Showing posts with label Societal Reformation Through Repentance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Societal Reformation Through Repentance. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 May 2024





Luke 3:7-8, NLT

"7 When the crowds came to John for baptism, he said, "You brood of snakes! Who warned you to flee God's coming wrath? 8 Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God..."

The society can be reformed through repentance! How can we know good life on earth when our society is in disarray and our systems (all human institutions i.e. Commerce/Business, Art/Entertainment, Sports, Politics/Government, Education, Spiritual/Social and Media are in devastatingly corrupt state. 

John the Baptist came preaching the message of repentance and if it interests you to know, Jesus didn't set it at nought. Only that where John baptized with water unto repentance, Jesus has the promise of baptizing with the Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3:16). 

I tell you brethren that repentance - a change of life can change our society and make it heaven for us to live in. What are John's recommendations to the many people who hears him? He admonishes them to live above mere confession of being children of Abraham (of being Christians by word of mouth) to proving being one by a Christlike life. Now, what are the suggestions and solutions he gave on how they should live when they felt sorry and asked what to do?

"If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry" (Lk.3:11, NLT).  What has John said here? Be human! Exercise your bowel of compassion. Spread mercy! Give humanitarian aids and do good to everybody, especially those of the household of faith (Gal.6:10). That someone isn't born again or is not of your faith (i.e the Christian faith) doesn't mean you shouldn't help him. Irrespective of faith, creed, race; we are first of all one big family of the human race. Irrespective of our colour and the continent we live in, we are made of one blood (Acts 17:26). Seeing we're first human before segmentation into other castes of life, there's a good we have to do and keep doing to the human race without discriminating. Even God taught us to be like Himself who shines His sun and gives His rain to both good and evil men alike (Matt.5:45). There's no where you go where the sun, the rain and other natural wonders don't go into play. Couldn't God discriminate against the evil for having not received His only begotten Son by withholding those natural blessings from them? No, He won't. Reason being that we are all His creatures and He is still obligated to us as our Creator. He calls us to exercise same duty to both good and evil men alike so that we'll be children of our Father who's in heaven. 

Two, John addresses corrupt tax collectors and government officials, telling them not to exaggerate taxes than the government requires. Even the soldiers (who are known for their oppression and violent actions) enquire of him and he tells them not to extort money or make false accusations but be contented with their wages (Lk.3:12-14). 

You can testify that the above are the cankerworms that have eaten deep into our society. Demanding more than you're authorized takes forefront. It ranges from both private to public institutions; the force to sport, education and other ministries. Much revenues are collected under the guise of government's orders but never remitted. This is simply corruption!

What about extortion which men and women of the force are known for? Police officers, army, navy etc are known to be hard men devoid of compassion (due to their trainings) but those who threaten and impose strict measures on people to steal from them. They not only extort, they often accuse people falsely to pervert justice and earn a reward of sin for themselves. They don't mind the tears of another and have all together neglected the law.

All these are evils stemming from one thing - "not being contented with one's wages." Despite the much pay of our politicians and many government officials, they are yet not contented with their pay. Both in government and private institutions, you had to tip to get things done. Tipping encourages corruption. That idea that you should still be rewarded financially or in kind after discharging your rightful duty as an employee is an underlying work of corruption. We should rather see ourselves as unworthy servants who have only done what is expected of him. Waiting for a hand to pass a note to you after executing tasks rather shows you're a cursed and lost soul. In some places now, it is seen as a right. Workers eagerly wait for it and pick offence or have your work delayed as revenge when you don't do the 'needful.' These are souls that'll wrath in hell except they repent - seeing it's not a right practice or what they should make a culture of. 

John the Baptist's message is that of a social reformer. Yet, a message given him to preach by God (Lk.3:2-3). He nails on the head practices in his day that made their society impure and ungodly. If men would repent from all these (beginning from being contented with their wages across board), ritual killing, armed robbery, embezzlement and many other vices would dwindle, come to a halt especially in many African nations. 

That'll be real revival. Revival isn't rolling on the floor, shedding of tears or hollering. While they could accompany revival, they aren't the vital signs. What we are looking for is a broken and a contrite heart. A heart that'll be grieved and so turns away from such activity that loots the society and brings no glory to God. Imagine having a society with little or none of those vices, sooner, we'll progress and spend resources where they should be spent. It's then our light will be heralded even far away and our righteousness shine forth like the sun. Only if men would repent of all their dead works where they are. If religious leaders would repent of hypocrisy, lecturers of failing students for not bribing or agreeing to sleep with them; politicians of looting, traders and business men of cheating and con activities, then we'll rise a colossus. Instead of sin which is a reproach to any people, we'll see righteousness exalt our nation (Prov.14:34). May men be gripped and cut deeply to their hearts in their offices, homes, at law court and even in the media houses, falling on their faces, confessing their sins and turning away from it. May our families and public centres be filled with the wave of this newness so that men could even kneel, praying in public without shame. May this wind of revival by repentance blows!

PRAYER: Lord, send down revival and turn the sinning hearts.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 13:1-39, John 17:1-26, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 16:6-7

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