Showing posts with label Goliath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goliath. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 August 2022





Read I Sam 17:31-37

I Samuel 17:36 KJV

"36 Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God."

Saul said, "you are not able to go against him because he has been a man of war from his youth." That's David trying to survive his rookie years but a personality innocently is still trying to hinder him from entering professionalism. What could be the problem? They care so much for David and wouldn't want him lose his life like that. That's the reason for the warning. He has been a fighter but who knows you to be one yet you said you'll take him on. At this point, David was necessitated to prove a fact. Did the Bible not say we should have an answer ready for all those who enquire from us (I Peter 3:15)? David pointed out in his discourse. "I have been a shepherd and here are my accomplishments. I have slew both the lion and the bear. I have a background knowledge in fighting. It would be fitting if you allow me execute this project. At least, I am not a novice somehow and I wouldn't be starting from zero." It was this that was heard that settled all to let David have his fight. Immediately, Saul said to David, "go, and the Lord be with you." You must be convincing and persuading. Never be abstract in your persuasion. Present evidences. 

People might think less of you but evidences are always evident. David could have been forever shut up from fighting Goliath if not for the presentation of his former works in that line. Nobody believes you until we see testimonies of the jobs you've delivered on. If you're most especially in the creative world, either you're a graphics designer or a content writer etc, one of the things your employer wants to see before they trust you with their jobs is sample of your previous work. They call it a portfolio. It is a folder of series of works you've delivered on which won you more. David had that. God is speaking to someone. Never leave your place of assignment. Sticking to duties gives you preparation and experience that you have no thinking where it'll be valuable. David never saw Goliath coming. He only had a training in Warring 101. David was a shepherd. That was his job. But in his job description, it involves protecting the sheep. In the process of being a good shepherd, he learnt warring. Yet shepherding seems such a job that contradicts warring. In unseemly places and jobs, God will make your path cross with an experience that would give you entrance into your multimillion job or prepare you a future in your calling or career. Never despise any day of little beginning even if it would mean volunteering to gather valuable experience, building your Curriculum Vitae and portfolio. David started a volunteer. Jesse was not paying him. Even Eliab fought him saying, "with whom did you leave those few sheep" (18). That's to tell you how insignificant the job that prepared him was. The truth is you must prove your worth and there are levels and tasks on which you could build your worth up. The world is looking for a trusted hand, one in which they could commit the Goliath project to. May God make you win it as you bid for it. It took David bidding by explaining what he's capable of before he was let in. Never be reluctant to assuage the doubt of any concerning you. Let no man make mockery of your youth. Wisdom is not always age. Experience is always not adulthood. David had experience that almost all the soldiers there didn't have including Saul. Let your confidence be, "the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the bear will deliver me from this uncircumcised Philistine because he'll also be like one of them." You see, no new task. One new task would always disguise as an old one. Your chances of succeeding is built up for having attempted similar tasks before. Today, don't shortchange yourself by fleeing from any assignment life or authorities are entrusting you with. That's your Potter's House, those who stay would have a story to tell and a preparation for their future inevitably.

PRAYER: Lord, may I not despise my little beginning and my insignificant achievements. May I overcome by testimonies. Settle me in the place of learning. May I not become critical of the assignment that's my launchpad into my future.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 8:1-11:20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 21:28-29

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Tuesday, 23 August 2022





Read I Samuel 17:41-47

I Samuel 17:45, KJV

"Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied."

Brethren, there is confession of newbies different from masters'. When you're a newbie, that is a J.J.C. (Johny Just Come), your volatile reputation makes you have self doubt and less belief in yourself. You're always seeking affirmation erratically while gazing at experienced hands for strength. If there were a greater force or power to trust in, you'll release yourself and your faith to rest in such and their words. Do know that it is easier trusting in God in days of nothingness than our days of apprehension. Range from fields to fields, you'll see the simplicity unarguably by which people submitted and took up tasks during their beginning. This is David at the battle front. Apart from the local matches he had had with wild animals, he had never battled with any human before let alone a champion. This bout was his first professional fight. So, how did he went into battle that day? That's what God wants you see. He said: "thou (Goliath) come to me with weapons" - these are the things anyone would easily trust in. You'll be stupid as a human if you want to protect a city without setting guards. However, we know who indeed could keep a city. We know it is God who could make it not enter any man's mind to come break through. They may have the intention but He has the power over all His creatures to hold or let them loose. God determines our boundary. That's why a quick reminder in Psalm 127:1 would do. 

"But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts" - David said this also after Goliath had disdained him and boasted as to how he'll feed him away to fowls. He was counteracting Goliath not by what Goliath brought to the field or trusted in but by esteeming and acknowledging God. What you esteem and have utmost trust in as weapon would be revealed in the evil day. That is what your pronouncement and care would be around. That'll be what you'll care reaching for or invoking. For David, it was God. He couldn't have boasted in anything. When he told of his former achievements, it was to convince all to let him take on Goliath but never to dazzle, exercise pride or show dependence in his own strength. God as He said is in whose name he has come to do battle. What a thing! He didn't esteem himself as the warrior who would get it done. He rather said, "God will deliver you into my hands and I will smite you down so that all the earth may know that there's a God in Israel." What's David's end result for wanting to confront Goliath? So that all glory might be God's. That's the meaning of "so that all the earth may know there's a God in Israel." It is not, "so that they'll know I'm the son of Jesse or a mighty warrior." Did you see any boast in oneself there? All David said and exhibited counteracted all Goliath did. He so much trusted in his own might as to say, "choose a man that he may fight me. If he wins vice versa."

Brethren, emulate David. Always acknowledge God in your journey of what you'll face or that'll face you. Don't be wise in your own conceit or lean on your own understanding. God has wisdom and strategies to give you if you'll ever cultivate a heart and desire to find out. Invoke God, deliver the challenge to Him and at victory, attribute the glory also to Him. Only few become mature by years who still humble themselves before the Lord this way. Rather, they steal the show and name it theirs. They're under the influence of deception brought by mastery. Experience can endanger you especially if you're a minister. It is what won't make you enquire of God how He'll want you do a routine anew because you already have hows for it. David showed humility. He acknowledged God as He who will still give him victory like before in the face of his new challenge. God would like you be this humble at heart even if you have had a portfolio of achievement before. You may be an adult but you're still God's boy or girl. Reveal your need of Him. Never become Uzziah who thrusted himself into what was not his calling because he had reached the "made strong stage." This same Uzziah wouldn't have had such boldness to defy God in his early days (II Chronic.26:18). As you go, always carry the humility of "I just came" before God though with the inner confidence of "I've been here" before men. Men wants to see if you're competent and confident but God wants to see if you're teachable, referencing and loyal. May you always say like a newcomer, "I come to you in the name of the Lord" irrespective of how masterful or sophisticated you've become. 

PRAYER: Teach me the ways of disciples. May I esteem you as my greatest weapon and wisdom. May my sophistication not suffocate me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 4:1-7:21; 1 Corinthians 14:18-40; Psalm 37:30-40; Proverbs 21:27

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