Showing posts with label Students Abroad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Students Abroad. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 September 2023



Happy New Month!



Psalms 105:17-18, KJV

"17 He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: 18 Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron"

Many times, we pray that we shall fulfill our dreams. That ain't a purposeless prayer but of one that's rather thirsty of doing the will of God as revelatory and depository in his heart (soul). It is what is therefore in his soul that he's crying out. The hart that pants after streams of water does naturally (Psalm 42:1). The thirst comes right from its inside and not from its exterior. So, its one aim and desire becomes that water would quench it. So, the hart exercises itself to hit on the stream of water that its thirst might be quenched. If your soul is already panting after fulfilling a particular purpose, such prayer would always be near your mouth always. What would become your meat would be to do the will of He that sent you and to finish it. 

God sent a man before Israel, even Joseph who was sold for a slave! The first question to ask is, "if God was the one who sent him, why send him as a slave?" Joseph had dreams of the sheaves bowing to him and the stars, moon and sun doing obeisance to him (Gen.37:7,9). Summed together, these prophesy his future as one with a glorious end. However, you'd think to fulfill that destiny would be bed of roses. You had think everything would have started in favour physically for Joseph, that he'd be processed in ease and then sat on the throne. As a matter of fact, how God began to fulfill His will for him was totally different. Looking at the greatness prophesied of Joseph and what he passed through before that greatness was achieved, one can't but praise God who shrouds greatness even in our darkened paths. That's why the Bible says in Isaiah 55:9 that, "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts". God's thought is higher than ours and at times he might execute contrarily to our wisdom, expectation or plans. This He does to catch the crafty in their craftiness and make the wisdom of the wise a folly. Joseph was rather sold for a slave. As in, Joseph is a honourable man in prophecy. His prophecy called him so. Why then would he be sold for a slave? Why then hurt his feet with fetters? Why then lay him in iron? 

God is quick to bring to pass all He has said concerning you and even if your destiny requires reaching the ends of the earth, you shall. But God didn't convey Joseph into the fulfilment of his destiny in a vehicle of roses. No, he sent him there as a slave [in the status and appearance of a slave likewise]. He was empty handed at arrival. Faith in God, favour of God and diligence is what could therefore have risen him. Apart from the fact that Joseph became a forerunner and saviour for Israel. Another call that's on Joseph is that of a founder. I found it out. That's why many forerunners are founders. They create a path for others to tread in. They are trail blazers. They go before others and with their equipping made it possible for many sons to be called unto glory. Joseph was sold for a slave into a country that he has never been before. When a fellow is sold for a slave, he's at the lowest state of life. He only has life. He has no money or any asset by which you could easily mark that this one shall soonest come out of poverty into the wealthy place. Joseph arrived with nothing of such. He only came with Himself and God with him. But in thirteen years, he became the head of nations. Today, I have a word for many of us that God has called and would send to foreign lands or those already there. It doesn't matter your status at arrival, you shall swallow your status at arrival until you become the head of nations there. Though I'm living in my home country but I had to leave my state for another. In my new state, I could have been described to have started from nothing or the lowest base. All I had was a job I got there. All I have now including a family came by faith and knowing He calls me to be the head of nations. Calling is on Joseph and when it's on anybody, I assure you that even if you build a church in the desert, people would attend. When calling is on you, it has one intention, it is to bring you from your very lowliest point and set you up there. Calling calls people up and changes their statuses indeed. It doesn't matter how you arrive. The testimony would be that you have become the head of the nations in some years time. Ask many aliens especially Africans who left their countries of origin for abroad. They'll tell you, I came here as a student expatriate (or tell another testimony of their arrival in nothingness). There was nothing on offer to show for greatness at their arrival but now they're owners of chains of businesses. Then, you begin to wonder and ask whether it's possible to leave one's home or native land empty handed or forced so by circumstances and become a man of bounty just soonest. Very possible! Jacob left his father's house in a hurry and without any preparation. He only left with himself and the staff in his hand. He was afraid of what the future holds for him and so prays that God will be with him. He even vowed unto God because the cold of a lonely journey into the unknown was fighting him. However, the testimony is that he returned as a double man. He had gotten so much prosperity that it was impossible to say this was the Jacob that left home with nothing (Gen.32:10). I ask, where are you today far away from home? Let the anointing of a great rising fall on you. From your low status, begin to go up the ladder and possess the gates of dominions in that land. You can have the testimony of acquring lands, owning businesses, marrying a native there, employing many and becoming  a prince or princess. 

Look, never take it for granted when someone starts from the lowest level and in some years had witnessed transformation. It is God who makes a space for you. And until a man gets to his Rehoboth, he can never never be fruitful in the land. Egypt is for Joseph and his light must shine there. Today, the reputation following you around might be that of a slave but I assure you that if you won't back down, call God a liar but endure in faith and diligence, you shall soon see the greatness in front of you though shrouded in many mysterious events. 

PRAYER: Lord, You solely raise the poor from the dung hills to set him with princes. Lord, raise me up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 22:15

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