Showing posts with label The Purpose Of Salvation From Prison & Obscurity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Purpose Of Salvation From Prison & Obscurity. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 April 2024




LOOSED AND RECOVERED TO REIGN - Loosed For Purpose Series 005

Psalms 105:20-22, KJV

"20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. 21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: 22 To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom."

I told you in yesterday devotional why the Lord looses people from sin or obscurity. He doesn't loose them so that they'll give their lives to the pursuit of material things and what passes away soonest. God doesn't loose people so that they'll become materialistic, sensual and narcissistic - not willing to share, lose or give themselves as ministration to others. God is not loosing people from prison houses and oppression of hell those who'll love their lives more than purpose. He's not freeing into liberty and sonship manifestation those who'll say, "thank God I escaped and was recovered. Now is the time to bury my head and hide. No! He's not raising such bunch of cowards who wouldn't be able to advocate for justice in the society again. He's raising those who'll rather take their lives in their hands and speak up for what is right; matching on to dare the devil and crusade against him in Commerce/Business, Arts/Entertainment, Politics/Government, Education etc. 

He rather looses men from death, distraction, evil, sickness, all hindrances and encumbrances so that they would live out their destiny. This is the sole purpose of "loose him and let him go." He doesn't loose into vanity or nothingness. Loose him and let him go is to an intent and we shall see this intent once more in the life of Joseph - our admirable character of today. 

Psalms 105:21-22 has spoken good of such purpose. When Pharaoh freed Joseph, he loosed him into what?

"21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: 22 To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom."

Have you seen the intents for which God looses people from bonds? To deliver them generally into the destiny and the glory they're predestined for. When Joseph was loosed from the prison, he immediately was promoted into leadership. Pharaoh speaking says, "can we find a man like this in whom is the Spirit of God (Gen.41:48)?" To this end of having given exceptional solution on the way forward on the national frustration at hand, the king - Pharaoh promotes him into leadership to "head or oversee his house and govern his substance also. First of all, Pharaoh would suffer no personal loss for that. So, he sets witty Joseph over what is his. Further on, Joseph for his exceptional solution was promoted into second place after Pharaoh to hold sway over all other leaders and institutions in Egypt. While Pharaoh makes this clear, he says, "without Him no one shall lift hand or foot" (Gen.41:40-44). It means until Joseph blows the whistle, no one could run. What he says is what they'll do and that'll be final. He's the repository of knowledge that could be trusted to teach, mentor and model for others to follow. Summarily, Joseph was delivered from prison and brought to the palace to live out purpose and prediction. Don't forget his dreams of 13 years ago (Gen.37:7-9). Those dreams point to a future in leadership so much more that people shall bow - including his household to him. 

Consequently, God loosed him and let him go that he might save many people alive in Israel by the reason of being loosed into the glory of his destiny (Gen.50:20). He himself hinted at this when his brethren asks for his forgiveness again. This is the bottom line of the great office he has come into. So, his being loosed from physical prison and obscurity therefore isn't to disservice him but to make him of service to Egypt as a nation and to Israel as a nation (by preserving them during those seven years of famine). Your being loosed and saved from the prison house called sin or from nothingness is for a purpose. It's so that you'll walk in the predictions that have ran ahead of you and live it out. You carry a prophecy even if you're unaware. The earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom.8:19). May you deliver as one.

PRAYER: Lord, I understood why you set free from prison houses and nothingness. May I live up to those reasons and finish them all.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 34:1-Joshua 2:24, Luke 13:22-14:6, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 12:26

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