Showing posts with label Hearing God in hard times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hearing God in hard times. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 August 2022




WHEN SHOULD I LEAVE? - Lead and Feed Series 011

1 Kings 17:7-9, KJV

"7 And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. 8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath..."

There are those who in the course of this teaching have really developed a dependent heart on God and won't want to act except He wills it. Such are sincerely crying, "when should I leave, God?" They could see that something is wrong and that it is not usually like before again; dryness has now taken over and with much coverage like darkness was seen covering the face of the deep (Gen.1: 2). Experiencing first hand such situation this way is now causing a desperate cry in them as to whether they could leave. They want to know. To their minds, since things have become dry and the brook where they're taking their living from is waterless, they should leave. However, they're still here in the court of court to hear from the Shepherd whether or not to leave. 

Elijah wouldn't have left for Zarephath first of all if the brook didn't dry up. Economic recession, bankruptcy or inconsistency of one's workplace etc may be reasons God could leverage on to instruct one to leave. Mind you however, there's no situation that surpasses God. If He brought honey out of the strong (lion) and water out of the desert, it means God could still have you stay in that parched land yet see to your continuity. That's why even at the face of seeing that everything has dwindled down and everybody is leaving (while you seem alone), you must still like Saul of Tarsus ask, "God, what would you have me do (Acts 9:6)?" That's a question of disciples and any who's not wise in his own conceit. Doing this will make God delighted and relevant in your life. He'll see you as one who indeed prioritises Him and really wants to be led to where pasture is and the next event is slated. This means you're not leaning on your own understanding. In such case, you'll always hear a voice instructing you on which way to go.

Even at the discovery of Elijah that it has finished for the brook, he didn't still leave because he had not heard what God would have him do. God could have told him like He told Isaac, "still stay in the land." Isaac sowed in that same famine afflicted land and he reaped hundredfold (Gen. 26:12). God could tell you to still dwell in that economic depressed, war torn, banditry, terrorism, corruption etc afflicted area. He has a thing to bring out of there. God told me some years past, "there's no where that's safe on earth except where I tell you to stay." That's if indeed you know God and do hear Him without falsehood. Canada they say is safe but Nigeria for now is safer for me because God has not changed my location. Nigeria becomes unsafe to indwell the moment God told me to "get down to another place" while I'm still holding back here. So, when can you leave indeed? While dryness and dwindling may be a sign, it is inconclusive. You're not permitted to leave until God comes having researched for you and tested what would be in the future as to instruct you whether to leave or stay. For Elijah, he was to leave because at the observation of the dried brook, God's Word came saying, "get thee to Zarephath." So, I'll say, open your heart to God. Take a humble, desirous heart position which wants to hear from the Shepherd before any action. It is then you can hear a voice behind you. It is then God would give you a dream, vision, trance or spur you by inner witness to action even without praying at times. Many times, I just carry in me a burning desire, one that's aflame over a particular incident. Without any utterance, I'll experience God meeting me. God do meet people. I want you know that and I pray He'll meet you as you chew, contemplate and decide what or what not to do. In your rumination, you'll hear God. He'll come clear and clean for you. Since it's your utmost priority not to move until He has decided for you, He'll come riding on the wings of the cloud to offer you direction to your Bethlehem (house of bread). God's peace I leave with you today. Shalom!

PRAYER: Lord, lead me out of parched land or give me strategy to live on and survive in it. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 3:15-5:13; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40; Psalm 32:1-11; Proverbs 21:5-7

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