Showing posts with label I Set That Bus On Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Set That Bus On Fire. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 September 2023





Numbers 22:28, KJV

"And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?"

There's something like divine takeover. God can take people over for you or take you over for His use. 

When I first got to Lagos State, Nigeria, I was not in the know that any sort of religious activities shouldn't be done in the state's luxurious buses but I have the habit of evangelizing in public transport. That day, my fiancee (now wife) was not talking to me. She just kept mute though we had boarded the bus together in order to go make some purchases somewhere (that was even not around our wedding). 

Not long after we settled in the bus, I was taken over and I felt very much like preaching. Oftentimes I had preached in vehicles, I was the one who solely decided to, chose the scriptures and even did a mental work on how the preaching should go but this time I had this strong urge, a bubbling from my inside and then a sense of urgency to preach. I do see scriptures in the spirit and the one I saw that day was from Acts 16. It Chronicles Paul's call to Macedonia but I didn't preach on the Macedonian call literally. From those verses and that incident, I rather preached on calling and going into the field or specialization God has called our individuals to. That day was lit. That message was one of the messages I found difficult to forget. It sets the entire passengers on fire. Everybody was just quiet trembling at the Word. That day, I had a knowing that there might be somebody who has been living in defiance or resistance to the will and call of God on his life. Mind you, the will of God or His call is not always to ministry. It may be to a career path like being a chef or a farmer. But that message as I discovered might be the last God's sent message to that fellow who has refused to succumb to God or His call till then. For that reason, it came with much power and grace. It was so powerful and effective that I was almost turned into a little god in that bus. I could sense the admiration, reference and worship afterwards. As people took turn getting down, they'd looked at me with a sense of "what a thing" and then drop off! But, I turned them all to God. To Him be all the glory and honour. May you or I not be found seeking to share with Him His glory. 

When we talk of divine takeover, what do we mean? Or let us ask, what is a take over? To take over in its right sense means to possess, grab or even inspire for a particular intent. Meanwhile, it should still be noted that the taken over won't lose his senses or by that become a zombie. He's not. That's why even when possession or the cloak of the anointing comes to rest on him, he has the responsibility of welcoming the Spirit or shooing Him away. But, a man could be taken over. You my reader can be taken over. Whenever God has a work to do and it is utmost that it should be done, men [even unbelievers or the heathen] could be taken over. God will inspire or come on them for that work to be accomplished. When He's done with them and the work accomplished, then He might lift Himself from them. But while the work last, He'll committedly be with them and upon them. There are many kings, nobles and even politicians and world leaders who God has taken over before just for His own will not to be disrupted but progressed. He comes on them to legislate or favour His course and that's it. They'll just become favourably disposed to God's people and that'll be it. They'll just unnecessarily become accommodating and would look like they're acting contrarily to what they've always stood for. As a matter of fact, those around them would wonder at the change and that won't be but for the fact that God needs a body to express Himself and His will through. Who has He found if not Cyrus whom the hands of the Lord will help (II Chro.36:22-23)? There are many Cyruses that God is stirring and taking over and that's because they have the power to use their influence to achieve something for God. Once it's the Lord, God will teach them. With every taken over comes every initiative and know hows to accomplish that intent or purpose of God for which He has taken you over. You can't be taken over as God's mouth for instance and be suffered with utterance. No! Utterance will gush out like flood. It'll be unimaginable at the choices of words the Holy Spirit will fill you with. Each word will have an intent and as you send them, so they'll do and achieve. That's when this verse of the Bible that says, "so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isaiah 55:11, KJV). Such are the words given you in such times when you hit this prophetic frequency where you're shooting almost without effort and then expressly. Divine take over is a reality and if you'll ever be a vessel who'll be sanctified for the Master's use, you'd see that He'll take you over frequently. At times, I'll just experience a cloud on me, dew settling or permeating me or a cloak or jacket wrapping me up. Once I feel this energia (energy) of God, I move in my graces, anointing and office easily and spontaneously. I can then run and not be weary, do spiritual things thoughtlessly and with such intensity that'll even surprise me. The testimony that'll follow is that, "and it snapped like a flax caught by fire" (Judges 15:14).  May God raise more instruments and take more people over.

CONFESSION/PRAYER: I have prepared you a body, Lord. Come and take Your place. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 6:1-7:25; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 23:1-3

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