Showing posts with label Abroad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abroad. Show all posts

Monday, 10 July 2023


MONDAY - 10TH JULY, 2023


GET YOURSELF DOWN THERE - The Commanded Series 005

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee".

What a thing! God told Elijah to get himself down there. You're asking, "down where?" He says, "get thee to Zarephath..." People of God, may I tell you that we can move any time. We're not tired of packing or relocating? We are nomads not because we lack purpose but because we are administered citizens of God's State. We don't stay back when we have express words on us saying, "get thee to Zarephath". Immediately, we always set sail away from Brook Cherith. We move. Yes, we always move. If He has ordained Zarephath, to Zarephath we will go. 

I pray for you, may you have ears that hear. May you not become so deafened or occupied so much that when God is taking thought for you because of a state of emergency that He has seen, you're yet not moving even when He has said, "get thee to Zarephath". What a shock that God had spoken to Abraham and he still stays back and rested in his native land (Gen.12:1). What an open defiance!

We should never be comfortable somewhere or be overtaken by inertia. This would be danger that we may not be able to count its cost. If you're settled somewhere now and it seems you're comfortable there and would like to continue there, it should never become your decisive will to stay back the moment you have a command, an issue over you to get out of there. When the brook dried, God knew Elijah may soon become the victim of his own prophecy but God is quick to make distinction between his own and the wicked. Even other prophets were fed fifty fifty by Obadiah (I Kings 18:13). But here's a Christian who must not go hungry. He's solitary but God is with him. By God's word, He's now being given a new command. Though the brook has dried and Elijah could see that yet some Christians would still have told God to find a way round it for them. If God says, get thee out of there, it means no bargaining. It is get thee out of there. Don't become Lot's wife who won't let the past go but rather mourn and behold in reminisce what she is leaving behind. The decision of such people to remain or stay back always lead to their ruin. Lot's wife if investigated didn't want to go. She has become comfortable. You know, they've acquired properties and it seems that's all (Gen.19:19-26). 

Don't stay back at Brook Cherith. Almighty God, save me from myself. May I not be caught dead where you've left. May I not backslide because I've just missed steps with You. May it be that I follow you to the scouted land as you go before me. Never be comforted by any good that you're experiencing now not to continue with God when He's ordaining it. You may have the best of job somewhere, if God is calling you to get yourself out of there, it is for a reason. If you're a disciple, you won't count the cost. You'll know that what will be at stake if you stay will be more than what you'll enjoy. Get thee out of there brings to me a remembrance of war or violence torn area. Even if you're a missionary in such place, God can give you such "get out of there" command before the event start affecting you. No government or system of any nation is as wise as God. Do you know there'll be those that God would have commanded to leave some current war torn areas before the war began? Show me one nation that had such foresight as to send to bring all their citizens out of such places in Europe or Africa (as it's happening) before the events start happening. You see, divine leading makes all the difference. I believe government of nations should be this connected to the Divine so they can protect the interest of their citizens on the surface of the earth. The government must be spiritual. However, the vine from which I'm His branch won't forsake me without notice until the event is at my nose. God forbid!

Some may love losses than benefits anyway but I don't want to be broken or violated (by things God can allow to beat me because I'm in disobedience and out of tune with Him). Did that angel not say He could have killed Balaam (Numb. 22:33)? You see, what should be for his protection now faces him with judgement because he's in violation of God's will. So, if you're reading this and God is saying, get thee out of your country to another or stay where you are, don't refuse in order to protect a stand or vow you've afore taken. There are people who might have seen how the bastardization of travelling abroad has become in their own country and who out of love for their homeland would confess not leaving it to stay elsewhere. Out of such incident, he may confess to be different but this may be his very trap when God calls him out. He'll refuse to acknowledge the call because he won't want to be shamed before those he had said same. Look, if you're of this type, it means you're not humble. Someone who's humble will acknowledge his error to those his friends and obey God who's calling him out. I won't lose my anointing because I'm refusing to acknowledge an error I committed. 

Elijah heard, "get thee to Zarephath". That instruction is a command but a quick command for a quick launch out. Tarrying where God has left is danger. Over the years, I have known and said there's no other safe place except where God tells you to stay. If you go abroad and it's not God's doing, despite their welfare, you'll easily be opened to a ten thousand killer than being in a country where there's massive lawlessness. Natural disasters in their types occur frequently and kill droves there easily than Africa of lawlessness. So, which place is secure? No place actually except where you're told to stay. Look, I'm in Nigeria and in a particular place in Nigeria. I don't covet anyone where they are or another land that may be yielding good. As long as I have clear conscience and testimony that I too haven't missed God and I'm where I should be, I know I can't keep an appointment with what will take me out. Mark that! If you go on an errand for any reason outside the initiate of God or destiny, you can die even in the best of places. So Christian, you're not tied down to any place or any one who has become your temporary means of supply. You're only tied to God. He's the only permanent Father in your life. If He says get thee to somewhere, let me warn you that it's dangerous spending the night again in such place. As far as God is concerned, the glory cloud has moved and once it moves, tell me what would be your shelter. God gives a vision to Paul of where to go after suffering much on where to go. Immediately, they sought to leave behind their comfort zone. 

