Showing posts with label Joseph The Hebrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph The Hebrew. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 September 2023





Genesis 40:15, KJV

"For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon".

Do you have a destiny? Do you by faith believe that the thought God has towards you is thought of good [of welfare] and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future? If you do, you'll do well. It'll make you see God in the right light as He who has your best in mind and who can't compromise that irrespective of what you face. It'll make you succumb rightly and attitudinally to his refining furnace when you're taken through one. If you know that Canaan is truly before you, you wouldn't mind the difficulty of the wilderness if your journey is necessitated to be mapped through it. Your eyes will just be on the prize - that lies at the great beyond and on the other side. 

God can lead you or He guides you. Leading and guidance are two realities. Many times, both are in the journey of a destined man. God only communicated to Joseph his great end. That was the interesting part. Joseph wouldn't stop telling his brethren and father his great future. It looks so good to him. No wonder, the Bible says we have exceeding great and precious promises (II Pet. 1:4). Knowing creates joy in any no doubt.  

Seeing he'll become a fellow so great as to be worshipped or bowed down to, that stirs him into joy and lightens his face. He was just speaking all around and to any who'll care to listen. But God is committed to moving beyond the disclosure of your future to you. Where the real deal lies is in its fulfilment and that's the joy anyone should seek to experience. We can talk of a bright future till tomorrow but if you don't enter into it, it'll have been a mirage glory. How then will you be satisfied early with God's mercy that you have long awaited for all these years?

So, God transplants Joseph from the base of the Hebrews to Egypt. God didn't seek his permission. God didn't notify him. All he had were dreams of an expected end but he was not shown the process and road to walk to possess that expected end. In Joseph's word above, "I was stolen out of the land of the Hebrews..." That's how God sent him on the journey of destiny fulfilment. Let me tell you something. God is not committed to your comfort that doesn't get your destiny or reason for creation fulfilled. God is committed to 'keeping your nigga boy running'. He's committed to putting you on the run. He's committed to your travelling and your path and your destiny crossing. That's what He's committed to and so the ways by which He may do that may at times be shocking to an ordinary mind. It might puzzles us. Imagine Joseph himself saying, "he was stolen out of the land of the Hebrews". He was almost if not outrightly blaming that! Indeed, he was stolen out of the land of the Hebrews but to what end? Was it not to an end that he might fulfill his dreams? Was it not to an end that the pictures, motion pictures and revelation he had seen abstractly would be fulfilled? Was it not to an end that what he has confessed in front of many witnesses would align with what would take place so that he won't be mocked or taken for a mere babbler? If he had seen all, he wouldn't have spoken that way and blamed the process by which God launched him out. Write it down in capital letters. God is not committed to your comfort but your movement to destination and he'll keep you moving until the day dawns and arrival is made.

So, whenever you pray saying, "God, let me achieve my dreams", you should leave the process in God's hands. He could fling you anywhere and by any means! You should be that humble. It's God who uses providence to bring Joseph to Egypt. I am telling you the truth, Jacob would not have released a seventeen years old to have gone to a foreign land let alone be sold into slavery. If God had consulted himself or even Joseph, that process would never sound reasonable or workable to them. So, the process is in God's hands. Trust Him as the Father with numerous good thoughts for you who can't mishaps you. What matters is your arrival and may you arrive. May God keep moving you with His hands and in the waters of His will until you get to the shore of your destiny and land at destination. 

Later in time, God's intention became so clear to Joseph. He now knew it was God who had put him on his feet and journey since then. He told his brethren, "you meant it for evil but God for good. He sent me here to preserve you with a great salvation." He was even comforting them (Gen.45:5). What a thing! This is Joseph who was saying he was secretly stolen away from the land of the Hebrew. That means he wouldn't have come if sought. No man in his right senses would want to take such route to destiny (being put in fetters and iron). He wouldn't have gone. He never wanted to be shipped or flown through that means. It was not acceptable to him. At that time he was saying that in prison, he was missing all the comfort of his father's house never knowing it just remains so little for his destiny's light to shine in its full strength. 

I pray for you that when you're at the edge of your breakthrough where your destiny should shine forth, you won't by a condescending act terminate it (by becoming inactive and uncooperative with the process) and if you do, may God's mercy and providence overrides it. So shall it be in Jesus' name. Look, write it down somewhere and confess to yourself today saying, "God is committed to keep me moving. He'll pay for my transport fare or plane ticket. He'll send or push me to where next is next. New doors shall open and I shall go on in ascension until I have made arrival in the large and wealthy place His soul intended when this journey long began. 

I am Olusola ADEJUMO M'Wings. I'm your witness and on behalf of God, I'm taught to say to you, "safe journey and safe arrival". In peace you're leaving this shore; in love, you'll find the next. When you do, remember your brethren and God's great act towards you!

PRAYER: I am [mention your name]. I am in God's hands and in God's mind. His plans for me don't miss but are perfectly executed. I take His transport and enjoy His providence. I will travel and arrive.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 22:16

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