Showing posts with label Calling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calling. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 August 2024


 SUNDAY  - 11TH AUGUST, 2024



II Timothy 4:5, KJV 

"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."

God is looking for those who will not only begin to eat the meat of He that sent them but who will finish it. Jesus confesses of same that He has not come to be half known with the will of God but rather to be known fully for it. "Jesus says unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work" (John 4:34). He wouldn't stop at nothing until He accomplishes the same for which God sent Him to the earth - to save humanity from their sins (Matt.1:21). Though it requires going to the cross and enduring a lot, yet He did. He made full proof of His ministry. He didn't fall below expectation but met the standard and fulfilled it. The reason for His being raised or sent to the earth was lived up to and the work of redemption accomplished. 

God wants me to ask you a question. Will you make full proof of your ministry? Will you wear your calling out? If God ordains that from your calling comes schools, orphanages and health centres, will you ever get there? Will you do all as God demands to make full proof of your calling and the ministry unto which you're called?

Those who make full proof of their ministry are those who live to cover the circle drawn for them by the grace and measure of God given their offices. If God gives you gift and calling and you do not use it to the uttermost God determines, you wouldn't have made full proof of your ministry. God is not looking for those who'll do little and leave the rest. He's in search of men who will wear out their calling and ensure that everything tangible but first invisible in their calling is brought forth. If you have the calling of an entrepreneur, will you give hard work and certain sacrifices to go on to become the greatest in your nation, continent or even the globe? Will you give attention to produce quality that'll recommend and endear you to your end users. 

Today, God is recruiting men and those He's calling are those He wants to go to the uttermost end of the earth with. They are those He'll stretch and He'll demand extra from - all in the bid to make full proof of their ministries. 

PRAYER: I will make full proof of my ministry. Nothing shall hinder or cut me down. I walk the long road unto arrival.


Acts 21:1-16 & Job 25-28

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Wednesday, 30 August 2023





Ephesians 5:15-17, KJV

 "15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is".

Yesterday, God addressed the issue of "fire in our bones" which as a burden can't be reined in for long but rather released to have expression. If you're gripped to the core of a vision or an intent and all hands seem to be on deck [in you] and calling you to that thing immediately immediately, it'll be better going after that thing right away. You must understand what the will of God is and that comes by rightful interpretation often. Joseph told Pharaoh that those dreams were doubled to him because the thing is established by God and God will bring it shortly to pass (Gen. 41:32). 

The call of God can be postponed till a time until no further. That no further will be clear to you when the demand of God to have you repeatedly and incessantly knocks the door of your heart to come. Mind you however, the call or call as we've been looking at it is not only for those in ministry but men of all walks of life. God created the earth and humanity and so takes interest where each man goes for the sake of contributing their inborn graces and meeting needs. At creation, He has loaded each with gifts and all abilities meant to be used for a specialized vocation or field on earth if they'll discover that. Somebody with innate skills for mechanical operation may not be swayed or have his best interest in the academics. It is God who ought to call each of us and set us (as blocks) in the hands of a master bricklayer fittingly to a place in the entire building where we would be useful. Else, if your block is wrongly fitted, it could cause disaster as you'll not be where you're desired or you're needed. It should never be the cry of God again saying, "I seek a man that he may stand in the breech or gap" (Ezek.22:30). Every breech should have been filled by now by a man God has solely called to be a pilot, nurse, architect, doctor, sailor, teacher and even God's minister. People that God intends should be where they should be ought to be there now. This is not the time to fall casualty of another field that's not yours by calling or divine ordination. Whenever God still cries or says, "He needs a man" in any quarters, it means He has not found a representative and a man to take responsibility for Him there. That's because he who should study Medicine has gone to become a Footballer and so there's a breech, a gap, a missing link or space that needs to be filled or covered for. I know that verse points directly at intercession, interception and standing in the gap as God would have it. But standing in gap also means standing at a post. Many people are not at their posts at all. That's the cause for the wandering and repetitive asking of God for a man still. 

