Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 December 2023





John 14:1-3, KJV 

"1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

These verses above is the calling of firstborns and all forerunners. Are you wondering how? Then, let's pick it today. 

Jesus told His disciples to be settled at heart and not sorrow because of His soon ascension back to heaven. We all know that Jesus later ascended to heaven and He's currently seated at the right hand of God the Almighty (Acts 1:8-9, Acts 7:55-56, Rom. 8:34, Mark 14:62). However, while Jesus nears departure and the eventual separation from these disciples with who He has related and come a long way, He assures their hearts of no loss. He consoles them to believe in God (His Father and in Him, the sent Son). He gave reasons for that. He told them His departure is to an end - to go to prepare a place for them in heaven. 

This is the mandate, calling and what should be the goal or heart desire of firstborns and forerunners. Their thinking, mindset and thirst should be to arrive, survive the land and prepare for others' arrival. Firstborns are a kind of apostle. They are sent forth to walk a road before many and open it up for others for easy walk. There are two types of thinking. Terminative Thinking and Generational Thinking. Terminative thinking is the one that makes a man reach his high place and forget those behind. Such man let his blessing stop with himself. He invites no one to come to where he is. He prepares or furnishes no room for anyone. He rather boasts of being the only favoured and blessed. However, Jesus thinks differently. His Father thinks differently as well. The thinking is that Jesus will arrive to prepare a place for these Apostles of the Lamb and to us all by extension. It's really a great thought when someone makes preparation for your coming. It shows love and the greatest concern in any heart. 

However as Jesus departs, He encourages them not to feel lonely or manifest a sense of loss. You'll understand this better if you're from a family where one of you travels abroad amidst many siblings with many weepings and sorrowing of heart. Imagine that one now telling others not to sorrow but believe that his departure is to your greatest good and that his departure is to go and prepare a place for you abroad so that you can as well come to where he is (or going). Imagine that! Isn't that good thought? Isn't that thought of welfare, to give you a hope and a future?

Just like a Father wouldn't forlorn his kids or a mother forsakes them, Jesus speaks as He that understands human relationship. He speaks to tell them it's for their good. His going is to go prepare a place for them. So, that'll create an expectation in their hearts. It'll change their living. As they live, they'll have a heart that they'll one day be where He is or He has gone. So, they'll live ready in anticipation. 

Firstborns and all forerunners, hear me today. Your being first isn't a mistake at all. You may or may not be first biologically; you may be last born but first because you're the most prospered man in your caste. In this way, you're the first born - the one God has sent ahead of others that He'll need you to provide for. No one rises alone. Your rising is the rising and breakthrough of some people and you should let it suffice that way. Don't waste grace, resources or God's investment. God will actually give you more than you need. He'll locate you amidst plenty resources and that won't be because He wants you to become a pool but rather a channel through which others can be prepared for. No wonder, Jesus speaks of the abundance and unlimitedness in His Father's house. He says, "in my Father's house are many mansions..." Many mansions means many properties. Each of us will have ours. Imagine you in your property or possession. Imagine you being a landlord!

Then Jesus says, "if it were not so, He would have told them". That means He was saying, "I am not lying. I am telling you the truth. There's abundance and green pastures where I'm going and my intention is to bring you there." Jesus says, "I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also". That's contextually referring to rapture anyway (Matt. 26:64). 

This is no selfishness at all. He confesses His intention and goal which is to go and prepare a place for us so that we may be where He has gone. Many people don't have Jesus' mind at all. Where they are, they don't want other people to come there let alone get there. Heights, positions, offices and graces they have attained, they don't plan that others attain it. They'll prefer them wrecked, slain and destroyed. However, Jesus has good intention and plans for His disciples. He said, "you're not in darkness and you know where I'm going and that He'll come back to receive them all unto Himself that where He is, they (including we) may be also". 

Brethren, the anointing is on me. I want to declare on people. Is there someone who's up there that you admire? I declare concerning you today that where they are, you will be. I pray that men shall remember you and call you to come up hither. One day, I was meditating on how people were moving. However, the Lord told me, "don't worry. Anyone who has gone ahead is sent before you - to call you hither and open doors to you". So, there can't be strife from me against them. I can only pray for them until my word comes from the Lord and I'm granted release and called to the palace. Anyone who rises rise for your sake. See it that way. You won't have to force remembrance. It'll just happen. People will set out good plans and intentions for you - that where they are you may be also. This shall not miss you. 

