Showing posts with label Destination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destination. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 July 2023





Genesis 40:15, KJV

"For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon".

One of the greatest marks that there's a destiny to fulfill is to observe God watching over where you should be at a particular time. There's a process and in the infinite will of God, He knows if you have ended one so He might onboard you into the next. I have taught a lot on destiny; being the lucky, fated, chosen one or the star boy/girl by using Joseph. Only that it didn't come out in the devotional. 

Joseph is a boy that something can't but happen for. From the special interest of his father in him to the giftedness of revelation he displays early, we might be curious to put at heart that something is special about this boy. Not only special about him, but that God is deliberately watching over His Words to fulfill it over him. 

Joseph said, "for I was stolen away from the Hebrew's land..." He didn't want to leave but he had no choice. He was carted away by being sold into slavery by his brother. At arrival in Egypt, God was at the point of collection, bazaar and banter. He fetched him a master. It was Potiphar who bought him. That's one of God's provision for Joseph - he must meet Potiphar in his life. From here, he got a transfer to jail when he was lied against. God knew when to pedal him into the next stage. It's here he met the man who will be his connector to the king. 

And all came to pass just like that. He ascended prime-ministership and have all those years long prophecies fulfilled on him. He saw his brothers worship him indeed. He was just full of awe at God and what He had said 13 years ago. What a thing! I can surely tell you to wait for your prophecies to manifest. It may tarry but it shall not lie. It shall yield itself and be fulfilled. 

You see, if in your destiny fulfilment, you need to be transported, don't worry about transportation. God will organize one. I found out that what we don't have faith for is what we don't have an inner convinction over. If you're convincted and there's a witness in your heart saying your destiny is over the land or seas for you, then God has a way of sponsoring you there. Joseph got to Egypt though he had to be stolen away. He didn't pay for transport. If his brothers must bow to him, he must need get to Egypt and God did bear him to Egypt. Every step he takes is God taking it with him. Be assured that destiny would happen. If you've read Buchi Emecheta's Second Class Citizen, you could see the idea of destiny being hinted at in this novel. No one is available to send Adah, the protagonist to school. Her Pa is dead and her Ma is remarried. As typical of Igbo belief in those days, girls don't need education but Adah has passion for education. Though his younger brother, Boy has been enrolled in school before her and has hope of continuing his education using the family savings kept for same purpose, she has none. To go to school, she had to thrust herself forcefully to school and would not have been enrolled if not by the law that forces the hands of her parents. Now at Pa's demise, will her education stop? No! Adah has a strong sense of purpose and won't stop comforting herself. She stole some shillings given her by Uncle Vincent to buy steak to buy her common entrance form into Secondary School. In the midst of all these, she heard the voice of her spiritual guide (I believe it's God that the author didn't want to declare as God) but the author calls it, "the Presence" saying to her, "you must go, to school you must go and to one of the best schools". At the end, Adah's performance in her entrance exam secured her a scholarship and this is how she got a scholarship to attend one of the best schools. 

In the series of teachings I did on being the fated, lucky or star one (which is still available for your reading), I highlighted marks of destiny and special future in people. One of it is that they have a prophecy or there's a clear cut divine involvement in their lives. On occasions in the novel, Adah keeps hearing the Presence assuring and reassuring her. This is not different from how the Holy Spirit relates with Christians. I believe you sure have a life to live and a destiny to express. On this note, be assured God is committed to you. You'll reach. You'll surmount all mountains and arrive. You will have destiny meet. 

PRAYER: Lord, provide me assurance and reassurance all the way.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19

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Wednesday, 19 July 2023




THEY ARE AT YOUR DOOR - At Old Age Series 003

Acts 10:19-20, KJV

"19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.  20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them".

At times, we don't know how close we are to the handles we must take and the blessings by which we must be blessed. One time, I had a vision of a stream flowing from a source distant from where I was at that river. Then, I had a special understanding that this stream flowing was not just meant to pass by. It must be tapped into. It must be maximized. It must be taken and utilized by those it appears or offers itself to. God has given that stream to pass and pass by a path as to cross path with some people so they could tap into it. However, their utilization time would differ. Some are at its source but as it continues to flow, different men would tap into it at their different spots and times when this flowing stream reaches them. What must not happen is for this stream to keep its flow until it gets to you but bypasses you without you becoming what you should become by it. This stream is grace to become what you should become. It is the availed destiny resources. It also signifies the hands of time offered you but which is constantly ticking and is on the run. It has reached some (who have done with it as they liked). Now, it has departed or is departing from them to others who could do with it as they'll choose. That stream doesn't flow backward. That means once it passes, it passes. Once time is used, it is used. 

