Tuesday, 13 September 2022




TO GO AND COME - Open Heaven Series 005

Read Gen.28:10-22

Genesis 28:12, KJV

"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."

Some of you, a portal will open for you today that'll allow you to have exchanges with heaven. You'll see the vision of heaven with opened eyes because a special opening of heaven for you is making it so. It is with ease. Jacob's dream is very illustrative. It reveals the going and coming of angels and this typifies how they'll desire man have relationship with God above. His gaze should be towards heaven. That connecting ladder is a proof of same. Jacob saw angels ascending and descending. He too could have ascended. He could have gone to see what's behind or after but he didn't anyway. He was rather brought words. God seeks to interact with the earth. So, He often do open His heaven for such. Here, it was not a vessel that was lowered down, it was a ladder and it stood firmly on the earth as a bridge between heaven and earth. If I may ask you, what's the purpose of a ladder? For connection, gap closing and ascension to a height. Your road is becoming easier from today. A bridge is being constructed for some of you to pass to the other side. I could remember the dream somebody had. He just finished his Secondary education then. Then he saw himself and his brother climbing the staircase. But suddenly as he was about crossing over like his brother did, he saw an invisible hand appear to remove one or two stair cases away. He woke and that was it. That boy had years of delay before he could cross from secondary school level to tertiary institution. His elder brother left him far far behind. Who has done that? The devil! He creates needs in people's lives but what's God's? He meets needs. Such fellow like this needs a ladder to be spread for him to scale through the empty stair cases to the other side. Look at me, today, you'll receive a ladder to cross over. I say, "know progress and forward movement." 

Now, apart from this revelation, the going and coming of these angels shows transportation to and fro to the earth. When they arrive, they can't but bring heaven's blessings with them. When they go back, they can't but carry our requests before the Father. So, flows are incoming and outgoing. This shows movement and traffic on heaven's road. Their frequency of journeying is how God would like you climb to Him in intimacy often. I pray that God's divine agents will be busied for your sake today. You'll begin to see angels ascending and descending in order to create a desire for heaven's journeying in you. You won't just remain here on earth. You'll journey to the great beyond. If you won't be like Jacob, who didn't follow into that thoroughfare, you'll heed and follow them to go and have a taste of heaven. You'll be surprised what you'll see on the other side. You'll be seeing the streets of gold, palaces and mansions; behold the host of heaven and get to enquire of God face to face. Then, you'll come back through that same ladder. At such point, your human spirit may be caused to enter your body again or your eyes may be rested (if your ascension is through an open vision). I'm perceiving strongly that God is opening a new channel of communication with some of you. God wants a special intimacy with earth. So, he's descending His ladder. He's exemplifying what He'll like you do before your face by the journeying to and fro of His angels. This is a come up either to dimensions greater than men. He wants you climb to Him often in prayer, worship, intimacy and descend back with answers to all your enquiries, to all human needs and problems. I see a ladder that connects heaven to the earth. May you be a beneficiary of what it offers. May such ladder of linkage with heaven find descent into your bedroom. When it does, you can leave this world occasionally at your discretion to go and be with the Lord. People would just observe you're not around. They won't know your door is safely locked behind you while through an opened portal - a ringed space or hole that leads to heaven above (which allows a ladder from heaven to reach you), you have climbed out to enjoy the divine life. When God is done with you, you'll sigh and climb down again. Once this ladder of relationship is fixed, intimacy becomes enjoyable and before you'll know it, one day you may be totally lost in God and He in you. Nothing else may satisfy you again and then you may have the testimony of Enoch. He was not because He was taken by God. You'll just go to spend the usual evening with God and you won't come back. So, beware of desiring this portal and this ladder if you're not ready for a committed, lifelong and hands on fellowship with God. If this portal is opened and the ladder descends even for a primary school student; at arrival from school, the first place He goes to is where this portal is ringed. He'll enter into its hole and climb up. On daily basis, that's his delight. He'll always look forward to the next day to meet with God in intimacy. Angels ascended and descended but this is a moral that man must ascend to God in fellowship and descend back to men with answers. You are journeying in Jesus' name. 

PRAYER: May I thirst for heaven on earth. May a ladder of relationship bear me to heaven's gates. I see vision of heaven and receive communications of same.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 10:1-11:16; 2 Corinthians 12:11-21; Psalm 56:1-13; Proverbs 23:6-8

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