Showing posts with label Fatherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fatherhood. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 August 2022



That day, I came to campus to pack my remaining books. That was when I met this newly priest posted to St.Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Ahead of time, during my excoship as the fellowship president, I had told my second tenure excos that the Lord would have me go to Nicopolis. God gave me Titus 3:2. However, I didn't know where Nicopolis was or who my trainer would be there. But I was very sure God would have me trained for ministry. I told them that.

If you ever knew #EuniceOlabode, #OgunlanaSamuel, #OreoluwaRunsewe, #NguBarak, #OluwabusayomiAdams, #OduroyeMoninuola, #OgunsekanFolakemi, #AnjolaTella, # MelekiDaniel etc, they'll tell you Bro Sola kept repeating Nicopolis and how God would have him trained there. 

When my path crossed with Canon's (as he was formerly called), I was at the gates of St. Peter's Anglican Church also known as Anglican Bus stop in Tai Solarin University of Education waiting to board a vehicle going to Ijebu Ode where I stayed then. He met me at the gate and we started a discussion. He said he had learnt I was the previous fellowship president. He requested for what I had in those bags and I revealed same as, "my books." He said, "come and see."

O my God! Come and see shelves. Come and see books. All the books I coveted to read were there. Kenyon is what I'm seeing. Look at Haggin peeping at me. What about those big big books? Those are on theology. O Jesus! I've never seen an orthodox minister having much books like this. That's how we knew ourselves. So, I'll come to the vicarage to do vigil with him often. From there, I packed into the vicarage. Like he'll say, "I didn't know how 'Sola got into my house.' Indeed, he didn't because we didn't sit down formally to agree, "tomorrow, I'll pack in." Only that as I came, something about him, the anointing -  Holy Spirit and his words which carry spirit and life)  kept drawing me back until I tore myself from Ijebu Ode and became apprenticed to him.

It was said of Enoch that he walked with God and was not again. That happened to me. As I went back and forth from him, I conclusively and decisively weaned myself to be given away to him and what God would have him do to me. After all, I remembered the Nicopolis instruction and concluded after examination that, "this is it." People (especially the ASFITES I handed over to) were later shocked finding me living with this holy prophet and anointed teacher. Since he was their vicar, I'll follow him to observe his ministration with them once in a month. It was then these students saw their former revered papa carrying the Bible of this holy man in honourable service but what probably might have been labelled a reproach. They wouldn't believe it. All those who would call me papa after the campus order having being the campus president and fellowship's might have thought it diminishing for me to submit to someone who's within our jurisdiction and least of all, an Anglican Priest. Even many Anglicans don't esteem Anglican Priests as authentic. They just believe they're sloppy and undiscerning spiritually. But as all of those students would later come to recon, they knew Oyebode was different. He would teach as if he shouldn't stop. You always want to hear him more. Something ties you to whatsoever he utters. The interest is always there. Deliverance would be ongoing. Demons screaming and fleeing their hidden places. His parting and pathing anointing would make people fall hither and thither while he'll bluntly instruct in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Terrible teacher and prophet.

It must be for a reason like that the then #BishopAyodeleAwosoga of Ijebu Anglican Diocese who's of blessed memory posted him from Waterside to Ijagun to till the land of students and break up their fallow grounds. And he still did in his little years full of striving against forces hell sent against his ministry. I was eyewitness to all as I fought side by side with him in warfare at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Since 2015 till date, I'm still with daddy. His family opened up to me and many children that the star guided to their Bethlehem. What they (the family) ate was what I ate. Nothing hidden, nothing amiss. Mummy Oyebode would ensure any don't miss home in her home. A woman fervent in prayer and spirituality herself. May the Lord bless daddy and mummy Oyebode for #EmmanuelOyebode, #FavourOyebode, #MercyOyebode, #GraceOyebode and all of us.

I call them my siblings because that's who they are. Grace (their last born) one day asked daddy, "is Bro 'Sola our elder brother?" For a little girl of 6 to be asking this, "it means that Bro Sola must have stayed long enough as to have been counted in as one." Am I not one? I am because I have inherited that minister though he yet lives.

Daddy, you're my father. Your oil is on me. The works you do I do. I won't badly repay you. I won't waste all the secret impartations or even the words unverbalized but which I understood. It's the intention of good fathers that their children would double their work.  Elisha requested for the "double portion of Elijah's spirit." He doubled him. Jesus promised His disciples greater works and they did. I'm doubling you as your soul might have blessed me. This oil of yours on me has opened doors unto us to enter Europe, America and Asia. We've already surrounded the Scandinavian nations with our gospel and are progressing. However, I still seek opportunity to come and serve you though I'm in my own destiny land. I long for home to tarry round your grace while you instruct me and others in wisdom. I want to INCREASE LEARNING! I want to wash your car, polish your shoes, wash your handkerchief, accompany you to ministrations, jingle the bell while you sing (which I was first embarrassed doing the first time you said I should) and above all, "see light in your light."

Anglican Students Fellowship, TASUED BRANCH and Ijebu Anglican Diocese obviously know Venerable Johnson Oyebode. He's a worthy man to learn Christ from. You're a righteous man. Your family is blessed having you. I lived with you before concluding that. I saw you well. 

Discipleship is the goal even if you mistaken daddy for an archaic, rugged and demanding minister. He's a successful minister who has produced children after his own kind. Many in ministry today and other spheres of life. May I speak of #OluwabusayomiAdams, #ToluAdams, #AlfredGod's-Gift (Pastor), #TheophilusSeunKhale (Rev) and those ministers I'll like to cover. From your healing anointing that broke the shackles of a mad man, to your teaching anointing that could stay on a verse or run concordance on a singular word to study, to the prophetic that I've seen dived and divine to fetch secrets hidden about people, I covet all. All is what we all your children covets.

Father, as you hit a milestone and celebrate your birthday, may it be "long life and God's salvation." May you be preserved to do more in the body of Christ. May you eat the fruits of your labour and be rewarded to your face. Morning Wings Ministry and I, #OlusolaADEJUMO M'Wings recognize your impact on us and celebrate you as our father. Baba Mi Oyebode!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry.
