Showing posts with label He Tarried At 12 Years Old. Show all posts
Showing posts with label He Tarried At 12 Years Old. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 February 2024




DESTINY MEET - Separated Unto Purpose Series 004

Read Luke 2:41-52

Luke 2:42 - 43, KJV

"42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. 43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it."

Parents are generally advised to expose their children to varieties of activities and subjects which range from sports, music, trades or vocational studies etc. The reason is simple. By experimenting with all these, they might come to discover where their passion or calling is. It is what you have contacted or experienced that could become resounding to you. God has built or created us for one thing or the other in life. That love or desire is sparked when we hit on that life's endeavour. It doesn't matter which life's purpose it is. It comes alive and bubbles from within you at contact. It's like a digger hitting on a bag of coins. At such moment, you'll have an heightened enlightenment and sensation that you are made for this thing and this thing is made for you. This is where the deep calls unto the deep in symphony and utmost agreement. 

Jesus could be said to have discovered his calling at twelve. Why did I say that? That was the recorded first time he showed love - special obsession for an area of life. Have you not read the verse that says, "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness" (Psalms  84:10, KJV). That's the joy of discovering what is life's essence. When you do, other things become ephemeral to you as you seek to give concentration to that one found thing that is sweeter than honey.

Samson once posed a riddle to which he got the response: "what is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?" (Judges 14:18). If I should respond to that, I'd answer saying, "purpose found and life lived out is sweeter than honey and stronger than a lion".

That Jesus had hit on his calling was revealed in his not letting it go. He had to tarry behind to indulge and rejoice in it the more even when all the familiar faces he knew had left for Nazareth. When others grow tired of what you're called to do, the mark that it is your calling is finding yourself still passionately pursuing or continuing in it. If you meet called sportsmen, their trainings don't end when the team packs up. Somewhere, they always continue. Others left when the programme officially ended (Lk. 2:43); however, Jesus stayed to enquire more in the house of the Lord. Kai! What a thing! Only calling troubles people and collect their attention like this. Only calling makes people lose track of time and esteem long hours for a short while in the discharge of the business of their callings. Three days extra that Jesus spent in Jerusalem and consequently at the temple must have been a short while to him. Why? He was enjoying what he was doing and grateful for being at the temple - his citadel of learning at that time. Also, that he was not for once bored but found in the midst of the doctors when his parents came for him (Lk. 2:46) proves this. He was both hearing and asking them questions.

Look, no one tarries behind to further an activity that doesn't obsess or give him joy. If it were not so, one or two of Jesus' kinsfolk should have thought it wise to as well stay back. However, the truth is that it is only what you are called to do that'll move you and have your respect. If your calling is not in ministry, you will not have your attention attuned to ministry like a minister will have his crested. As a matter of fact, you may flip the channel when a preacher with revelation is teaching in order to watch what your passion is. Why? You believe that value will not necessarily add up to you. You can acquire it but it may not be put to use because it is an education out of your area of calling or practices. However, if a scientist begins to explain the processes of the creation of something, you might let that stay because you're as well a called scientist who wants to listen to the latest invention or improvement in your field. 

Also, those who infatuate us, who we seek to meet or model after reveal who we're to become or what our specific calling is. I'm not seeking to be with engineers or pilots though they make good money and have the name. However, I'll any day and any time give myself away to learn and accumulate more from the fellowship of other anointed ministers of God. Jesus wasn't drawn to fishing at twelve years of age. A very pointer that his love and calling is not in fishing but in ministry - which he loved so much as to give three days extra to and sacrifice family and familiar faces for. Yet, that discovery and encounter happened by exposing Jesus to religious things and taking him to where he could have the joy of practice - the temple.

There'll be destiny meet - in that you'll walk to meet or discover your calling and what you should do for the rest of your life. It'll inspire you more than anything. It'll call you to sacrifice and you won't see it as too costly to do because that's what you were made for. That'll be because you have a strong connection and love for that life's endeavour or calling.

I pray for you, you'll discover calling and your child will as well. They won't waste away - seeking to live their lives pursuing shadows and what doesn't add up to life. Imagine doing what one doesn't feel any connection or love for. It'll soon show in how one does it. One will be careless and shabby with it. Such thing won't be a definition of quality and witty invention. That'll be because it's a undernourished soul with satisfaction that's doing it. However, may you have destiny meet, encounter and discovery of your calling. You'll go where you'll discover what you should do or become. You'll meet the right connection and the flow shall all flow for your calling to materialize.

PRAYER: Lord, guide my children to the path of destiny discovery and fulfilment. Let there be an overarching mark of what they're made for.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 11:1-12:8, Mark 5:21-43, Psalm 38:1-22, Proverbs 10:8-9

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