Showing posts with label Moses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moses. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 July 2024




Happy New Month!!!

INDEED, MOSES IS SPECIAL! - Your Baby Series 002

Exodus 2:5-6, KJV

"5 And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it. 6 And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews' children."

That's the story of how God ran to save Moses and have him adopted by Pharaoh's daughter. 

I began yesterday by showing you how special Moses was. His being unusual was sensed by his parents who moved swiftly to preserve him (whether he might indeed be preserved by their doing from the king's harsh and looming command of death). 

However, there was an extent they could go and not go further. After three months of hiding Moses, they concur to the impracticality of continuing, else they are disclosed big time. On this wise, they were forced and seriously necessitated to yield him up. Observe their love for Moses in not wanting to yield him up at all despite how consequential they knew defying Pharaoh's order would be. That's the typical mother's or parents' love working for their kids. The Bible says in Isaiah 49:15, "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.?" 

The answer is almost an impossibility if not an impossibility. That affection is just there to protect what is yours. You're naturally called to duty for them. However, when Moses' parents couldn't go any further, they released the rein to God and He didn't disappoint. He immediately picks up Moses and finds him an adopted mother. 

That act of God in picking him up after he was kind of forsaken by his parents is what I'm specializing on today. I said in yesterday's devotional that what is special is valuable to us and protected likewise. The fact that Moses isn't ordinary but has a special destiny to fulfill is seen in the fact that when his mother releases him to the Nile, God rushes to pick him up. So, it isn't only the parents who now seeks to preserve Moses (by making a waterproof cot for him) but God is also there to save him that rightly by providing him with a legal uncontested adoption. Have you read the Bible portion which says, "on their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash your foot on a stone" (Psalm 91:12). That exactly is how prompt Moses' deliverance was. God rushed and caught him!Let me tell you something. Any child with a uniqueness, specialness and unusuallity of destiny is such that cannot dash his foot on a stone. When they tumble, they always fall into God's hands. Even if such baby or child is on his way to hitting the ground, God will rush and send His troops to bear him up. There will just be salvation (an eleventh hour escape from the blues or less thought off quarters). That's what happen to Moses. He's an investment of God. He's a tool in God's hands who must grow up to discharge why he was birthed. So, he must not die as a baby. Rather, all things must be put in place for his survival until his time of appearing and manifesting his divine destiny (which the mother smelt at his birth) be fulfilled. 

This series 002 is laying emphasis on the fact that God is specially interested in that foetus in your womb, that baby on your knees or that child at the creche. They all have their unique and special destiny and it has now become God's responsibility to make hope for them until they fulfill what was written of them in the volume of God's book. The psalmist talks of God making hope for him at his mother's breasts. As such he didn't die. He survived to live on. 

Psalms 22:9, KJV 

"But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."

The testimonies of your children - those unique babies of yours is Isaiah 43:2 which says, "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."

Destiny children may begin to face hell from childhood but that hell won't take or consume them. They'll come forth as gold. Escape will be theirs from the Lord. Therefore, I declare that your baby shall live. Is any baby being prepared for a surgical operation there, you shall survive? God shall put resources, circumstances and people in your future just for the fulfilment of your destiny. I call providence and the arm of God to see you off on your journey. So shall it be for your children. Amen. 

PRAYER: El-shaddai, the great carer and loving God from whom come all good and perfect gifts, cut a covenant of preservation with my kid(s).


Acts 15:36-16:1-15 & Esther 8-10

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Friday, 21 July 2023





Psalms 90:14, KJV

"O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days".

It really gripped Moses, the man of God. Look at the way he expressed himself to God with a great exclaim and heartful feeling. If there's one thing he seeks for Israel at this time, it's that He'll satisfy them early with His mercy. There's one thing being filled with God's mercy does to your soul and your body. It makes you robust and not lean. You'll be fat fleshed and buoyant on the inside. For this, he cries and suggestively prays saying, "O satisfy us early with thy mercy". 

