Showing posts with label Ecclesiastes 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecclesiastes 3. Show all posts

Monday, 24 July 2023





Read John 2:1-8

John 2:3-4, KJV

"3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come".

"Hour" here is best interpreted as, "time". So, it should read like this: "mine time has not yet come". Not that it's literally speaking of sixty minutes that make one hour where a definite event must happen. While that could possibly be anyways yet in its true sense, "hour" there is "time" and it means my moment or time of operation has not yet come. 

From Jesus' confession here, we have a glimpse into knowing there's a time to move and a time to refrain. Mary has good intention but she misses divine timing. Surely she must have contacted the outworking of God at home through Jesus which is why she's bold to make such recommendation to the disciples that whatsoever Jesus asks them to do, they should do (John 2:5).

Meanwhile, Mary came too early. Her coming too early made her miss divine timing. Jesus will work. He as well knows their need but one thing is just not right. After proper scanning and deciphering, Jesus could arrive at the one thing that was not right and that's his hour of operation that has not yet come. He wants to work but He's being restricted because He has not yet come into his hour or time of operation. 

Probably I should explain using these instances. If you've learnt some things about William Branham, one of it would be that he may not be able to minister unless his angel first comes. This is no joke. William Branham is one of the accurate prophets who ever lived but this man always experience hindrance in that he would not know what to say or do unless his angel arrives. Once the angel comes (which even the audience would feel), astounding prophecies and miracles would be wrought through this earthen vessel. But until then, he's like any other human being. Even if he moves, nothing will move and that's because his hour, his time, the moment he must seize and be carried has not yet come. 

If you ask me how I author the devotional, I'll tell you it's by inspiration and that's no lie. What I hear is what I write. However, once the sensation, feeling, burden and pressing to write comes, I must understand that this is my hour to teach. So, I could remain locked up for hours and even half a day (the longest I had gone) just writing. At that time, grace, anointing and all the necessary resources needed to write is being facilitated me. So, when Jesus told the mum, "mummy, do we have business together? Mine hour has not yet come!" Jesus was doing two things at the same time. He was addressing the hurried and hasty nature of his mother. He's trying to help mummy learn how to wait until it's God's time of operation. That was not an insult. Mary was not offended anyway but hasty spirit or nature must be dealt with in you if you'll ever be used by God. Unless He's moving, you don't move. If you do, you'll be like Samson in operation who found out how simple a man could be when he's not divinely aided by God's Spirit again. However, when the hour comes, Jesus didn't have to make another announcement shouting, "my hour has come" or in William Branham's word, "my angel has come" or in my word, "my anointing has come". No! Rather, He gives instruction. Since it's time, things will happen (as if of themselves) though we know it's by God's involvement. At the arrival of that hour and time of occurrence when that miracle will fit time, season and then meet needs, water must of a fact turn to wine. It may be water but it'll be praised by anyone who tastes it as wine. That's what happens when your hour, your angel or your anointing has come. Effortlessly, you'll do the special. Mountains become levelled. Tarrying before God without eating becomes easier. Something of God will just wrap you over, delight you and suspend all other cares. That's because of the time you're in. 

When your time comes, gates and doors will crack open of their own accord. Let me include that ancient doors that your predecessors knocked until they died at its feet shall of its own accord flee and rush to open. It shall see you and fear. That would be because you're keeping your divine hour (a moment God is at work for, in, through you). A slated moment when all life's events must gather together to work for your good. 

Mine hour has not come. How golden those words are to me? So that I'll know when to enter and when to go out. All activities are timed and slated. When no pot must be filled, He refrained. Jesus had nothing to prove. He didn't say, I'll show you I have the money to travel abroad and the next thing is 'peew'. He didn't. He didn't say they were testing Him. He rather discord with missing time to saying, "when my time comes, I shall do as you're suggesting". But it will only be until then. You, receive light to see your hour has not come. Or else, you'll go with the wrong man. But if you'll be comforted that this blessing, opportunity and goodies they're flashing isn't yours to take, you'll easily let go of it. If Jesus does a miracle there and then at that request, it would be His honour and to God's glory but He'll have successfully breached His timing and would have for once be in disobedience but he resisted and conquered hastiness by saying, "mine hour has not yet come". As you are, quickly open to Ecclesiastes 3 to read about the types of time that be. It'll do something to your spirit. It'll make you sensitive to what time you're in. You'll be able to decipher when and when not. Those two are unanswered questions in our world today. "When and when not!" May the Spirit of right time, it is time, or it is not time rest on you. 

PRAYER: I receive understanding and perception for operation at mine hour. I won't miss my time, its grace, angel and anointing.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22; Romans 8:26-39; Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 19:27-29

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