Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts

Friday, 28 July 2023



May problems not use our time. Two things will use your time.  Problems or your calling. The initiative of Satan and his attack on mankind is to ensure it is problems that use our time. He will keep you busy in the wrong things but which are necessary for human survival on earth. 

He'll keep you busy searching for greener pastures and seeking for food. If this is all you ever use your time and life to pursue, problems have successfully used your time.

I found out that problems will never finish. The hunt for food, clothing and shelter will continue to maraud the heart of mankind. As a matter of fact, that's why mankind cheat, embezzle or even kill. But life is more than raiment. Jesus said that. He said we should look beyond this ephemeral pursuit.

If all we ever live for is what to eat or what to wear, where will our definitive purpose or the calling put in our soul be? Humanity is not ordinary. God sent us here to live the God ordained life. The life we live and the steps we carry ought to be documented ones as already slated by God. But, is that so?

You may pursue food - what to eat and what to wear until you're utmostly entangled and your time is gone. What all of us have is time. The more I celebrate new birthdays, the more I scrutinize if I'm at all fulfilled. I just found out there are more grounds to cover yet it seems to my own sight (not faith) that only little time is left. I'm talking of time of usefulness on earth. 

The Lord told me this evening that the wise are those who know where they should be and contrary to any opposition or want goes there to thrive and begin to survive.

As a matter of fact, I count you blessed and happy as God does if contrary to what the economy, parents, peers and other influences are saying you could go into your definitive purpose, calling or passion. 

The conspiracy of the devil and life will be that you don't fulfill your passion and calling. It may be burning in you and beckoning you to come but if you never walk that road, you can never, will never know real joy or satisfaction.

Many of us are on the wrong jobs. We know because we have no joy doing them or let's say our joy are mist like. It appears in the morning and dissipates in the evening. That can't be your calling. 

Calling is passion. You don't close from passion. Even if you close from work at 5pm daily, if that job is what you're crafted to be in, work will still continue at home. Those who are in a dead end are those praying that closing time will soon strike. They are those seeking for unnecessary holidays and vacations. A man of the calling doesn't vacate and he's the one who actually lives longer. That's because of the energy influence generated to keep him going, desiring life and more from life. They are the strong willed ones and their decision to continue always lead to a release of permission to stay, stay and stay longer. 

I have not found anything else as replenishing, renewing, energizing, rewarding as following one's passion. 

You see, the problem many are facing now is how to go and face their passion (which calling is). But the question is how will they survive starting from the bottom again? This is somebody who has been earning #450,000 that God is calling into full time ministry in the Nigeria of today.

He has heard God but responsibility and the large appetite he has cultivated over the years is now slaughtering him. The wife is saying, "who will pay the school fees and who will pay the house rent? What will my family say?" Many people be like that. They find to go eventually into their calling and passion a big problem. 

Those people know their calling but TO GO is the problem. Over and over, you will see unfulfillment written all over them. A vision has been caught surely. She wants to set up a Fashion Outfit but she's afraid of how it might turn.

If you'll either have faith enough or be crazy enough to dare it, only then will you see the salvation of the Lord!

Unless you're in this position, you'll think it's easy just detaching and following after your passion like that. If that were so, many people won't still be there waiting for the right time. And I tell you, that right time might not come. You do not have all day. Your brand, content and ministry must be touched but it all begins with starting even before we discuss DILIGENCE and present to you COMMITMENT.

Permit me to address ministers now. Let's say you're such man who earns that much like I stated earlier, nothing is wrong if for the purpose of the new passion you need to follow you cut down your expenses. 

I'm not seeing any mockery in that and I care less if I'm mocked over that. It is what I can do I will do. If your children are in money collecting private schools, it is no reproach if you relocate them to less expensive ones. This applies to ministers who are especially founders and are starting out and do not want to be reputed for borrowing as time goes on. Ministry at the on start is not always interesting especially if you're not a paid minister. 

However, you have another option. If you have proven God over the years before crossing over to full time ministry and you personally know He's the same as He's always been, then you may become the brutal one who by the handle of faith knows God will meet all your needs. David said the God who gives him victory over the paws of the lion and the bear would give him over that uncircumcised Philistine as well. 

But first of all, that was no mere confession. It's coming from a man who has been on the journey. A man who has experienced it all and who could call God faithful! That's because he has over time experienced him to be faithful. 

Nothing promises real adventure and liberty than pursuing passion or purpose.

