Showing posts with label The Risen And The Upright SHEAF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Risen And The Upright SHEAF. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 August 2023



Welcome to month risen and month upright. I am Olusola ADEJUMO M'Wings, your host on Morning Wings. 

Brethren, it's my prayer that you will stand and then stand upright. When you stand, you will stand tall. You won't be bowed because everything that can bow you will be bowed for your sake. And if you've been bowed (forcefully put under by the machinations of the devil), I call you back to your rightful place in Jesus' name.  

As we enter this new month, it's occuring to me to teach on your sheaf standing up and standing upright. What does the Bible say about someone's sheaf who's our envy for this teaching?

Genesis 37:7, KJV

"For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf".

The sheaf of Joseph did two things. It ROSE and then stood UPRIGHT. Others' however stood round his and worship it. It is clearly clear here that one shall serve the other; one shall be master and the other, the servant. 

Now, let me quickly tell you that those sheaves are representations of those brothers and Joseph himself in the spirit. Your sheaf is your representation in the spirit. Just like every church founded by God has a candle stick before Him in heaven, so also all of us have representations before God. We'll take the sheaf as an example. Your sheaf is you. However, let's enquire, "what must happen to your sheaf?" It should only be that it rises and stands upright always. 

If your sheaf has known uprightness and suddenly is bent; you may need to quickly seek troubleshooting and restoration. You've heard of people who were once successful and were the rave of the town but which something suddenly or by process of time subdues. He was once he that everybody calls and runs to. Now, it is he seeking every contact he could call. O my Jesus!

This world is full of envy and if you refuse to be strong, you'll surely be stamped out. Sheaves are contesting even in the work and political place for recognition and greatness. Evil machinations are being deployed to see that others are bent and bowed over. Competition may be so fierce that a fellow noticed for the spirit of excellence may want to be taken out for envy. The exact that they unleased against Joseph wondering what would later become of his dream. For this reason, you must seek power divine so that your sheaf will rise and stand upright always irrespective of the acts. Standing upright shows distinction. It is a mark of excellence and also headship. May you carry that headship today. 

More importantly, the upright sheaf is a sign of visibility. A thing that stands is easily seen. Many people there be who are not visible to people (who should notice them) because their sheaves are lying on their sides. Imagine someone's sheaf being on the ground in the spirit instead of being risen and upright. 

Ten people who sell or trade may be in a neighborhood and only one is notably visible to customers. It doesn't matter what others do. Even if they relocate upstairs, fix a big bill board for awareness or put in place customer relation ethics, yet customers may not be appealed to buy from them. I hope you know that there are those who engage the occult world for such result, so much more that they haul the customers of others to themselves. It's a function of the spirit (demonic) working with him or her. You can't wade it off by naturally working harder or making your shop more appealing. You have to counter and engage that spirit with God's power. That hold must be broken on you so that your sheaf that has been put to sleep, put under or on the ground would rise and stand upright. It's only then, mark me, only then you'll be visible. 

It is because you haven't learnt spirit things that makes you solely believe that locating a venue at a junction, by the road side or in a place of concourse is what would make you have patronizers. You better quit this act! No! John the Baptist was in the wilderness yet all Jerusalem, Judea and environ around went out to him (Matt. 3:5). People were rushing to his ministry. Why? They were appealed by the Spirit. There's Spirit awareness and recommendation when it is God who first sets you up. Meanwhile, I won't debate with you if why you wanted siting at a place of concourse is to hold yourself accountable immediately before people or fight the spirit and reproach of not wanting to be named or seen with Christ especially in this your day of small beginning. If that be, you're vindicated. 

What matters is that your sheaf stands up. What matters is that you have a candlestick before God. If you're this recognized and approved by heaven, they'll come one and all to your church. It is the mystery of the risen and upright sheaf. 

I pray for you that your sheaf will rise. The Bible says, "a city set on a hill cannot be hidden neither do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel but on a lamp stand to give light to all that's in the room" (Matt.5:14-15).

When your sheaf rises up and stands upright, you immediately become a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. Irrespective of your siting, you'll be attractive, locatable and visible. They'll just be searching you out. May I say that the visibility every true man should strive for is spirit visibility first of all. When your sheaf has taken its place in the spirit and is not bowed but upright with forthrightness, you'll be noticed. If your sheaf is laying down, bent and bowed in the spirit however, men may continue to bypass you for good. You may be beautiful but you won't just get proposals and if you do, only from players. But once this deed of the risen and upright sheaf effects itself on you, you immediately begin to sell. It will be you they'll send for, enquire from, give to, promote, belove and even choose above others. It's because you're set where you are locatable. You're a city set on a hill which can no longer be hidden. You've broken fetters and blasted bushels. You have refused to be caged or subdued but rather to manifest unfettered. So, men would be persuaded of you. 

It doesn't matter what has happened to you and changed your position and status for another. Today, I'm sent to say, RESTORE! Whereever sheaves that should be worshipped are the ones worshipping, I cause a reversal. Princes might have become slaves you know and they might even have exchanged rides for a lower status or degree. However, the decree is that, "take your place. Let headship be clear. Receive that mark of distinction and be praised and noted for same. 

I pray that any power supremely bowing your sheaf from rising and being observed for good are blasted and rebuked in Jesus' name. I say to you son and daughter of God that your sheaf will rise and rise uprightly in the gathering of sheaves. Amidst whomsoever, you won't be the one with a bowed and bent sheaf - begging for life and seeking to be. Rather, like Joseph, you'll be established as a risen and upright sheaf on your hill. You'll reign as chief because God is your upper arm and he Who gives you upper hand. 

This month, you are RISEN and you are UPRIGHT! Be the head only!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812