Showing posts with label Realizing Your Full Potential. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Realizing Your Full Potential. Show all posts

Friday, 1 March 2024




Happy New Month!!!


I Samuel 16:18, KJV

"Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the LORD is with him."

Your goal in life is simple. It is to realize yourself. What does it means to realize oneself? It means "using oneself or discharging oneself fully." That is your goal and you don't want to back off from it. I hope how it does me and many others is how it is doing you. When there is still more to do, the feeling would be echoed from my inside and I'll know what to pursue and what next to give attention to. There's a peak that each of our personal potential could get to. It's God's will that we'll horn ourselves to reach such peak in all seriousness and dedication. 

While Saul is in search of a good harp player, David receives a recommendation. He was praised to the King. Now, David is a multidimensional man. However, he found a way of realizing himself. All that was written of him in that verse were all he became or was outrightly known for. He became the sweet psalmist of Israel, a man with a courageous heart - a warrior of many battles, a man of good judgement, a comely man and then one who have God's presence. If you have many gifts, passion or inclination and there's need to pursue them all, you'll know from your inside. All of them as integral part of you will win your approval and desire you to fulfill them. Realizing ourselves means becoming all we are perceiving of ourselves. It's possible to be a writer, singer, actress and a model in one's life time by an immersing into each trade. You only need to find a starting point without letting go of others. You can horn each skill or related gifts in your life and take them to ascension. We are on earth to spend ourselves fully. As a matter of fact, by the time I am going back to God in death, no iota of potential in me should still be crying out to God for fulfilment. My thirst should have been doused and I should have been satiated by a life well lived so much more that I won't have a personal sense of loss at departure.

David is cunning in harp playing, a courageous man of war, of good judgement and then of handsome appearance who God is with. Each of these are the parts that makes up David. To have been described as "cunning in harp playing", it means David practiced until he became very exceptional and a distinguished harp player. It means those moments in the desert, David would relinquish in harp playing until this skill got horned to an exceptional level where it is his uniqueness he now plays as the music suits his very nature. However, he's also a courageous warrior. You wouldn't testify of someone having these traits without having seen him excercised bravery. Surely, the story of having smothered a lion and a bear might have been known by some by this time (I Sam.17:36). That's no small feat. In addition, he's also a man of good judgement or reason. He has good common sense and he's a good thinker. We need such leader and men in our society if we won't be plunged into foolishness and human error that'll consume us all. To further it, David is a handsome man. He has his personal style. To be handsome is not only a function of one's face, figure or frame. It also relates to how one dresses or make-up to beautify one self. You may be beautiful or handsome and paint yourself or dress yourself ugly. However, you may be naturally ugly and make up for it by your creativity in redefining your appearance into your desired person. All these are the skills or graces that engendered David to Saul. To top it all, we read that God is with him. Show me a man with other qualifications who God is not with and I'll show you a man whose candle could be sniffed out. I'll show you a man who'll lack favour and special acceptance by men. I'll show you a man who'll not be protected in all his ways. However, God is with this one. To have God on your side, you must cultivate an intentional relationship with God. You must grow in God, learn how to attract His presence and hear Him speak. All these are the platforms of David. Something will praise you to others as well. As this new month begins, seek to horn it. When taken to an exceptional level, it can't but command attention and put you out there. This is a reminder that if you're multidimensional, you can realize yourself. A new month to you! Safe sail!

PRAYER: I shall not be careless and let fallow without cultivating the gifts, graces and endowments God has given me. I become all. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 19:1-20:21, Mark 8:11-38, Psalm 42:1-11, Proverbs 10:17

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