When you're in the wrong place, on the wrong job or in the wrong field, you're always like a man that's shut in a place with little or no air to breathe. You'll feel you're dying and that you need a saving but somehow someway, you just don't know how to escape or let's say, you're not courageous enough to escape. I'll say, call the call and stop the stop.

I want to be on a job, in a work and in a sphere where problems are motivation to rush to the next day's work. 

A place I could see as my world, the sphere of light where I gain practical experience that I may not even be able to verbalize or communicate. However, I know I have inner joy, energy, contentment and approval of God. 

When you've missed it, you surely know. Fat salary is not always a sign of fulfilment.

I know people who are leaving the public view, fat salaries, notable sites to relocate to lesser esteemed ones to start dancing to the tune of their souls - their callings. 

Brothers and sisters, men and brethren, this is no joke. Stop the pursuit of food (only). Leave that and cross to the sole pursuit of purpose. It may be hard to fend there but lean your life to what it avails you. Let your wife adjust to that. Don't be ashamed. If you are, endure the suffering. Walk this less travelled road as highlighted by the iconic poem of Robert Frost (The Road Not Taken, 1916) and you'll have the testimony of having chosen differently and rewardingly one day.

I pray for you all, God shall indeed be your exceeding great reward! It will be something more than gold for you all at the end of it all. Believe in God and Believe in yourself!

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812


Friday, 14 July 2023


 FRIDAY - 14TH JULY, 2023


HE WILL PROVIDE FOR HIMSELF - The Commanded Series 009

Genesis 22:7, KJV

"7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together". 

Do you know that He provides for what He commands? This is key to receiving divine provision. If you're seeking to do a thing and the fund is not coming, you should hold on and ask why the witholding of fund. I believe God must take you to a place where when you're out of tune and you're beginning to run the errand that He didn't commission, things would just fold up. If this be the signal or has been the signal in your own life and ministry, it may mean God didn't author that thing you're doing and He's seeking to align you. If anyone however thinks it wise to dabble into a self authored assignment, God is gentle enough to respect his choice and let him provide for himself. What He has not commanded, He's not in anyway liable to provide for it. You may then go ahead to bear the expense of sacrificing. You can spend your long gathered and accumulated salary. Kill your Isaac and let us see how many you'll kill as other assignments unfold. Let us see whether you can win by your strength and will and not be weary or dabble into wrong means of raising funds.

If you still want to do the will of God and you've currently began something that the Word of the Lord didn't commission, it'll be God's mercy to you starving it to death. And please, let it die of starvation. Don't seek to resurrect it. Trying to do so will be wanting to set up Jericho again. The cost is not always interesting. Wanting it to thrive is wanting to have flourish what God will visit and seek to scatter. Tower of Babels don't interest God! Any such work that His mouth didn't utter shall ultimately be scattered by Him. 

God asked Abraham for meat. God asked him to go and sacrifice his only son. Isaac not being a novice to the processes and preparation of sacrifices ask why there's no lamb on the scene. At least, he could see other ingredients. Abraham didn't stretch the matter. He only said, "the Lord will provide for Himself". Are you a husband and father over a family, leader of an entity and it seems there's scarce or limited resources, you can sure put your faith in God that if you and what you're doing be His works, He'll provide for Himself. Mark the usage of the expression, "...for Himself". Imagine God providing for Himself. Many times when God asks people to do something, novices or versatile men may begin to run around seeking to provide for God. This place however says, the correct way to service to God is that He'll provide for Himself. If He has placed a demand on you i.e. calling you into ministry, it's His to gift you the anointing by which you can function and fulfill this assignment. All of us always want to wait patiently for the provision of God for Himself here. The disciples even waited for empowering at the Upper Room (Acts 2). They've been called and sent but God must provide for Himself (what He called them to do), so that they might discharge. 

Meanwhile, when it comes to resources to do ministry, people no longer wait for God to provide for Himself. They immediately will take shield and buckler and take laws into their hands. They'll immediately sound the trumpet and begin to do fund raise. This ain't the way God said ministry should be done. Except He commands that you take an offering from God's people for a particular task, don't. However, you ought ask Him when He tells you of what you'll do for Him how He'll meet it knowing you're a worm without backbone. 