Brethren, today's devotional title is understanding the times. You read of Idahosa's and my testimony in yesterday's devotional. You saw how we couldn't wait again, how we were seeking bodies and platforms for expression because of the burdens which had possessed and written itself all over us. Meanwhile, that burden is to an end. It's like a speedometer that's to an intent. It monitors and tells the driver his speed. That burden of "come now, it is now" or "I can't forbear, postpone or delay any longer" is actually from God. What that burden like a speedometer is trying to indicate is that it is time to give yourself away to the assignment of your destiny. There are people who have gone to colonize the wrong fields but who God is also calling out to occupy their preordained fields. It would be urgent and like fire burning in your bones which you can't hold or forbear any longer. When the time has come or when it's ripe for you to be harvested to face what you should face, only then could you feel such strong sense of responsibility, indebtedness to God and conviction to depart to it and heed [not wanting to disappoint your Maker]. You must therefore understand the times and seek not to delay any further. You must immediately give yourself away at that moment and let that demand of God on you be satiated and stayed by your obedience. You must allow the calling agitating for expression in you be fulfilled. If God ever makes incessant demand on anyone unlike the afore quietness of years past and he obeys, he'll sure see the workings of God. It means all things are made ready for him. It means as at the time of calling him, God has put things on ground for him and such wouldn't regret it. It will take a walk or journey of faith but whenever such looks round, he'll have the testimony of it being God all the way. But you must understand the time. Your interpretation of that incessant burden must be clear. Just there's a time to every purpose on earth, there's also a time to stay by one self or launch into the calling of God for one. I pray for you, you won't be confused, scattered or frustrated. You'll see right and you'll see straight in the name of Jesus! You'll walk in the path God is chatting in you. You'll have light to see that path on your inside. 

PRAYER: Lord, help my interpretation of divine burdens. May I obey time when you call and not refrain. I have a special awareness of all the times and can read them.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12

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Sunday, 20 August 2023





Read Exodus 2:15-21

Exodus 2:21, KJV

"And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter".

God uses contentment to rest us. Did you get that at all? Moses is on the run for his life from Pharaoh who seek to kill him for the despicable offence he was discovered to have committed. Now in a foreign land, Moses shows generosity to the seven daughters of Reul, the Midian Priest by defending them against the shepherds and helping them to draw water. Reul observing his daughters were quickened than usual enquired the cause only to discover that a stranger had helped them. On this note, Moses was invited for a meet and refreshment but conclusively with a note that he was contented to dwell with Reul, the Midian Priest [otherwise known as Jethro].

That verse reveals that a kind of proposal must have been made Moses which he sees fit to agree to. If one was not formally made him, he must have decided from his observations of Reul and family that he's a worthy man to abide with. One way or the other, Moses gathered his convictions from a solid base of what he's assured of. That's why I said earlier that God uses contentment to rest us. If you haven't gotten where you would love to stay; find who you would love to be associated with or discover your calling in life, you can never be stayed. Irrespective of the deal or offer made you, you'll not be contented to stay or abide. Even if it were glamorous but does not still fit your yearning and envisaging, you'll probably continue on a search. I see that happen often in the work place. In order to hold body and soul together, some might take an employment offer [in what they least like] but with continuous pursuit of their life's task until it is made. However, contentment in each person's heart is the gauge and what distinguishes us from each other. First of all, all of us are not destined to meet the same needs. Due to this, we are not made for the same trade, vocation or profession. We're placed in different offices or callings therefore. It means while one is vying to becoming a policeman and could give anything for it, one would be vying to become a teacher. No matter your persuasion of each of these people, they'll never switch dreams or pursuit and the reason will be because they're contented to abide in their callings and do only the passion in their individual soul. If one has fulfilled being a teacher and the other still seeks to become a policeman, the latter will continue to give diligence to become that policeman because he'll have no contentment of heart until he has fulfilled it and he's also in his calling. Look at these two brothers. 

Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents".

