Showing posts with label Satisfaction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satisfaction. Show all posts

Friday, 21 July 2023





Psalms 90:14, KJV

"O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days".

It really gripped Moses, the man of God. Look at the way he expressed himself to God with a great exclaim and heartful feeling. If there's one thing he seeks for Israel at this time, it's that He'll satisfy them early with His mercy. There's one thing being filled with God's mercy does to your soul and your body. It makes you robust and not lean. You'll be fat fleshed and buoyant on the inside. For this, he cries and suggestively prays saying, "O satisfy us early with thy mercy". 

The expression "O" also means an expression of appeal. He's actually begging God. He's pleading with Him that He should do one thing for them - to bless them early. You see, it should be our prayer that what God wants to do, He would do early. If it's financial independence, stability of health, promotion, child birth, being in purpose etc we desire, it's our prayer that we are satisfied early with it. You must know that it is not without a purpose that Moses cried. Moses just didn't open his mouth to pray that way. He did in anticipation of a consequence - "that they may rejoice and be glad all the days of their lives". Let me use an instance. Imagine someone who's looking up unto God for the fruit of the womb and has not received such for years. Do you think the fellow will have any satisfaction wherever? They may have wealth but there's none they want to comfort it with. So, they're desperately asking for satisfaction in that they'll have their own. And let me make a point, when you're not satisfied or you have an area of your life not yet fulfilled, it will tell on you and tell on other areas as well. Have you not seen people who just begin to grow lean and sickly because there's a particular thing in their lives not met. Yes, there's a missing link. Do you also think it is of no consequence when the Bible says, "hope deferred maketh the heart sick... (Proverbs  13:12, KJV). When the heart is sick, when the soul is bowed down by unhappiness, it can't but reflect on one's body and general welfare. One would just lack strength, motivation and joy to drive life. That's why a need fulfilled is as a tree of life.

"but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.. (Prov.13:12). 

It will invigorate you. You'll be filled with vigour and you'll tend to ressurect to responsibility and new life with renewed energy. Tree of life offers life. It offers mobility. Another reference to "tree of life" as literally written and not interpreted takes us back to the Garden of Eden also (Gen.2:9). Obviously he who eats it won't die any longer. However, we know that the "tree of life" as being referred to here in Proverbs is reputed for stopping decay and deterioration. Instead of being depressed, your mountain will be strong because your needs and desires are met. You won't go down. So, if a desire or need met is as a tree of life, it means it's like eating fruits or being filled with food when you've been hungry before. It'll bring about the receiving of invigoration and new energy to run and keep up with life. 

Moses prayed, "O satisfy us early with thy mercy" and then, "that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our life". Let us stay put here. It means without being satisfied early with mercy, rejoicing all the days of one's life is automatically hindered. It means even if there are joys in other areas and there's one impediment in another which refuses to be cleared but tarry, it means one will not have joy as long as that unfulfilled desire tarries. However, if all of one's needs is met - the greatest of them which is to have soul satiation that you're living out destiny or your purpose on earth, it means you'll be happy all the days of your life. Occasionally not having food at home won't be problem because you have what is greater than that and could secure food. A man in purpose is the most secured man on earth. They don't live insecure and distracted by envy since they're doing theirs and they know it's accepted likewise before God. 

God's intention as I'm hearing this morning is that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our lives. Due to His intention to deliver us this, He will ensure we are satisfied early with mercy. It costs God nothing to continually give you unmerited favour in the midst of  your human best possible until you get to the top of your mountain or vocation - where at a tender age, you're a governor on earth but more importantly also, in the Spirit. Why in the spirit also? It's because your throne in the spirit is what'll protect the your office and status on earth. 

God wants you to rejoice. Look at people who have everything early, their lives get better for it. No link is missing and no room is vacant in their lives. It doesn't mean they don't still encounter hardships. That's common to all man but look, they don't have a deferred desire and so are robust. They are filled to the brim with joy of being satisfied. He has daily bread. He doesn't hunger and he doesn't beg. He has shelter and he has a family that brings joy. He's living in purpose and he's touching lives. What else should we thank God for? On occasions, when such remember how much God has satiated them, all they do is to lift up their hands and sing praises and rejoice. When you're satisfied early, you consequently rejoice. That's the one permissible thing to happen to those who have been blessed, comforted, assisted, financed, sponsored this early. Once they become that early, the joy of early fulfillment will continue to grow as they walk that road. They'll continue to be bigger and bigger unto the perfect day and as far as we know, with each level of landmark, growth and ascension comes its own joy. I pray for you that you'll no longer mourn again. I am God's anointed and as He that is called to say restore, I declare that wherever you've been robbed of joy or what could have given joy to you, let there be a restoration now! It is the joy of the Lord that can become your strength - making you inflated, robust and active. Receive it. Currently, I'm seeing dew falling from above. I'm seeing it settle on you. Receive heaven's blessings. Receive a top up even on the blessings you already have but which is not complete. Any vacant space and room in your life where you've been crying to God for satisfaction over and haven't received till hitherto is met today. You're satisfied. I say you're satisfied this day with mercy that you may rejoice, celebrate and be happy all the days of your life. Nothing is wrong building one's house that early and being under one's tree. There's a joy that comes from seeing your kids and wife playfully play in your own house. Receive that. Everything that'll make you satiated and come to the stage of being fulfilled, God is rendering to you now. So shall it be. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for sealing that area of my life and coming to meet my needs. Be praised Yahweh.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11; Romans 7:1-13; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 19:22-2