I don't have much questions for any who said God has called him or has given him an assignment to do. Okay, if God tells you to call a gathering of His own people, will He that tells you to go to war let you do that at your own charges? No! Will He not provide? However, did you seek Him for provision? Did you even know you have to ask or wait on Him for that? Or you think writing a couple of letters out is what will settle it. From this act, I found out many assignments may be legit (in that God authors them) but they are bastardized works because the process of acquiring provision embarasses God and belittles Him from being the One who had commanded the work to be done. The mark that somebody asks you to do something is that He meets your needs in doing it. Check from Genesis to Revelation. Have you seen someone God calls that He's trying to preach by his own strength before? He always enable them. I couldn't have lifted a finger before but by calling, I now preach. It's not because I studied English. I know I still make a lot of mistakes with grammar. However, we have colonized resources. We believe we can save our salaries to do ministry and that will be all. Did God ask for it? Did He tells you to use your salary? How much of your salary or that of others could you collect for assignments often? That's a mark that God didn't call you or calls you and you're bastardizing the work. The mark that He calls you to go and do sacrifice also means He'll provide for Himself and at the end He sure gave Abraham a ram. Meanwhile, God will like us obey and accept His assignment. If we do, as we follow the Lord on and trust Him, He shall provide. And that will be marvellous in our sight. That's what will surprise us because He'll do His thing unconventionally.

When you don't wait for the Lord to provide, your meeting is either enlarged more than God desires or is diminished and relatively tied to what you have at hand. Let the prove of genuine assignment be, "He that the Lord provides for". Elijah said the proof will be, "the God which answers by fire" is the Lord. If he manufactures his own fire, it would have been visibly seen but He let God proves Himself. I also believe if all of us will settle ministry this way, there will be a reduction in the number of people who says God has called them or are doing unrecognized assignments around. That you have fund at hand which you don't know what to do with it does not mean you should go on television. Did He command you is the ultimate? Stop saying, "I can fund it, so I'll do it". Let it be, "I can do it because He said I should do it". 

PRAYER: I wait on you. Do provide for Yourself.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 18:13-19:37; Acts 21:1-17; Psalm 149:1-9; Proverbs 18:8

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Tuesday, 11 July 2023


 TUESDAY - 11TH JULY, 2023



Read I Kings 17:9-16

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee".

Brethren, you're welcome to another faith request and growth of faith. You see, we are disciples and we're called to be instant in and out seasons (II Timothy 4:2). The acknowledgement of "in and out seasons" affirm that man would share in both bad and good weathers. However, when it's our stringent days - moment when we have numerous needs ourselves yet God (solely God) is making demands on us, it becomes of us to have it released. There's joy in a Christianity that is practiced and allowed to flower though there'll truly without falsity be many hindrances to this. Good news is that you are an overcomer because God knows you can overcome. So, He has slated you for this outcome. 

It's such a shock that God didn't send Elijah to any who could boast of a store of food. Rather, He sent him to a fellow described as a widow woman. Do you know who a widow is? A widow has no husband. It means that woman lacks the needed support and so is not in anyway to be described as affluent. She's a pauper and even if she was not one before, she is now at the herald of this prominent famine. It reveals in her own statement when she says, "... and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die (I Kings  17:12, KJV). As in, what quantity of food could two sticks cook? That tells you even if she were well to do before, the famine has now dissolved and equated her to a pauper. But we can assuredly gather that she's like a worm without backbone. She's a widow woman!

When Elijah arrives at the gate of Zarephath, he must have received a witness of who the widow is actually. To prove that, he makes a demand to test if this is the commanded widow. I believe the sign would be that the commanded widow would come under command and the uncommanded will refuse the request. Though the woman confessed her own need and inadequacy also yet she opens up. Her reply to Elijah proves that she's the commanded widow.

I Kings 17:10-13, KJV "10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. 11 And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand. 12 And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die. 13 And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son".

Did you follow the reading? From a simple request of "fetch me water to drink" which the woman succumbs to and goes to fetch, Elijah doubles it up and requests that she fetches him a morsel when returning also. Here, the woman narrates her hindrance in doing so but Elijah reinstates his last and austere demand and with a blessing. Then, the woman unarguably goes to prepare for Elijah first. 