Acts 16:9, KJV

"9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.  

10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them".

Did you read, "immediately, we endeavoured to go into Macedonia". I will get myself to Zarephath. Where He commands us is where we'll go. You may hear we've changed address tomorrow and that's not because we want to be slippery, mysterious, surprising or unpredictable but because we have an Administrator whose hand is the only thing that moves us. Look, it is not incentive. Green pasture would be the least because we know any land we are can become green for our sake. Why? We're ambassadors. What we spend and live on is not determined by the economy we live in but the one from which we are sent. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to Your will on my transportation in life. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17; Acts 25:1-27; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 18:19

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Monday, 15 August 2022




GET THEE TO ZAREPHATH! - Lead and Feed Series 013

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

May I ask what the instruction was? Where was he told to get to? Why was he told to get there? Will getting there make any difference? Will restraining not matter also? People, welcome to another day. The Spirit is ready to wing you God's word. Let's travel on Morning Wings so that we might reach the uppermost end of the sea (which would be manifested in reaching the peak of our destinies on earth). 

God expressly spoke to Elijah and no fellow could even deny His telling him, "get thee to Zarephath." There are those who deny instructions. Joab did and he was confronted for denying an outright instruction of the king that should be weighty to him (II Samuel 18:12). Today, I want to show you why some still suffer though God has destined that they should be led and fed. The Lord is their Shepherd and is now coming to begin to feed them but by first issuing them instructions as to where and how to be fed but they seem deafened, non-challant and reluctant leaving the familiar they've known for the unfamiliar God is commanding. Let me tell you, you'll suffer much and make the Scripture that says, "the young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but those that seek the Lord shall not suffer good things" void by this your disobedience (Psalms 34:10). God said irrevocably and with every sense of responsibility to Elijah, "get thee to Zarephath." Listen, that was the responsibility of Elijah to see to. God knows where it's happening, where the next move is, where the cloud has gathered and where the carcass is. He only leads to where the green pasture is. The fact that there's "green pastures" means there are "brown or dry pastures" also. That's however not fresh meal. God desires you feed on the choicest meals of Zion if you'll be willing and obedient but if you'll become reluctant and afraid of what is ahead because you don't have all the details, you'll fall into want and suffer needlessly. That's why God is saying, "I have a solution. You, get yourself to Zarephath (outside the country, to another city or town in your country, to another job, to your friend's or pastor's house, the garage, the square, that restaurant) etc. There, I have commanded somebody to feed you (see to your sustenance). There, I have commanded your path and your helper to cross. That means, unless you're there, that provision can't be uncovered. You may not know the fellow but on getting there, identification would happen. The gravitational pull that happened at the valley of dry bones that drew bone to bone would pull you to the recognition of each other. You'll be locatable and both of you will come into agreement like Elijah and this widow did. Things are scheduled for locations and settings. If God is saying, "go and apply to that place because I have commanded you to be employed and sustained there while you're reluctant, if your brook dries, you'll suffer. Unless Elijah goes to Zarephath, that prophecy of being fed can't come to pass. His miracle is geography bound. His feeder is in Zarephath and not Syria. How many people has God appeared to in this manner who have wasted His instruction and are suffering for same needlessly? You've undone yourself. Lack of trust in God and fear of the unknown is costing you. You want God to tell you everything once and for all instead of being led a step at a go. You're joking. That wouldn't be faith again. God said, "get thee to Zarephath." Did you see any immediacy and urgency in that instruction also? It was even a command. Having received such instruction, it becomes sin for its holder to tarry or spend the night even where God has departed from and is commanding him to depart from also. As a matter of fact, if you're still where you should have departed from (at God's command), anything could kill you there. All the things that God's hedge of protection afore shielded you from while you were obeying God (by abiding where He first commanded you to stay) could now kill you. Why? You're in disobedience. This could open a crack in your hedge of protection. This is because while God has moved to Zarephath, you're still at the Brook Cherith. God has said, "get thee out of your country but you're still established there like a mountain." I bet it with you, what couldn't kill you before until that instruction could kill you now. Rumours of war, banditry, terrorism etc that you never esteemed previously could now break through your hold and make you unsettled.

