Showing posts with label Hollow Ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollow Ring. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 July 2023





READ Ecclesiastes 3

Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven":

Look at God's word. How sweet it is? Ecclesiastes 3 opens with, "to everything there's a season and a time to every purpose or intent under the heaven". If to everything there's a season, then it means to say, each of those things designated for their specific season could only thrive and flourish in their specific season only. Take a look at what we plant. Due to the climate or weather condition, coupled with what sort of season we are in: probably of moderate rainfall, heavy rainfall, little rainfall, dry season etc, all determine what we choose to plant in them. And for each season, there are researched and already found out seeds/plants that'll survive in them. However, if you want to witness the power of season or test it, plant in a season what is not meant for that season. Even if it ever survives, you'll see that the yield would be little. Why? A specific season has ability to facilitate or hinder growth. There's a natural and supernatural help God Himself gives to humans to rise in achievement, calling or mandate when they're in their ordained seasons. In your season, you yield your increase and strength. It is your bounty you give and not otherwise. 

It's this law of season which the Lord knows to be correct that He is trying to create a reversal for when He says in Psalms 92:14  that, "they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing". Let's ask, is that possible? Yes. But does it happen to all men? No! Only those who believe in it enough and worked in it. Some aged people are still yielding their youths or strength though already old. They're still preaching, teaching, writing, counselling, advising, winning souls, and parenting but some could be all together hindered even by sickness or an immediate terminal death. 

While to everything there's a season (season is the garment sewn for everything to fit or fall into); there's time for every purpose under the heaven. "Under the heaven" means on earth or in this earth realm where humans live. Time is what is given to purposes and intents. The garment fitly sewn for purposes is time. Every purpose or intention needs to be fitted into the hole of their time: a specific time of operation. That's why Jesus couldn't do anything until His hour came in John 2. When it did, look at the instruction He gave them (John 2:7-8). 

He immediately knew what to do. He was not short of words. It came as a spree with powerful grace irresistible. Why? The time to make provision abound has come. Provision will multiply but first at its time. Time is what you're given to do every purpose on earth. Now, first your 24 hours but more importantly a revelatory time when you can assuredly gather that God is ordaining you to carry some steps. Such moments don't fail. That's why we have a record about the sons of Isaachar who understand and know what Israel ought to do per time (I Chro.12:32). That's what I'm talking about. Knowing when to act or implement something. Knowing this is its time unfailingly. Such deciphered time always come with their own imparted grace and loaded benefits ready to help you but only if you'll move and enter into that time first of all. Let me describe what this time for every purpose is clearly again. 

Let us say you're in a field of much wind and there a portal opens with a ringed mouth and a hollow inside but ready to carry you in a jiffy and with a great whirlwind speed into heaven. However, there may be a condition  which is unless you take it (by entering into it), it can't carry you nor will you arrive at your destination. You may desire being carried on a journey but if the vehicle or opportunity for such journey avails itself and you refuse to take it, you shall not amount to anything though with all the grace and help brought you that hour to leverage and get to heaven. That's why that place says, "and a time to every purpose on earth". There's a time for every purpose. If you have hundred things planned out, if you're a man of the Spirit yet with good sense, you can say with me that all will take its time to fulfill. That's what God does not want you to miss. He doesn't want you to make the mistake of piling too much on your faith at once. Look at me, it's God's intention to give you rest also while maintaining speed. If you'll find the time for each purpose and decipher the season where that thing could flourish or be appropriately done, you shall be the noblest and blessed amidst men. You will clap God and worship Him for having led you, guided you and tutored you towards patience to take each thing at their time. When you do a thing at its time, all the benefits you should derive from that thing done at its season or time would be given out to you. You'll see all appear to you one by one and you'll be full of awe at God's blessings. Look, it'll always be more than your expectation or calculation. That's the truth. Everything is only fitting at their times. Find the time for that thing. Let it loose only in its granted, given and blessed season. That's when it can grow and it won't become stunted - an image of mockery. Anything that people don't do in its time is what struggles or thrives to survive and that's because it has many hindrances surrounding it. How interesting it would be if it's after being a mother you say you want to go to school? Yes, you can. You may even finish eventually but your testimony will be that of struggle. You won't be that free to face academics and that'll be because you missed time. You could have read without baggages as a single where all your time would be for you but what have you done to yourself?  You misprioritized purposes. Your scale of preference is faulty. Your arrangements are wrong and didn't follow suitably. That's why you're always getting late to the lecture room. That's why you're the one always borrowing notes to copy. You don't even have time for research as a family man again. Why? The thought of bread on the table is what is choking you. I can therefore assure you that if by your own doing, you let a purpose or an intention in your life miss their time of grace (where they could be done smoothly), you'll pay for it and even if you survive it, it'll be by much blood, struggling and hardships. Find time and discharge purposes in them. 

PRAYER: Lord, give me the knowing of times and what they're meant for. Grip my spirit with a purpose when its time comes. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14; Romans 9:1-24; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 20:1

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