Showing posts with label sacrifice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sacrifice. Show all posts

Friday, 28 July 2023



Look, it is not pride but truth well spoken. While it is truth well spoken, it's not to affirm some people and buffet or derogate others. Far be it from us and we from that!

However in truth, we know that:

"Calling differs from calling. The call to be a FOUNDER is different from the call to be an ASSOCIATE. The call to START something is different from the call to JOIN something. 

If that be, I'll say again that, "faith differs from faith. The faith to start something isn't the same faith it takes to join something. What is started is hard to push to work but what is joined is already working. You only enter into its rest. Also, while one gives immediate yield, the other only holds the promise of yielding if ever followed through".

If this be, do permit me to say, "suffering differs from suffering also. The suffering of a founder and his hardship is not the suffering and sacrifice of an associate. On this note, I can say their jealousy and protection of the works will be different also. While one may play the shepherd and give his life for the sheep, the other may play the hireling (who sees the wolves coming but flees).

If that be, their rewards and honour can't but be different also. 

Please, don't debate it.

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812

Friday, 14 July 2023


 FRIDAY - 14TH JULY, 2023


HE WILL PROVIDE FOR HIMSELF - The Commanded Series 009

Genesis 22:7, KJV

"7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together". 

Do you know that He provides for what He commands? This is key to receiving divine provision. If you're seeking to do a thing and the fund is not coming, you should hold on and ask why the witholding of fund. I believe God must take you to a place where when you're out of tune and you're beginning to run the errand that He didn't commission, things would just fold up. If this be the signal or has been the signal in your own life and ministry, it may mean God didn't author that thing you're doing and He's seeking to align you. If anyone however thinks it wise to dabble into a self authored assignment, God is gentle enough to respect his choice and let him provide for himself. What He has not commanded, He's not in anyway liable to provide for it. You may then go ahead to bear the expense of sacrificing. You can spend your long gathered and accumulated salary. Kill your Isaac and let us see how many you'll kill as other assignments unfold. Let us see whether you can win by your strength and will and not be weary or dabble into wrong means of raising funds.

If you still want to do the will of God and you've currently began something that the Word of the Lord didn't commission, it'll be God's mercy to you starving it to death. And please, let it die of starvation. Don't seek to resurrect it. Trying to do so will be wanting to set up Jericho again. The cost is not always interesting. Wanting it to thrive is wanting to have flourish what God will visit and seek to scatter. Tower of Babels don't interest God! Any such work that His mouth didn't utter shall ultimately be scattered by Him. 

God asked Abraham for meat. God asked him to go and sacrifice his only son. Isaac not being a novice to the processes and preparation of sacrifices ask why there's no lamb on the scene. At least, he could see other ingredients. Abraham didn't stretch the matter. He only said, "the Lord will provide for Himself". Are you a husband and father over a family, leader of an entity and it seems there's scarce or limited resources, you can sure put your faith in God that if you and what you're doing be His works, He'll provide for Himself. Mark the usage of the expression, "...for Himself". Imagine God providing for Himself. Many times when God asks people to do something, novices or versatile men may begin to run around seeking to provide for God. This place however says, the correct way to service to God is that He'll provide for Himself. If He has placed a demand on you i.e. calling you into ministry, it's His to gift you the anointing by which you can function and fulfill this assignment. All of us always want to wait patiently for the provision of God for Himself here. The disciples even waited for empowering at the Upper Room (Acts 2). They've been called and sent but God must provide for Himself (what He called them to do), so that they might discharge. 

Meanwhile, when it comes to resources to do ministry, people no longer wait for God to provide for Himself. They immediately will take shield and buckler and take laws into their hands. They'll immediately sound the trumpet and begin to do fund raise. This ain't the way God said ministry should be done. Except He commands that you take an offering from God's people for a particular task, don't. However, you ought ask Him when He tells you of what you'll do for Him how He'll meet it knowing you're a worm without backbone. 

