Showing posts with label Thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thought. Show all posts

Monday, 5 September 2022





Read Matt.10:1-16

Luke 22:35, KJV

"And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing."

There's always a reason to trust God. If you think there's none, He'll give you one or more until He has you for Himself. A conversation ensued between a young, vibrant minister and God one day. God would have him go into full time ministry and called him to same. The young man has responsibilities. He desires same but it seems many strings are holding him down. He has come to know what it means having money to cater for needs. To him, without a job at hand, many things will suffer. Not even when a wife is in the picture. However, God won't stop coming. He keeps coming and coming to Him to come and be with Him in ministry fully. It got to head on such a day that God like a friend facing the other in a conversation asked him if He had not been afore faithful to him. God asked, "you once had a tertiary education. Despite how sponsor-less  you were, I saw you through. Though you had moments of hunger occasionally, did you eventually lack a thing? Everything that any student could boast of was what I did for you. You took your life in your hands to follow me then and I saw to it that your needs are met even if I waited until you got to the peak of your needs as we walked together. Why not trust me now? Or did you not acknowledge you never lacked a thing then?" The young man replied, "no!" God told him, transfer the same faithfulness here. Trust me this once. Let me be your inheritance, possession and reward. I'm making you a priest. Your source of livelihood will be different from the multitude you know but I promise you my faithfulness. 

I'll say to trust is hard in the face of many things proving it contrarily. God asked the disciples also, "when I sent you out, did you lack a thing? They couldn't gain say. It was a no. You see, God isn't a failure. For as many He calls, He sees to. Faithful is He who calls you who will also do it. Except you're not called. That's why you can't be presumptuous about God's call. If you're mocking, you'll soon be set straight. Today, God is calling people to the field. God crazily needs labourers. The needs overwhelms the labourers. The field is ripe. It is harvest. God needs people who will go and wholly be unto Him in ministry. People who God could call, make demands on anytime because they're not obligated to another master or hindering activity. You may have your fear in your family which you're concern for, your old parents who relies on you to take a living, your siblings whom your parents have now made your responsibility but all still bears on "when I once sent you out, did you lack a thing?" It relies on, "was there not a time I showed you my commitment? Was a thing amiss then?" This is God's way of having you converted to Himself and for His usage. Our fears aren't fear if we'll trust God. Though we may begin to take thoughts for tomorrow yet tomorrow as God slated it has been well taken care of. Our own minds might have been attuned to the common way by which a man takes living which are getting a job or doing business rather than waiting for one's daily bread which has been put in someone's charge. Some wouldn't want to hearken to God's call in that way because of their dignity or ego they want to satisfy. They'll say, "I'm rather paid off carrying my scrip etc all around. Seeing to my needs is more reliable." However, God proved to us that without taken thought consciously for our provision especially as ministers, He could feed any He calls and sends. He did to the disciples. That's why He asked, "when I sent you out without scrip, did you lack a thing?" It was a "no." How were they fed then? They were fed by being admitted into houses where there are children of peace as they salute it. Because the labourers deserve their wages, whatsoever they set before them as provision, they kindly receive. Yet, they made no provision for that journey. Stop reasoning it. If the Lord calls or has called you, provision is settled with it. It's only the sheep or a Christian that it's not the Lord leading out that would be in want because such won't be able to find green pastures. But if He calls you, that's your safety valve. Hold Him by that. He shall meet your needs. God is ever faithful. At all times, the response and testimony we keep gathering from those who He called, who already went is, "we lacked nothing!"

PRAYER: Help me to safely trust in you. Lord, send labourers. Raise me as one. May we be sacrificial disciples.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18; 2 Corinthians 7:8-16; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 22:17-19

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Monday, 29 August 2022




"HE WILL JEALOUS FOR ME" GOD - He Cares Series 001

Read Genesis 20:1-12

Genesis 20:3, KJV

"3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife."

