Showing posts with label Preparing A Place For People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preparing A Place For People. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 December 2023





John 14:1-3, KJV 

"1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

These verses above is the calling of firstborns and all forerunners. Are you wondering how? Then, let's pick it today. 

Jesus told His disciples to be settled at heart and not sorrow because of His soon ascension back to heaven. We all know that Jesus later ascended to heaven and He's currently seated at the right hand of God the Almighty (Acts 1:8-9, Acts 7:55-56, Rom. 8:34, Mark 14:62). However, while Jesus nears departure and the eventual separation from these disciples with who He has related and come a long way, He assures their hearts of no loss. He consoles them to believe in God (His Father and in Him, the sent Son). He gave reasons for that. He told them His departure is to an end - to go to prepare a place for them in heaven. 

This is the mandate, calling and what should be the goal or heart desire of firstborns and forerunners. Their thinking, mindset and thirst should be to arrive, survive the land and prepare for others' arrival. Firstborns are a kind of apostle. They are sent forth to walk a road before many and open it up for others for easy walk. There are two types of thinking. Terminative Thinking and Generational Thinking. Terminative thinking is the one that makes a man reach his high place and forget those behind. Such man let his blessing stop with himself. He invites no one to come to where he is. He prepares or furnishes no room for anyone. He rather boasts of being the only favoured and blessed. However, Jesus thinks differently. His Father thinks differently as well. The thinking is that Jesus will arrive to prepare a place for these Apostles of the Lamb and to us all by extension. It's really a great thought when someone makes preparation for your coming. It shows love and the greatest concern in any heart. 

However as Jesus departs, He encourages them not to feel lonely or manifest a sense of loss. You'll understand this better if you're from a family where one of you travels abroad amidst many siblings with many weepings and sorrowing of heart. Imagine that one now telling others not to sorrow but believe that his departure is to your greatest good and that his departure is to go and prepare a place for you abroad so that you can as well come to where he is (or going). Imagine that! Isn't that good thought? Isn't that thought of welfare, to give you a hope and a future?

Just like a Father wouldn't forlorn his kids or a mother forsakes them, Jesus speaks as He that understands human relationship. He speaks to tell them it's for their good. His going is to go prepare a place for them. So, that'll create an expectation in their hearts. It'll change their living. As they live, they'll have a heart that they'll one day be where He is or He has gone. So, they'll live ready in anticipation. 

Firstborns and all forerunners, hear me today. Your being first isn't a mistake at all. You may or may not be first biologically; you may be last born but first because you're the most prospered man in your caste. In this way, you're the first born - the one God has sent ahead of others that He'll need you to provide for. No one rises alone. Your rising is the rising and breakthrough of some people and you should let it suffice that way. Don't waste grace, resources or God's investment. God will actually give you more than you need. He'll locate you amidst plenty resources and that won't be because He wants you to become a pool but rather a channel through which others can be prepared for. No wonder, Jesus speaks of the abundance and unlimitedness in His Father's house. He says, "in my Father's house are many mansions..." Many mansions means many properties. Each of us will have ours. Imagine you in your property or possession. Imagine you being a landlord!

Then Jesus says, "if it were not so, He would have told them". That means He was saying, "I am not lying. I am telling you the truth. There's abundance and green pastures where I'm going and my intention is to bring you there." Jesus says, "I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also". That's contextually referring to rapture anyway (Matt. 26:64). 

This is no selfishness at all. He confesses His intention and goal which is to go and prepare a place for us so that we may be where He has gone. Many people don't have Jesus' mind at all. Where they are, they don't want other people to come there let alone get there. Heights, positions, offices and graces they have attained, they don't plan that others attain it. They'll prefer them wrecked, slain and destroyed. However, Jesus has good intention and plans for His disciples. He said, "you're not in darkness and you know where I'm going and that He'll come back to receive them all unto Himself that where He is, they (including we) may be also". 

Brethren, the anointing is on me. I want to declare on people. Is there someone who's up there that you admire? I declare concerning you today that where they are, you will be. I pray that men shall remember you and call you to come up hither. One day, I was meditating on how people were moving. However, the Lord told me, "don't worry. Anyone who has gone ahead is sent before you - to call you hither and open doors to you". So, there can't be strife from me against them. I can only pray for them until my word comes from the Lord and I'm granted release and called to the palace. Anyone who rises rise for your sake. See it that way. You won't have to force remembrance. It'll just happen. People will set out good plans and intentions for you - that where they are you may be also. This shall not miss you. 

PRAYER: Lord, I'm seated with You in heavenly places. I'm where you are and I rule over principalities and powers. Lord, I want to be where my role model or mentor  (mention him or her) is. I'm remembered!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Micah 1:1-4:13; Revelation 6:1-17; Psalm 134:1-3; Proverbs 30:1-4

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