This woman gives under strict stringency. She has not seen the blessing in reality when she already agreed she'll make for Elijah first. What if nothing was multiplied in the process? She didn't even believe it that way. She rather put God first and releases to God who had placed a demand and command on her. That's the truth. Once you prove the demander and commander, you can make a release. That woman in responding to Elijah also dropped hints that proves she knew the God of Elijah somehow. While the holily dressing of Elijah could give him out as a prophet yet this woman under such circumstance of being in want wouldn't have been very much swayed by a mere appearance but the fact that she's living out a command. She identifies Elijah with his God by saying, "as the Lord thy God lives". Christian, once you prove God, once you're sure this is God making this pull on you, it is no lie, you can give under that stringency. However, mind it. Many who came to claim that a prophet collected something from them are always not those who heard God saying they should give in the first instance too. Even if Elijah had lied, this woman wouldn't have released her bread because she knew she was not any commanded for his support. Hearing God on where to administer your money is a thing to receive also. It is not only on who to marry. Covetousness also can't but put many ministers in trouble. They collect from those God has not commanded. So, this blessing can't but backfire. It is the blessing the Lord gives that makes rich and adds no sorrows. Promoted human blessings would land you in many pangs. When you collect from such God didn't ordain for you (who if they were put under command, even if they exercise themselves for your sake) won't say it or reproach you for it, then get ready to be spread all around in shame. Many stories there be of how many supposed church faithfuls have said their pastors swindled them. Agree you were stupid and dubbed by a con artist because you were neither sent to him or he to you by God. Realizing how human deception could make you yield up what you have laboriously gathered (which you didn't do willingly) is what has ressurected revenge in you for what you call, your humiliation. God is committed to all Christians and if each of us will first be a man and woman of the Spirit, He'll lead us to the commanded giver who has our bread with him or her. Even under stringency - when it's only a little meal and a little oil left in their flasks, they'll still give while trusting God who commanded them to give to be faithful to them also. Keep raising the bar. Keep doubling the standard. It would meet at the expected end if indeed God has commanded you to another commanded. He/she won't refuse you. If that fellow is ever the commanded, "he/she will not only give you water to drink but will draw water for your camels until they are done drinking also" (Gen.24:14, 17-20). They'll just be willing to come under austere conditions and sacrifices for your sake. And this won't be because you charmed or sweet tongued them. We should always experiment to find how what works and is truth. Elijah said, "give us bullocks and let us practicalize, the God of he who answers by fire is God". That's not sweet tonguing. Witnesses are all around you. Let them prove which works. Let the process alone to justify itself (I Kings 18:23-24).

I pray that God will put men under command for you. It's a great favour for men to be under command for your sake. It's the mystery of adoption at work for that time. It means God has given them to you to cater for. On each occasion that Elijah was fed, he was a commanded sent to another commanded. May you be this ordered to who is this ordered. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not be presumptuous in my Christian journey. May I always be led to reap the led's outcome.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Wednesday, 31 August 2022



That day, I came to campus to pack my remaining books. That was when I met this newly priest posted to St.Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Ahead of time, during my excoship as the fellowship president, I had told my second tenure excos that the Lord would have me go to Nicopolis. God gave me Titus 3:2. However, I didn't know where Nicopolis was or who my trainer would be there. But I was very sure God would have me trained for ministry. I told them that.

If you ever knew #EuniceOlabode, #OgunlanaSamuel, #OreoluwaRunsewe, #NguBarak, #OluwabusayomiAdams, #OduroyeMoninuola, #OgunsekanFolakemi, #AnjolaTella, # MelekiDaniel etc, they'll tell you Bro Sola kept repeating Nicopolis and how God would have him trained there. 

When my path crossed with Canon's (as he was formerly called), I was at the gates of St. Peter's Anglican Church also known as Anglican Bus stop in Tai Solarin University of Education waiting to board a vehicle going to Ijebu Ode where I stayed then. He met me at the gate and we started a discussion. He said he had learnt I was the previous fellowship president. He requested for what I had in those bags and I revealed same as, "my books." He said, "come and see."

O my God! Come and see shelves. Come and see books. All the books I coveted to read were there. Kenyon is what I'm seeing. Look at Haggin peeping at me. What about those big big books? Those are on theology. O Jesus! I've never seen an orthodox minister having much books like this. That's how we knew ourselves. So, I'll come to the vicarage to do vigil with him often. From there, I packed into the vicarage. Like he'll say, "I didn't know how 'Sola got into my house.' Indeed, he didn't because we didn't sit down formally to agree, "tomorrow, I'll pack in." Only that as I came, something about him, the anointing -  Holy Spirit and his words which carry spirit and life)  kept drawing me back until I tore myself from Ijebu Ode and became apprenticed to him.

