Showing posts with label Contentment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contentment. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 August 2023





Read Exodus 2:15-21

Exodus 2:21, KJV

"And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter".

God uses contentment to rest us. Did you get that at all? Moses is on the run for his life from Pharaoh who seek to kill him for the despicable offence he was discovered to have committed. Now in a foreign land, Moses shows generosity to the seven daughters of Reul, the Midian Priest by defending them against the shepherds and helping them to draw water. Reul observing his daughters were quickened than usual enquired the cause only to discover that a stranger had helped them. On this note, Moses was invited for a meet and refreshment but conclusively with a note that he was contented to dwell with Reul, the Midian Priest [otherwise known as Jethro].

That verse reveals that a kind of proposal must have been made Moses which he sees fit to agree to. If one was not formally made him, he must have decided from his observations of Reul and family that he's a worthy man to abide with. One way or the other, Moses gathered his convictions from a solid base of what he's assured of. That's why I said earlier that God uses contentment to rest us. If you haven't gotten where you would love to stay; find who you would love to be associated with or discover your calling in life, you can never be stayed. Irrespective of the deal or offer made you, you'll not be contented to stay or abide. Even if it were glamorous but does not still fit your yearning and envisaging, you'll probably continue on a search. I see that happen often in the work place. In order to hold body and soul together, some might take an employment offer [in what they least like] but with continuous pursuit of their life's task until it is made. However, contentment in each person's heart is the gauge and what distinguishes us from each other. First of all, all of us are not destined to meet the same needs. Due to this, we are not made for the same trade, vocation or profession. We're placed in different offices or callings therefore. It means while one is vying to becoming a policeman and could give anything for it, one would be vying to become a teacher. No matter your persuasion of each of these people, they'll never switch dreams or pursuit and the reason will be because they're contented to abide in their callings and do only the passion in their individual soul. If one has fulfilled being a teacher and the other still seeks to become a policeman, the latter will continue to give diligence to become that policeman because he'll have no contentment of heart until he has fulfilled it and he's also in his calling. Look at these two brothers. 

Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents".

Did you see contentment in that verse? Did you see how each of them abides by what they have natural like, calling and ability for? Why would Esau be a cunning hunter, a man of the field [one who loves adventure and goes for it] and Jacob, a man who dwells in the tent and stays at home? Why couldn't they become same thing? Why couldn't one become so envious of the other as to choose the way and life of the other, therefore jeopardizing what he's made for in pursuit of another? It's because each of them have contentment for their types of life and profession. God is the one who puts contentment in our hearts. If we're on the right jobs, we'll feel contented to stay and abide with it. If we are not on what suits our soul and fits our calling, no matter the deal, we'll continue to seek contentment by searching for that soul satisfying life's task. But if you get somewhere and you suddenly stay (even with the small offer or reward being promised you), it'll be because you're contented. You may be telling others, "I like it. You may not understand why I'm staying". And indeed, they won't understand because they're not made for it.

So, what you'll stumble on before you find contentment, get satiated and so rested from further search may be different from another's. While many are opting nowadays for abroad as the place to go for a better life, there are some without the heart for abroad at all. The thought of travelling abroad doesn't content or inspire them. They want to remain here. That ain't because they can't cope there but they might just have discovered their place already [and that is revealed in the country they are currently]. They just have little or no motivation for traveling and I can tell you that what fails to motivate you is what, where or who you're not made for. I know I couldn't have been a Mathematician because Mathematics was not my chief joy amidst all subjects. So, what people pursue or could pursue with their lives is what they're fully persuaded about and have an inner love, persuasion or conviction over. If you were to meet another who's different in opinion or love from you, you'll probably wonder why they aren't feeling the way you're feeling. You'll wonder why they are not embracing what you think is best. You see, that Moses was contented to dwell with the Midian Priest doesn't mean another refugee would be contented to stay with him. If God denies such contentment or gives him no inner satiation, he'll move on, seeking for his rest. God has created humanity in their varieties and put in them different desires and longings that only different things could satiate. This place says, "he hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart...". Mark, "He hath set eternity in their heart". What to long for is solely put in our souls by God. If yours has not been perverted, your passion and love could be indicators of what you should do, where you should be or who you should become. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me have rest over what You have willed me to do. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 8:1-10:3; 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 21:23-24

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