On the morning of 17th July, 2023, God told me that we don't know the full import of time again since we measure the passage of time by the ticking hands of the clock. So, we have a kind of consciousness that time doesn't finish. We rather believe that it'll be recycled to us. So, when we watch the hands of the clock or watch tick cyclically, we just believe we can stretch forever and wait for eternity - keeping our cool to take our time. No! That's danger. Rather, God flashed before me the "hour glass". God said we know time is far spent and irretrievable by the amount of sand left in the upper jar. When a baby is born, his time is still full like the sand unspent in a side of the hour glass but then, it begins to dissipate. By looking at the hour glass, the truth of time having passed many or passing many etc will hit them differently. Wastages will therefore be cut short while they strive for accuracy. Don't waste your time. Ask critical questions, have them answered and continue doing them. What should I do? Who should I marry? Where should I live? Which church should I go to? Find these and others, then continue doing what you have gotten right. Don't be swayed. 

God is the orderer of paths. One miracle that I have had even before I got admitted into the university was being led or guided. I knew it would be the University I graduated from I should attend. I saw it in a dream. I knew I'll become very great there as well. This is a prophetic life and it is such that is marvellous in our sights. I have left myself into the hands of God to do with me as He desires and to carry me wherever He wills. I can slap myself on the surface of His sea and I know He'll carry me to safety and arrival where the table is furnished for me. What God has slated me to have is what I call, "destiny meet". My journeys are different and I believe yours too. 

Emissaries went out from Cornelius to bring back the man, Peter. The location picked in the spirit was not lesser accurate. He dwells with one Simon the Tanner whose house is by the sea side. As in, looking at disclosures being made without using GPRS or Google Map, God knows how to web your path into another. He knows where individuals live and when He's ready that two paths meet, He'll ordain it. Meanwhile, let me reinstate that it is what the Lord does that's marvelous. 

Peter prays on the house top at this time. He has a trance and ruminates on what it means. Just then (as those ones seeking for him reached for the door), God communicates to him to go down because three men are looking for him. This is a special meet. God rose somebody up and rose another to meet him. In the last testimony of Reinhard Bonnke that I shared, you'll observe that Bonnke was almost being turned away by that woman at the door but just then, George Jeffreys came downstairs and with a deep voice says, "let him come in". When two must meet, God does all to ensure they meet. He always watches and guide the process until contact is established and the slated happens. Imagine Cornelius being desired of God to hear the gospel by sending him to Peter and sending Peter to him. Yet, they are separated by not small miles. It doesn't matter where he or she is; even if it's across the sea; if you have to do with him or her, God who watches over divine processes, meetings and destinies will order you to meet. They not only met but God told Peter not to doubt them but go with them. All these great effort because somebody in Cornelius, his household, close relatives and friends must be born again. God is a loving investor. He'll invest in you if He sees you're critical to His future programmes and He'll not leave you unharvested when He keenly observes you're already feeling after Him.

One thing is given to Peter to do, to preach the Word of life, to instruct Cornelius on what he must do. That's all. For this reason, they must cross path. This may be the only time they'll cross path but on this occasion, no escapade from contact must be made. It must happen and it did. From two ends of the earth, two were connected. I pray for you, may you catch up with your prophecies. May you meet up. Cross path with those critical to God's plan for your life. You know, I kept thinking on why George Jeffreys had to come down at that time Bonnke was almost being turned away from the door. That's divine ordering/slating I see there. That's divine leading and providence also. George Jeffreys came down on time like Peter came down from the roof top to meet those who look for him. Imagine! I pray for you, you won't miss time. You'll be on time. Whenever it remains little to miss time, the covenant on this ministry as echoed by the Spirit of life in the Bible would hasten you up. It'll always be on their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone. They not only bear up or upward, they bear forward as well. Where you should be on time, you won't be late. Angels will make your path straight before you. They'll clear the way for you. You will meet those you're seeking. It shall be a destiny meet. You shall be received and accepted.