People, I am made bold to declare to you that God is a "jealous for me God." He takes thought. He cares. He concerns. He worries if there's a thing like that and that's all for your sake. Who in this life can look unto the things of a man like that man himself? That's why each person is always selfish, putting himself or herself first in everything. However, I and many disciples have known He Who jealous and cares for one more than the fellow himself or herself! Who's He but God? Brethren, I'm bold to say, "God is a jealous for you God."

Here is Sarah hooked up in the palace of Abimelech because of the survival instinct that had kick-started itself in Abraham. This, "live at all cost" keeps costing people and it almost cost Abraham if not for the prompt decisive stepping in of God. If your wife is snatched by another man for himself - a greater man who has the wherewithal to own you and takes her into his bedroom before you, may I ask what the thoughts of your mind would be? Exactly. Your mind is racing. Your heart is pumping blood as if it wants to fall. That's how Abraham felt. He was jealous. He wondered when Sarah she confessed was his sister is actually his sister though his sister indeed. Only that this is a sister who has become a wife and if we're to go by her current role in Abraham's life, she isn't his sister but wife and that's correctly who she is. Abraham never knew what harm he had done to himself until by his own words and the affirmation of Sarah they had signed her off to Abimelech. But Abraham wouldn't let go. He couldn't sleep in his tent. He could be seen pacing up and down probably entreating God to go and ameliorate his mistake and cause a redemption. These must have been the cares of Abraham and more. He must have requested for the rapid response squad of God to do a thing concerning Sarah immediately immediately. His thought and greatest concern must have been, "God, don't tell me that man is currently having sex with my wife." You could see Abraham closing and opening his eyes in pain and regret while hitting the furniture and saying, "no, no, I hurt myself." In all, there was a hush perfect silence. God neither break the silence nor assure Him of His doing a thing. However, on God's own, God entered into Abimelech's dream and told him, "how dead he was" for having taken, "another man's wife to himself." Abimelech declared to God his innocence. It is here we knew what could have been the greatest prayer of father Abraham. The Bible says, "but Abimelech had not yet come near her (v.4)." Where is this coming from when no question was asked in that line? God is simply showing us the obvious which Abraham's mind was set on as he had been relegated to sleep lonely in another tent. Tell me which man would bear another man doing with his wife? In a later reply, God Himself said, "it was He Who kept Abimelech from going near her as to have sinned against Him (v.6). Did you see that God's work which He did on behalf of his son, even his unfaithful son? Did you see God's thought and jealousy for unfaithful Abraham? I believe it wasn't Abraham's prayer or let's say confession of his sin of lying and repentance from impersonation that made God hurry to stop Abimelech from doing as Abraham wouldn't want. It's rather the jealousy of God which cares, takes thought and concerns for all true sons and daughters that burnt to curtail and hold Abimelech by his bosom. 

May I ask, "what are your concerns?" Before your prayers, God knows what to till, which key to press, who to awake and who to cease sleep from. He jealous for you. He takes thought for you before you remind Him. The reason is simple. You're obligated to Him and He's obligated to you. The covenant between you is stronger than that between thoughtful and committed couples. Even if anything isn't right between you and God, it'll be a chamber thing between you both. I have seen this God's jealousy in the release of provision, meeting of my needs and settling of all my cares. If you're indeed God's serving child - one who worships in spirit and in truth (all sincerity, without guile), God can't but be jealous for you and all that concerns you. So, what are your cares? He takes thought over them before you do. Before Abraham asks God if He were watching, God had put plans in place to have Abimelech realize the trouble he's stirring. Your family is God's business. No one can successfully collect what is yours if God knows you. I pray for you that you'll know God's burning commitment. At all times, you won't be termed forsaken. Even in unseemly places, God will jealously advocate your cause. Do you receive it?

PRAYER: Teach me to cast all my cares on You because you care. Lord, rage and jealously burn to always be at hand for me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

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