Showing posts with label Military Strategy & Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military Strategy & Intelligence. Show all posts

Monday, 6 May 2024


MONDAY - 6TH MAY,  2024



Read Deut. 28:1-7

Deuteronomy 28:7, KJV 

"The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways."

You should burst into laughter after reading that verse. 'One way attack and seven ways fleeing' really shows the cowardice hearts of your enemies. This is the Lord's provision for those who are His, who are adherents and abiders in Him. Without Him, we know we can do nothing. This offcourse includes gaining victory over the enemy. 

Today's anchor verse is  fully loaded with blessings. In warfare, strategy is usually foremost. Strategic attack is the wit and soul of warfare and so it is usually employed by all military mights. No wonder, there's an entire section dedicated to military intelligence and strategy in the force. It is just for proper learning of the enemy, his ways and how to smoothly launch attacks at him. "The Lord (not any other) shall cause our enemies that rise up against us to be smitten (beaten down and to stubble) before us..." This suggests victory for us. However, we need to examine how the Lord does such work or achieves such promised end. As such, we have the part B of that verse which says, "they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways."

"Coming out against you one way" suggests the orderliness and coordination of the enemy's attack at launching out and attacking time. At this time, the enemy is still in his wit, boldness and sticking to his strategic plans. He still believes he could strike fear in you and in your camp. So, he is orderly - maintaining his cool. However, at the herald of a sound that does boom, the enemy is shaken, runs helter skelter for life and for safety. At such moment, he forgets formal arrangements or engagements but seeks safety and safety only. As such, he becomes scattered, abandoning all plans that was to be taken and decided on in the war room. Now is the time for self preservation and that becomes his solitary goal. Having witnessed a power more gloriously superb than his, he can't but seek refuge. And to do this, he throws caution away but seeks safety in panic, destabilization and throbbing fear. This is why the enemy that has come out against you would flee before you in seven ways. It is due to having witnessed a greater power and for having come to the realization of needing escape so urgently. He therefore doesn't mind which way he goes as far as he secures safety. 

Their hearts would fail them. They'll be frightened out of their wits. You see, when the hearts of people fail them, they'll literally lose their senses and forget plans they had pledged allegiance to. At times, they might suffer heart attack, fall down from an arrest of the heart and yield up the ghost. That killed Nabal. When he heard of the match of David, he was afraid, was frozen and immediately was dead at heart. It didn't take a minute before he collapsed to the ground (I Sam.25:37). That's what fear could do. It scares people to do the unreasonable. 

The sort of fear that would descend on those who come out against you is such that'll frighten them out of their wits and jolt them to the realization that they've messed with the wrong fellow. It's therefore regrettable like a dog's entering into the lion's den with a boast to challenge him. You know how regrettable that would be to him. The enemy would drop his weapons and devices and flee in different directions. We have seen many images of this in the Bible and during times of war. 

Syria came to build siege against Samaria. However, at God's declaration that there would be surplus, God made the Syrian army hear many noises of chariots and horses. Thinking the king of Israel had gone to hire armies against them, they fled for their lives - not considering orderliness, formality and organization. The Bible records that their tents were left as it were (II Kings 7:6-7). They didn't have any time to lose their horses, pack their belongings or collect their provisions. They only ran for dear lives. Another confirming verse says, "and all the way was full of garments and vessels, which the Syrians had cast away in their haste" (II Kings 7:15). As a matter of fact, they cast away every weight that could hinder them from right and timely escape. 

That is a likeable example of what that verse is saying. Look, let them come out against you one way at any time. It is written that they shall be discomfited so much before you that they'll lack proper organization (like before) but be scattered and flee (mindful only of escape) before you in seven ways. They'll severely be uncoordinated in their bid to escape. They might come coordinated but the terror that'll descend on them would leave them broken up, fragmented and scattered into several parts and that's seven parts as the Scripture guaranteed. If their band ever met, they'll question themselves, "Where were you and how did you really escape?" Their narratives would be that of a fearful and narrow escape. As such, you'll become the terror, the fear and the obeyed that the enemy gives obedience to. 

As you abide in Christ, He'll build a shelter of fear and terror over and round you. It'll be real and thicker than a cloud so much more that no man would be able to break in. They'll fear touching you and that'll be because of that hedge. At attempt to violate you, they'll witness a failure and see that your Redeemer is strong. At any attempt, what shall happen is a scattering and a dispersing into seven places. Yes, seven places that'll show how really discomfited the enemies are before you. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I always abide in You. I am sealed and can't be violated. No hand touches me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22, John 4:4-42, Psalm 105:1-15, Proverbs 14:25

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