PRAYER: Lord, no matter the distance and the hindering factors, let me meet with my destiny connector. I have a destiny meet. Plot us together. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19

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Monday, 10 July 2023


MONDAY - 10TH JULY, 2023


GET YOURSELF DOWN THERE - The Commanded Series 005

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee".

What a thing! God told Elijah to get himself down there. You're asking, "down where?" He says, "get thee to Zarephath..." People of God, may I tell you that we can move any time. We're not tired of packing or relocating? We are nomads not because we lack purpose but because we are administered citizens of God's State. We don't stay back when we have express words on us saying, "get thee to Zarephath". Immediately, we always set sail away from Brook Cherith. We move. Yes, we always move. If He has ordained Zarephath, to Zarephath we will go. 

I pray for you, may you have ears that hear. May you not become so deafened or occupied so much that when God is taking thought for you because of a state of emergency that He has seen, you're yet not moving even when He has said, "get thee to Zarephath". What a shock that God had spoken to Abraham and he still stays back and rested in his native land (Gen.12:1). What an open defiance!

We should never be comfortable somewhere or be overtaken by inertia. This would be danger that we may not be able to count its cost. If you're settled somewhere now and it seems you're comfortable there and would like to continue there, it should never become your decisive will to stay back the moment you have a command, an issue over you to get out of there. When the brook dried, God knew Elijah may soon become the victim of his own prophecy but God is quick to make distinction between his own and the wicked. Even other prophets were fed fifty fifty by Obadiah (I Kings 18:13). But here's a Christian who must not go hungry. He's solitary but God is with him. By God's word, He's now being given a new command. Though the brook has dried and Elijah could see that yet some Christians would still have told God to find a way round it for them. If God says, get thee out of there, it means no bargaining. It is get thee out of there. Don't become Lot's wife who won't let the past go but rather mourn and behold in reminisce what she is leaving behind. The decision of such people to remain or stay back always lead to their ruin. Lot's wife if investigated didn't want to go. She has become comfortable. You know, they've acquired properties and it seems that's all (Gen.19:19-26). 

Don't stay back at Brook Cherith. Almighty God, save me from myself. May I not be caught dead where you've left. May I not backslide because I've just missed steps with You. May it be that I follow you to the scouted land as you go before me. Never be comforted by any good that you're experiencing now not to continue with God when He's ordaining it. You may have the best of job somewhere, if God is calling you to get yourself out of there, it is for a reason. If you're a disciple, you won't count the cost. You'll know that what will be at stake if you stay will be more than what you'll enjoy. Get thee out of there brings to me a remembrance of war or violence torn area. Even if you're a missionary in such place, God can give you such "get out of there" command before the event start affecting you. No government or system of any nation is as wise as God. Do you know there'll be those that God would have commanded to leave some current war torn areas before the war began? Show me one nation that had such foresight as to send to bring all their citizens out of such places in Europe or Africa (as it's happening) before the events start happening. You see, divine leading makes all the difference. I believe government of nations should be this connected to the Divine so they can protect the interest of their citizens on the surface of the earth. The government must be spiritual. However, the vine from which I'm His branch won't forsake me without notice until the event is at my nose. God forbid!

Some may love losses than benefits anyway but I don't want to be broken or violated (by things God can allow to beat me because I'm in disobedience and out of tune with Him). Did that angel not say He could have killed Balaam (Numb. 22:33)? You see, what should be for his protection now faces him with judgement because he's in violation of God's will. So, if you're reading this and God is saying, get thee out of your country to another or stay where you are, don't refuse in order to protect a stand or vow you've afore taken. There are people who might have seen how the bastardization of travelling abroad has become in their own country and who out of love for their homeland would confess not leaving it to stay elsewhere. Out of such incident, he may confess to be different but this may be his very trap when God calls him out. He'll refuse to acknowledge the call because he won't want to be shamed before those he had said same. Look, if you're of this type, it means you're not humble. Someone who's humble will acknowledge his error to those his friends and obey God who's calling him out. I won't lose my anointing because I'm refusing to acknowledge an error I committed. 

