Sunday, 25 September 2022




WRESTLE WITH GOD - Open Heaven Series 017

Read Genesis 32:24-28

Genesis 26:22, KJV 

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

The Bible says, "ask and it'll be given you; seek and you'll find; knock and it'll be opened unto you." There's a wrestling with God in all those level of prayers. Today, God is coming to teach you how to really do it. Some have been doing it wrongly. They've been wrestling with men for a room to be made them but every good and perfect gift only comes from above. One is the author. We have all read of Jacob who wouldn't let the blessing angel go until he had blessed him. He held unto him because he had a revelation of who really has the power to change bad to good and cause newness in anybody's life. That's the characteristic you should cultivate. Persistence is good until you have your intention delivered but to whom do you show persistence? God or Men? A "room" or a "space" made for anyone anywhere is a function of an open heaven or the willingness of God to give such to him. Isaac had learnt this. On every occasion he was striven with, he didn't strive with his antagonists. He didn't pay them back. He simply took it for the Lord hindering him. He rather shifted his tent and moved on and on until he got where he dug and they were let alone. Some are fighting people and are even accusing them of not being a ladder or help to them. You're addressing the wrong quarters. If you ever desire a room for manifestation or fruitfulness, you'll address God concerning it. When Isaac's room was finally made and given him, he acknowledged God as the giver of all rooms and not men. He said, "now, the Lord has made room for us." It means till then, the Lord hasn't made any room for them and so they couldn't be tolerated let alone accommodated. Brethren, it is the work the Lord does that lasts and has no added sorrow. It rather has added value even as the years last. What the Lord alone does is what becomes like the path of the just which shines more and more unto the perfect day. If men become the initiator of your being given space somewhere, you have as well given them the key of descending you down at will. But I'll desire you have the testimony of Isaac that the room you'll have is such made for you by God and God only and not by solicitation or appealing to some elders of the land. 

I have been in ministry for awhile. I have learnt by experience that the heart of kings are in God's hands. You might have read same in the Bible but you may not know it. You know that to be true when an event happens in your life to prove to you that the hearts of kings are truly in God's hands. Then, that truth becomes concretized in you. Faith rises with it and you suddenly believe that there's nowhere you go that people can't be favorably disposed to you even if you don't know them before. Let a door be locked from behind, God will have men to open it wide open for you. If you have not been given your room and you're a tool in God's hands irrespective of your office, there's one thing the devil is contesting and hindering from really happening. It is your "fruitfulness" in the land. Arriving with the room made Isaac was the testimony of being fruitful also. It is the testimony of doing an effectual work at that site. It is the testimony of pioneering new churches, sending out more missionaries, preaching the gospel, healing the sick and having many saved. The land the Lord opens to you if you're a minister are always followed by such testimonies. It is my own prayer that God will use people to hinder you and I until we actually get to our Rehoboth. Whenever we miss Rehoboth, may hot contests of men make us seek if we're rightly located and in His will. If you don't know, Rehoboth (which is the room God alone makes for anyone) is the only place where any will have the testimony of fruitfulness. If Isaac had stayed in any of those places he had afore dug wells but contested with, he wouldn't have enjoyed his staying there let alone living there. He'll have witnessed the greatest opposition and hatred of his life. He would have seen first hand mischief and wondered helplessly why they're acting to him some way. Rehoboth is the only place that promises fruitfulness. The reason is simple. God secures it for you so you can do your intention there. It's only in Rehoboth there's space, rest and lack of contention. That's where you can sleep with none making you afraid. That's where you can build without the violence disturbance of those who don't want to see God's house. Why? Because God had settled and silenced all opposition for you. Today, if you've been desiring a room but have been looking at your mentor who runs ahead you in what you do to open it, you should be redirected to wrestle with the divine who alone blesses with an everlasting blessing and with all good and perfect gifts. Unto Him pray that a space would be created for you in the body of Christ and in that place you're going to so that you might be a blessing to them with your gifts and calling. 

PRAYER: Make me a room in the body of Christ. Set me on the hills. Lead me to my destiny land and even if amidst foreigners and people of strange tongues, let me be accommodated for fruitfulness.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 41:17-43:13; Ephesians 2:1-22; Psalm 67:1-7; Proverbs 23:29-35

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