I Kings 17:1, KJV
"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.
I said yesterday that a "straitly shut heaven or gate" is one that's perfectly closed. It allows no disclosure. In all wisdom, knowledge and devices, it was crafted to last any wear and tear that may want to be done to it in order to fulfill its intention. Now, let not that man think he's free of consequences if his heaven is shut. There are! He'll see paper and mistaken it for money. May you not get here. May you not know for once what it means for rain to stop falling on your land. Elijah the Tishbite, so he was called gave a strong prophecy. It was a declaration that aligned earth to heaven. When he said, "there shall not be dew nor rain these years except by my word", heaven heard and the earth became powerless to resist. Immediately, there was a covering, a lid created to seal off any outpouring from falling on the earth. This is where God proves to us over and over again that a man can receive nothing except that given to him from above. It's a thing that all Christians should come into agreement with. The saying is, "nothing" unless it's given to him. If heaven is not deciding on it, let him gather the kings of the earth for petitioning, he won't still have it. When heaven was shut, did the earth receive rain? May God open your eyes to know where to secure. When you pay your tithe and do all necessary obligations to God, you're securing your heaven to remain open. There's no one the gate is shut at who won't shrink. A straitly shut heaven is characterized by two things. There's neither rain or dew. Rain is rain you know that. It's the big thing we all expect. By it, many things on earth survive. Dew is lesser in intensity compared to rain. It gives a kind of water but it is just minimal and impenetrable to the ground, very minimal to the water any would get from rain. So, when Elijah said, "there shall be neither rain or dew", he was shutting all gates of possibilities against Israel. We make do with the dew (though it's not our first option) in the absence of rain. The mist can as well water the earth as proven here when God is not yet giving rain on the earth.
Genesis 2:6, KJV
"But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."
But now, Elijah told Israel that the mist or dew won't even be available. What a closure and termination of all hopes. Many there be who have such proclamation ravaging them. Nothing big is happening in their lives and nothing small is happening also. They don't have a breakthrough to pen down. They're just at a standstill. They have no respite at all. I know somebody who met himself in such hopeless situation. It was the prodigal son. When he began to be in want, he desired eating pig's pods (food) but even that one was not given to him.
Luke 15:16, KJV
"And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him."
Now, pig's food isn't what any human should take but he was boxed to descend to that yet no one availed him of it.
You know, we humans always make do with the alternative when the primary isn't on offer yet a man is suffered when there's nothing to manage at all. This is a result of a straitly shut heaven. I pray for you, the devil won't take away all your hopes. You'll always have a way of escape. If you inflate a balloon and suddenly punctures it, it becomes that the air escapes. Today, I'm seeing angels becoming busy to create a way of escape round hopeless situations for you. If you don't know, there are hopeless situations. It ranges round every areas of our lives but if God is at hand for you, no matter how bad the situation is made to look, deliverance would be at hand for you always. And so, what the devil intends to choke you will be to your relief. Some three Hebrew men found themselves in the fiery burning furnace but God gave them a way of escape. They lived in it and through it as though it didn't happen. Traces of it couldn't be found on them. Receive this testimony. Receive a way of escape. As hopeless situations come your way, let an inbuilt "way if escape" be devised with it. I say, "escape, escape, escape" and let hope be rekindled for you.
PRAYER: All doors of hope shall not be straitly shut at me. I receive a way of escape in hopeless choky situation.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 6:1-7:25; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 23:1-3
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