Showing posts with label What Doesn't Worth Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Doesn't Worth Life. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 April 2024




LIFE'S GREATEST OPPORTUNITY - The Essence & Value Of Life Series 001

Genesis 2:7, KJV

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

What is life's greatest opportunity? Do you have any idea what that is? Pause, take a time to give an answer. 

Is it being rich, white, gainfully employed, married, healthy or being availed the greatest national citizenship on earth? Is it even being abroad? Obviously, all these don't measure up to what life's greatest opportunity is. Then, what is it or what could it be? 

You see, life's greatest opportunity is life itself. It is that you have life and you can live and so express yourself as a living soul. I don't care what you have lost or missed, if you still have life, all could still be recovered. If you go bankrupt, divorce (though God hates it), loses all your children (like Job in the Bible), get jailed with all hope of recovery lost etc, you sure could recover from all these if you still have life. Anything can happen to beat your imagination you know. Miracles happen but to the living. However, no one has the hope of recovery if he's dead. Only the living has the hope of recovery. That's why life's greatest opportunity is life. The Bible acknowledges that when it says in Job 14:7 - 9 that, "7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.  8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; 9 Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant."

Did you read that? The root of a tree still being in the ground suggests its still being alive - still breathing and taking life from mother earth. Even if it loses all its branches (including its fruits), it sure still has an opportunity of sprouting back and that'll be because it has not been uprooted and denied life itself. As such, at the slightest opportunity of sprouting or springing back which comes at the availability of water, it shall sprout up again. That's why that place says, "at the scent of water, that left stump shall sprout back again." Metaphorically, that's a human it's talking about. The old stump in the ground is you and I who might come to the point of extinction yet continues to exist after losing all. God is saying irrespective of what has scarred, scratched, or screeched us, we can get healed from it all as long as the breath of life is still in us to live. Opportunities are never denied the living that still lives. Only the dead is that gate shut at. 

No dead has a second chance. Only the living does. Life is therefore the greatest opportunity. It's when you have life you could say you want to go to school, build a mansion, get married or father a child. It is life that you have or the breath of life in you that avails you all those. Without life, you'd be powerless to do any running around. Your fate would have been sealed for recovery. However, thank God who has breathed into our nostrils the breath of life and had made us all living souls that we may be able to live, take being and act out His pleasure on the earth. As such, life itself becomes the greatest asset of any man or woman. The office he's occupying isn't his greatest asset (even if he's the president); his race isn't and his status is not at all. What avails him all these things (that men are dying and thronging for) is what is important and that is LIFE itself. The dead can't contest for an election. That's why contesting politicians and rivals in general are quick in killing one another. They'll call it the game to play. They do so because they themselves don't know the value and essence of the human life but feel threatened by someone still living. If the sacredness and importance of the human life should hit them, they'd known that as the greatest asset in the world, nobody ought tamper with it but rather protect it. Life is what any human being should fear to lose in life without hope of its security (a topic for another day). If you see a nation that doesn't legislate laws to protect the lives of her citizens, that country is poor and irresponsible. I don't care what laws are legislated to protect: lands, houses, businesses, people's liberty, personal happiness, choice etc but if there's no strong law protecting the human life and presenting it clearly as astoundingly invaluable, you'd seen all kind of barbaric acts done at the human life. Those people had lived being the basest of humans. Life is the greatest opportunity. God has given you life to become what you're pursuing now or whatsoever you want to become. Without life, you couldn't be thinking in that direction your mind has been going let alone get it executed. What an importance life carries. It's the greatest human asset - not riches please. 

I therefore pray for you that while you're alive, you'll understand this and lend your life only to what it could really compensate for - purpose. Nothing else could compensate for life or the breath of life in you except you discover your God given purpose or calling and live that solely. That's why Jesus says, "is life not more than meat (food) and the body more than raiment (clothing) or the ephemerals (which many are longing and thronging for in our world) - Matthew 6:25. Life is beyond what to eat, where to sleep or what to wear. After these the Gentiles and the unpurposeful rush but let the order be changed for you. Pursue purpose!

PRAYER: Thanks for enlightening me on life's greatest opportunity. May I live life to the fullest by fulfilling purpose.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 13:5-6

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