Showing posts with label Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medicine. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 August 2023





Ephesians 5:15-17, KJV

 "15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is".

Yesterday, God addressed the issue of "fire in our bones" which as a burden can't be reined in for long but rather released to have expression. If you're gripped to the core of a vision or an intent and all hands seem to be on deck [in you] and calling you to that thing immediately immediately, it'll be better going after that thing right away. You must understand what the will of God is and that comes by rightful interpretation often. Joseph told Pharaoh that those dreams were doubled to him because the thing is established by God and God will bring it shortly to pass (Gen. 41:32). 

The call of God can be postponed till a time until no further. That no further will be clear to you when the demand of God to have you repeatedly and incessantly knocks the door of your heart to come. Mind you however, the call or call as we've been looking at it is not only for those in ministry but men of all walks of life. God created the earth and humanity and so takes interest where each man goes for the sake of contributing their inborn graces and meeting needs. At creation, He has loaded each with gifts and all abilities meant to be used for a specialized vocation or field on earth if they'll discover that. Somebody with innate skills for mechanical operation may not be swayed or have his best interest in the academics. It is God who ought to call each of us and set us (as blocks) in the hands of a master bricklayer fittingly to a place in the entire building where we would be useful. Else, if your block is wrongly fitted, it could cause disaster as you'll not be where you're desired or you're needed. It should never be the cry of God again saying, "I seek a man that he may stand in the breech or gap" (Ezek.22:30). Every breech should have been filled by now by a man God has solely called to be a pilot, nurse, architect, doctor, sailor, teacher and even God's minister. People that God intends should be where they should be ought to be there now. This is not the time to fall casualty of another field that's not yours by calling or divine ordination. Whenever God still cries or says, "He needs a man" in any quarters, it means He has not found a representative and a man to take responsibility for Him there. That's because he who should study Medicine has gone to become a Footballer and so there's a breech, a gap, a missing link or space that needs to be filled or covered for. I know that verse points directly at intercession, interception and standing in the gap as God would have it. But standing in gap also means standing at a post. Many people are not at their posts at all. That's the cause for the wandering and repetitive asking of God for a man still. 

Brethren, today's devotional title is understanding the times. You read of Idahosa's and my testimony in yesterday's devotional. You saw how we couldn't wait again, how we were seeking bodies and platforms for expression because of the burdens which had possessed and written itself all over us. Meanwhile, that burden is to an end. It's like a speedometer that's to an intent. It monitors and tells the driver his speed. That burden of "come now, it is now" or "I can't forbear, postpone or delay any longer" is actually from God. What that burden like a speedometer is trying to indicate is that it is time to give yourself away to the assignment of your destiny. There are people who have gone to colonize the wrong fields but who God is also calling out to occupy their preordained fields. It would be urgent and like fire burning in your bones which you can't hold or forbear any longer. When the time has come or when it's ripe for you to be harvested to face what you should face, only then could you feel such strong sense of responsibility, indebtedness to God and conviction to depart to it and heed [not wanting to disappoint your Maker]. You must therefore understand the times and seek not to delay any further. You must immediately give yourself away at that moment and let that demand of God on you be satiated and stayed by your obedience. You must allow the calling agitating for expression in you be fulfilled. If God ever makes incessant demand on anyone unlike the afore quietness of years past and he obeys, he'll sure see the workings of God. It means all things are made ready for him. It means as at the time of calling him, God has put things on ground for him and such wouldn't regret it. It will take a walk or journey of faith but whenever such looks round, he'll have the testimony of it being God all the way. But you must understand the time. Your interpretation of that incessant burden must be clear. Just there's a time to every purpose on earth, there's also a time to stay by one self or launch into the calling of God for one. I pray for you, you won't be confused, scattered or frustrated. You'll see right and you'll see straight in the name of Jesus! You'll walk in the path God is chatting in you. You'll have light to see that path on your inside. 

PRAYER: Lord, help my interpretation of divine burdens. May I obey time when you call and not refrain. I have a special awareness of all the times and can read them.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12

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