I don't have much questions for any who said God has called him or has given him an assignment to do. Okay, if God tells you to call a gathering of His own people, will He that tells you to go to war let you do that at your own charges? No! Will He not provide? However, did you seek Him for provision? Did you even know you have to ask or wait on Him for that? Or you think writing a couple of letters out is what will settle it. From this act, I found out many assignments may be legit (in that God authors them) but they are bastardized works because the process of acquiring provision embarasses God and belittles Him from being the One who had commanded the work to be done. The mark that somebody asks you to do something is that He meets your needs in doing it. Check from Genesis to Revelation. Have you seen someone God calls that He's trying to preach by his own strength before? He always enable them. I couldn't have lifted a finger before but by calling, I now preach. It's not because I studied English. I know I still make a lot of mistakes with grammar. However, we have colonized resources. We believe we can save our salaries to do ministry and that will be all. Did God ask for it? Did He tells you to use your salary? How much of your salary or that of others could you collect for assignments often? That's a mark that God didn't call you or calls you and you're bastardizing the work. The mark that He calls you to go and do sacrifice also means He'll provide for Himself and at the end He sure gave Abraham a ram. Meanwhile, God will like us obey and accept His assignment. If we do, as we follow the Lord on and trust Him, He shall provide. And that will be marvellous in our sight. That's what will surprise us because He'll do His thing unconventionally.

When you don't wait for the Lord to provide, your meeting is either enlarged more than God desires or is diminished and relatively tied to what you have at hand. Let the prove of genuine assignment be, "He that the Lord provides for". Elijah said the proof will be, "the God which answers by fire" is the Lord. If he manufactures his own fire, it would have been visibly seen but He let God proves Himself. I also believe if all of us will settle ministry this way, there will be a reduction in the number of people who says God has called them or are doing unrecognized assignments around. That you have fund at hand which you don't know what to do with it does not mean you should go on television. Did He command you is the ultimate? Stop saying, "I can fund it, so I'll do it". Let it be, "I can do it because He said I should do it". 

PRAYER: I wait on you. Do provide for Yourself.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 18:13-19:37; Acts 21:1-17; Psalm 149:1-9; Proverbs 18:8

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Thursday, 13 July 2023




WHEN WILL HE ASK YOU BIG THINGS? - The Commanded Series 008

Genesis 22:1-2, KJV

"1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. 2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of".

When the Bible says, "there's no temptation as taken you that's not common to man", it's actually true. That place again emphasizes that "God is faithful. He will not allow us to be tempted or tested beyond what we can bear. He also says but with every temptation/test, He will provide a way of escape" (I Cor.10:13). Mark the fact that "He will provide a way of escape". We shall deal with it in another issue or devotional. 

Will you tell your three year old to go and lift a weight which by reason of understanding you know it's a seven year old who could lift such. Nobody does that. Not one. All of us have learnt how to give good gifts to our children and that's even revealed in the commesurate measure with which we measure unto them. Even that, as only as they could bear. However, if you're a task master like the Egyptians and those at hand are not your own, springing from your bowel, you may under that condition which is void of pity explore them by a great exploit. However, we're all reasonable human beings. Thank God we are. Hallelujah. 

One day, God wanted to have a good laugh and teach us lessons on faith too. So, He beckoned unto a particular called man (Gen.12:1) who has been walking with Him and has learnt Him to a good degree to go give his only child to Him. Now, the way God came to instruct towards that act plainly reveals God as being mischievous though driving at a point too. You too may not be able to hold on but rather laugh by the time I expose to you how God delivered His message to him. God said, "take now thy son, your only son Isaac, whom you love and get you to the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell you of". 