PRAYER: Lord, I'm seated with You in heavenly places. I'm where you are and I rule over principalities and powers. Lord, I want to be where my role model or mentor  (mention him or her) is. I'm remembered!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Micah 1:1-4:13; Revelation 6:1-17; Psalm 134:1-3; Proverbs 30:1-4

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Sunday, 30 July 2023




Long Life and God's Salvation Oreoluwa ADEJUMO (M'Wings)


Mark 11:1, KJV

"1 ...he sendeth forth two of his disciples, 2 And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him. 3 And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither".

I looked at Jesus and I resorted at a man who lived the ordained and the predestined life. How I pray that our feet will all meet with the pre-planned of God. May you not go astray or wander off God's ready made plans. May you rather fit into it to the praise of He who has called and chosen you. 

Jesus enjoyed a lot. This verse contains one of the special privileges Jesus had. Such a prophetic life. It is said and discovered to be so. Jesus put two disciples on errand to the end that they might fetch Him a colt. It's time to ride triumphantly into Jerusalem. Everything is timed. He gives the address and even sees into the future that they'll be questioned as to what purpose they need the colt for. So, in taking thought for them, He told them what response to give when asked who ordered them to loose the colt. 

You see, that's another thing that amazes me. How did He know they'll face the probing of men? Obviously, that's the operation of Word of Knowledge. It's the manifestation of revelation. Roads unwalked would just be clear to you. Paths untrodden would lay bare before you. You'll just know (not by yourself) but of God. As the attempt to fetch the colt begins, a group questions them if they knew what they were doing. Their response was, "the Lord has need of it". It's this answer that satiates. It's this answer that settles all. Meanwhile, though these two disciples were commanded disciples and the people they met were as well commanded yet, they were tried. So, should we say they were not in the first place commanded by God? No. They were commanded by God and have been put under command since those two disciples received that instruction to go untie that colt. Meanwhile, one understanding is being supplied to us here. It is the measure that sieves truth from falsehood. That measure has been put in place so that many people won't perpetrate evil successfully in the name of God without being found out and stopped. Imagine if when they asked who sent you them, they had said, "Pilate or one of the big names", what do you think would have happened? Those ones wouldn't have agreed that they untie it let alone go with it. The instruction they had received is that, "the Lord has need of it" and on that note, when He comes for it (irrespective of who He send) it should be released to Him. That's why you'll be a failure if you deliver the captive of the oppressor and you were asked and you said, you did. Only God does. 

These disciples faced a query, a panel though God had spoken to them in truth and in deed. They still needed to be checked, probed and proven. At day's end, it was clear that they were as well the commanded to the commanded. While God has put men under obligation for them, yet those men had to prove them if they were as well ones sent to them. As such, I say nothing is wrong if you propose to a sister and she says not me. If you're sure of who spoke to you, go and meet Him. He'll speak and bend the knee of that sister for you. It is only when people are doing trial and error and they miss it that they'll say God does not work. Did He lead or guide you to someone or you're trying to slate a meet and pitch a relationship with someone? If you miss it, admit you miss it. Repent of having said you were formerly led. Rebuke the spirit of error. Have your conscience repaired and wait on God for who He will send you to. The mark that it is the Lord's doing is that when you appear, you have a word for that person and the fellow has a word in return for you. It is when you both click and enter each other this way that the Lord has spoken to both of you to and fro and sent you to each other to and fro. This test filters away for us those God didn't send but who wants to take what God has prepared and He's reserving for His own beloved. God forbid! You'll be discovered and rebuked once. That someone is the commanded doesn't mean he won't check you out. If God sends your church to go and meet a driver who He has spoken to who will avail your church his bus for a week of mission and evangelism. Don't you think God in His wisdom would have given that man a sign as well as yourself so that when both of you meet, there'll be agreement that you're for each other. Why won't God do that since He's not the author of confusion? That's the clarity. It is the measure that rather solidify our faith in this act and practice that if God commands someone for your sake, they shall after all surrender to the will of God. They may check things out, they may want to know who sent you and question the authenticity of your appearing and coming. However, it shall be unto you as afore said to you by God and as predicted by the words of His mouth. Keep your calm. Be assured that they shall obey if it's God. What we must prove is, "is it God?"