The expression "O" also means an expression of appeal. He's actually begging God. He's pleading with Him that He should do one thing for them - to bless them early. You see, it should be our prayer that what God wants to do, He would do early. If it's financial independence, stability of health, promotion, child birth, being in purpose etc we desire, it's our prayer that we are satisfied early with it. You must know that it is not without a purpose that Moses cried. Moses just didn't open his mouth to pray that way. He did in anticipation of a consequence - "that they may rejoice and be glad all the days of their lives". Let me use an instance. Imagine someone who's looking up unto God for the fruit of the womb and has not received such for years. Do you think the fellow will have any satisfaction wherever? They may have wealth but there's none they want to comfort it with. So, they're desperately asking for satisfaction in that they'll have their own. And let me make a point, when you're not satisfied or you have an area of your life not yet fulfilled, it will tell on you and tell on other areas as well. Have you not seen people who just begin to grow lean and sickly because there's a particular thing in their lives not met. Yes, there's a missing link. Do you also think it is of no consequence when the Bible says, "hope deferred maketh the heart sick... (Proverbs  13:12, KJV). When the heart is sick, when the soul is bowed down by unhappiness, it can't but reflect on one's body and general welfare. One would just lack strength, motivation and joy to drive life. That's why a need fulfilled is as a tree of life.

"but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.. (Prov.13:12). 

It will invigorate you. You'll be filled with vigour and you'll tend to ressurect to responsibility and new life with renewed energy. Tree of life offers life. It offers mobility. Another reference to "tree of life" as literally written and not interpreted takes us back to the Garden of Eden also (Gen.2:9). Obviously he who eats it won't die any longer. However, we know that the "tree of life" as being referred to here in Proverbs is reputed for stopping decay and deterioration. Instead of being depressed, your mountain will be strong because your needs and desires are met. You won't go down. So, if a desire or need met is as a tree of life, it means it's like eating fruits or being filled with food when you've been hungry before. It'll bring about the receiving of invigoration and new energy to run and keep up with life. 

Moses prayed, "O satisfy us early with thy mercy" and then, "that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our life". Let us stay put here. It means without being satisfied early with mercy, rejoicing all the days of one's life is automatically hindered. It means even if there are joys in other areas and there's one impediment in another which refuses to be cleared but tarry, it means one will not have joy as long as that unfulfilled desire tarries. However, if all of one's needs is met - the greatest of them which is to have soul satiation that you're living out destiny or your purpose on earth, it means you'll be happy all the days of your life. Occasionally not having food at home won't be problem because you have what is greater than that and could secure food. A man in purpose is the most secured man on earth. They don't live insecure and distracted by envy since they're doing theirs and they know it's accepted likewise before God. 

God's intention as I'm hearing this morning is that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our lives. Due to His intention to deliver us this, He will ensure we are satisfied early with mercy. It costs God nothing to continually give you unmerited favour in the midst of  your human best possible until you get to the top of your mountain or vocation - where at a tender age, you're a governor on earth but more importantly also, in the Spirit. Why in the spirit also? It's because your throne in the spirit is what'll protect the your office and status on earth. 