Elijah heard, "get thee to Zarephath". That instruction is a command but a quick command for a quick launch out. Tarrying where God has left is danger. Over the years, I have known and said there's no other safe place except where God tells you to stay. If you go abroad and it's not God's doing, despite their welfare, you'll easily be opened to a ten thousand killer than being in a country where there's massive lawlessness. Natural disasters in their types occur frequently and kill droves there easily than Africa of lawlessness. So, which place is secure? No place actually except where you're told to stay. Look, I'm in Nigeria and in a particular place in Nigeria. I don't covet anyone where they are or another land that may be yielding good. As long as I have clear conscience and testimony that I too haven't missed God and I'm where I should be, I know I can't keep an appointment with what will take me out. Mark that! If you go on an errand for any reason outside the initiate of God or destiny, you can die even in the best of places. So Christian, you're not tied down to any place or any one who has become your temporary means of supply. You're only tied to God. He's the only permanent Father in your life. If He says get thee to somewhere, let me warn you that it's dangerous spending the night again in such place. As far as God is concerned, the glory cloud has moved and once it moves, tell me what would be your shelter. God gives a vision to Paul of where to go after suffering much on where to go. Immediately, they sought to leave behind their comfort zone. 

Acts 16:9, KJV

"9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.  

10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them".

Did you read, "immediately, we endeavoured to go into Macedonia". I will get myself to Zarephath. Where He commands us is where we'll go. You may hear we've changed address tomorrow and that's not because we want to be slippery, mysterious, surprising or unpredictable but because we have an Administrator whose hand is the only thing that moves us. Look, it is not incentive. Green pasture would be the least because we know any land we are can become green for our sake. Why? We're ambassadors. What we spend and live on is not determined by the economy we live in but the one from which we are sent. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to Your will on my transportation in life. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17; Acts 25:1-27; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 18:19

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Tuesday, 16 August 2022




GET THEE DOWN TO JEZREEL - Lead and Feed Series 014

Read I Kings 18

I Kings 18:44, KJV  

"And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not."

Every "get thee to a place" is always for a purpose. Thank you Holy Spirit. It is to beat something or be ahead of an event that'll likely unfold sooner or later. The event here is caused by the same declaration of closed heaven (famine) prophesied by Elijah. The heaven he locked was to be opened now. Guess what it would look like if rain were to fall for the first time in three and half years. What sort of rain and with what intensity God would want it fall as to begin to bring the people out of such intense famine and dryness? It can't but rain cat and dog. A beat of its stroke would be so strong and painful on the human body. 

So, Elijah told his servant, tell Ahab (the king) to get himself down to Jezreel lest he be stopped. That isn't strange to us. We know rain can stop any especially if there's no umbrella or shelter for such to move about in it. Except you're ready to be really soaked, that's when you'll plunge into it without care. The reason for such swift move and instruction is, "lest you (Ahab) be stopped." That's why he must get to Jezreel before hand. For Elijah, "lest you be in want." That's why he must get to Zarephath on time as we saw yesterday. Those of you who are proud and are always offending those God would like you be at peace with, a day is coming that God would say, "get thee to him or her." You'll see that though you've heard God and don't want to disobey Him, you'll have reasons to be reluctant because of your conscience that'll prick you with the remembrance of all you've did. However, let this be your comfort also. If God tells you to get thee anywhere, it means those people will lack the capacity to say "no" to you even if you're their enemy but this shouldn't be why you'll be a devil amidst men or thorn in their flesh. The widow of Zarephath found Elijah irresistible. Such people must open up and come into agreement with God's bidding. You're not the one they're respecting and honouring that high but God Who they can't refuse Who is commanding them to see to it that you're sustained. Who's this instruction unto? Who must relocate if he won't be behind schedule, suffer harm or losses? Don't let God speak twice. Now is your time to move because what God envisaged would happen is gathering momentum to manifest. Elijah could assuredly gather it would rain. By the symptoms around, it is inescapable. From that, he instructed Ahab how to be saved from being stopped by the rain. May you be guided and ordered so you'll be ahead of world's events that have potency of causing harm or delay to people. Only few could foresee the event and take necessary caution towards it. Others would be punished. God is speaking to you, "escape therefore to the city of refuge. Make a move now to the city of light." Flee to secure provision, protection and comfort that you may live. 

PRAYER: Lord, I escape the wrath to come. I shall not be short-sighted and be punished. I shall see the evil to come and hide myself from same.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 9:22-10:39; 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs 21:13

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