Showing posts with label Brooding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brooding. Show all posts

Friday, 14 June 2024


FRIDAY - 14TH JUNE, 2024



Genesis 1:2, KJV

"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

The word, "moved" as used here is translated "brooded" in some other versions and I'll say that vividly portrays my description of today. The Message Version of the Bible says, "God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss."

First, let me say this to you. You have a capacity in you and it is powerful. Your mind has an energy that can be unleashed to vibrate, hover or move on things until they are cracked. That's why God gave us the mind. It's to be able to incubate and crack eggs of difficulties. Man is made an explorer and since God says He should rule over creation, what he has found with which to do that is actually his mind. As in, the exercise and applying of his mind to master and subdue nature. That's also why some would tell others, "use your mind". Do you know why? They have discovered the latent power of the mind that there's no difficulty or problem that it can't dig a solution for especially if it'll keep at it. It may take longer, time might pass and pass but if this machine called the mind won't also stop but keep rolling and thinking of what best way to meet a need or attend to a problem in the human community, it'll surely draw an answer. 

Through your constant and long digging or brooding, you'll get where you have turned layers of layers of hard rocks to reach the depth of the mineral resources (solution) you are looking for. Have you seen how well are sunk before? When those experts dig for water, they'll first bypass many layers of soil and stones/rocks before they'll begin to contact what they're looking for. As a matter of fact, the first water they contact may not be the cleanest or safest to drink. So, they might need to explore or dig further until a cleaner water springs forth from the deep or oasis that can't be shaded any longer. 

That exploring machine is our mind. God wants you to use your mind. I know you have the Holy Spirit which is your sixth sense. I'm not advocating that you throw Him out. I'm only saying, "explore with your mind at the overseeing of the Spirit." Put your mind to what you're doing first of all. If your mind is reading right, you won't have a solution that'll be detrimental to the human world. Just by brooding and brooding still over a problem in our human community that you want to solve, the Holy Spirit could aid or energize your mind towards insightful solutions also. However, those solutions don't come easily. They're products of long meditations or brooding. But when they finally arrive, you'll discover them to be gems. You'll propose them and people would ask, "where did that come from?"

Why everybody doesn't produce ideas that turn the world upside down is because some people's thinking are shallow. To think and dig still in thinking is laborious to them. They see it as troubling oneself. Yet, God gave us the mind just to delve or fish for breakthroughs. There's no problem of human that can't be solved if brooding will not stop on it. That's why inventors, scientists and all others are still working till now on some besetting human problems in their closets. They hope for solutions. Sooner or later, there'll be a breakthrough, an intervention, invention and a breaking in into the revelation that have been withheld till hitherto. At the beginning, God's Spirit brooded over the waters. It goes to and fro, back and forth; it hovers like an helicopter. After that long brooding or hovering, God had scanned and picked what the problem was and what solution to apply to have it solved. What the next verse says is that, "and God said, let there be light..." God knew only what would be needful by first investigating, inspecting, ruminating, brooding and cultivating the waters. Afterwards, He knows what to introduce as He commences the works of creation. He brought light in. But first, He had to gather data on which He would later act. 

Brood! Dig! Think! Be constant in it! Mind is the master! Engage it! God created it to give you light if you'll dig or explore with it. The farther you dig, the clearer the options would be before you. So, explore and engage all the latent power of your mind.

PRAYER: Father, anoint my mind for special workings and understanding. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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