Showing posts with label Justice & Fairness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice & Fairness. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 March 2024




AND WE CALL THE PROUD HAPPY - Does Good Pays Series 001?

Read Malachi 3:13-18

Malachi 3:15, KJV

"And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered."

May this not be your saying. Have you met backslided Christians before? They usually have that saying. They'd say, "what's so special in serving the Lord? We did but nothing came out of it. No reward; no special treatment - not a bit of distinction. Rather, we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered." Imagine that! Sounds like an act of great injustice or unfairness. It breaks down the wall of any just rewarding system. If any nation operates by this, crime will skyrocket in a jiffy. 

Their saying is, "these are people who ought not to have made it big or given any acknowledgement, office or reference in society. However, they are the ones having the praise and honour of men despite being scoundrels." You know somebody once lamented that those who showed no potential of a great future while in secondary school are now those who could pay the bills. They neither were brilliant or excelled in other things by which they could be predicted and marked for a great future; however, they have the materials now. While some of these said people might not have cut corners to make it, he however talks of those who did. He therefore felt cheated being a law abiding citizen when others who despise and suspend the law at will are those the same society they're ruining celebrate. Does it shock you? Same is the complaint of those for whom that verse of the Bible was written.

They were frustrated and disappointed that those who are unjust are called blessed. In all endeavours, those who are doing well and making it are those who they know to be law breakers, stubborn, disobedient to parents and even heady to God etc. That's why that place says, "we call the proud happy and the wicked are set up." Should it be? It ought not to but that became the new normal because of how the society has come to love vanity and esteem those who could deliver the cash or bring out the goods only. Meaning, if you're righteous and you can't deliver or you aren't bogus or extravagant, you'd not be celebrated by such system. How many of you have felt cheated like this before? How many of you once ruminated and called the proud happy, lucky and fortunate than your humble obedient self?

You see, indeed, the proud may be called happy by men and those that work wickedness may be set high because of the earthly goods they have acquired indecently with which men respect or defer to them, however, it should be known to you that their respect comes from men and not from God. God doesn't make mistakes with the identity of men. He abhors what men esteems at times. You may have the reputation of being good but be very evil before God or vice versa. So, while the proud may be called happy by men, God sees him as unfortunate and doomed. It is natural for those that cut corners to accumulate wealth unduly and hastily and be quickly set up or given  recognition in the society more than the righteous; however, let this be your consolation that when God shall make up His jewels, he shall separate between both of you. There shall be a mark that you have been on the Lord's side and have been contented with what your effort earns you in righteousness. It'll eventually be just, true and balanced like Father Abraham told the rich man. "You in thy lifetime enjoyed goodies but Lazarus evil. But now, he enjoys good while you are tormented" ((Lk.16:25). Even the distinction shall begin to be certain from the earth because the Bible says, "for the wicked shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish" (Psalms 1:5-6). God will preserve you and grant you salvation (Psalm 91:16). If any were to be taken in death or caught in evil, you can be assured it won't be you because you're God's obedient son. Any man spares his obedient son of punishment. God is not unrighteous as to be blind to your godliness. The mystery of distinction still works and it shall demarcate between the righteous and evil. 

May it not ever be your own saying that you call the proud happy and the wicked set up in honorable places while those who stick to the Lord lack the needed recognition and blessing. May you not come to this place of hurt and regret for ever serving the Lord. It's the reason why some backslided. They'd tell you that we've seen it work the other way round. The proud are called happy and the wicked set up. We too, we shall follow suit. Don't. God does put distinction between the wicked and the righteous; good and bad; obedient and disobedient. While Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, salvation was extended to Lot and his family by mercy (Gen.19:16-17). That's the kind of distinction I'm talking about. You shall not be destroyed or caught in the lot of the wicked. "A thousand may fall by your side and ten thousand by your right hand, but it won't come to you", says the Lord. "You'll only see with your eyes the reward of the wicked" (Psalm 91:7-8). Mark that phrase, "the reward of the wicked." It means their getting paid justly for all they have done. Look, the wicked shall not escape his just recompense. Only that you might still argue for justice unknowingly to you that he has been justly paid. To do good and stick to God in obedience pays. I tell you as God Himself says. It pays!

PRAYER: Lord, open your book of remembrance and put distinction between me and the disobedient. Reward my righteousness. It is the Lord who fight for me, so I hold my peace. The Lord is the keeper of my lot.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 19:1-20:29, Luke 1:1-25, Psalm 56:1-13, Proverbs 11:8

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