Showing posts with label Promise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promise. Show all posts

Monday, 14 August 2023





READ Gen.14:1-24

Genesis 14:22-24, KJV

"22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, 23 That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich; 24 Save only that...

The hills (also known as mount) are known for one thing - they can't be shifted (removed or relocated). The Bible says, "they that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever". (Psalms 125:1, KJV). "Abides for ever" means stabilized and stayed in one place. What an assurance of immovability! Today's devotional title says, "resolution like the hills". Yes, like the hills that cannot be removed. It means, "taking a stand and then standing indeed". It means agreeing with one self on what to do and then doing same. Until you do same, you'll be deemed to have not effected your stand". Look, promises can be made but lost!

In today's reading, Abraham goes in the rescue of Lot, his nephew. He not only recovers Lot but all that the raided party had taken away from Sodom. At his conquest and return, the King of Sodom in anxiety snapped at Abraham, signalling what he would prefer of the spoil - the humans. Abraham however displays a kind of contentment and aloofness from same thing that he exercises much energy and covetousness after that he must have been silenced, rebuked and cautioned inwardly. This is what attitude Christians should cultivate. God should be able to use you to puncture lust of the flesh, of the eyes and pride of life in people. By our lives, they should be judged and brought to repentance even if they don't tell us. I know that the King of Sodom must have been seriously shocked at how Abraham had promised not to take anything apart from what his confederates have eaten and which should rightly belong to them. Another moral that we must owe no man anything! Don't crucify any man to your sacrifice and personal chastisement unless they're born by the same revelation and so come into agreement.

However, our flashlight should be on Abraham and how he bound himself with an oath on taking nothing extra. You see, those who take such precaution before hand shall be saved from the hour of temptation because they'll have successfully gated against it by their having already taken a stand. 

Abraham swore with the name of the Lord God Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth and all that's in them. It becomes difficult or impossible for him breaking his commitment. When he takes that oath (signified by a lift of hand), he decides and comes to a resolution on what he'll do and not do (no matter how tempted he might be). And indeed, Abraham could have been tempted but he resolutely affirm to this king that he had lifted his hand (in an oath) to the God that cannot be disappointed or violated that he'll neither take the least of the booty except what by properness should be given as payment and wages to his confederates. What a resolution! He said it and he fulfilled it. This is a resolution like the hills - that cannot be shifted, removed or relocated!

Brethren, God is calling you to hold unto that which is good and jettison that which is evil. You need to be resolute on that if you won't be moved or removed. Many a people are those who have secretly affirm that they'll save, give up a habit or cultivate another. At day's end when they're confronted with the practicality of that subject, off they went. They were knocked down and shadow boxed by what they'd promised themselves in  front of [heaven's cloud of witnesses] that they'll do. But we have a man in Abraham to learn from. A man who was not swayed, swept or suddenly discouraged from following through. Brethren, learn following through! When you agree with yourself to do something, heaven is your witness though no man be there. You have their backing and God's grace is your sufficient aid. Don't disappoint because heaven won't let go if you'll hold on still. You too, you can lift your hand today and say, "I shall not back down until I see God's will fulfilled in me and through me. His righteousness and knowledge must fill everywhere like the water covers the sea". Since He Himself has no pleasure in violators of vow [either the one made to Him or before Him], this assures us that He'll give His own commitment to fulfill your undertaking [Eccl.5:4-5). Did He not say, "I'm with you till the end of the world (Matt. 28:20)?" Look, you can go about His assignment and believe indeed that nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

PRAYER: Lord, You're the same yesterday, today and forever. I believe in Your unchanging/immovable nature. Impact me with such strength. I shall not move or be removed. I shall say it and I shall do it.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 21:8-10

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Friday, 5 August 2022



I was cleaning up when I began my contemplation which almost got me flogged. I had asked, "nowadays, how could one get such hectares of land (like 100 in one place) where a city would be built?" I concluded, "they've owned and purchased all such available quantity of land." Just then, God came out of the blues. You remember as Abraham was about slaughtering Isaac, a voice came from heaven that instant to stop him (Gen.22:9-12). That was exactly what happened to me. That voice disclosed in this manner. "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead?" I knew it was a direct quotation from the Bible and it means, "why do you have the thinking that a thing is unachievable, unbelievable or that it's impossible to be done? What if God is involved? Will it still be beyond belief or be too implausible to be true? Immediately, I sat right and I knew that was God cautioning me from disbelieving in possibilities and my prophecies. Believe it, I apologized. I said, "sorry sir." Then, I took dressing. 