Did you see contentment in that verse? Did you see how each of them abides by what they have natural like, calling and ability for? Why would Esau be a cunning hunter, a man of the field [one who loves adventure and goes for it] and Jacob, a man who dwells in the tent and stays at home? Why couldn't they become same thing? Why couldn't one become so envious of the other as to choose the way and life of the other, therefore jeopardizing what he's made for in pursuit of another? It's because each of them have contentment for their types of life and profession. God is the one who puts contentment in our hearts. If we're on the right jobs, we'll feel contented to stay and abide with it. If we are not on what suits our soul and fits our calling, no matter the deal, we'll continue to seek contentment by searching for that soul satisfying life's task. But if you get somewhere and you suddenly stay (even with the small offer or reward being promised you), it'll be because you're contented. You may be telling others, "I like it. You may not understand why I'm staying". And indeed, they won't understand because they're not made for it.

So, what you'll stumble on before you find contentment, get satiated and so rested from further search may be different from another's. While many are opting nowadays for abroad as the place to go for a better life, there are some without the heart for abroad at all. The thought of travelling abroad doesn't content or inspire them. They want to remain here. That ain't because they can't cope there but they might just have discovered their place already [and that is revealed in the country they are currently]. They just have little or no motivation for traveling and I can tell you that what fails to motivate you is what, where or who you're not made for. I know I couldn't have been a Mathematician because Mathematics was not my chief joy amidst all subjects. So, what people pursue or could pursue with their lives is what they're fully persuaded about and have an inner love, persuasion or conviction over. If you were to meet another who's different in opinion or love from you, you'll probably wonder why they aren't feeling the way you're feeling. You'll wonder why they are not embracing what you think is best. You see, that Moses was contented to dwell with the Midian Priest doesn't mean another refugee would be contented to stay with him. If God denies such contentment or gives him no inner satiation, he'll move on, seeking for his rest. God has created humanity in their varieties and put in them different desires and longings that only different things could satiate. This place says, "he hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart...". Mark, "He hath set eternity in their heart". What to long for is solely put in our souls by God. If yours has not been perverted, your passion and love could be indicators of what you should do, where you should be or who you should become. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me have rest over what You have willed me to do. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 8:1-10:3; 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 21:23-24

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Friday, 28 July 2023



Look, it is not pride but truth well spoken. While it is truth well spoken, it's not to affirm some people and buffet or derogate others. Far be it from us and we from that!

However in truth, we know that:

"Calling differs from calling. The call to be a FOUNDER is different from the call to be an ASSOCIATE. The call to START something is different from the call to JOIN something. 

If that be, I'll say again that, "faith differs from faith. The faith to start something isn't the same faith it takes to join something. What is started is hard to push to work but what is joined is already working. You only enter into its rest. Also, while one gives immediate yield, the other only holds the promise of yielding if ever followed through".

If this be, do permit me to say, "suffering differs from suffering also. The suffering of a founder and his hardship is not the suffering and sacrifice of an associate. On this note, I can say their jealousy and protection of the works will be different also. While one may play the shepherd and give his life for the sheep, the other may play the hireling (who sees the wolves coming but flees).

If that be, their rewards and honour can't but be different also. 

Please, don't debate it.

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812

Monday, 5 September 2022





Read Matt.10:1-16

Luke 22:35, KJV

"And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing."

There's always a reason to trust God. If you think there's none, He'll give you one or more until He has you for Himself. A conversation ensued between a young, vibrant minister and God one day. God would have him go into full time ministry and called him to same. The young man has responsibilities. He desires same but it seems many strings are holding him down. He has come to know what it means having money to cater for needs. To him, without a job at hand, many things will suffer. Not even when a wife is in the picture. However, God won't stop coming. He keeps coming and coming to Him to come and be with Him in ministry fully. It got to head on such a day that God like a friend facing the other in a conversation asked him if He had not been afore faithful to him. God asked, "you once had a tertiary education. Despite how sponsor-less  you were, I saw you through. Though you had moments of hunger occasionally, did you eventually lack a thing? Everything that any student could boast of was what I did for you. You took your life in your hands to follow me then and I saw to it that your needs are met even if I waited until you got to the peak of your needs as we walked together. Why not trust me now? Or did you not acknowledge you never lacked a thing then?" The young man replied, "no!" God told him, transfer the same faithfulness here. Trust me this once. Let me be your inheritance, possession and reward. I'm making you a priest. Your source of livelihood will be different from the multitude you know but I promise you my faithfulness. 