God wants you to rejoice. Look at people who have everything early, their lives get better for it. No link is missing and no room is vacant in their lives. It doesn't mean they don't still encounter hardships. That's common to all man but look, they don't have a deferred desire and so are robust. They are filled to the brim with joy of being satisfied. He has daily bread. He doesn't hunger and he doesn't beg. He has shelter and he has a family that brings joy. He's living in purpose and he's touching lives. What else should we thank God for? On occasions, when such remember how much God has satiated them, all they do is to lift up their hands and sing praises and rejoice. When you're satisfied early, you consequently rejoice. That's the one permissible thing to happen to those who have been blessed, comforted, assisted, financed, sponsored this early. Once they become that early, the joy of early fulfillment will continue to grow as they walk that road. They'll continue to be bigger and bigger unto the perfect day and as far as we know, with each level of landmark, growth and ascension comes its own joy. I pray for you that you'll no longer mourn again. I am God's anointed and as He that is called to say restore, I declare that wherever you've been robbed of joy or what could have given joy to you, let there be a restoration now! It is the joy of the Lord that can become your strength - making you inflated, robust and active. Receive it. Currently, I'm seeing dew falling from above. I'm seeing it settle on you. Receive heaven's blessings. Receive a top up even on the blessings you already have but which is not complete. Any vacant space and room in your life where you've been crying to God for satisfaction over and haven't received till hitherto is met today. You're satisfied. I say you're satisfied this day with mercy that you may rejoice, celebrate and be happy all the days of your life. Nothing is wrong building one's house that early and being under one's tree. There's a joy that comes from seeing your kids and wife playfully play in your own house. Receive that. Everything that'll make you satiated and come to the stage of being fulfilled, God is rendering to you now. So shall it be. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for sealing that area of my life and coming to meet my needs. Be praised Yahweh.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11; Romans 7:1-13; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 19:22-2

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Friday, 23 June 2023


FRIDAY - 23RD JUNE, 2023



Exodus 2:11, KJV

"And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren".

When you're a man, you engage reason deeply and act differently. Purposelesness can't fret a man like when he was a child. Manhood comes with its own given vision. It imparts on you some understanding either gathered by years of experience or granted you by divine revelation. The Bible says, "when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (1 Corinthians 13:11, KJV). This act of putting away childish things could occur by those two reasons I had afore given above. However, major is the fact that what puts it away is actually one's becoming of a man itself. There's an age of manhood or maturity when it's a curse continuing in childish things. It is specifically of purpose rather. It is also the age or let's say time of discovery in your life. Once you enter that zone, you'll see that the thoughts of your head would suddenly become different. There'll be a mind and thinking shift. Jesus Christ our Master realized himself at twelve. He said, "wouldn't you that I must be about my Father's business." He entered and got admission into purpose at a level at twelve and into a level of destiny and ultimate purpose at about thirty when he began his public ministry (Lk. 2:42,49 & Lk.3:23). Paul says, "but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Simply put, if any one hasn't put away childish things, it's because he has not grown up. Nobody instructs an adult on giving up childish things. He'll just see they don't fit him any longer. He'll observe persistence in childish things would bring him ridicule and reduction. Like a clothe that you've outgrown, he'll just be forced to give it out. He'll drop all behind with, "they don't fit me any longer." As he's being weaned from childish things, you can be sure some will still continue in childish things and that's basically because their own time to be weaned hasn't come yet. Until they also become men, they can't shed off childish things. Time and a season you'll enter into will wean you. As I was clocking a particular year (a landmark) in my life some times ago, I found out that the thoughts of my head tilted towards a direction like never before. Also, I had a divinely granted revelation of what to do and how to do it to possess the future. I came to reckon that I had never thought or caught with intensity such burdens like I did for a period of six months to that my landmark birthday. Like I told my wife and those around me, I just had flooded insights and understanding into many things. It was so strong that all the things I taught during that period bore the mark of those divinely granted revelations. I have never appreciated God than I did that time. I kept writing and writing and keeping a record of His thoughts of welfare to me. So, I am a living testimony to the fact that there are understanding you'll never have until you hit an age or become a man. God fixes that we see and catch some things at a particular age so that we might run with it. That's because the one caught at a stage is the prerequisite for entering and qualifying for another stage. If you miss a stage's, progression may be hindered.  

Moses, when he was grown up went out not to sight see or look like before but to do one thing - look on the burdens of his brethren. At this time, he already claims identification with the Hebrews though an Egyptian in outlook. He knows these are my brethren and he has now suddenly become concerned for them. The Bible didn't leave us to guess what his age was. We can bear he's forty at this time. 

Acts 7:23, KJV

"And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel".

