Thursday, 15 September 2022




THE GULF! - Open Heaven Series 007

Read Luke 16:19-31

Luke 16:26, KJV

"And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence."

The rich man who died told Father Abraham to send Lazarus to give him water, even a drop. However, one of the excuses of Father Abraham is that a great chasm or gulf is separating those on his side and they. So, connection or a walk over (by strolling, taking it gently) is impossible on both sides. That is how his case get closed. What gap do you need to cover? I say, "receive a closure of it. Cover it because of the divine invisible and visible staircases that would be henceforth provided. Let it become easy and a stroll in the park because a plank would be spread for you to pass on." To leave your current level and ascend to another won't be difficult any longer. You're receiving a linker - a stairway that'll bring you into that future and vision of tomorrow. In my journey, I have met fathers who trusted into my hands what they had. They became my joints in the body of Christ and brought flows and benefits into my life. I say, "receive such a bridge."

Once again, we're meeting a gulf. It is defined as a hollow place in the ground. A gullet or that which swallows. Because it swallows, men are fearfully hindered attempting any crossing. So, to connect remains only a wish unrealizable. One of the wisdom of the devil is "gulf creation." The one dug here by the wisdom and invention of God was "a great gulf." It's just too wide. You can't jump, fly or walk it over. The gulf beats any one's imagination. Once anyone is on that other side where the rich man found himself, no matter the agony and pressure, he sticks there. His sticking there isn't because he wanted to but because if he attempts crossing, he'll find it unrealizable because a gulf has been intentionally dug in-between to create a separation from the other abode wherein is peace, sanity and environment refreshing. So also, any with Father Abraham can't cross over to deliver out of compassion any of those in anguish. They are also restricted because of this same in-between gulf. Thus, two people can't connect. A portrayal that mercy ended after death while judgement follows. This wisdom of gulf fixing had been tapped into by ancient kingdoms and military intelligence. To secure a city, they could dig a great gulf round it. At times, security of a city may be because it's on a hill, in a mountain or for being surrounded by water (as an island). At times, it's because it's a walled and straitly shut Jericho. In such way, they live protected and secured until this means of defence could be laid bare. What was God's intention of creating that gulf? We got the answer from Abraham. That there might not be trespassing or crossing on both sides. God knew once those in hell get tormented, they'll try crossing from the rich man's side. So, He went ahead to hinder border and line crossing by creating a gulf. You've heard of the wall built to hinder inflow from Mexico to America but here's a gulf. Both are to achieve the same purpose. What God wanted was border control and He achieved it. As a matter of fact, this rich man saw the futility in arguing on with Abraham but rather tendered a new request after that last reason on Lazarus' impossibility of crossing was given. He became quietened. People, once the devil digs to create a gulf for any, it's to make passage impossible and crossing over to another side. Such is therefore stranded even if need be that he crosses. Mark it, that other side is the better side but he can't flee thee. So, the ministry of a "gulf creator" in anyone's life is what calls for the ministry of a "stairway fixer." If any is never bound; a deliverer won't be needed also. So, I have come with an anointing that destroys yokes and works restoration to declare that any gulf created to hinder your safe, fast and easy crossing be filled up. Moving from one level of achievement to the other won't be difficult now. Finishing your building or that project won't be also because of my decrees which heaven will hear. Gaps would be filled for you and every hollow opened to hinder your achieving further would be closed. I decree, "receive a staircase" on all your hollow grounds to cross over. No more gulfs. Capture new grounds that seem cut off from your reach ahead of time. Suddenly feel capable and empowered. Do new things. I proclaim the shutting down of all invention serving as a gulf in your life today. You won't always be cut off from the better land. For this reason I received the delegation of Jesus' authority in order to destroy the works (wiles, devices, strategies, buildings, foundations or implants) of the devil. I cause gulfs and gaps to close up between separating or separated spouses, friends, siblings etc. Let there be a sweet connection. Know the joy of being connected. Let hands reach hands and let new intimacy grow. 

ACTION: Are you born again? Repent and be separated unto God with your name written in the Book of Life. 

PRAYER: I escape the second death. The reality of gulf fixing won't be real in my life, relationship and dreams. I receive the miracle of divine crossover at every juncture of gulf. I'm unstoppable.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 15:1-18:7; Galatians 1:1-24; Psalm 58:1-11; Proverbs 23:12

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