Showing posts with label A Release To Do Your Heart's Affections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Release To Do Your Heart's Affections. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 April 2024





Genesis 49:21, KJV

"Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words."

"If eternity is spent making plans, when will the plan be implemented" says a Yoruba proverb? We can talk all the talks there be but if we refuse to work the works there be, our talks - all of them in their multitude will be regarded as nothing but vain. For that reason, God is coming in power to enable you make your plans realizations. One of the things that shakes the human mind is launching out and starting that which the heart has ruminated on and for long desired. We always tend to see one thousand reasons why it may not work. People around may not act differently but rather fill us with fear of its not succeeding. As such, the inspiration of your heart may be mortified and hanged from coming to pass. On some occasions, some would witness hell unleashed against them. "I will start the building of my house", he has said many times. Only that an invisible force or power is hindering him from ever starting or getting it done. As such, there's constant postponement of heart desire, plan and aspiration. It therefore becomes "tomorrow after tomorrow event and so it goes." Such a vicious cycle is what the Lord is breaking from your life today. You'll therefore receive the power to say it and to fulfill it; the power to start it and even to lay the capstone on its head and see such prospective projects to an end. The Anointing (Holy Spirit) has come to aid you today where personal strength or determination has failed (Zech.4:6-7). 

The Bible verse for teaching says, "Naphtali is a hind let loose..." May I declare on someone that you'll find release at this hour. This is the hour of breakthrough, freedom and release. Anything that has hindered you from living the life of God which your heart so desires are being shattered right now. You're finding release now. Heaven says, "your time is now." Are there chains holding you down and boundaries set for you not to go past? Are you tied somewhere and ordered by a supernatural power not to move forward or know progress? Such are broken through today. I vex your vexation by the authority in the blood of Jesus. Receive your freedom. Catch your liberty. Receive a free flow of the affections of your heart now! Be at peace and be set free from the captivity of hell hindering such.

Captivity may be sickness. Look at Peter's mother-in-law. She has service to give. However, fever wouldn't allow her. Just one declaration of Jesus sets her free. Immediately she was loosened; she was able to give service that immediately. Her usefulness - her heart desire to be useful in God's service immediately found expression (Luke 4:38-39). You too will be loosened from every infirmity, sickness and disease. I cast out any demon strengthening such captivity in your life. I release you by the order of heaven even from addictions tying you down and pulling you into shame that you may not be useful. You must be loosened so that you'll be able to pursue and do what gives you joy, thereby having fulfillment on your heart desires.

Naphtali is a hind let loose. Today, you're finding allowance and free hand to fulfill your affections and heart desires. When Naphtali is set loose, he gives goodly words. If he was never set loose or freed, he couldn't and wouldn't have been able to perform his heart desire or speak words so freely as expected of someone in his liberty and with liberty. God is not loosening you to purposelessness. He is loosening and freeing you for a purpose in mind. That you may be able to live out your purpose and give your own goodly value or service also. What do you believe God sent you here to do that you have been incapacitated till now from getting done? God is getting you through that hindrance. God is setting you free and carrying you through. Today, all children of destiny with mandates and expectations to burst forth shall indeed burst forth. No more restrictions. Your hands shall no longer be tied. You'll no longer be confused. You'll be shown the way and you'll walk in it. A voice is speaking to you right now. You're knowing what next as I speak. Holy Spirit is on your water vibrating and readying it for what is next which has been delayed till hitherto. I declare, "in the name of Jesus, be set loose to give your goodly words, products, essence, value." The world awaits you and your value. You'll give it without any restriction. Receive such liberty, ground, space and occupation to pass your value to the ends of the earth. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for making me a hind set loose. I keep my victory and I will forever walk in it. I act on this victory and live out my desires without restrictions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 12:19-20

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