At full forty years, imagine that, Moses was said to have grown and have become a man. At forty unlike any other time in his life, it came into his heart to make a visit to his brethren, the children of Israel. Let me ask you, "when did this act he did occur to him?" At forty right? At a definite age. That tells me some things will never occur to you until you hit a particular age. Go and read books and have hands laid on you; you just can't miss this being your lot also. You must come to a particular age before some revelation, understanding, hows will begin to be clear to you. You couldn't have gathered it earlier even if you had tried. All of us have human limitations. Our mind can go far but not farther. What takes our mind farther are the divinely allowed thoughts that penetrates us but this specific thought will come by time and at a specific moment. Your friend might be operating in his own divinely granted revelation but you may not for now. You may even be of the same age but for some reasons, he might have entered this season when things are allowed of God to come or occur to him for proper action. This is what makes our act different from billions of people on the earth's  surface. The understanding and the unheard voices we heard made it so. So Moses makes a journey to check on the children of Israel. He looks on their burden and sympathized with them. What you must know is that this is untypical of Moses to do. He has never done a thing like this. He had never stepped out for the sole purpose of beholding their burdens even if he had been out some couple of occasions before. I'm sure that won't be the first time he'll be going out. However, at afore times, immaturity or lack of revelation (intentionally denied him) might have made him not develop such kind of thought or reason to even go check on the burdens of his brethren. However, when the time fully came, he couldn't forbear. He went out like a man driven to action. Indeed, that was what happened to him. The question God is giving me to ask you is that when your own time came when things began to come to your heart from God on what to do, what did you do in that time and with the communicated information? Some wasted it. They didn't see it as any different and so destiny and great life bypassed them. Now, they're accusing God of blessing a compatriot and not turning in their direction. But you once had your moment of divine revelation when divinely allowed thoughts on what action and life to lead came to you. How did you squander it? Who bewitched you? However, when a fellow  becomes a man, he puts away childish things necessarily. What comes to our heart to do which we do is what either makes us a man or reveals us continuously as a child. The mark that Moses has put away childish things is revealed in what his burden is. He became so purposeful at forty that he even killed an Egyptian for an Hebrew. According to Stephen, he thought his brethren would understand that their deliverance has come by his hands (Acts 7:25). 

When you're a man and you attain the age or time or moment of divinely granted revelation, you will put away childish things. Yes, by yourself. Just by yourself. What you ask for or aim at would receive a turn around so much more that parents or overseers over you who have known you for frivolities in times past would wonder at your new life. What we should pray for is that we'll be brought into such moment of deep revelation on time or at our time. It must not be delayed on you at all. The reason is so that we can staunch foolishness on time and begin to work purpose and righteousness - the very works of He that calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light. The night is far spent and this isn't time again to begin to dilly-dally. You can henceforth turn around and let your new phase be marked by new acts which are products of growth, knowledge gathered and revelation/understanding divinely granted you. While a Moses might have been mindful of the throne for years, while he might have proudly called himself the daughter of Pharaoh's daughter till his year forty; yet all drastically changed and got balled out as he entered his year of revelation. He receives a perfect understanding and acts in correspondence of that. He becomes willing to be identified and to suffer affliction with God's people rather than the fleeting pleasure of palace life (Heb.11:24-26). Priority changed. What interests him has become all new. Moses has therefore become a new man himself. A man who can now direct his energy somewhere God could reckon with or leverage on later. May time not therefore pass you over without the corresponding wisdom it imparts. If not, you'll never be prepared for the years ahead. May you be ushered into your moment of divinely granted revelation. Let things come to your mind to do. Receive lamps and new understanding on where to go, who to join, who to remove, what to buy, what not to eat and how to live. I say once more, let God ordain you a lamp. Let things begin to come to your heart. May your steps therefore be steps of divine wisdom and of divinely granted thoughts. 

PRAYER: Lord God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, let the summer of dryness pass over me. Open your windows and floodgates of heaven and grant me divine revelations. Cause me to see and hear from you.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 3:1-4:17; Acts 14:8-28; Psalm 140:1-13; Proverbs 17:22

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