PRAYER: I receive patient spirit to tarry to hear God before my feet runs any errand.. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21; Romans 11:13-36; Psalm 22:1-18; Proverbs 20:7

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FOR THE LORD SUSTAINS YOU: Thanking The Lord For The Life Of Oreoluwa ADEJUMO, M'Wings

FOR THE LORD SUSTAINS YOU: Thanking The Lord For The Life Of Oreoluwa ADEJUMO, M'Wings

I heard in my spirit, "for the Lord sustains you". I knew not what to say or preach or bring as a definite reason for thanksgiving (on your behalf) until I heard, "for the Lord sustains you". 

Of a truth, it's the Lord who has sustained you. Same has sustained all of us also but in particular (as today 30/07/23 is your birthday), it fits to see specifically why you're the favoured one who the Lord has particularly sustained. 

People and well-wishers with us, what does the Bible say concerning Oreoluwa and how the Lord has been her sustainer till now? See this Bible verse with me.

Psalms 3:5, KJV

"I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me".

Did we all read that? Once more, echo to me what it says specifically as it addresses Oreoluwa who we're celebrating today? It says, "she laid down and slept; she wakes; for the Lord sustains her". First thing first. That place says, "you lie down and sleep..." Let that portion suffice us for now. When that place says, "you (Oreoluwa) laid down and slept", it is referring and reminding you of your daily laying down or going to bed. Oreoluwa, I'll like you try to count how many times you have gone to bed since you have been born. I want to see whether it is countable and rememberable.

(We may be laughing already)...

If I'll join the other part of that verse to it, it'll read, "you (Oreoluwa) lay down and sleep; you wake up because the Lord sustains you". On daily basis that you have travelled into the dream world, sleeping, resting, taking a nap and being inactive (unlike being awake), that place brings to our remembrance one major thing that the Lord has carefully, selectively and proudly done for you. It is that, "He sustains you". Oreoluwa, God is bringing one thing to you. It is that, "I want you to see that I am the One who sustains you". It is just like He says of being the One who heals you (and consequently us or all of us). 

So, you ought esteem and see the importance of having been kept on this journey of laying down to sleep and waking up thereafter (to and fro) for these long years. It is this recognition that can and will fill you with gratitude for being alive today. Yes, the gratitude to fall before God and acknowledge Him as your sole keeper and sustainer.

No one has given you the hope of a new day to see the sunlight and participate in the business of our world if not this God. So, He's solely claiming right, praise, esteem for having been your keeper, watcher and sustainer. And let's be sincere, you ought acknowledge Him so. All of us who are well wishers ought acknowledge Him so in our lives too. Don't give - in any way; don't mistakenly give praise in any way to any one, thing or factor for having been responsible for your sustainance. They're not capable. Nothing is enough and has been given that ability to sustain man daily in this life. It is rather His Creator's to see to or cease from! Not any man's. Believe me. 

If you were living in Japan which has the highest life expectancy in the world, their government and welfare put together is far less to be given the credit of having sustained you when you sleep and then wakes up. No! It ain't any good government. So, I'll say none of us here, including my wife, the celebrant should make the mistake of ever u-turning praise and usurping God's glory by giving it to another standing or existing entity. I can tell you from having known God and His fear that that'll be the death of that entity in particular. Funny enough, God may spare the one who wrongly attributes the honour of sustainance to another but that other one (who the honour is being given to and who receives it without knowing God to attribute it to) shall die. To be acquitted before God and His host, let me quickly confess that though I am your husband, I am not the one and I have not been the one who has been sustaining you. If anybody is now here who will see it wise to claim God's gold of having being your sustainer (whether they be father, mother, sibling, boss, doctor, personal nurse, friend) etc, let them go ahead. However, I, Olusola ADEJUMO M'Wings have saved my own head. Heaven is my witness and all of you reading are.

You know one aged song that we used to sing in primary school occurs to me now. That song summarily briefs God's sustaining work over you. It says:

"Every day and every night

Angels are keeping watch over us

All day and all night

Angels are keeping watch over us".

