Wednesday, 14 September 2022




GIVE ME A STAIRWAY LORD - Open Heaven Series 006

Genesis 28:11, NIV

"He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it."

This series continues to last five days or more. Please, follow the anointed for all God has to say. Today, God is saying you need a stairway to climb progressively up until you ascend and reach your destination. Having a stairway makes it possible to connect to the other dissociated side from your own side. A stairway when needed in any case is to help bridge a gap and bring you to an intended destination. This is why our engineers build bridges, walkways, stairways or even the ladder. Or else, you'll become stoppable by a vacuum or space created in the middle which you can't by suspension or walking in the air go over to reach your destination. You need a stairway. You need God to see to it that the space between where you are now and where you desire to be or should be is closed up. What closes it and possibly makes connection and access to the other side possible is that connector. Or else, you'll only stand here to watch your destination afar off. One would only thirst and wish to connect with that place, person or thing yet same is still far and out of one's reach. Whenever there's a created space or hollow, to walk over such, we need a stairway. 

The stairway that was resting firmly on the earth came from heaven. Thank God it was touching the ground. Mark the word, "resting on the earth." It's not different from an already landed aircraft. That's what any could take. If it's suspended in the air, climbing in is hard and then impossible but first of all, it had to be brought down to reach the earth from heaven so that the people on earth could be beneficiaries in using it as their handle to mount up to God in heaven. We do know that there's a distance between heaven and earth. That distance is not what any mortal could say he'll cover by any invention of his own. You may enter the sky but entering the sky isn't entering heaven. I'm speaking of God's dwelling. This stairway is what connects earth and its dwellers to heaven. So, heaven that seems impossible to stroll into is now within the reach of anybody and even Jacob  if he'll rise to mount and peep in curiosity at what lies beyond. Have you boarded a plane before? It has its own stairway. This stairway which is external is an automobile connected to serve as bridge to the plane from the ground. Without it, the plane's door would be opened but none would be able to take it or climb into it. Why? It has yet not been made available. It is still too high from the ground to be taken. Anything offered really therefore becomes available, possessable and useful when a stairway, staircase, ladder or bridge connects the far extreme to your now and lowers it for your taking. That's when you'll be assured walking over and possessing that which lies far beyond. Oh, may God have mercy on you! May He creates a bridge for you to have your dreams fulfilled. May He give you linkages in mentors, adopters and people who will take interest in you. God gave me bridges while I was studying on campus. I reached where I couldn't pay my school fees again but God rose people and systems for my adoption. So, I was able to complete my education. In this way, the journey which began in 100 Level was able to terminate conclusively in the one of 400 Level. If not, I'll have journeyed a little and journeyed no more - to the end. Because that was not my portion, it can not be yours also. You can't be stopped. You'll rather defy all odds to arrive. I'm seeing myself as a first amidst many brethren fit for example here. You're redeemed from inconclusiveness. You're redeemed from incompletion of any sort. What Satan does is to dig a gulf (a hollow space) ahead of anyone so that they'll be stranded in their journey and not be able to go further by crossing over. If such space, vacuum or distance has been created in your life to make your journey of achievement impossible, I call for a stairway to be laid on such. You'll receive a divine walk over. You're beyond stopping. Let heavenly angels spread on such empty space walkway for you. Cross over all Jordans. Triumph over all Red Seas.

PRAYER: Lord, close the gap between my here and my there. I shall fulfill my dreams (get there). I triumph over gulfs (hollows) created by Satan to hinder me from completing journeying. I receive a spreadsheet.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 12:1-14:32; 2 Corinthians 13:1-14; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 23:9-11

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