Showing posts with label The Brilliant Student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Brilliant Student. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 March 2024





Confess Psalm 139

Psalms 147:4, KJV

"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."

Today, God is bringing you the cure to a sluggish mind or even memory. Praise God! There's a remedy which the Lord has made ready which if taken today, you'll see its results. 

This Psalm above has been making me smile. May the Spirit dissect it for us. It says, "He tells the number of the stars, He calls them all by their names." Who is the "He" being referred to there? Who's the fellow who by all capacity possible knows extraordinarily as to tell the number of the stars and then go further to call them all by their names? Who? Who is that one empowered with such capacity?

It is God - the Creator of heaven and earth. No information is outside Him. He's so brilliant that He knows the exact number of hairs on our heads individually though they vary (Matt.10:30). Psalm 139:1- 6 talk of his astounding brilliance and comprehension. He knows all things that was, is and will be. God is the all brilliant One. It is this special gift and intelligence which sits at the core centrality of who God is that enables Him to be able to tell the number of the stars (which are so numerous that we doubt if science has discovered them all let alone give names to them all). Does God not deserve our applause as the all brilliant One then?

The truth is this brilliance could become yours. Prophets and those who koinonia with God to have His mind revealed to them also do have this knowledge and exercise such brilliance. They could not only know the past, present or future but things do become revelatory and lucid (clear) to them. At such time, codes are broken and all mysteries are demystified to them. Anyone who's anointed to do anything or fulfill a purpose on earth would always hit on and exercise such intelligence where He is called to subdue also. At times, they're taught by their anointing (the anointing of their fields) and so knows all things. To this end, they may not require a teacher. They'll just know and keep knowing what next to do. As a matter of fact, A could lead into B for them. Insights and such breakthroughs they have into Science, Fiction Writing, Economics, History or Spirituality would make outsiders wonder if these are really men like themselves. I tell you (repeating after the psalmist himself), "ye are gods" (Psalm 82:6). You're meant to showcase and reveal the extraordinary to the praise of He Who calls and loves you.

Oh, what a thing that God could tell the number of the stars yet still call them each by name. It means information or much of it couldn't and can't bug down His mind. It means God is never confused by information overload. His mind is so active and so should yours. Like a sponge, He has soaked all in, does retain it all and yet can still reproduce it all. What a thing! According to discovery, there are approximately 200 billion trillion stars in the universe. Another way, 200 sextillion stars which in figure is 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! This may be amidst many undiscovered yet. Now, that place says, "God knows the number of stars." That's top mastery in its class for Him knowing that much number. Being able to know and dictate out the number of something that exists individually by its unit or course is a brilliance depicted and on top of the world supremely. However, His brilliance didn't stop there. Part B of that verse says, "...He calls them all by their names." This is where I think God should experience difficulty and meet a stumbling block in discharging His motive and assignment of calling them all by their names. Yet, He could not only call them by their names; if prompted, He could go on to tell us about each of them - their features and purposes. What a God! He has a very comprehensive incomprehensible mind! I'm basking for you and wagging my tail in your praise. You're too much. If God doesn't confuse the name of one for another considering their number, it means He's extraordinarily brilliant. 

Now, I said your child - boy or girl could have this kind of mind. That aren't a joke. He could become that brilliant, intelligent and of much understanding! The Bible already promises us having more understanding than all our teachers (Psalm 119:99). So, it's possible.

When you see a brilliant student, information doesn't puzzle him no matter the quantity. As a matter of fact, he could act absent mindedly but don't think he didn't get all taught him. He does. Let's say he were to talk about Nations, Tongues and Tribes for instance. He would start by telling you the seven continents that be. He'll then zero in on a particular continent - let's say Africa. After telling you about the geography and details on Africa, he'll proceed to the countries that make up Africa. He'll then endeavour to tell us about these countries individually - about each of the tribes that make them up - their qualities, unique culture, history etc. Imagine him picking Nigeria and wanting to explain on the over 200 tribes we have in the country. That's great work right yet that's not quarter of one-tenth of God's erudity of knowledge and accuracy! As tedious as that info of tracing it down to the least or minute unit is or may be, such student won't become confused or find it discouraging. Why? Like the Spirit vibrated on the waters in Genesis 1:2, a vibration and walkover of his mind has been done by God's Spirit. Because His mind is this cultivated, impressed, intimated and imprinted on by God's, he'll retain whatsoever is sown in it even to its least detail and would be able to reproduce it even in larger and unbelievable details than taught him. This is the brilliant student. He can't but become an exception. If He's a Biologist, he'll know all the names of the plants that be like Solomon (I Kings 4:33). That'll include the birds. If you ask him to talk about birds to you, he could spend a year dwelling and talking only on their feathers/wings and the types or differences they have. Specimens would be clearly labelled and called by what they are by him. For short, he'll excel Darwin in collection of natural life and identification of it.

God wants to vibrate on your child's mind today. He wants to strengthen his mind for adult's business and professional's erudity. As such, let's give handle for that just by confessing in strong believe that Psalm 147:4. Let's say your ward's name is "Ipadeola." Confess this way: "Ipadeola tells the number of the stars and calls them all by their names." You may repeatedly do it. That ain't an ordinary act. It'll bring the power, potency and desire of that psalm and this revelation I'm sharing with you into his life. A replication of what God does and is capable of doing will immediately transfer in fast transient into your ward's life. As God's vessel, appointed and anointed for different occasions and demands (Isa.61:2), I declare that your ward receives such elastic mind that knows the number of the stars and that could proceed to call them by names or label them rightly as they are. No confusion but proper mastery, remembrance and reproduction in grander style and better fashion than he was taught. Here, your child knows it all. His mind is strong. I'm seeing a line of thread being strengthened so much more that as it is being drawn on either size, it does not break. The feeble mind is made capable. It'll become so enlarged, engraced and empowered that it'll be like the sucker plant trapping into itself whatsoever impinges on it. It'll be, "as soon as your son hears or sees something, he gets and can act it out." So shall it be. I seal it by God's Word which is irreproachable. For those with pregnancies, lay your hand on your belly and make same confession. Parents of toddlers should do same. This revelation counters amnesia or memory loss. Even if you're 92, you'll be quickened to have such mind that knows the number of stars and call them all by their names. This is what the Lord has wrought. Do receive it!

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for this new anointed mind, understanding and comprehension. So it is unto me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28

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