God is saying to someone, before you and I could even revisit what I've told you and intended to make of you, "first of all obey, leave Brook Cherith (where you are presently) and depart to Zarephath (where I've commanded you should be). Until then, no second talk. I praise those who heard God and left for abroad or a new territory especially where there's no familiar face or a consciously prepared place for them at arrival. I mean those God sent there without having assurance of a system or person catering for their needs upon arrival like a student who get a full scholarship to study abroad. Such people would pack like Abraham and go where they've not been, only trusting in the God of their prophecy, Who will now ordain their path with the appointed helper. God has spoken to many like this without details of what's next. They only trusted. That's why God also is not ashamed to be called their God. If they've so much followed Him commitedly, He ought manifest to them commitedly. I'm hearing, "stop and get thee to Zarephath." In God's mind, you know where Zarephath is. The instruction is therefore not mysterious. As a matter of fact, you know how to get there. So, nothing seems too demanding but may disobedience not cage you and finally cost you.

PRAYER: Lord, make me obedient at heart. Let me hear you once and acknowledge with action seven times.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 7:73-9:21; 1 Corinthians 9:1-18; Psalm 33:12-22; Proverbs 21:11-12

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Saturday, 13 August 2022




WHEN SHOULD I LEAVE? - Lead and Feed Series 011

1 Kings 17:7-9, KJV

"7 And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. 8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath..."

There are those who in the course of this teaching have really developed a dependent heart on God and won't want to act except He wills it. Such are sincerely crying, "when should I leave, God?" They could see that something is wrong and that it is not usually like before again; dryness has now taken over and with much coverage like darkness was seen covering the face of the deep (Gen.1: 2). Experiencing first hand such situation this way is now causing a desperate cry in them as to whether they could leave. They want to know. To their minds, since things have become dry and the brook where they're taking their living from is waterless, they should leave. However, they're still here in the court of court to hear from the Shepherd whether or not to leave. 

Elijah wouldn't have left for Zarephath first of all if the brook didn't dry up. Economic recession, bankruptcy or inconsistency of one's workplace etc may be reasons God could leverage on to instruct one to leave. Mind you however, there's no situation that surpasses God. If He brought honey out of the strong (lion) and water out of the desert, it means God could still have you stay in that parched land yet see to your continuity. That's why even at the face of seeing that everything has dwindled down and everybody is leaving (while you seem alone), you must still like Saul of Tarsus ask, "God, what would you have me do (Acts 9:6)?" That's a question of disciples and any who's not wise in his own conceit. Doing this will make God delighted and relevant in your life. He'll see you as one who indeed prioritises Him and really wants to be led to where pasture is and the next event is slated. This means you're not leaning on your own understanding. In such case, you'll always hear a voice instructing you on which way to go.

Even at the discovery of Elijah that it has finished for the brook, he didn't still leave because he had not heard what God would have him do. God could have told him like He told Isaac, "still stay in the land." Isaac sowed in that same famine afflicted land and he reaped hundredfold (Gen. 26:12). God could tell you to still dwell in that economic depressed, war torn, banditry, terrorism, corruption etc afflicted area. He has a thing to bring out of there. God told me some years past, "there's no where that's safe on earth except where I tell you to stay." That's if indeed you know God and do hear Him without falsehood. Canada they say is safe but Nigeria for now is safer for me because God has not changed my location. Nigeria becomes unsafe to indwell the moment God told me to "get down to another place" while I'm still holding back here. So, when can you leave indeed? While dryness and dwindling may be a sign, it is inconclusive. You're not permitted to leave until God comes having researched for you and tested what would be in the future as to instruct you whether to leave or stay. For Elijah, he was to leave because at the observation of the dried brook, God's Word came saying, "get thee to Zarephath." So, I'll say, open your heart to God. Take a humble, desirous heart position which wants to hear from the Shepherd before any action. It is then you can hear a voice behind you. It is then God would give you a dream, vision, trance or spur you by inner witness to action even without praying at times. Many times, I just carry in me a burning desire, one that's aflame over a particular incident. Without any utterance, I'll experience God meeting me. God do meet people. I want you know that and I pray He'll meet you as you chew, contemplate and decide what or what not to do. In your rumination, you'll hear God. He'll come clear and clean for you. Since it's your utmost priority not to move until He has decided for you, He'll come riding on the wings of the cloud to offer you direction to your Bethlehem (house of bread). God's peace I leave with you today. Shalom!

PRAYER: Lord, lead me out of parched land or give me strategy to live on and survive in it. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 3:15-5:13; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40; Psalm 32:1-11; Proverbs 21:5-7

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