Showing posts with label Admonition For Christian Executives & Former Campus Leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Admonition For Christian Executives & Former Campus Leaders. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 April 2024





Romans 12:11, KJV

"Not slothful in business..."

It's your responsibility to ensure you're not underutilized. You will be underutilized if you don't use up to your installed capacity. Every human has an allocated capacity in them. God measures it into us all and it is God's will that what that capacity should carry will not be lesser than intended.

I authored a write-up for Christian Executives and former campus leaders over four years ago. In this write-up, I pointed out straight up why they should continually hold themselves accountable to the highest standards of the offices they once occupied. Their offices stretched them and made leaders (not of title but of lifestyle) out of them. There were students in leadership who while on campus were seeing to hundreds and even thousands of people! Imagine that. Yet, he has not been ordained a pastor. Even without the title, he has the leadership life because he is discharging all the responsibilities of a leader which is necessary to grooming anyone and hooking him up to living up to God's installed capacity in him. Will it be good if such once effective leaders now depreciate to nonentities who can't point to any leadership role or such tasky lifestyle now making demands on them like they had on campus? The reason why some people backslided and depreciated is because they did lesser than they were made for, started with or had been trained for. God never planned that you'll not be effective in delivering up to the maximum capacity He gave you or has blown into you by training.

As such, let it be your pursuit to be used up wholly. Don't run away from responsibilities that'll hook you up to the manifesting of your installed capacity. This installed capacity will include the gifts, graces, inclination, patience and all sorts of nature and ability given you by God well lived out. What will bring them to fore and human appreciation is that you have enough work to do or engage in that could let each of your ability or capacity find function.

Somebody may have an installed capacity from heaven to speak or write. However, he may refuse the work or duty that'll necessitate him to doing so. In this way, he won't live out that capacity or ability in him. That won't be because God doesn't intend he becomes known with oratory or writing but because he chooses to underwork. When you underwork, you yourself can't know  your elasticity. However, if you become a workaholic (which isn't bad as portrayed), you will come to the recognition of God's total endowment in you and how each of them could find expression through one work or the other. Let me advise you. Seek for more responsibility. More responsibility will sharpen you for more effectiveness and discovery of yourself, potentials and gifting. As such, there won't be any fallow ground in your life that's not being cultivated or a stone left unturned. Rather, all your gifts, graces, inclinations, flairs would find expression through the hook up of the handle called work.

As I round off this teaching, I'll leave you with the quote of Henry Ward Beecher which says, "hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself and be lenient to everybody else." Please, don't do the opposite.

If you do this, you'll find yourself entirely used up with no ability in you  idle or for which you'll need to be chastised by God at judgement. Work is a good thing instituted by God Himself to help us realize ourselves, find satisfaction and live to worship Him. If you see work as a burden instead of what you should enjoy, I can say boldly that you can never be fully developed or realized. You will just observe that there's an angle in your life that's lacking. Something will seem to be missing and incomplete. You'll therefore dovetail into sluggishness, depreciation, depression and even unproductivity. God Almighty who worked, created work and gave Adam work to do didn't intend so ((Genesis 1; 2:15, 19-20). See for yourself and hold yourself accountable that you may live up to your calling and election with the total discharge of the virtues, graces, endowments, talents, perseverance level etc created with you as a person. Don't be underutilized. Work fully and give no room to sluggishness. Find expression rather for the variety of the goodies in you to the praise of God and blessedness of men. 

PRAYER: Teach me how to bind myself with serious discipline as not to be loose. May I demand much of myself than anyone. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Psalm 77:1-20, Proverbs 12:18

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