Friday, 16 September 2022




THIS IS THE GATE OF HEAVEN - Open Heaven Series 008

Read Genesis 28:10-17

Genesis 28:17, KJV

"And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

Jacob cried out after his experience, "this is the gate of heaven!" Why the gate of heaven? Because there's an opening. There is not only an opening but one which allows or could allow transportation, communication, exchanges and flows to move to and fro. So, he said, "this is the gate of heaven" - an opening brought about for the bringing of issues to the earth. May a route be created for the sole purpose of relating with you. However, he didn't have this testimony until he had seen the stairs that prolonged from heaven to earth and yet well crested on earth, the  angels who repeatedly move and then Jehovah God Himself making disclosures to him from above it. At seeing this and waking up, he said, "what a great opening, channel or medium! This is nothing but the gate of heaven." He calls it what it is and should be. He could identify it for what God has done. You must know that it is only through the gate of heaven things heavenly could be passed and received. Every good and perfect gift haven't changed location of where they still come from (James 1:17).

If you have had this dream with Jacob, you'll have seen to your shock angels in their multitudes travelling up and down. There is just busyness. There is traffic. You could see incoming and ongoing vehicles and it makes it delightful because things were booming in his dream. There was light everywhere and the stairs were heavily polished and overlaid with gold. The brightness radiating forth seems more than that of the sun indescribable and Jacob seeing all was filled with awe and wonders. Things are moving. Relationship and linkage with the earth is being established. In such a way, those that are here can't be forlorn. They could hear the voice. They could see God. They could receive His promises. So, it becomes a gate because of all these. Eventually, a channel by which receiving can be achieved and any other exchanges done has been caved out. If the gate was not opened, it would have been a shut heaven. A heaven of iron where one will not receive a response: hear a voice or see the vision of God. But because it is opened, he couldn't have the testimony of the prophets of Baals who for long cried while humbling themselves yet without hearing "a voice or a sound from above (I Kings 18:29). It was because they were operating under closed heaven unlike Elijah whose heaven was opened for fire to rush from there down to the earth. 

You should therefore know that a gate is a passage way. There's no place where's there's a gate without the intention that flows and transportation should pass through same. Gate is a channel. It allows for transportation to and fro. Gate is a linker. It links those outside the gate with those inside it. When it's flung opened, it is to create access into anything beyond the gate itself. A closed Gate or shut heaven disallows any from being a beneficiary of what heaven has to give rather. Gate opened is a symbol for a call to relationship or intimacy also. One at the gate's end beckons you to come into the house. That's what a gate is. Today, may gates be opened unto you. God wants to relate with you and as it is occurring to my mind, the hindrance to such not happening has been done away with. You're born again. Your spirit has been made to come alive and here is even a burning desire in your mind to know God and hear Him for yourself. May you therefore have access to God and all heavenly things. Jacob was told things to come, things concerning his lineage, himself and the covenant because the heaven's gate was opened and he could then access it. May you receive the vision of tomorrow from heaven. May great and mighty things be shown you. Even in your sleep, may God causes a bright light to shine on and surrounds you which would lead you to focus on the opening from which issues pertaining to your life, calling and destiny would be revealed. Today, may you see the miraculous and witness what shocks as to declare, "this is heaven's gate!" What a sweet testimony of opened heaven! Not everyone has such to say but Jacob does. With what he saw and experienced, he could bear witness to a gate being opened, an opening being allowed and heaven being torn apart. Even in your dreams, "may you witness an opening and a voice coming from same place." Let resources, heaven's resources be brought into your life because of the opened gate.

PRAYER: I crave for intimacy. I draw near, draw me nearer. I receive You (the Giver) and get blessed by your gifts. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 19:1-21:17; Galatians 2:1-16; Psalm 59:1-17; Proverbs 23:13-14

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