Showing posts with label Demas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demas. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 August 2023





II Timothy  4:11, KJV

"Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry".

Demas has loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica (leaving Paul), Crescens to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia (on kingdom assignments). In all these, one thing is Paul's comfort, "Luke is still with him". I pray for you fathers, mothers, you won't be empty of children. At least, no matter how worst it may be or how blessed you are so much more that all your children have gone to be established in their callings, may God by mercy still raise for you a Luke who will be with you and by you. That Luke don't have to be your biological child but they'll be available to play the duty of a child while serving you as same. 

Mark that, amidst the departure of all (for one or the other reason, for selfish or godly reasons), only Luke was left with Paul. I pray for you, you will not be denied of the gift of men - loyal men. Men who irrespective of seasons or change of it would be die hard followers, admirers and disciples of your calling and grace. 

God is still raising those who will stay in their callings and in their estates. Those who even if the earth removes and is planted in the sea won't budge or lose their places before God who enlisted them into service. That's why somebody like Luke could still be standing when Demas has gone beloving the world and others left for kingdom assignments and errands. He kept his post. Yet, he didn't see himself as being left behind, lonely and forsaken to one man. He stays to serve Paul. He stays to pour water in his hands. He stays to run his errands. He stays to listen to his rhema. He stays to cook for him. He stays to interact with him. He stays to obey what God would instruct him through him. Luke, only Luke is left with him!

God, I pray for these ones that when people, multitude of people are going to and fro out of the calling like Demas, you will let these ones stay. You'll hold their feet. You'll give them the patience of the called. They'll not leave their postings and by this lose their estates. If they are not sent, they won't run and when sent, they shall like Crescens and Titus obey. They'll not become obstinate like those angels (Jude 1:6). They'll be contented to stay and serve where you have posted them and where their posting letter reads. They'll not seek to change or influence their P.P.A (Place of Primary Assignment). Rather, their testimony, would be, "only him or her is with me". They'll be praised for faithfulness to God, to the service and to any officer of the kingdom they're attached to. Their recommendation letter won't read, "Demas has forsaken me having loved this present world" but rather, "only Luke is with me". Lord, hold us. Let us stay. Yes, let us stay in your service. May we not look back from your service or in any way run the race of self will/self love.  

PRAYER: Lord, it is Yours to send me or retain me with You. In either choices, let me be contented. May I keep my estate always and not run outside Your will. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23; 1 Corinthians 1:1-17; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 20:20-21

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Friday, 4 August 2023





Luke 9:62, KJV

"And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God".

No man remains no man. No man irrespective of who he is having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Look, it is still no man - irrespective of race, tribe, tongue, gender, status, whether literate or illiterate. It is still no man. If you put your hand to the plough, if you give your commitment to Christ, if you say, it is His race and His errands you'll run; if you go into His service (obviously having thought it well and believed it so before you do), we believe and we account that you ought stay there for commitedly and for life. If unfortunately however, you look back (betraying Him, backstabbing Him, forsaking Him, departing from Him,

leaving His service) for the sake of other things that have now become very valuable to you suddenly or by process of time, then your sort should not be sought for recruitment into God's service. 

We should mark your type and once we see this trait that doesn't follow through and follow to the end in you, we should not think or seek to commit to you. If we do, we won't reap any difference. It'll be putting the hand on the plough, taking the oath of service, entering service, doing service but painfully exiting it. If while schooling, you couldn't follow to the end but jumped out, if when you went into business, you also jumped out, then it fits to say you have a habit of not finishing. We should mark your type and consequently think how hard it'll be for you to follow through in God's service. You might also jump out. It means you're not a single and focused man. You rarely count the cost before taking on tasks and projects. 

Jesus Himself says, such people are not fit for the kingdom of God. Mind you, He didn't say the kingdom of heaven. He said, the kingdom of God. That is, they are not fit to join us to gather this harvest. That is, they are not fit to be labourers with us in His ministry. What ministry if not the ministry of fishing men and hauling them into the kingdom of heaven. Show me such as not fit for the kingdom of God, those who cannot be trusted as living blocks by which God could build and I'll show you men who don't have long suffering but who take a turn at the least pressure and difficult things. Such men don't see their rewards blossom. Such men always have their rewards taken and enjoyed by another man. Such men all in all if they be of the type of Demas may eventually not be fit (for any other useful kingdom service) because they've looked back. I therefore pray for you that you won't look back. There's nobody who looks back who is fit again. Something always happen to them. They're always broken down and early retired and taken out of active service. Having followed after other loves, they are usually held by them. May you however not be one. May you stand tall and firm. May your commitment to follow God be an allegiance daily lived for Him. May you not be presumptuous and heed the call in the shallowness of your mind only to jump out of it at the slightest pressure or love for other things. May you love father and mother and all other precious things moderately and lesser than you'll esteem Christ, His call and His service. 