It is this sustaining work the Lord did and persistently does as the years roll and turn and as the cycle continues that has made each and everyone of us here today to still be relating with you as a living soul. Let me quickly stop here to discharge the burden for prayer in my heart. I'm soaked with a particular burden for prayer. Say with me everyone: "may I not stop enjoying God's sustainance". There's no one who they say dies untimely that it's not because he lacks sustainance for that day. Sustainance is like daily bread that we gather from God. Each day's sustainance must be given us by Him. It's still give us today our daily bread.  That's what we live on. That's what we enjoy. So, I pray for you that you shall not stop knowing God's sustainance. You have known it today; you shall know it tomorrow and shall continually know it until it could be said of you that you discharge and serve the will of God in your generation and then sleeps (Acts 13:36).

What a thing that a man can go to bed and in the hope of being sustained make plans for tomorrow!

What are plans if not that the Lord sustains you? Plans can't execute themselves. They need the planner, a human being (who derives his breath (araulah) from God and also takes his being from God to give them meaning by execution. Just like we're useless without God and His daily sustainance, so are plans useless without us. They can't execute themselves. But I thank God for you that even when you sleep, you always wake up (and that's obviously because the Lord sustains you). We can't rob God of what He does. We have to give Him the works of His hands and let His work praise Him at the gate. 

Look at me people and all our well wishers. God wants to empower you. God is saying I should tell you that He wants to empower you and arm you against death. You may be curious, already at your chair's edge or on tip toe seeking to understand how God wants to do that.  That's praise worthy!

God says I should tell you that, "when you go, you will come. When you sleep; you will wake". He's saying He'll keep your to and fro (not only in real life journeys as the cycle of life goes) but even in your travels while asleep. Accidents do happen even in sleep-travels but God is saying, you'll always have safe journeys. He's assuring that He has given you the power to lay down and wake up and because He has given you that franchise or power to lay down and wake up, no one anywhere (including spirits) can gang up to say, 'no more fuel of sustainance for you". They just can't terminate you. Some passages of the Bible are flooding me now. 

One, a king stretched his hand against a prophet with a proclaimation to seize him. Immediately, the Bible records that hand withers and could not be retracted. 

1 Kings 13:4, KJV

"And it came to pass, when king Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God, which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the altar, saying, Lay hold on him. And his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him".

Note, "so that he could not pull it again to himself". That's a big trouble and frustration that he couldn't bring back what he willingly sent and stretched out. Kai! I pray for you that you will not be denied the ability to take up what you have willingly laid down. When you sleep, I declare again and again, you shall always recover back to the land of the living.

The power word I want to use is the fact that "he stretched it out (he went, he slept) but he couldn't retract it back (return or wake to life again). Why? The ability to go (to sleep) was exercised freely by him but the more or greater power to return (wake up as fit our discussion) was denied him. 

On this note, I am proclaming upon you that you shall be granted daily and as at now you have been granted by God the ability not only to LAY IT DOWN but to TAKE IT UP.

Jesus while speaking to His disciples also secretly addresses death (though not present with them there) not to glory over Him at all. He said it as a pro and one with heaven's revelation. He knows of a surety that no one could cut His life short since the FATHER has not given it to them. So, He tells death (knowing He'll also soon have to lay it down - die)  to keep shut and watch it because... He has been given the right to lay it down and then pick it up. Of Himself, He exercises control over His very life. What a thing! Don't you like that franchise? Won't you like God to give you that?

John 10:17-18, KJV

"17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father".

Look at trouble staring at us (lol). Jesus says He has power to lay it down and to take it again. That's the power that other king lacked. That's the same power God is giving you today.

The power to go and come even in your sleep-journeys and outings. You can't be killed. Because of a surety, you must live on. You must go and come; sleep and wake. You have the power now but however you can give yourself away. You're the only one who can give yourself away. Watch your mouth people! And let me tell you, laying it down is not as important as picking it up indeed. Going is not as important as returning. Stretching is lesser than retracting. So, it's not important that you sleep or journey, you must wake and always return.

I told you Jesus spoke as a pro. He knows definitive things about Himself. Imagine Him saying, "no man can take His life..." and then concluding with, "this commandment I have received of My Father". Eeeh! Imagine God signing a contract with you that no one could kill you! It means God, the Father fully gave the exercising of right to Jesus on His own life. What a thing! He has the power to lay it down and then take it up. May that power prove for you on daily basis.

On this basis, I say thank God for being your sustainer on daily basis as you sleep, wake, grow, glow and go. 

Meanwhile, "I sleep and wake up" as used in that Psalm also is used to denote our day in, day out living and how it has been the Lord who has been sustaining us in that to and fro living, journey, repeated cycle and repeated habit of our life. 