This is a strange request but before we go there, let's raise some questions. Is it not enough to say, "take now thy son, Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering?" Will that not be clear to Abraham? It will be. So, why the repeated emphasis? Look at how God intentionally speaks to Abraham. God does in a way that He wants him to feel the entire import of that message. God wants him to have the full shiver; God wants him to bring forth all the sweat. The level God is calling Abraham to for which He is using this test must not be spared Abraham. He'll have the blessing right? Let him pass the test also. All in all, God just does not want to spare him from discipleship at all. So, the communication came point blank and even with a sort of hardness and a rubbing of gun powder into his wound. Imagine God saying, "your only son, Isaac whom thou lovest". Why would God have to be counting and deliberately choosing His words. This demand and emphasis shows how far Abraham has walked with God and how much God could ask of him or request him to submit to. What you're to sacrifice or what God demands of you to spare at times is a function of your secret growth and journey with Him. I know God won't say you should again go and offer your own child now. Jesus has become the better and final sacrifice but let's say you have an only child and God tells you to give it away to another parents to raise, just like Samuel was given away and Moses was adopted. Meanwhile, while Hannah had hope of giving birth and actually gave birth to more children, let's say, "you and God knows you will have none again". You haven't seen that? That instruction is not because you're poor and you're begging for life. As a matter of fact, you're enough and even have multitude of adopted children you're sponsoring to school as a well to do couple. But now that you have yours after years of waiting, will you turn your only child to another parents (whom God off course would have spoken to and settle matters with) to take the boy from you and nurse for Him (God). What will you do? You know that under such circumstance, those you're sent to can't come to tell you what God has said you should do. They're only waiting to confirm it. Let's quantify Abraham's sacrifice with that example I gave. Won't it be difficult doing that especially knowing that this is your only son? As in, somebody who came after all the fights of faith as a result of God's promise. It's such instance Abraham found himself. That's what God told him to go and give. Some of us may even pity him. Obviously we have many times but what God demands of Abraham is actually what he could bear. That's because God has afore matured him to that place where such instruction won't be too heavy for him. We didn't have any record that Abraham contests that demand.  We should also ask, why didn't God ask Sarah of same? While Sarah isn't the man with the call to become a nation, I'm sure she may not be able to do it because the relationship of Abraham with God is not the same Sarah has with God. She knows God no doubt but Abraham has walked with God and grown in faith superiorly. Abraham also obeyed God and not because he knew (by saying) God will provide for Himself. No! The writer of Hebrews says, knowing that God can wake Isaac up to a better ressurection, he does it in faith.

Hebrews 11:17-19, KJV

"17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: 19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure".

So, his reason for taking that step of faith is that stated in Hebrews above. He must have believed it can't but still be unto me according to God's Word (that says I'll give birth by Sarah and of that, He'll make me a multitude of nation). Nothing less. That could have informed why He accounted that even if he slaughters Isaac, God will raise him up from the dead since a promise has gone over him as the predicted child of promise. And I'll say that's even a greater faith than ultimately having known by fact that God will provide a ram from the start. 

Listen to me. What God will request of you will correspond with your growth and journey with Him. If He ever asks anything bigger before He matures you to that extent, it's because He's seeking to make you change levels with Him into the next. So, He's teaching practical to you as a way of introducing the next level to you. If you have a house and you hear God clearly and truly telling you to give it to a particular family, you will easily hearken if over the years you have walked with God in faith to such an extent that He could now lay the burden of big things on you. Mind you, chronological age is different from spirit or spiritual maturity. Someone who has witnessed God and seen His almightiness; who has known His terror and the joy of obeying Him also will not count it much to give. He'll know God has His own back too and will supply his needs according to His riches in glory also. Even if you have same house and could give same, your first problem will be seeking to settle who has spoken to you. So, God doesn't just come to novices to begin to ask them things. That's why even when God came to Samuel the first time, he was confused as to who was giving him instruction (I Sam.3:4-5). God's will is that you'll have settled hearing and be assured of who speaks to you before demands ever begins to come. If not, and a big request comes, you will just be limp and not have faith for it. You'll be flat on the inside. For Christ's sake, it is only in a night dream, just one appearance of God that an angel of God told Joseph to take as wife Mary and receive responsibility over an equation in her womb that the angel said was the Holy Ghost (Matt.1:20). Do you know why that man didn't argue it? He has grown to that extent, has faith for that extent and has received grace for such extent. Joseph isn't a small boy spiritually. Your wife was caught in adultery, you said you'll put her away (though you'll be justified for that); what if you discovered you've been raising a bastard and God is saying, "receive him as a son" and "take the mother as a wife also?" What if God says keep shut about it? Now you know but let it be between you, your wife and I. What would you do? Do you have grace and faith for that? Have you grown to this extent? And I believe there are many unspeakables we won't learn about until we get to heaven. 