God illustrated to me further. He showed me the pastor of the largest church and said, "when I promised him a city, were the lands not all taken then? Were men not as covetous then as they are now? Do you think it would have been better thinking that way in his time or making you such promise and delivery then than now?" I had thought so. I had thought to be able to have such expanse of land that could accommodate a city of people and civilization (with churches, schools, banks, shopping malls, stadiums, parks, gardens, museums, just mention it), one must have owned it by now or probably since. He furthered "was land not as costly for those who wanted it at that time as it is now? Are you claiming it is easier making money then than making now for purchase? Have I even told you you'll use your money to buy me such land? Was it not some people who owned and possessed those lands at that time? How come he now has them for a city of the Lord?" After all these confronts, I was in agreement!

He proceeded, "I willed Canaan to Israel but hope you remember there were dwellers there? Hope you know it was actually not Israel's land from the start but I made some wicked idolatrous nations holders until Israel was ready and mature for its possession." I nodded to that also. Then, He went back to ask me, "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you then that I [God] should raise the dead? (Acts 26:8).

"That God should raise the dead" there means "that God should do the impossible or that which is too good to be believed." I couldn't talk and He knew I had acknowledged my fault. I took my words back so it would be unto me according to His word, mind and prediction. I won't doubt. I'll be Mary at heart to see the prophesied things that await their times. He had opened the Bible further to enlighten me by quoting me these verses below.

Job 28:7-8, KJV

"7 There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it."

God told me, "there are still reserved properties, virgin lands, unexplored arables despite the covetousness of men to own properties here and there and claim it all for themselves." I still have new things to do and offer. They are "eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and matters that have not entered into any heart (I Cor.2:9)." However, they're only prepared for those who love me - true followers, labourers and servicemen and women."  All in all, I was humbled and quietened.

People, as humans, we're men of desires. We have an endless "longitudinal" and "latitudinal" list of what we want to experience or achieve. However, we have reasons enough as to why each can't be achieved though we wanted them achieved. We're not to be blamed expressly, it is because we're limited in ourselves. Our frame is dust and so our contemplation and thinking at times may be doubtful and way earthly: void of any divine sense or revelation. God is saying I should ask you, "wetin you think say be hard like rock which you don call mission impossible because of some reasons? E said make you no commonise Him, E go do am for you." What baffles you don't roughen Him up. Mountains are not different from valleys to Him. The night is as day to Him. It is we humans who do classifications based on evidences we have found and named tangible. Those evidences may include "doctors' reports, human assessment of one's capabilities etc." So, having gone round this way, we draw a line, shut the door at ourselves and say, "that one is too high, marvelous, too important, really exotic and unimaginably dope to be fulfilled." At times, you may say, "those who are qualified for such life or extravagance are the heroes of faith or millionaires." You see, we call it "incredible, too shocking to occur, outrightly impossible or too high to touch." Once you get squashed into this form of thinking, you stop dreaming. Once dreams stop, hope and faith wanes to drop dead. Then, you stop living the non friction life that believes nothing is INCREDIBLE, SURPRISING, SHOCKING or TOO BIG for God to deliver. 

The Lord is on me. He's heavy on me and I could sense Him. He is asking me to ask you to make a list of all the things that you have classified as "incredible or impossible" and attach their "WHYs" to it. God said, "He wants to glory over those WHYs which you thought could hinder Him from delivering answers to you just like He gloried both over the horse and its rider at the Red Sea."  He said "He wanted to see them." They're pretty light in His sight. Paul asked those present that day as he tables his matter before the council, "do you think it incredible (unbelievable, big, gigantic, magnanimous, impossible) that God should raise the dead? Do you think you are not born for some testimonies? There must be a why for this kind of thinking or belief and as I hear, I speak to you that "God is taking them over." He's enough for them and He'll wrap Himself round them all. That is God's own doing - to do the incredible, to do the impossible stemming from human judgement. With God, no mission is impossible. He will go and come. You, just hang on in faith. You, hold your peace. Sit at His right hand (of believing, observing and partnering on and on) and see Him to your face realize all those impossibilities which you've believed are too high to be given.

I ask conclusively, "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead (do the impossible)?" What are your reasons? Is it scarcity of fund or health issue? Please, why do you think A or B is impossible? God is glorying over all your reasons. Did he not consume the sacrifice, the stones, wood and leak the water too (I Kings 18:38). Nothing shall be spared. He'll go round. I call Him Eliminator quick quick. Here, He is at work. Let Jesus be glorified in your situation. He has not stopped being beautiful for every situation. Believe it. It is not incredible with God to deliver you that impossibility.

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12