Monday, 26 September 2022




THRUSTED TO REHOBOTH - Open Heaven Series 018

Genesis 26:22, KJV

 "And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Do you know what God wants you to do today? You should continue the continuance of having an open heart for leading from Him. Many are not leaning on God but their own understanding. How? They don't have it on their mind to be led by anyone - the Holy Spirit in this case. So, they rarely can relate who's refusing them when they're contended with. They rather will die there. You should not. If you believe in the infiniteness of God whom you've submitted to, He can make whatsoever done to you to work for your good. So, you won't worry to fulfil these Bible verses.

Matthew 5:40-41, KJV

"40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.

41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."

Isaac did because He knows God makes ugly beautiful and He's in charge. Do you believe that? Isaac wouldn't be allowed in Esek and Sitnah. On each occasion he dug a well, he was fought with and necessitated to relocate as a man of peace. Anyone would think he was stupid because he kept shifting ground for those he should take on like a man. Having learnt and known that everything works together for the good of those who love God, He internally believes there's no place he finally settles that God won't make comfortable. It is where He is (by God's will), God is! Is it not that God who afore said, "sow in this land" and the reward became a bumper harvest for him? Can't be different now. That understanding of "everything works for good to those who love God" is what gives him the quick motivation to keep moving until he got to Rehoboth. Now, may I say that Rehoboth is better physically than both Esek and Sitnah. Rehoboth has a testimony of being larger, wider, bigger and more roomy. It has a space for any farmer or herder to do all he has in mind. It is free of disturbances for any minister to do ministry and effectual works. You can go left or right, forward or backward. Every place round about is what God has given you. No restriction. That's the description of the place the contention of men finally shifted him to possess. Does it not pay to be a man of peace and no striker now? If you have committed to God, you have nothing to fear. Your destiny and economy can't be dictated to or determined by the acts of crooked men or dismantled government. God leads and sees for you rather. If Isaac's wealth and rest were in Esek and Sitnah, He wouldn't allow them pack him away but it is not and so the journey for a land of peace must continue. God will rather use whatsoever crooked acts they do to you to lift you to a brighter day and place than forlorn you. This is what God did for Isaac. In the mind of Gerar's men, "we have gotten rid of him. We have sent him far away from us. Far away from where we can perceive insecurity. We have broken him. He'll linger to succeed. Here are his properties (the wells) with us." Those were their own thinking but in all, God was working out His will for a man He loves and who loves Him. Let me ask, "who did you commit to?" One who can fulfill Romans 8:28 or another? Does that verse end strife in you in not striving with men but rather seeing God at all junctures of strife as He who has a better plan for you? I found out there's a disguise God always keep when it concerns His will. The enemy rarely identifies it. For if He knows, he wouldn't allow Joseph to be sold into Egypt nor allow Jesus to go to calvary. These people wanted Isaac broke so they wouldn't have caused him to Rehoboth. This shortsightedness has cost the devil and would cost him more. You're like a dead man committed to the sea. It means the sea has permission to carry him whithersoever. If you've committed to God as a Christian too, you're not in charge. He is and Romans 8:28 tells us what would happen to us even if people call you stupid for giving your cloke to those who sue for your coat. God will not only carry you to whithersoever but where you should be. Just sleep on and see how whatsoever is done you will be mixed together to work out God's will and purpose for you. Rehoboth is God's intention for you. While Isaac was both in Esek and Sitnah, labouring there to dig what they'll snatch, God's thought and mind didn't change for Him concerning Rehoboth. If only he had knew, he wouldn't have done vain labour in Esek and Sitnah. He would have crossed once and for all to Rehoboth because that's destiny land and home for him. That's promise land. That's tent of rest. God will take you there. Destination will be worked out for you in Jesus name. You've committed to God; He'll commit to you. In all men deal you, you'll see His hands. On His hands He'll bear you up lest you come to nought like they're thinking or have thought. 

PRAYER: Bear me up! Let all thrusting take me to Rehoboth. Use contention to content me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 43:14-45:10; Ephesians 3:1-21; Psalm 68:1-18; Proverbs 24:1-2

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