Showing posts with label Computer Vision and Robotics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Vision and Robotics. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2024



Three years ago, a female colleague at my workplace who knows I'm a geek hinted me of some pile of books that were to be sold. It ranges from self help to books on Christian doctrine/faith. The owner, a moderate elderly man was relocating abroad to continue his life. That was in 2021. 

I didn't hesitate. I bought all the books except for few that I've had and didn't want to double or those that were too ragged beyond redemption. I bought some as cheap as #250. Some of these books were notably Kenneth Hagin and wouldn't have been sold at those battered prices at the market.

I however seized a fleeting opportunity to acquire them. I could remember I doubled George Samuel Clason's The Richest Man in Babylon and gave it as a parting gift to a loving sister who was furthering her career. Today, she's in the Banking Sector. She was delighted having the book at last having heard a buzz about it. 

I want to say this "move" or "wave" is being repeated now. Many Nigerians are checking out of the country in their droves like swarm of bees. Before you blink, it may be your neighbour next door. Please, acquire him. In the rush to desperately leave the country and its hot room behind, they will sell off their properties at affordable and lesser prices. Two things might motivate the auctioning off at such lesser price. 

1. That those properties are second hand (even when they're sincerely still new). 

2. Or needing to convert them to money (often in view of time lapse and their departure).

Last year, before a very close brother got the scholarship that launched him to study Computer Vision and Robotics in France, he intimated me of a land his mum could sell in order to fund him and help him realize his goal. That's good and it'll worth it at day's end. However, I advised that the land be retained as it's well situated in an enviable place in Lagos or so. I wouldn't know if the land was eventually sold but I did persuade him not to because he might need it for practice. 

I found out that many Nigerians are not only frustrated but they are now desperate due to their mounting frustration. You may be shocked seeing people sell off their properties so cheaply at this period. Why? Either they want to travel out or they want to survive where they are presently. 

While I'm an advocate of human feeling and compassion, yet I have also discovered people that you can't persuade not to sell something that's theirs [even when you are seeing the unreasonableness behind it]. If you do and they insisted, buy the property. However, you may do them the favour of topping the payment considering they're selling so low out of desperation or need to put hand in the mouth. 

People, go and get ready to acquire things that cheaply. That wave is coming back again. I need prepare your mind for it. You're not wicked buying what people say they want to sell. Don't beat yourself for that. However, if you meet an unwilling seller who's only being forced to sell what he shouldn't sell, help him out if you can. He'll never forget that. From there, you might have an open door and friendship that may beat silver and gold.

Jesus told Simon Peter to launch out into the deep. Why would Jesus say that if there's no intent or end to it? However, we got to discover Jesus' mind and His intent for such instruction when the concluding verse says, "...and let down your nets for a draught" (Luke 5:4).

Believe it, it wasn't long Peter obeyed he had the greatest catch of his life. I'm sensing a wind blowing. I'm sensing an occasion coming right before someone. Will you take it? However, the anointing has come to prepare you for it. God is saying, "get ready for a draught. Get ready for a cheap catch. Get ready for an harvest that you'll need others to help you pull into your home." However, if you do not get ready or let down your nets by having reserved fund at hand, you may be bypassed while watching another - who's prepared cart away the LG, Samsung TV, Laptop, Furniture, Land, Mansion, Car, Tools/Equipments, Fridge/Freezer, Dryer, Sewing Machine, Gas/Gas Cooker, Fan, AC, Washing Machine, Generator etc that you could have bought. 

Look, before it springs forth [happens at all], God comes to tell you of them. 

Ye Believe in GOD & Believe in Me!

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812
