Showing posts with label George Jeffreys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Jeffreys. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 July 2023




AS THE EXODUS SHIP NEARS - At Old Age Series 002

Read Ecclesiastes 12

Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV

"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it".

I pray for you today that you'll be led and be guided to where food has been made ready for you. I'm not talking of physical food but something that's spiritual that God seeks to connect you with or ensure you gather which if you miss might result in a permanent shortage or even damage of your destiny. There are places we must be at particular times. Where the carcass is, there the vultures will be. How did they strike such accuracy? These are ordinary birds and if we'll humour them, we'll call them scavengers or birds of carrions but they have perception. They could smell their provision and by such seek to have an immediate connection with it. I pray for you, receive special awareness. Be sensitized. Let the spirit that discerns times and knows what one must do come on you. Stumble into where it is happening even if it'll be unintentionally. Be driven to a particular place of destiny. Have destiny encounters and meet with those who will assist your destiny and impart you with God's portion on them (as ordained by God) for ministry, family and career wise. 

He lives in North Germany where his parents are. He had lived in Hamburg before transition to Frankfurt as well. He had just completed his studies and is now returning back to Germany. They took trains in those days and not flight. His train however arrived around early. This avails him a lot of time at hand. Having little coins left, he decided to go for sight seeing around London. So, he went from bus to bus not even knowing where the buses were going. He was just doing bus hoping. He was criss-crossing the whole time. 

Then, he thought of the need to walk and stretch himself. So, he began to trek for the sake of exercise. As he walks into the residential area, he passed by a residential building with a name plate reading "George Jeffreys". 

"I know of a man called George Jeffreys. He's the one who brought the gospel of signs and wonders to UK. Could he be living here?" No, he concluded. He was just 21 at this time. His mind told him, "but this is London, there must be many Jeffreys and tens of thousands of George alike". But a voice told him, "you've got a lot of time to kill. Why don't you check?" So, he rang the door bell and a woman came out. He asked if it was Jeffreys' house. She said, "yes". "The same Jeffreys God used to bring the gospel of healing to Britain? May I see him?" "No" was the answer! However, he heard a deep voice from inside saying, "let him come in". So, he did. He didn't even know the man was still alive. So, he began to introduce himself. "I am Reinhard Bonnke. I am called to preach the gospel in Africa. I just finished Bible College..." As he does this, Jeffreys fell on his own knees and then dragged him down also. He puts his hand on him and blessed him repeatedly. The glory of God filled the house. After about thirty minutes, he staggers out of that place trying to find the bus stop. 

So, he began to question how it was possible to have stumbled on a man he does not know was still alive. He got into a night train and went back home to Germany. The dad picked him up at the train station and said to him, "Reinhard, I just heard in the news that George Jeffreys is dead". Bonnke replied, "it can't be. I still met him yesterday". It was then Bonnke knew that he had gotten a mantle and that the Holy Spirit had guided him to that place. There's a place we must be, men we must meet and impartation we must partake of. Thank God Bonnke cooperated and moved every inch of the way as he was being prompted. You see, you don't have to know the details before you obey. If you're waiting for that, that'll be bribing and nothing will be miraculous or glorious in that at day's end. It is what the Lord does that can only be marvellous in our sight. This experience of a man's steps being ordered to meet another is. It leaves me with the import that there's a mighty hand behind the global scenes and world map that moves us like chess pieces for the fulfilment of His own grand will. Imagine how a man who God has marked for use in his own generation met another and got connected to a flow and grace that has been before him. See how God impart his fullness by crossing Bonnke's paths with Jeffreys. The most shocking is that Jeffreys was slated to leave the earth soonest. His exodus ship nears arrival but Jeffreys must also pass the baton. God answered two persons' prayers: Jeffrey's and Bonnke. It's the intention of God that there'll be a safe transfer of graces so that ministration might not end with the former minister. And I can witness, it's the joy of fathers to release as it's the joy of sons to catch. Did the Bible not say in Titus 2:3-4 that, "the aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children".

If you look at that instruction, you'll see God is concerned about flows from those who have been doing it to those who will do it. We have the aged women and the young women. This is how continuity is achieved in every generation. Some are newbies of their vocations and they have not learnt God very much nor how to walk with Him. Some of them in ministry or business might even lack the major ingredient needed to succeed but by connecting, such ingredient is given and received. Training changes lives and prepares us for destiny just as impartation hastens and enables us to be able to discharge in the same effect those before had have.

Thank God Reinhard Bonnke didn't miss this preparation of heaven for him. Thank God the food of heaven was not wasted. They baked it for him and at the time he should break this bread and eat, he ate. It is this impartation amidst other renewal and refreshing he ran with until he also took his own exodus ship out of the earth. All of us will have our opportunities. Thank God he was on time. Thank God He came in when he should. Do you know one thing I have observed? There's no one God has a great future for in a field or vocation that God won't introduce or bring to the presence of fathers of such field. One way or the other, they'll just have open doors to meet them (even when it's not intentionally arranged). What others that God has not earmarked for destiny in that field are looking for earnestly, God will fling it open to them by divine providence. Before the exodus ship leaves, what are the ingredients you should collect from those God has given it to? What is the impartation that must take place? God is seeking to bring you into alignment. Don't be disaligned. I tell you, it is the joy of fathers to give if there's ever a curious child to receive. 

PRAYER: Lord, I throw myself at You. Carry me and lead me on until I arrive at junctures of destiny meet. Ordain my path before me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11; Romans 4:1-12; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 19:15-16

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