Showing posts with label Child Of Difference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Child Of Difference. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 March 2024




GOD DOES PUT A DIFFERENCE - Does Good Pays Series 004?

Read Exodus 11:1-7

Exodus 11:7, KJV

"But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel."

We began by looking at Malachi 3:13-18 where the saints' thoughts were heard by God for their complaint that He didn't put a difference between them and the wicked around them. However, far be it from God to suffer the righteous like the unrighteous. The One who created the ears, will He not hear? The One who created the eyes, will He not see? The one Who created the mind, will He not know? It's therefore obvious to believe and say that God knows the righteous and marks him separate from the unrighteous despite the fact that it is His own children who accuse Him of not drawing any difference between them in this part of Malachi 3.  

Today, I shall take you to Egypt to see how the Lord separates between Israel (His own) and Egypt (Pharaoh's). Occasionally, as you read, you'll see the Bible say, "and I will SEVER in that day the land of Goshen in which my people dwell that no swarms of flies shall be there (Exo..8:22) ...or and I will put a DIVISION between my people and thy people... (Exo. 8:23)."

This is the Lord speaking through Moses to Pharaoh. It means if sickness, diseases, pestilence, plague is ravaging others, a Christian can believe for his house or household. It won't just cross over because God will sever between his Goshen (where he lives) and the general Egypt where other heathens live. In the latter verse above, God also claims Israel (though in Egypt) as His own. He calls them, "my people." Indeed, when the swarms of flies came, that difference and separation the Lord did was very visible to see. His own people didn't suffer anyway. 

Further also, the Lord also severed between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt so much more that nothing dies of the Israel's (Exo.9:4). Mark the word, "sever", it means to demarcate or separate away and then between two or more things. This is a convincing picture that God cares after the economic life of a believer or any that serves Him indeed. He'll never allow the accidents of the unbelievers to happen to him. The Lord is the One watching over their experiences. He ensures He severs the believer away from the unbeliever's experience. This severing even continues in the light God provided Israel and the thick darkness that covers Egypt so much more that none rose from his place for three days (Exo.10:23). Even in the final blow God gave Pharaoh and the land of Egypt, we as well see this idea of God claiming or severing between two people. While God says, "there shall be a great cry throughout all Egypt because their firstborns shall die, He assures that no dog shall move his tongue against man or beast of Israel to the end that they may know that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel" (Exo.11:7). 

All these acts and many more that we couldn't pick to talk about prove the fact that it pays to serve God, belong or be separated to Him. God is a very rewarding God. He watches over His own and severs between them and others. He allows for a distinction in the lives of those who serve Him so that they might be envied and coveted. That may also bear down to discipline and obedience on the part of His own but He does put that difference truly. Obedience in the sense that He told them to mark their lintels and they did (Exo.12:13). If any Israelite didn't, he'll obviously share in the reward of Egypt. You see that? There's always a difference. 

If there's no difference between the heathen and the believer, why serve the Lord then? You may be living in a society where being educated no longer pays. It means the distinction between school leavers and illiterates are now closed up or the reverse is the case. However, it ought not to be. If that is, people won't want to study again. They'll say they could make it without having formal education. As such, they'll call schooling a scam. Meanwhile, I know it is not. We only tend to call a scam what we trust but which doesn't distinguish us from others who doesn't trust it. So, if you're on this side of the Lord, there are what you'll enjoy sincerely. The Lord will be your keeper and shade upon your right hand (Psalm 121:5). The Lord will be the maintainer of your lot (Psalm 16:5). He'll see to every affair of your life like an overseer or manager sees to it that a business runs well. The moment you commit to the Lord like Psalm 91:1 says, then you can say of Him that He's your refuge: your God in whom you will trust amidst believing other blessings in that Psalm.  Since Egypt is symbolic of the world and Israel, of the church, it means Christians could expect to have the happenings of the heathen not crossing to them. If you share a fence with a notorious heathen, the fire burning in his house by God's difference won't cross to yours. Though Israel and the Egyptians are in one whole piece of land, yet God demarcated and separated Goshen away from all those plagues He brought on Egypt. 

You're a son and daughter of difference. This is your testimony that you serve the living God others are not serving but Who they should serve also. Look, God will draw the difference for you. If you have committed to Him, He'll commit to you. If you're on His side; He'll side you. 

PRAYER: I am a child of difference. I call on the covenant to put the difference now. Difference activated.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 24:1-25:18, Luke 2:1-35, Psalm 59:1-17, Proverbs 11:14

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