Showing posts with label The Word Of King Is Effective & It's Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Word Of King Is Effective & It's Power. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 April 2024




THE KING SENT AND LOOSED HIM - Loosed For Purpose Series 003

Psalms 105:20, KJV

"The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free."

You're lucky. Yes, you are. Meanwhile, you ought ask why I said you were lucky. That's because it's HIM calling you. Who's the "Him" you might ask again? It is Jesus! Blind Bartimeaus was given no chance. As soon as he cried out for mercy, he was shut down by the crowd. However, the Master Himself called him to Himself. "And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee" (Mark 10:49, KJV). That was why I said you were lucky. Your matter has reached the headquarters and it's been attended to right away. So fortunate are you that the order given concerning you comes directly from the Master Himself. It isn't a disciple that Jesus sent to heal blind Bartimeaus or attend to him. Rather, He did Himself. Your vindication, justification, deliverance is from nowhere but from the King straightforward. The Psalmist captures this succinctly when He says, "1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth" (Psalms 121:1-2, KJV). Your help and the order for your release comes from none other but the King. It is coming from the Lord.  Rejoice! He's the cure it all and the end of all your worries. 

This reminds me of a time in time when a tribal warlord decreed that a servant be beheaded. At the point of action, the Emperor's messenger arrives demanding that the servant be retrieved to the capital. This is how a decree by a lesser authority is overtaken and overruled by the greater. This isn't different from the case study we have at hand today. Potiphar puts Joseph in ward and if ever Joseph would be saved, his salvation can't come from a lesser officer than Potiphar who had commanded to jail him. To that end, the Bible says, "the king sent and loosed him..." It has to be the King! Say, "my matter has gotten to heaven. I'm now in the King's hands." Shout aloud, "judgement is overruled by mercy for me! I am spared. Thank you Jesus."

This is why I started by saying you were lucky. Your matter reached the headquarters before it was ever sealed. His Royal Majesty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords is the One presiding over your matter now. He's taking it out of the jurisdiction of your oppressor and is advocating for your life by His blood as we speak. As such, Satan and his cohort have no choice but to hiss reluctantly and let you go. A greater authority has spoken and He must be obeyed. It is a King who has sent to loose you...not any other. No one dare trivialize with the King's order. 

Who sent to free Joseph where the authority of Potiphar has sealed his fate? Pharaoh! Pharaoh is a king that potiphar dare not question. Pharaoh is a god in Egypt and as an absolute monarch. He is law and judge at the same time. He has given the decree, who will contest it? Likewise, God has sent to loose you and bring you out of many waters into His banqueting hall where His banner over you will be love (SOS 2:4). Who'll contest it? No one dare to but submit rather. Today, I want you to be confident that you will always fall into His hands. And as far as we have proven Him, He is merciful. After David's misbehaviour and sin, God gives him choices of his punishment. Out of three hot options - to be visited by famine for seven years; to be slaughtered by the enemy for three months or to fall by pestilence for three days, he was admonished to choose one. Knowing the mercy of God and how God's anger doesn't burn for long, He chooses to fall into God's hands. "And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the LORD; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man" (II Sam. 24:14). Though the judgement of pestilence burns against Israel that day very quickly yet the Lord stays His hands in mercy on David and the nation. 

When you're in many waters, besetted and surrounded with no hope (but with thoughts that'll you'll never make it out let alone to the palace), be assured of falling into God's hands. He's your advocate. His eyes goes throughout the earth watching the righteous from the unrighteous. As such, He'll deliver you in six troubles. Even in seven, no harm shall come to you. Your case has been transferred. The King is calling for you and you can be sure what message His messenger has brought. It is to loose you and let you go. It is to free you and let you live. No one exercises this right in your life but God Himself. If it were man, his word could have been contested. However, it is God who has said, "loose him and let him go." So, men will surrender, situation will yield and Satan himself shall flee. "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" (Ecclesiastes  8:4, KJV). He has given the Word (of your freedom) and great is the company of those who publish it. Who are those publishers? They're the gospel preachers and oracles of the Lord. Therefore as one of the horde He has given this oracle of liberty to, I declare over you, "be loosed. If indeed you're in bonds somewhere anticipating deliverance from further agitations, be loosed. Let your chains fall off; let your bonds be broken. Be brought out to see the light of the day. Celebrate a new life in God's banqueting hall." 

PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for the word of your power sent to loose me. Be it unto me according to Your word. Thank You for coming for me rightly.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 33:1-29, Luke 13:1-21, Psalm 78:65-72, Proverbs 12:25

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