You see, His dealings with us is in phases. Just like He knows we are dust and so bears with us (like we bear with our own kids), God also knows what and what not to communicate or command you to do. Everything will be commensurate to your faith (either the one you have now or that could be stirred at the demand). When the Bible says, "take my yoke upon you, for my burden is light" (Matt.11:29-30), do you think Jesus was speaking gibberish? Part of His yoke is what He will command as a revealed will for individuals occasionally. It will be a bitter cup but won't be too much of a bitter cup that you can't drink. When the sins of the whole world was laid on Jesus in Gethsemane, Jesus could feel the weight. He said, "let this cup pass over me but He submits when He says, "but as You will" (Matt.26:29). He drank it under grace. Jesus had grace, faith and help for that. God doesn't seek to break people's backbone. Christian, you must continue to flip and ascend the staircases of growth with God. If He tells you to forgive someone who has deeply hurt you and you eventually do because God persuades you to, you can proceed further to be more refined under greater demands and tasks until you get where without a revelation or request of the Holy Ghost, you forgive greater hurts (as already requested of you to do by God's Word). Many times, those who hears God expressly on a matter are those who have refused to be consoled or settled by God's revealed will as already stated in the Bible. If the Spirit places demands of little things on you in this your little days and you submit, you'll have grown much over the years that He could place the burden of great things on you. Even in your poverty or stringency, you'll meet it but with an assurance and revelation that He who ministers seeds to the sower will minister bread to your eater. For every bitter cup, there's an accompanying grace. Seek it. Take it!

PRAYER: May I grow in faith. I receive the grace, help and faith of acting and bearing it all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24

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Monday, 25 July 2022


 MONDAY - 25TH JULY, 2022



Acts 23:12, KJV

"And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul."

When you're hot, you'll attract attention. Only that, it's not angels only that will take note of you. Satan and his cohorts will do. When they do, get ready for all sorts of fights and manifestations of same through human beings of flesh and blood. 

Paul has converted to the Way which he once persecuted. This seems a grievous thing. Now, he preaches to contend with those he had once sided and sought consent from (Acts 9:1-2). Now, he's spreading the Way and he seems to be too zealous, damaging and so must be contained. In the bid to have him boxed, some serious, resolute men banded themselves together and revealed themselves to the authority of the high priest on how they're ready to suffer and sacrifice to see that Paul is not only silenced but killed. Their resolution reveals utmost seriousness. They're not wishful thinkers but actors and steps carriers. First of all, they bind themselves with an oath or a curse. Humans are known for fragility of will and he might turn back from his recent commitment. As to avoid that, they secured the group's commitment to killing Paul by swearing an oath and placing themselves under compulsion. The oath is that until he's killed, they won't eat. We all know how important food is to our sustainment and how it's impossible for the body to do without it for many days. That's the extent these ones are willing to afflict themselves to ensure that just one man is cut off. 

How do you face your targets? With resolution, focus, dedication and staunch commitment or with a wishful attitude? It will be unfortunate if the commitment of any Christian is not known in anything he does. It must be clear that we are here to stay and succeed. Though they didn't finally find Paul to be murdered yet no one had a shadow of doubt at the onset that Paul won't be killed. To kill him, they left other things unattended to and that includes any sort of pleasure. Do you have a pursuit? Let it show how much you crave achieving it by the intensity of your pursuit. Pursue with revenge, newness, vigour, strength and singleness of heart. Drive yourself to achievement. Give yourself a morale booster. Be a taskmaster to yourself. Set goals and fix deadlines. Let statements like, "until I finish, I won't eat, sleep or  take a step out" be your acting guide. This will leave you with no option but to concentrate and get tasks done once and for all. Let the day own trouble be sufficient for the day. Carrying over is dangerous and at the end not accomplished. Those men were men of one thing. Paul was their objective. Until you are, your pursuing may be weak. 

PRAYER: Give me the will to be resolute and pursue my resolution.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14; Romans 9:1-24; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 20:1

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