May the God of yesterday (who sustained you) prove Himself as the God of days to come(that you yet haven't seen). Do you know my prayer for you dear? It's that you'll have the testimony of David. What was his testimony?

1 Samuel 17:37

"David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me from the paw of the lion, and from the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee".

David acknowledged that the God of ages past in his life is as well and will be the God of years to come. That's your testimony. You've seen today (because the Lord sustains you), you'll see tomorrow (because He'll yet sustain you). You'll be able to look back in retrospect and summon assurance to defy the future, its posers and challenges and gory over it all in victory. Look, you have seen tomorrow. That commandment you have also received of your Father!

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812

Sunday, 23 July 2023





Judges 7:9-11, KJV

"9 And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand. 10 But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah thy servant down to the host: 11 And thou shalt hear what they say; and afterward shall thine hands be strengthened to go down unto the host. Then went he down with Phurah his servant unto the outside of the armed men that were in the host".

Hmmmm! What a God! What a thing! What a leading! What a divine moment! What a divine precipitation! Brethren, I like to speak nothing else today than God's great and miraculous acts. This event here is one of them. I'm just amazed and again amazed at how God could draw a line here that'll meet with another there. That's why prophecy amazes me. Prophecy is one thing that even when under debates must find pathway for its own fulfilment. You can't roadblock it. If God's mouth says it, it must be it. And if you'll like to hear, many leadings with the instructions given with them are just prophecies seeking expression. 

How do you explain this? God leaned Gideon and his men down to a few 300. He did this so at victory there won't be any claim of whose the glory should be. This must have consequently made Gideon very doubtful and scared. How could we conquer by 300? Human resources is one of the things needed to win battles. God sees this and it reveals in His word to him: "but if you are afraid to go, go down to the host first". God wants us operate from faith and not fear. As we walk with Him, He wants us to do so in a strong believe but Gideon is far from this status. So, God decides to take him on a journey of experimentation where he could see things for himself. But before then, God told him he'll hear them saying something and by that, he'll be strengthened. Obviously, God knows what those would say but He intentionally kept it back from Gideon. He wanted Gideon to discover how great He is so much more that He won't need proofs any other time before he acts on His demands. So, what happens on reaching the edge of the enemy's camp?

Judges 7:13, KJV

"13 And when Gideon was come, behold, there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and, lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along. 14 And his fellow answered and said, This is nothing else save the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel: for into his hand hath God delivered Midian, and all the host. 15 And it was so, when Gideon heard the telling of the dream, and the interpretation thereof, that he worshipped, and returned into the host of Israel, and said, Arise; for the LORD hath delivered into your hand the host of Midian". 

Look at Gideon's expression when he heard the thing being said. He worshipped God. That's the height of how he could say, "thank you Lord. When you say it, you always do it". He was full of awe. He probably had not seen this anywhere in his life. However, let's turn our attention elsewhere. Let's consider the works God does to ensure Gideon met it just as He had said. 

First of all, God had to give a dream to one of the enemy's soldiers. Then, God ordains that the arrival of Gideon would be timed to the communication and interpretation of that dream. God solely does this. That's the divine coincidence in that event. It was God who slates the meeting of both Gideon and these two men. While Gideon is on a mission and he knows for which reason he has gone out, these two men are just taking-over and found tools in God's hands. He gave one the dream and he gave another the interpretation. That's all Gideon needed to hear and it happened right on time. Gideon didn't delay in arrival and if he had delayed in arrival, God also must have delayed these two's interaction until they could serve into his hands. 

People of God, there's no length God can't go to fulfill His words. As a matter of fact, one of the things we should all be afraid of is prophetic word being spoken against us. Rather, we should endeavour that it'll be spoken for us. Once spoken, it is like a flood of water that'll eventually find its own path. Even if there was no ready made path, wherever it turns (even if there is resistance), it would make its own path. How do you explain the fact that while Joseph's brothers were trying to eliminate him, they were actually sending him on divine mission and furthering the dreams they wanted unfulfilled? You see, God only used them as tools. God keeps winning over Satan in our day to day encounters. Satan would plot this and God in the wisdom that Satan couldn't see would overthrow it. 