I'll say to trust is hard in the face of many things proving it contrarily. God asked the disciples also, "when I sent you out, did you lack a thing? They couldn't gain say. It was a no. You see, God isn't a failure. For as many He calls, He sees to. Faithful is He who calls you who will also do it. Except you're not called. That's why you can't be presumptuous about God's call. If you're mocking, you'll soon be set straight. Today, God is calling people to the field. God crazily needs labourers. The needs overwhelms the labourers. The field is ripe. It is harvest. God needs people who will go and wholly be unto Him in ministry. People who God could call, make demands on anytime because they're not obligated to another master or hindering activity. You may have your fear in your family which you're concern for, your old parents who relies on you to take a living, your siblings whom your parents have now made your responsibility but all still bears on "when I once sent you out, did you lack a thing?" It relies on, "was there not a time I showed you my commitment? Was a thing amiss then?" This is God's way of having you converted to Himself and for His usage. Our fears aren't fear if we'll trust God. Though we may begin to take thoughts for tomorrow yet tomorrow as God slated it has been well taken care of. Our own minds might have been attuned to the common way by which a man takes living which are getting a job or doing business rather than waiting for one's daily bread which has been put in someone's charge. Some wouldn't want to hearken to God's call in that way because of their dignity or ego they want to satisfy. They'll say, "I'm rather paid off carrying my scrip etc all around. Seeing to my needs is more reliable." However, God proved to us that without taken thought consciously for our provision especially as ministers, He could feed any He calls and sends. He did to the disciples. That's why He asked, "when I sent you out without scrip, did you lack a thing?" It was a "no." How were they fed then? They were fed by being admitted into houses where there are children of peace as they salute it. Because the labourers deserve their wages, whatsoever they set before them as provision, they kindly receive. Yet, they made no provision for that journey. Stop reasoning it. If the Lord calls or has called you, provision is settled with it. It's only the sheep or a Christian that it's not the Lord leading out that would be in want because such won't be able to find green pastures. But if He calls you, that's your safety valve. Hold Him by that. He shall meet your needs. God is ever faithful. At all times, the response and testimony we keep gathering from those who He called, who already went is, "we lacked nothing!"

PRAYER: Help me to safely trust in you. Lord, send labourers. Raise me as one. May we be sacrificial disciples.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18; 2 Corinthians 7:8-16; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 22:17-19

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Wednesday, 31 August 2022



That day, I came to campus to pack my remaining books. That was when I met this newly priest posted to St.Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Ahead of time, during my excoship as the fellowship president, I had told my second tenure excos that the Lord would have me go to Nicopolis. God gave me Titus 3:2. However, I didn't know where Nicopolis was or who my trainer would be there. But I was very sure God would have me trained for ministry. I told them that.

If you ever knew #EuniceOlabode, #OgunlanaSamuel, #OreoluwaRunsewe, #NguBarak, #OluwabusayomiAdams, #OduroyeMoninuola, #OgunsekanFolakemi, #AnjolaTella, # MelekiDaniel etc, they'll tell you Bro Sola kept repeating Nicopolis and how God would have him trained there. 

When my path crossed with Canon's (as he was formerly called), I was at the gates of St. Peter's Anglican Church also known as Anglican Bus stop in Tai Solarin University of Education waiting to board a vehicle going to Ijebu Ode where I stayed then. He met me at the gate and we started a discussion. He said he had learnt I was the previous fellowship president. He requested for what I had in those bags and I revealed same as, "my books." He said, "come and see."

O my God! Come and see shelves. Come and see books. All the books I coveted to read were there. Kenyon is what I'm seeing. Look at Haggin peeping at me. What about those big big books? Those are on theology. O Jesus! I've never seen an orthodox minister having much books like this. That's how we knew ourselves. So, I'll come to the vicarage to do vigil with him often. From there, I packed into the vicarage. Like he'll say, "I didn't know how 'Sola got into my house.' Indeed, he didn't because we didn't sit down formally to agree, "tomorrow, I'll pack in." Only that as I came, something about him, the anointing -  Holy Spirit and his words which carry spirit and life)  kept drawing me back until I tore myself from Ijebu Ode and became apprenticed to him.