PRAYER: Lord, I refuse to be a disappointment - the odd one out. I shall not be taken out. I have taken the oath, I shall be useful for service.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23; 1 Corinthians 1:1-17; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 20:20-21

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Tuesday, 1 August 2023




Happy Risen & Upright Month!


II Timothy 4:10, KJV

"For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia".

Did you read that? Let me quicky ask you this. What would you be reputed for? Paul says, "Demas has forsaken him, having loved this present world". Let me say that God is not saying you shouldn't have other loves or interests. However, nothing must rival or tower Him. For Demas, something towered God's love and the calling in his life. It's such thing that you love more that'll eventually have you. That's why Demas couldn't escape it. Paul says, "having loved this present world". That's the world that'll fail, that'll pass. You should observe what idea Paul seeks to convey. The revelation that what he fell for doesn't worth it. He fell for this present world - what you and I know will pass away with its lust (I John 2:17). Many are still falling for the ephemeralness of what Demas fell for. They yet haven't seen the tangibility in operating their callings but rather to seek after distraction. Just for a little kingdom of the world dangled before them, they immediately forget they are on a messianic mission to save people and bring them Christ's light. The devil tempted Jesus with this present world also. He told Him to bow to him and that He'll be rewarded with "all these things". You see, "all these things" have been the woes of many men. 

Matthew 4:8-9, KJV 

"8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me".

It is that "all these things" that Demas couldn't resist. All these things stole him from God's kingdom and its righteousness. So little. Probably a few gold, purple dresses, proper shelter and ladies' bosoms that he could grab and hold unto. That's all. Or it might be a personal ambition or dream devoid of Christ and His will. Paul in anguish lament at that. Just look at the expression. 

Demas has forsaken me also reveals a sort of betrayal that's not expected or that which causes awe but what would he do? Demas has made his choice of who to go be with. Paul here is symbolic of the call and Demas has chosen to separate from him. Demas sure has his lot in their ministry. However, his eyes couldn't stay in one place. He loved this present world and went to Thessalonica after it. As typical of those who later went to be with the world (departing from their calls), they must have longed, interacted and visited the world for long occasionally until they finally decided to take that last step to be with it and stay with it perpetually. The step that tore them separably from Christ. The very opportunity Satan was awaiting all this while. Eventually, his wishes has come to pass over them. 

Jesus speaking of Satan and his desires over men, especially men of the calling says this to Peter. 

Luke 22:31-32, KJV

"31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren".

When you sift something, it's to make a separation between two things and to regard one and disregard the other. When Satan asks to sieve Peter, he wanted to sieve him of all the substances of his faith so he could be easily trapped and handled by him. Nothing will remain because the substance of faith, virtue, prayer, fellowship, Bible study, zeal for God would have all been eliminated. It means such victim is now a shaft that the wind could not only carry but toss wherever it wants. How? What would make him endure, resist and persevere has been taken away. So, he'll just be too weak and vulnerable to resist Satan one bit. That was Satan's plan, wish, desire and prayer over Peter. However, he found grace because somebody interceded for him. Ooooh, may you enjoy intercession and interception. May you not be taken away like that. May there be a fight over you which will result into your eventual salvation. This road of forsaking the call which you're beginning to tour, may its cycle not be completed over you. May you come to your understanding. May you not leave where you already have a measure of testimony and could be said to have obtained a part of the ministry to ephemeralness and what doesn't really reward. May you not sell your share and remove yourself from being a stakeholder in what Christ owns which you're building on. May you stay and grow old with your call. 

PRAYER: Lord, save me from covetousness. A man's life doesn't consist in the abundance of what he has. May I not be enticed successfully by this present world.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 30:1-31:21; Romans 15:1-22; Psalm 25:1-15; Proverbs 20:13-15

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