Brethren, God is in charge. He is taking thought for you and you'll see that some men will soon come under command to be used for that purpose for you. When God moves, the whole earth stands still, awaiting to receive what instruction He'll next give. It is His given instruction that plays out in His will (that must triumph) that everybody plays out. Gideon is a part player and those two soldiers are. According to ordainment, they must speak when he could hear and that was when they did. They didn't speak before or after arrival. They were slated to play their roles and when it pleases God to press "play", the dreamer is relieved from where he had been paused to begin to talk. We may also thank God for how God guided Gideon to that camp and to the specific people who had the words he needed to hear with them. Why didn't he arrive elsewhere at the at that camp and not where his word is? I'm thinking he should have gotten lost. God planned it however. Everything to the latter. Because God is involved, Gideon was guided to go in the direction where he could only find those two. Indeed, where he chose to go is where they too were. This is God's doing and it's marvellous in our sight. Unless we question why some things happen the way they are, we may not believe this reality and not regard them as booked acts that are slated to happen. Until you question why it was at forty years it now occured to Moses to visit his brethren and not any other time, you may not understand that events are usually slated and even for a time (Acts 7:23). Some things will not happen to you at any other time but at a specific chosen time. Those of you who are from ancestries where negative flows and Satanic influences are in operation would agree if researched that it is the age your father made a misstep you also made a misstep. Why, that's a cycle in operation. It has rebirthed itself over you. 

But I pray that every negation slated to evolve like a time bomb in your nearest future, let them be disarmed. May God frustrate and render powerless all dates and meets of the future that you must not keep appointment with. However, you'll be on time for divine meets and dates. As you go, divine coincidence will happen for you. Your feet will be guided to where events critical to your winning in life and fulfilling purpose shall be achieved. You won't go in vain. When you go, scheduled meetings and divine appointments are rather what you'll meet and keep. So shall it be.

PRAYER: God, send me to those with my words and divine resources. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19; Romans 8:9-25; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 19:26

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Friday, 23 June 2023


FRIDAY - 23RD JUNE, 2023



Exodus 2:11, KJV

"And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren".

When you're a man, you engage reason deeply and act differently. Purposelesness can't fret a man like when he was a child. Manhood comes with its own given vision. It imparts on you some understanding either gathered by years of experience or granted you by divine revelation. The Bible says, "when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (1 Corinthians 13:11, KJV). This act of putting away childish things could occur by those two reasons I had afore given above. However, major is the fact that what puts it away is actually one's becoming of a man itself. There's an age of manhood or maturity when it's a curse continuing in childish things. It is specifically of purpose rather. It is also the age or let's say time of discovery in your life. Once you enter that zone, you'll see that the thoughts of your head would suddenly become different. There'll be a mind and thinking shift. Jesus Christ our Master realized himself at twelve. He said, "wouldn't you that I must be about my Father's business." He entered and got admission into purpose at a level at twelve and into a level of destiny and ultimate purpose at about thirty when he began his public ministry (Lk. 2:42,49 & Lk.3:23). Paul says, "but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Simply put, if any one hasn't put away childish things, it's because he has not grown up. Nobody instructs an adult on giving up childish things. He'll just see they don't fit him any longer. He'll observe persistence in childish things would bring him ridicule and reduction. Like a clothe that you've outgrown, he'll just be forced to give it out. He'll drop all behind with, "they don't fit me any longer." As he's being weaned from childish things, you can be sure some will still continue in childish things and that's basically because their own time to be weaned hasn't come yet. Until they also become men, they can't shed off childish things. Time and a season you'll enter into will wean you. As I was clocking a particular year (a landmark) in my life some times ago, I found out that the thoughts of my head tilted towards a direction like never before. Also, I had a divinely granted revelation of what to do and how to do it to possess the future. I came to reckon that I had never thought or caught with intensity such burdens like I did for a period of six months to that my landmark birthday. Like I told my wife and those around me, I just had flooded insights and understanding into many things. It was so strong that all the things I taught during that period bore the mark of those divinely granted revelations. I have never appreciated God than I did that time. I kept writing and writing and keeping a record of His thoughts of welfare to me. So, I am a living testimony to the fact that there are understanding you'll never have until you hit an age or become a man. God fixes that we see and catch some things at a particular age so that we might run with it. That's because the one caught at a stage is the prerequisite for entering and qualifying for another stage. If you miss a stage's, progression may be hindered.  