It was said of Enoch that he walked with God and was not again. That happened to me. As I went back and forth from him, I conclusively and decisively weaned myself to be given away to him and what God would have him do to me. After all, I remembered the Nicopolis instruction and concluded after examination that, "this is it." People (especially the ASFITES I handed over to) were later shocked finding me living with this holy prophet and anointed teacher. Since he was their vicar, I'll follow him to observe his ministration with them once in a month. It was then these students saw their former revered papa carrying the Bible of this holy man in honourable service but what probably might have been labelled a reproach. They wouldn't believe it. All those who would call me papa after the campus order having being the campus president and fellowship's might have thought it diminishing for me to submit to someone who's within our jurisdiction and least of all, an Anglican Priest. Even many Anglicans don't esteem Anglican Priests as authentic. They just believe they're sloppy and undiscerning spiritually. But as all of those students would later come to recon, they knew Oyebode was different. He would teach as if he shouldn't stop. You always want to hear him more. Something ties you to whatsoever he utters. The interest is always there. Deliverance would be ongoing. Demons screaming and fleeing their hidden places. His parting and pathing anointing would make people fall hither and thither while he'll bluntly instruct in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Terrible teacher and prophet.

It must be for a reason like that the then #BishopAyodeleAwosoga of Ijebu Anglican Diocese who's of blessed memory posted him from Waterside to Ijagun to till the land of students and break up their fallow grounds. And he still did in his little years full of striving against forces hell sent against his ministry. I was eyewitness to all as I fought side by side with him in warfare at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Since 2015 till date, I'm still with daddy. His family opened up to me and many children that the star guided to their Bethlehem. What they (the family) ate was what I ate. Nothing hidden, nothing amiss. Mummy Oyebode would ensure any don't miss home in her home. A woman fervent in prayer and spirituality herself. May the Lord bless daddy and mummy Oyebode for #EmmanuelOyebode, #FavourOyebode, #MercyOyebode, #GraceOyebode and all of us.

I call them my siblings because that's who they are. Grace (their last born) one day asked daddy, "is Bro 'Sola our elder brother?" For a little girl of 6 to be asking this, "it means that Bro Sola must have stayed long enough as to have been counted in as one." Am I not one? I am because I have inherited that minister though he yet lives.

Daddy, you're my father. Your oil is on me. The works you do I do. I won't badly repay you. I won't waste all the secret impartations or even the words unverbalized but which I understood. It's the intention of good fathers that their children would double their work.  Elisha requested for the "double portion of Elijah's spirit." He doubled him. Jesus promised His disciples greater works and they did. I'm doubling you as your soul might have blessed me. This oil of yours on me has opened doors unto us to enter Europe, America and Asia. We've already surrounded the Scandinavian nations with our gospel and are progressing. However, I still seek opportunity to come and serve you though I'm in my own destiny land. I long for home to tarry round your grace while you instruct me and others in wisdom. I want to INCREASE LEARNING! I want to wash your car, polish your shoes, wash your handkerchief, accompany you to ministrations, jingle the bell while you sing (which I was first embarrassed doing the first time you said I should) and above all, "see light in your light."

Anglican Students Fellowship, TASUED BRANCH and Ijebu Anglican Diocese obviously know Venerable Johnson Oyebode. He's a worthy man to learn Christ from. You're a righteous man. Your family is blessed having you. I lived with you before concluding that. I saw you well. 

Discipleship is the goal even if you mistaken daddy for an archaic, rugged and demanding minister. He's a successful minister who has produced children after his own kind. Many in ministry today and other spheres of life. May I speak of #OluwabusayomiAdams, #ToluAdams, #AlfredGod's-Gift (Pastor), #TheophilusSeunKhale (Rev) and those ministers I'll like to cover. From your healing anointing that broke the shackles of a mad man, to your teaching anointing that could stay on a verse or run concordance on a singular word to study, to the prophetic that I've seen dived and divine to fetch secrets hidden about people, I covet all. All is what we all your children covets.

Father, as you hit a milestone and celebrate your birthday, may it be "long life and God's salvation." May you be preserved to do more in the body of Christ. May you eat the fruits of your labour and be rewarded to your face. Morning Wings Ministry and I, #OlusolaADEJUMO M'Wings recognize your impact on us and celebrate you as our father. Baba Mi Oyebode!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry.