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Tuesday, 26 July 2022




AT YOUR APPEARANCE - It's Been Awhile Series 001

Matthew 2:9-10, KJV

"9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."

It is not good needing help with help not coming. It is possible that one has an expectation but the expectation gets delayed. However, what happens when a long awaited expectation suddenly happens? There's a quickening in both spirit, soul and body. Life suddenly makes sense and one wants to live it more. That's why it's my prayer today that you'll come alive. It's my prayer today that you'll hear joy. Joy do rouse up and you will experience it. 

The wise men were set on their journey by the natal star of Jesus. However, the star only hinted the place of birth of Jesus, it didn't lead them on. On getting to Jerusalem, they had to enquire where Jesus, the King of the Jews would be born while saying, "we've seen His star in the East." It was not knowing the way to the exact place and not been guided to the place by this supernatural element that caused their stumbling into Herod's palace. There's no one who knows the way who goes around begging the way round a thing. Herod having being made insecure would like to know who that King of the Jews is who has come to contest with him. Herod obviously has no good plans for Jesus and so he sent the wise men to go find Jesus and bring him words that he also might worship him. 

It was at this particular time the star appeared as they embark on Herod's errand. Without being called, conjured or summoned outrightly, the star appeared once again. God knows our needs. He feels our desperation. This was the star that appeared to them in the Eastern sky. They saw its signal and it was the initiator of their journey. The star since then had however withdrew itself nor did it disclose itself to them again. At this critical point when the matter of location and exactness of which house Jesus would be had not even been settled, the star appears to lead the way. Now, when the star appears, what happened? We were told that they were really happy. The wise men were. You see, that could mean they've been coveting the appearance of the star secretly which if they had seen revealed would have eliminated the problem of seeking for Jesus' birth place around.  Having tasted of the function and leading power of the star afore time, seeing it now may begin to hint at its coming to help them and that's exactly what the star came for. That long appeared star, the long awaited star finally shows itself at a critical moment when Jesus must be located and time saved. So, they were happy to see their long time "indicator of which way to go."

There are expressions and feelings that follow when one's long time need is met. We can't describe all because it varies from men to men but one thing is sure, people are always happy. The happiness of the wise men there reveals their arousal of hope. It means, "now, we know the place." It means, "now, He who sets us on this journey has not forlorn us. Here is His guide to us again and we shall arrive." Indeed, they arrived. The star led them all the way to Bethlehem of Judea and not only stopped in Bethlehem or its entrance but went to rightly locate and stand on the very house that baby Jesus was. Even the compass that the chief priests (afore given by prophets) gave only said, "in Bethlehem of Judea" according to prophecy. It never knew the way enough as to predict the very house. As you'll agree with me, if the star had not appeared at that moment of criticality (when they had already tumbled around asking for Jesus' place of birth and so had wasted some time in effective journeying), they would have gotten to Judea to begin another search for the house He might be. The exact place was not at all certain. That's why Herod himself said, "search diligently and find" (Matt.2:8).

Look at me, God sees your longing. He knows you've already being troubled on all sides. He knows you've been a victim somehow. He's redeeming you right away. Provision is being sent. Hope is arriving. Your journey shall henceforth be smooth and direct. Guess work are ending. Trouble and walking in cycle has ended. If at the appearance of the star, the wise men became "happy - smiled, burst into laughter, appreciated God" for the timely help and the great save, then let me say "you're next to have such experience." The encouragement is this, "the day will break for you. Just don't break before it breaks." The wise men persisted in their journey even when the star (that leads smoothly without doubt) was nowhere to be found. However when that ingredient appeared, they celebrated it for what it is and what it can do. I therefore declare, receive joy in your house. Let every broken bones rejoice. Let every bowed head arise. Let depressed heart be lifted. Look up, behold your star (your hope giver, your answered prayer). I announce its arriver to you. Today, you receive your expectation and that'll lead you into happiness you've not known before. No more delayed arrival. It is now. Have it!

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the appearance of my "star." Its appearance announces hope, happiness, right guidance, speed and joy. I receive answered prayers that makes a man grateful and willing to do more in life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34; Romans 9:25-10:13; Psalm 20:1-9; Proverbs 20:2-3

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