed space or hole that leads to heaven above (which allows a ladder from heaven to reach you), you have climbed out to enjoy the divine life. When God is done with you, you'll sigh and climb down again. Once this ladder of relationship is fixed, intimacy becomes enjoyable and before you'll know it, one day you may be totally lost in God and He in you. Nothing else may satisfy you again and then you may have the testimony of Enoch. He was not because He was taken by God. You'll just go to spend the usual evening with God and you won't come back. So, beware of desiring this portal and this ladder if you're not ready for a committed, lifelong and hands on fellowship with God. If this portal is opened and the ladder descends even for a primary school student; at arrival from school, the first place He goes to is where this portal is ringed. He'll enter into its hole and climb up. On daily basis, that's his delight. He'll always look forward to the next day to meet with God in intimacy. Angels ascended and descended but this is a moral that man must ascend to God in fellowship and descend back to men with answers. You are journeying in Jesus' name. 

PRAYER: May I thirst for heaven on earth. May a ladder of relationship bear me to heaven's gates. I see vision of heaven and receive communications of same.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 10:1-11:16; 2 Corinthians 12:11-21; Psalm 56:1-13; Proverbs 23:6-8

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Monday, 12 September 2022




WHEN HEAVEN OPENS - Open Heaven Series 004

Acts 10:11, KJV 

"And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

Peter fell into a trance and saw what? "Heaven opened!" There are things that happen when heaven opens. Peter is a witness and you're next. I say, "you're next." When heaven opens, visitation begins. Vessels or ships do descend. These are heavenly bearers which have come to bear divine resources to men. They seek a point of contact with earth. Luminaries they are. Do you know what a vessel is? It's a divine invention with enough inbuilt for lodging and bearing of goodies, gifts, blessings and all sorts of provision for use on earth. You must know again and again that a man can receive nothing except it's first given him from above. Heaven knows this to be true. For this reason, they seek to make a bridge or connection with man as to bring all their intention to pass in his life. For example, God lowered a vessel or an automobile container down from heaven to the reach of Peter. It was for His benefit. If Peter had hearkened and had risen to kill and eat, you'll have proven it indeed to be true that the vessel was brought down for his benefit. Even without his doing that, the simple, "rise, kill and eat" said to him instructed us on who these goodies were brought for and who was to tap them. It was so brought close to him that he needs no other man's help before he taps them. They're within his reach. That's the first happening at open heaven - a lowering or descent unto men.

However, this vessel is one containing all manner of goodies. It bears many animals in their kinds. What if I tell you that whenever heaven is open, God descends down with varieties of blessings also? The Bible says, "when Jesus ascended, He gave gifts unto men (Eph.4: 8)." Things that come from above are always in their multiples. They're assorted, multifaceted, variegated and diverse. God made it so in order to cater for every aspects of your life. Our needs are numerous and what would meet them can't be one also. Many needs, different solvents is the answer and God knows that very well. So, when He lowers down the vessel, it is always bearing in itself healing, provision, promotion, spiritual gifts, wealth, long life and God's salvation etc. The Bible says, "a great shit knit at the four corners and let down to the earth." It is a very big house of abundance that has visited the earth. When heaven opens, struggle to have a thing ends also. Do you know why? You won't be the one striving to ascend to them. They'll be the one making haste to reach you. Mark the words, "descending unto him" and "let down to the earth." These phrases reveal that it was heaven who came down to Peter. It also reveals the fact that every good and perfect gift comes from above. There's nothing you can do to alter that. If you're angry it comes from above, then you're left with the choice of the devil. Those ones come from where they come from. Any discontented with God may go there to receive his gifts. But as for God's, you'd better gaze to heaven. From thence all vessels bearing all kinds of provision descends from. It's always from the Father of light. He springs all and gives men for their satisfaction. These are what happen when heaven opens. As they do, interaction follows. No gift or blessing is purposeless. Literally, "Peter was to rise, kill and eat" of the things lowered to him. Nothing is brought or given men that's not meant to serve a purpose on earth. It's my prayer that you'll never be a waster of anything brought into your life through God's act of "open heaven."