Friday, 26 August 2022





I Samuel 17:25, KJV

"And the men of Israel said, Have ye seen this man that is come up? surely to defy Israel is he come up: and it shall be, that the man who killeth him, the king will enrich him with great riches, and will give him his daughter, and make his father's house free in Israel."

GOD do put names on assignments. Specific people, specific assignments. Why is it difficult for any to attempt the Goliath project until David shows up? Yet it took forty days. Even the unprepared or yet decided could have decided. The challenge went viral and created a nightmare for all on the battle field yet none could attempt it. Something hidden being the reason is very much there. 

Brethren, if it is for you, God will preserve it for you. There's a place of "none will break rank (Joel 2:7)." As long as you're in peace with God, and in all conscience ready for God's will to be done, you'll always meet it. The Goliath project became "who will bell the cat?" Not at the start when Goliath first came out but after none including Saul could offer himself to go purge Israel of the shame. It was then the king set a price that whosoever purges the shame off Israel shall be greatly rewarded with a wife, riches and his family free from taxing in Israel. You'll still think somebody would be able to attempt it for the coveting of the prize? That even makes it hard. Such price set on Goliath exaggerates his mightiness in the sight of all. So, until David came, they were all in search of one person, "he who will bell the cat." It is not every person that God has given the revelation and conviction to get a task done to. If it doesn't enters your mind at all, it's not even your colony. If it does and it's not clear to you, you can't discharge it. God uses these and many ways to call each of us where He'll like us settle - where He needs men to be beneficial to mankind. All of us can't go and cluster in one profession. We aren't ants. We don't do what sells, we do destiny which has been left in our core or created with us. Each of us would have where God wants us colonize because of God's allocation of assignments and destinies to us. I read of a nineteen years old who created a Block chain that early and even had to drop out of school because he was crazily sought after and couldn't maintain schooling with his job. At nineteen, he's in high esteem like any adult professional. At such age, he was sponsoring an elder brother of his studying overseas and covering multitude of bills which ranges from touring the world on his own to doing jobs and attending great lessons. I coveted having being seriously made like him. God told me, "you're made. Where each of you excels is what is different. While he is being noised in the cryptocurrency, Block chain world, you're finding usefulness in my hands in ministry. It was then I even remembered that I had started earlier like him also and at that age he struck it, I had been going about my Father's business as well very well. However, the mind of anyone could be deceived to say, "what about his fame? Did you have that?" God told me, "some things are reproachful to men. They don't easily win their recognition but as you persist in it, I'll draw all men to myself."

Brethren, God has placed usefulness for each of us somewhere. There's a place where rising and becoming a star is easier for us all. It shows David would be greater than Saul seeing what he began achieving at a tender age than Saul in the same field. It's like where Saul ended it was where David would begin from. No matter how covetous you may be, you can't break rank to go and find value where God destined your friend finds. You may covet what he's becoming, just be careful not to get distracted away from your own area of grace where God has good thoughts for you too. Here's David, it is his to bell the cat. Though he was not brought to battle, neither a soldier, neither given hearing by Eliab nor refined with the latest weapons, he still did the job succinctly. You see, there's a grace for success wherever God tags with us that each of us succeeds. I tell you that if any warrior of Israel had gone to confront Goliath that day, they'll have embalmed his body. What is challenge to those not called to a thing is nothing to the man God destined to get the job done. That cryptocurrency boy can't write the devotional I'm writing also. It ain't his allocation nor his geography. I pray for you that you'll not become a fool wanting to be everywhere. That you won't begin to compare yourself with others because some are finding early obvious achievements. I pray that you'll face front, add diligence to your quarters of calling and see how where you'll be great where you've been placed you'll effortlessly bell your cat. All of us are created for achievement and profit, where and when we'll take it is what is different. If you've began, stay there. David himself didn't stop training with the sling and stone because he saw his brothers using sword. Let God's natural process graduates you. 

PRAYER: Lord, I face front. I receive contentment and commitment. As a man fitted for my task, I submit to discharge to the later. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 16:1-19:29; 1 Corinthians 16:1-24; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 22:1

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