Showing posts with label Wife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wife. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 August 2022



Yesterday, I received the shock of my life from Mile 12 to New Garage, Lagos. It happened that the vehicle I boarded had a conductor who couldn't made sense of money. He couldn't deduce what amount should be given back as change after collecting money from individuals. In this bus crowded with market women who are patronizers of this driver and his lacking in Maths conductor was where I got to receive some lessons I now teach.

I wondered, "in this Lagos. Eko wejenle (the never dare Lagos). Eko ile ogbon (outright teaching centre ready to teach the sluggish and unlearned). Is it where this "folly" is being practised? "How's the driver coping with this man who he had to help over and over again understand simple Maths with which to settle their passengers? Yet, he's driving and again busying himself with accountability on money matters. Why would he have such a man for himself? Couldn't he lay him off?" That last question was the beginning of my find.

God told me, "if he were laid off, how would he (the unmathematical conductor) feed? That's his place. He has chosen to work as a bus conductor and it becomes a must that I find him a place and a support system. God said, "I created that driver for him - to tolerate and bear with his folly, sluggishness and strangenesses." The conductor is not sharp as all of you passengers rightly observed. As a matter of fact, their regular patronizers (the traders) in the vehicle already knew him and his boss (the driver). They, (Driver and Conductor) have learnt by experience how to relate and manage themselves. I only had to speak to A to accommodate B." I was shocked hearing all these!

The Spirit of truth then continued His enlightening saying, "same way, I have ordained that all of you would marry. All of you would marry including the thought less off. Time may differ." I asked, "how?" He said, "I have created for individuals those who will accept them." You may not be clean, whole or totally proficient. This may slow your acceptance process as always esteemed by men. You may have a thing lacking somewhere but there's someone who had been created, placed somewhere by God for you with an instruction and a compelling one at that to receive you as you are (that's not to condone areas you could improve on anyway). I'm only speaking of atrophied portions of our lives that we can't change but accept, live and bear with. For example, someone is a stammerer or an albino. Some may not want to marry them for that. As a matter of fact, the Spirit said, "He created them (the endurers) to find that deficient and accept him or her like that." It pleases me to say that God originally had created such people with a forbearance, long-suffering, patience and an inside or module in them etc to cope with such deficients (in whatsoever aspect) it occurs in such people they'll be team mated with.

The Bible says without repentance that, "God sets the solitary in families (Psalm 68:6). A solitary is a single fellow: brother or sister. When the Bible says that, did you not sense commitment of God in that statement? It means, "it is my duty, obligation and very much within my power to see that all of you including the "worst" of you (in human terms or tagging) marries. It is you humans who categorise one person as fine and the other as lacking. But you are all my creatures, my handiwork irrespective of how you're delivered to this earth (born) or what a cause on earth has turned you to (i.e. injury, accident etc). You're all my children. I have a commitment to see to it that you're all set in a family. I exclaimed, "Kai, my Father!" God told me, "is any maimed, diseased, down syndromed, hyper emotional, over sensitive or unbearable to the community of "proper men?" He said, "such fellow has a fit and He'll find him or her their fit." Their fit like that driver would have been levied with tolerance and inbuilt to long suffer with them. They're specially created or have been tended by training and what life has thrown at them or taught them to bear with such deficients when their paths cross. Brethren, you're not forsaken because God has prepared someone for you (that your path has likely not crossed with) to bear you up from rejection, shame, your inadequacies and bear with you (as you both live together). That's he or she who would understand you. 

God said, because I'm obligated to feed all my creatures; I hooked that moron conductor up with a driver who would bear with him. At least, I feed the birds who neither sow or reap. The lilies also get clothed and the green grass who are sooner turned into the oven. How much more you? Am I not taking thought for you?

Are you saying, "you'll forever lack a partner because of the hemorrhage, occasional insanity, seizure (that leads to public shame) you're facing? God said, "No!" I can hook you up even to an outright better person. The person would just need to see a "better part of you." Even the most despised have a selling point. Even if you're a normal human being, you can't have all aspects of you perfect. There'll also be a place where you'll also need to be tolerated. Those of you who don't have obvious challenge manifesting in any physical deficiency for instance, would you indeed say, "you have no problem when you know as I do that you have anger issue, accountability problem, emotional weakness, spiritual and character defect etc." Yet, you have found a helpmeet. Let us ask again and again, "how did you get this done?" God simply found you one. Just one who your mountains doesn't bother as such. 

Some of you married as over age people also. Some even remarry because of deceased spouse or divorce to end up again with virgin singles yet as single parents! How did you get to marry another with the hang over of a kid from your past relationship? Or don't you know that the higher population of both sexes don't want to marry somebody who has been afore "gotten" and then has "baggage." Yet, because God is under obligation to fulfill Psalm 68:6, He marries you off to another again. He always has a fixer for you. Do you think it's because you have a clean face and bogus buttocks? Many there be who have those ephemerals who are still without covers. It's this commitment of "I set the solitary in families" that each of us enjoys. All of us have people who won't accept us when offered them even if we're the most graced, beautiful, wealthy or straight up people. However, God has one for us. That's my own comfort and should be yours also. To shock you, somebody might even be turned off because of your superfluous credentials. They'll say, "I want to marry someone who's silent." I met a lady who's now a rising star in her profession who told me she would never never marry a star. I said, "how would you know? "I'll just know. I know what I want out of life", she replied. Today, she is a star and I'm thinking she wanted a silent partner because of who she has discovered she'll become. So, she was looking for a point of contact to be hooked with her very opposite. You know, it is always magnet that attracts iron."

People, check your balance. Add, subtract, divide, multiply. Just do the sum. Who do you account yourself to be that you think you can't be fixed up. God is the greatest matchmaker though a pastor in any church has a fragment of this duty on him to help two people also get married by looking at two people who could do themselves good, won't be disgusted with themselves as pairs and then introduce (but without force) same to each other. If they're good in each other's sight and it pleases God, they may eventually hook up together. 

Look, God has an address, a person and a love in mind for you. You'll be satisfied eventually. The day you find acceptance from such people, you'll turn round and ask yourself if you were the one who has been rejected till hitherto. You'll just be dazed! It won't be reasonable again to you but it would make sense to God and His divine community. 

Look at me, are there not many widows in Israel before God sent Elijah to Zarephath? Are there not many lepers to be healed before God crafted  Elisha down for Naaman (Matt. 4:25-27). You have a fixer! One you'll enter into like hook and eye do. One who will meet all you are or have become. The fit! You have he who will receive you with both arms without murmuring or grumbling. His confession to the horrible shock of others would be, "look at the good gift" God has given me. They are not getting it but he or she knows better and would esteem you so even to your own shock. 

Therefore, by the prophetic on me, I order you to fall in line with your time and season, with your place in your placement, your person amidst people. Let your paths cross. Find acceptance. Find a long sufferer. Find a bearer with your kind (made you by nature or life). Find it now. Alignment now and not later. Find same who you'll be precious in his or sight. One that your trouble would be kindness to!

You say, "how possible?"

I answer with He said, "He'll set the solitary in families [even at all cost]."

© Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 37 04 68 12