PRAYER: I receive divine visitation. I utilize gifts, calling and fulfill all intention of heaven for which they've lowered and leaned towards me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 8:1-9:21; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Psalm 55:1-23; Proverbs 23:4-5

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Sunday, 11 September 2022





I Kings 17:1, KJV  

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

I said yesterday that a "straitly shut heaven or gate" is one that's perfectly closed. It allows no disclosure. In all wisdom, knowledge and devices, it was crafted to last any wear and tear that may want to be done to it in order to fulfill its intention. Now, let not that man think he's free of consequences if his heaven is shut. There are! He'll see paper and mistaken it for money. May you not get here. May you not know for once what it means for rain to stop falling on your land.  Elijah the Tishbite, so he was called gave a strong prophecy. It was a declaration that aligned earth to heaven. When he said, "there shall not be dew nor rain these years except by my word", heaven heard and the earth became powerless to resist. Immediately, there was a covering, a lid created to seal off any outpouring from falling on the earth. This is where God proves to us over and over again that a man can receive nothing except that given to him from above. It's a thing that all Christians should come into agreement with. The saying is, "nothing" unless it's given to him. If heaven is not deciding on it, let him gather the kings of the earth for petitioning, he won't still have it. When heaven was shut, did the earth receive rain? May God open your eyes to know where to secure. When you pay your tithe and do all necessary obligations to God, you're securing your heaven to remain open. There's no one the gate is shut at who won't shrink. A straitly shut heaven is characterized by two things. There's neither rain or dew. Rain is rain you know that. It's the big thing we all expect. By it, many things on earth survive. Dew is lesser in intensity compared to rain. It gives a kind of water but it is just minimal and impenetrable to the ground, very minimal to the water any would get from rain. So, when Elijah said, "there shall be neither rain or dew", he was shutting all gates of possibilities against Israel. We make do with the dew (though it's not our first option) in the absence of rain. The mist can as well water the earth as proven here when God is not yet giving rain on the earth.

Genesis 2:6, KJV 

"But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."

But now, Elijah told Israel that the mist or dew won't even be available. What a closure and termination of all hopes. Many there be who have such proclamation ravaging them. Nothing big is happening in their lives and nothing small is happening also. They don't have a breakthrough to pen down. They're just at a standstill. They have no respite at all. I know somebody who met himself in such hopeless situation. It was the prodigal son. When he began to be in want, he desired eating pig's pods (food) but even that one was not given to him. 

Luke 15:16, KJV  

"And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him."

Now, pig's food isn't what any human should take but he was boxed to descend to that yet no one availed him of it. 

You know, we humans always make do with the alternative when the primary isn't on offer yet a man is suffered when there's nothing to manage at all. This is a result of a straitly shut heaven. I pray for you, the devil won't take away all your hopes. You'll always have a way of escape. If you inflate a balloon and suddenly punctures it, it becomes that the air escapes. Today, I'm seeing angels becoming busy to create a way of escape round hopeless situations for you. If you don't know, there are hopeless situations. It ranges round every areas of our lives but if God is at hand for you, no matter how bad the situation is made to look, deliverance would be at hand for you always. And so, what the devil intends to choke you will be to your relief. Some three Hebrew men found themselves in the fiery burning furnace but God gave them a way of escape. They lived in it and through it as though it didn't happen. Traces of it couldn't be found on them. Receive this testimony. Receive a way of escape. As hopeless situations come your way, let an inbuilt "way if escape" be devised with it. I say, "escape, escape, escape" and let hope be rekindled for you.

PRAYER: All doors of hope shall not be straitly shut at me. I receive a way of escape in hopeless choky situation. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 6:1-7:25; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 23:1-3

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