Showing posts with label Investment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investment. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 July 2023




GIVE THAT BREAD NOW! - Commanded Series 004

I Kings 17:2-4, KJV

"2 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying 3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. 7 And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land".

Count yourself privileged when called and used. It should be the Christian's exclaim that God has found him for use. For this reason of being demanded for or from by the Almighty, he should carefully open up and give to God as He'll request him to do. If all God created is created for His pleasure, then let's render whatsoever He calls us to for His pleasure. This should be after we have given ourselves - our bodies a living sacrifice to God (Rom. 12:1).

God sent Elijah to Brook Cherith. There, the ravens will expect to find him. God was clear on why He's sending him there. So that he'll drink of the brook as he's fed of the ravens. You can be sure that whatsoever God does is always straight and complete. Not even one is lacking! He has not only availed Elijah bread, He as well made provision for water. I pray for you that your joy shall be complete. Your find and discovery in life will be full to the brim - not lacking one thing.

The brook is God's own. God created it. If the brook ever argues that, it won't argue that the water that makes it a brook is heaven's rain. It is to this 'servant' of God that the Lord sent Elijah with a command that the ravens will bring him bread but that he'll drink from the brook. What a perfect God! May I emphasize that He doesn't do His work partially. Where He sends you is also where He has furnished a table for you. 

Naturally, there's no way the brook could have refused Elijah. It's inanimate. God sent him there to be given drink amidst other reasons. For the time frame he was there, he drank from the brook. Unfortunately however, the brook dried up! His vehicle by which God quenches his thirst and meet his needs just died! What killed the brook? There was no rain. This is the sole fact by which all of us should be warned. What you have, you were given and if God would shut the windows of heaven at you, you'd soon arrive here - where you'll have the testimony of, "and it dried". A fact that's solely crested on the truth that every good and perfect gift that we have comes from above. However, I'm seeing a reason in the fact that we don't know what might happen in the nearest future. For that reason, God will desire you to be of service when you can. We will not always be available. All of us will have our chances to participate or be included in one thing or the other that He's doing however and at a time. What matters is to seize this chance and discharge to our best or as God has given us to discharge. The brook dried but before it was this ended, the brook was a yielded means meeting the need God drawn on it. If the brook were a human being, after it died and passed on, he wouldn't be reminded or ever have the consciousness of ever not being of service when it could. Though it is not human yet we know we are full of testimonies today that both the ravens and the brook as an associate met the needs of Elijah. I am not saying you will die soon. The truth of what I'm showing you is here. 

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2, KJV

"1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. 2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth".

That place assures if you cast your bread upon the waters (even if as an intentional investment and not a give away as the Lord may demand of you as I'm saying) that you'll find it after many days. Then, it goes further to say that you should give a portion to seven and then to many people. Then, it concludes with a reason, "for you don't know what will come upon the earth". The brook couldn't have seen its own end but all of us know it'll dry if heaven remains shut. The brook may be flamboyant and boastful because it is of the fullness of the Creator it has received rain after rain. But just a little witholding of hand dried it up. May I also say we are like the brook in God's hands. We are serving purposes and never forgotten by Him when we are both full or dry. When heaven opens up and gives its rain, did the brook not later partake of it? It obviously does. The moral is this. If God makes a demand on you for whatsoever reason, don't withhold yourself. The reason is because a time, a soon time is coming when you may not be able to will yourself in that direction again. When your brook still has water, offer it up. Give Elijah a drink. That's your service to God and to humanity. The Bible says in John 9:4, "I must work the works of He that sent me while it is day, for night comes when no man can work any longer". If God calls you to be a kingdom fashion designer, model, preacher or even a school teacher; that'll be because God wants to use you to meet the needs that He has seen. The brook and the ravens didn't give the same thing to Elijah but it was to the same end - to sustain and keep him alive. Irrespective of your field or calling, you'll be fulfilling God's will there. If He has come this early for you, go and be of service in that profession. Even nowadays, age limit is set in some professions. Except at your age God is calling you there; if you're over age, all the doors will remain shut at you. But I tell you, while your brook still have water, let it give a drink to the commanded especially. This is kingdom admnistering. Mind you, the fellow sent to you may not be a minister of God. However, whomsoever God will say you should adopt, like sending an orphan to school, kindly do. Your brook may not even dry but by the time you come to obey God, you may be shocked that that same child has found adoption and support in another commanded vessel who obeyed promptly. So, what I have, I'll give especially once I ascertain that it's the Lord's doing and His sent that stands before me. I'm a tool in His hands and I believe, so you are.