Moses, when he was grown up went out not to sight see or look like before but to do one thing - look on the burdens of his brethren. At this time, he already claims identification with the Hebrews though an Egyptian in outlook. He knows these are my brethren and he has now suddenly become concerned for them. The Bible didn't leave us to guess what his age was. We can bear he's forty at this time. 

Acts 7:23, KJV

"And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel".

At full forty years, imagine that, Moses was said to have grown and have become a man. At forty unlike any other time in his life, it came into his heart to make a visit to his brethren, the children of Israel. Let me ask you, "when did this act he did occur to him?" At forty right? At a definite age. That tells me some things will never occur to you until you hit a particular age. Go and read books and have hands laid on you; you just can't miss this being your lot also. You must come to a particular age before some revelation, understanding, hows will begin to be clear to you. You couldn't have gathered it earlier even if you had tried. All of us have human limitations. Our mind can go far but not farther. What takes our mind farther are the divinely allowed thoughts that penetrates us but this specific thought will come by time and at a specific moment. Your friend might be operating in his own divinely granted revelation but you may not for now. You may even be of the same age but for some reasons, he might have entered this season when things are allowed of God to come or occur to him for proper action. This is what makes our act different from billions of people on the earth's  surface. The understanding and the unheard voices we heard made it so. So Moses makes a journey to check on the children of Israel. He looks on their burden and sympathized with them. What you must know is that this is untypical of Moses to do. He has never done a thing like this. He had never stepped out for the sole purpose of beholding their burdens even if he had been out some couple of occasions before. I'm sure that won't be the first time he'll be going out. However, at afore times, immaturity or lack of revelation (intentionally denied him) might have made him not develop such kind of thought or reason to even go check on the burdens of his brethren. However, when the time fully came, he couldn't forbear. He went out like a man driven to action. Indeed, that was what happened to him. The question God is giving me to ask you is that when your own time came when things began to come to your heart from God on what to do, what did you do in that time and with the communicated information? Some wasted it. They didn't see it as any different and so destiny and great life bypassed them. Now, they're accusing God of blessing a compatriot and not turning in their direction. But you once had your moment of divine revelation when divinely allowed thoughts on what action and life to lead came to you. How did you squander it? Who bewitched you? However, when a fellow  becomes a man, he puts away childish things necessarily. What comes to our heart to do which we do is what either makes us a man or reveals us continuously as a child. The mark that Moses has put away childish things is revealed in what his burden is. He became so purposeful at forty that he even killed an Egyptian for an Hebrew. According to Stephen, he thought his brethren would understand that their deliverance has come by his hands (Acts 7:25). 

When you're a man and you attain the age or time or moment of divinely granted revelation, you will put away childish things. Yes, by yourself. Just by yourself. What you ask for or aim at would receive a turn around so much more that parents or overseers over you who have known you for frivolities in times past would wonder at your new life. What we should pray for is that we'll be brought into such moment of deep revelation on time or at our time. It must not be delayed on you at all. The reason is so that we can staunch foolishness on time and begin to work purpose and righteousness - the very works of He that calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light. The night is far spent and this isn't time again to begin to dilly-dally. You can henceforth turn around and let your new phase be marked by new acts which are products of growth, knowledge gathered and revelation/understanding divinely granted you. While a Moses might have been mindful of the throne for years, while he might have proudly called himself the daughter of Pharaoh's daughter till his year forty; yet all drastically changed and got balled out as he entered his year of revelation. He receives a perfect understanding and acts in correspondence of that. He becomes willing to be identified and to suffer affliction with God's people rather than the fleeting pleasure of palace life (Heb.11:24-26). Priority changed. What interests him has become all new. Moses has therefore become a new man himself. A man who can now direct his energy somewhere God could reckon with or leverage on later. May time not therefore pass you over without the corresponding wisdom it imparts. If not, you'll never be prepared for the years ahead. May you be ushered into your moment of divinely granted revelation. Let things come to your mind to do. Receive lamps and new understanding on where to go, who to join, who to remove, what to buy, what not to eat and how to live. I say once more, let God ordain you a lamp. Let things begin to come to your heart. May your steps therefore be steps of divine wisdom and of divinely granted thoughts. 

PRAYER: Lord God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, let the summer of dryness pass over me. Open your windows and floodgates of heaven and grant me divine revelations. Cause me to see and hear from you.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 3:1-4:17; Acts 14:8-28; Psalm 140:1-13; Proverbs 17:22

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