Showing posts with label Hard Careers And Cracking Of Their Nuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hard Careers And Cracking Of Their Nuts. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 February 2024





Psalms 1:1- 2, KJV

"1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night".

You know people have asked me over the years what my motivation was - as in what has been keeping me going with my assignment. The answer is what today's teaching serves to give. 

Once you discover your calling, I told you in yesterday's devotional that you'll have successfully discovered a delight. A delight another way round is something you can work tirelessly on day and night; come rain or sunshine. If it were not a delight, your lies and hypocrisy will be exposed and without having trekked a mile, you'll resign, sneeze in weariness and stop continuing. That it is your calling and your delight is what naturally or supernaturally graces you with passion and fire to continue. Even if the wear and tear of life wearies you, you will not give up because you have a fire in you burning and proving unquenchable. That fire is your calling and the passion inherent in it. That's why people would say, "discover your passion or what you're given to". The fact that it's a passion - something you're driven by is what makes it a delight. Something delighting drives!

The Psalm above says, "but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night." First, his delight is somewhere or in something - in God's law or Holy Scriptures. Because he has delight in the Word of God like Ronaldo has delight in football, he doesn't count it a cost meditating on the Scriptures day and night. I have not met Ronaldo and I don't think I need to meet him [though it'll be generous meeting him], however, I'm sure he meditates on football and how matches should go even before he plays them. I'm so sure. That's what is called preparedness of the mind. Success starts from there. 

Delight or passion is what holds the key to meditating in the Scriptures day and night as said in that Psalm. Who does day and night (every time) what he doesn't have passion for? What you don't have delight for, you'll rarely lift a finger at it let alone stick to it. If time enough were spared you for it, you'll suddenly lose interest and won't be able to go full length, using your time fully. However, ask Jesus. He went full time as the Passover lasted in Jerusalem and was even willing to go extra three days in the temple enquiring after God's law until he was found (Luke 2:41-49). That'll be because God's law is his delight. He found it as something interesting to explore. Imagine a kid not wandering after pleasure for three days just because he has found a delight. How many of you parents know your kids tend to be obedient, staying in one place when they have found their delights? For some, it is movie. Once they're glued to it, they don't want you to break their attention. As I speak, there are adventurers and archeologists labouring somewhere at one ancient site or the other. They don't care whether digging or tunneling is laborious or whether their lives could be endangered by it, rather they keep at it day and night and even at rough moments because that's their delight. They're looking for ancient treasures and finds to prove facts on history and existence. However, that delight may not be another man's delight. That's why we don't all end on the same profession or occupation. 

Paul admonished Timothy to preach the Word; be instant in season and out of season (II Timothy 4:2). Apart from determination and discipline that'll help accomplish this, delight for what you do or have found to do is another key to furthering daily and not getting tired. There may be bouts of weariness littering your way, for discouragements will come. However, passion will make you triumph over them. Your love for what you do is of great benefit or consequence therefore. Show me someone who achieves great success somewhere but which he never wanted to do or continue in. Delight will sustain you and it comes ready-made with having found your calling. The moment you find your calling and by inner witness affirm, "this is it", passion will begin to drive you to the daily exercise and delivering of it. It doesn't matter what challenge comes your way, you are lifted above it all through your passion. Delight keeps you working when others have stopped. It was delight in God's things that first made Jesus tarry behind in Jerusalem after the event had ended officially and family and familiar faces have left. That he then continued three days after yet focused on enquiring after God's Holy law shows where his delight really is. If you're a Master student for instance, I want to believe it's your delight (your course of interest) you're studying. If not, research will soon bore you. As a matter of fact, people who coped with difficult courses and life's endeavours that the ordinary human mind fears did through delight. Delight pushed and hauled them over that wall of difficulty. Discover your calling and be delighted forever. When Jesus said, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me..."(John 4:34). He was as well saying, "my PASSION or MOTIVATION is to do the will of He that has sent me..." Though he's weary and needs physical food, yet his delight for his assignment gives him a focus to stay on the job of winning souls even when there are congregational voices from the disciples tempting him with physical food out of care. Brethren, discover purpose; discover delight! Possess delight; possess your dreams!

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I am roused and stirred like a lion. Until I achieve my goals, I will not rest or lie down. I receive grace, strength and all heavenly helps.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 15:1-16:28, Mark 7:1-23, Psalm 40:11-17, Proverbs 10:13-14

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