PRAYER: Lord, may I be of full service while I may. May this remembrance be in me that of Your fullness and from You comes all I have. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40; Acts 27:1-20; Psalm 7:1-17; Proverbs 18:22

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Thursday, 19 January 2023




YOU MAY BEGIN TO BE IN WANT - Violator Series 001

Read Luke 15:11-14

Luke 15:14, KJV  

"And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want."

The truth is that you can actually begin to be in want. You may set out being full but you might have been emptied and so much spent that you arrive at a place (where you shouldn't have gotten to) where you begin to be "in want."

God may not intend that you run down or descend to the valley of want or need but that's not dependent on God but you. Today, my Father - the One who anointed my head with oil and consequently makes my cup run over wants me ask you how good an economic manager you are. God told me, "I will do mine and I have done mine for many people. I will give you this life's investment at a season. Line will fall in place for you in good places and you'll have a good heritage or inheritance. What will be divided you will be tangibilities. You'll have gathered something. I'll indeed make you a caretaker of something." If you read today's passage, you'll see that the father in that parable who's God invested portions to his two sons. It only seems obvious he gave to one but it was his two sons he gave to. However, the Bible recorded that 'last-last' or at the end that the travelling boy began to be in need. 

The question should be "how, why, what road led him there?" Is this not the boy who started out full? Is he not the fellow that asked the father for his portion and was divided his? This was the young man who while leaving home left with much more than he could ever spend or use. So, what could have gone amiss and why did we have an unfortunate report about him that, "and he began to be in want." Though he has been made a financial manager who custodies millions, yet he came to that concluded end and did so hurriedly because he lived riotously. There's a way that seems right to one but whose end is destruction. There's a way to live and a way not to live. Either way you live is living to work some principles or laws that can't but see you to a conclusion - good or bad.  The way this young man chose to live quickly descended and lowered him down to poverty. Hear what the Bible testifies about him. 

Luke 15:13, KJV

"And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living."

"and WHERE wasted his substance with riotous living?" And there (the far country he had travelled to) wasted his substance with riotous living. What ended him and let him down isn't that he was not bestowed with ensuring wealth. He was well bestowed and furnished for the journey and any life he might chooses to live thereafter. What ended him was that, "he was not a good economic manager." He spent riotously. He spent as a spendthrift. He spent with the notion, "it'll always reproduce itself and I'll always have another" This ain't strategic sowing or investment he did that would have made him see his meat upon the waters even after many days. This is spending on harlots and pretending friends who get attracted because of his vast wealth. That's why after he has made an end of spending all he set out with, he was left alone. If they were right friends, they'll raise him up. But he was left to raise himself up. 

Brethren, don't complain of ever going down or ending like this waster if when you're in your abundant season, you take no thought on how to commission money to serve you for the days you don't yet know. If you're an eat-it-all like this prodigal son, even if you've been invested with much, you may soon feel empty, run on low battery economically and begin to be in want. "To begin to be in want" is just to have begun to taste poverty. I pray for you that God will open your reason and make you understand dangers of riotous living so that you'll be jolted out of wastage and consequences of wastage. 

PRAYER: I receive a fresh baptism and skillfulness in wealth management and administration.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 39:1-41:16; Matthew 12:46-13:23; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 3:33-35

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