It was said of Enoch that he walked with God and was not again. That happened to me. As I went back and forth from him, I conclusively and decisively weaned myself to be given away to him and what God would have him do to me. After all, I remembered the Nicopolis instruction and concluded after examination that, "this is it." People (especially the ASFITES I handed over to) were later shocked finding me living with this holy prophet and anointed teacher. Since he was their vicar, I'll follow him to observe his ministration with them once in a month. It was then these students saw their former revered papa carrying the Bible of this holy man in honourable service but what probably might have been labelled a reproach. They wouldn't believe it. All those who would call me papa after the campus order having being the campus president and fellowship's might have thought it diminishing for me to submit to someone who's within our jurisdiction and least of all, an Anglican Priest. Even many Anglicans don't esteem Anglican Priests as authentic. They just believe they're sloppy and undiscerning spiritually. But as all of those students would later come to recon, they knew Oyebode was different. He would teach as if he shouldn't stop. You always want to hear him more. Something ties you to whatsoever he utters. The interest is always there. Deliverance would be ongoing. Demons screaming and fleeing their hidden places. His parting and pathing anointing would make people fall hither and thither while he'll bluntly instruct in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Terrible teacher and prophet.

It must be for a reason like that the then #BishopAyodeleAwosoga of Ijebu Anglican Diocese who's of blessed memory posted him from Waterside to Ijagun to till the land of students and break up their fallow grounds. And he still did in his little years full of striving against forces hell sent against his ministry. I was eyewitness to all as I fought side by side with him in warfare at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Since 2015 till date, I'm still with daddy. His family opened up to me and many children that the star guided to their Bethlehem. What they (the family) ate was what I ate. Nothing hidden, nothing amiss. Mummy Oyebode would ensure any don't miss home in her home. A woman fervent in prayer and spirituality herself. May the Lord bless daddy and mummy Oyebode for #EmmanuelOyebode, #FavourOyebode, #MercyOyebode, #GraceOyebode and all of us.

I call them my siblings because that's who they are. Grace (their last born) one day asked daddy, "is Bro 'Sola our elder brother?" For a little girl of 6 to be asking this, "it means that Bro Sola must have stayed long enough as to have been counted in as one." Am I not one? I am because I have inherited that minister though he yet lives.

Daddy, you're my father. Your oil is on me. The works you do I do. I won't badly repay you. I won't waste all the secret impartations or even the words unverbalized but which I understood. It's the intention of good fathers that their children would double their work.  Elisha requested for the "double portion of Elijah's spirit." He doubled him. Jesus promised His disciples greater works and they did. I'm doubling you as your soul might have blessed me. This oil of yours on me has opened doors unto us to enter Europe, America and Asia. We've already surrounded the Scandinavian nations with our gospel and are progressing. However, I still seek opportunity to come and serve you though I'm in my own destiny land. I long for home to tarry round your grace while you instruct me and others in wisdom. I want to INCREASE LEARNING! I want to wash your car, polish your shoes, wash your handkerchief, accompany you to ministrations, jingle the bell while you sing (which I was first embarrassed doing the first time you said I should) and above all, "see light in your light."

Anglican Students Fellowship, TASUED BRANCH and Ijebu Anglican Diocese obviously know Venerable Johnson Oyebode. He's a worthy man to learn Christ from. You're a righteous man. Your family is blessed having you. I lived with you before concluding that. I saw you well. 

Discipleship is the goal even if you mistaken daddy for an archaic, rugged and demanding minister. He's a successful minister who has produced children after his own kind. Many in ministry today and other spheres of life. May I speak of #OluwabusayomiAdams, #ToluAdams, #AlfredGod's-Gift (Pastor), #TheophilusSeunKhale (Rev) and those ministers I'll like to cover. From your healing anointing that broke the shackles of a mad man, to your teaching anointing that could stay on a verse or run concordance on a singular word to study, to the prophetic that I've seen dived and divine to fetch secrets hidden about people, I covet all. All is what we all your children covets.

Father, as you hit a milestone and celebrate your birthday, may it be "long life and God's salvation." May you be preserved to do more in the body of Christ. May you eat the fruits of your labour and be rewarded to your face. Morning Wings Ministry and I, #OlusolaADEJUMO M'Wings recognize your impact on us and celebrate you as our father. Baba Mi Oyebode!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry.
