Monday, 30 May 2022


TUESDAY - 31ST MAY, 2022


ARE YOU UNDER CONSTRAIN? - Heart of Wisdom Series 012

READ John 9:1-9

John 9:4,KJV

"I MUST work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

Jesus said the above verse before He went to heal that blind man. In it, you'll see compulsion. He constrained Himself. Anyone who will therefore as a matter of compulsion do His Father's work must have mastered himself. You need great discipline and conquering of your body(flesh) so at its lusting after other things (contrary to your calling), you won't be taken away from what your works are. Unless your flesh is subjected to your willing spirit, you may not be able to (as a matter of compulsion) lay hold on yourself to do the works of Him that sent you. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. If your yearning is diverse, forget about doing the Father's works. Anyone who says, "I MUST do the works of Him that sent me...." and will make it good must be ready for a fight with distraction. If he's not vowing full time duty, he may be excused. At a time, they wanted to make Jesus king but He escaped it intentionally because He already knew the type of works He was called to (John 6:15). You'll meet luring and juicy attractions like this that will appeal to take you out of what you're designated and consecrated for - the works of the Father, your very calling.

"I MUST" means "I MUST" always be up and doing. This is not the matter of whether you feel like working or not. You must put yourself under such a great constraint while reminding yourself how much you owe someone. Jesus owes the Father. It is His (the Father's) work Jesus was obligated doing. Jesus will give accounts. That became part of the revelation and knowledge that drove Jesus to do the works of He that sent Him while He could do it (at the day). He's a man under obligation. That Jesus was human when He walked this earth will help us greatly. If He was human, it means He was as well tempted in every point as we are not to do the works of He that sent Him. I just said He was almost made a king yet didn't disappoint His consecration. This is what we are called to aspire to. Being human may mean you and I may not always be willing to do the works of He that sent us. We must then learn how not to disqualify ourselves further but how to be qualified. Whenever you wake up, pick up a confession to make yourself willing to go about your Father's business daily. What a positive confession from Jesus. He put Himself in a willing position by that confession of "I MUST (whether I like it or not).... That will then create a good atmosphere of work around you. Words are spells. They can bind or loose you. This will tear off you the garment of reluctance and laziness. He said, "I MUST work the works of He..." "I must!" It just keeps ringing in my mind. Many of us can't be said to have tried at all. We have not yet given our best. We're still working only when we are comfortable. We rise when we can. We sleep when nature calls for it yet at the works' expense. We only do ministry when we are inspired and not by faith when we don't feel like. Why live purposefully only "in season" and not "out season (II Tim. 4:2).

But Jesus worked at both times. He constrained Himself to work here and you can bear Him witness His working was not in vain because He eventually brought wholeness to that blind man. Have you appeased, convinced and win your mind and body to work by saying, "listen now, I must WORK and do the works of He that sent me." Have you? I'm hearing, "you've not yet resisted until the shedding of blood." You're only coasting along. You've not been gripped by the works. If it does, you'll always be ready to work in order to fulfill the obligation, constraint or oath by which you're bound here. If you don't know, Jesus' statement there was very much binding oneself with difficult words that he can't dissociate from later but see to its fulfilment. Jesus has become my own example. He holds Himself unto a higher standard more than anyone could request of Him. He doesn't give excuses. He's a man of one straight confession, "I MUST work the works of He...." What a sense of duty! Knowing He has been limited to working "in the day", He brought fulfilling purpose to a matter of necessity and not what He'll do as hit and run. Today, God is asking to know whether you've been living in the awareness of brevity of time and life under "I Must" or "I May."

PRAY: Baptize me with the power of decision, discipline and grace me to be a doer.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23; John 18:25-19:22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 16:10-11

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MONDAY - 30TH MAY, 2022


WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK - Heart of Wisdom Series 011

John 9:4, KJV

"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."

Jesus is indeed a revealing and emphatic teacher. He knew that "at night" no man can work. There's no remedy to it. At night, you're useless because night makes you useless. At old age, it is only little you can do. That's even before death, the ultimate night comes. You'll lack strength to move from your bedroom to the bathroom in the same jurisdiction. Your hands may be shaking. Spoon may not stay in your hands. You'll need another to help you rise or walk because uninvited weaknesses or sicknesses might begin to appear. Is this the time you want to establish that enterprise? Is this the time you want to take your vision to all continents and reach men through all possible means? Is it at this time of no pleasure you want to do high things? Stop waiting to learn the consequences of being slow to put your youthfulness to work. Even in the natural, we know God has not created the night for work though we might transgress there for good reasons. There's a natural or cosmos law God put there which makes humans obey the natural night. Though man has power of choice to obey sleep or not (which comes very much easily at night), yet he knows the designated period God has given him to lay down before he goes to his work in the day is this night time (a period in the day). 

Psalms 104:23, KJV

"Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening."

Until the what? If he goes to his work until the evening, what do you think he comes back to do in the evening? To rest! What I'm hearing is that, "the night comes when no man can work." Those men may desire working. They may have it laid in their hearts to do great things for Jehovah but nature and the laws of cosmos will fizzle them out and weed them away. This is a warning to those who are slowing down themselves by living in sin and heeding all forms of distraction. If the night (which begins at old age naturally) catches up with you, even if you have desire and plans that can raise a tower to the sky, they can never be implemented by you. How painful it is then when where God could have used one, it is another he has found for use?  Did you not hear Solomon speak? He said the grave whither you go, there's neither work, device or knowledge there? Night was not created for work but sleep. Darkness symbolizes and heralds night time while the light signifies the breaking of the day. The appearance of darkness should communicate something to you. When we sleep, we close our eyes. That's how our eyes shall be finally closed in death. You can't say I have an idea in that realm. Earth is where we test the practicality of anything, build invention and affect our world and for same get recognition. In the realm of the dead, it is stillness forever. The night hurries. It comes. You near it and it nears you. Unfortunately, night is a slave master and enforcer of one principle. "No work!" Night has enough potency: known and unknown that weakens and disqualifies any man: male or female from setting his heart to doing anything he may see worthy to do. Before night makes nonsense of you, make nonsense of it with all revenge and daily utilization of your time. Achieve in these few years you have to live and be willing and sweetened at heart to meet your Saviour at appearance.

PRAYER: I fall on night before it falls on me. I receive wisdom to beat the potency of night.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9

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Saturday, 28 May 2022


 SUNDAY - 29TH MAY, 2022


RACE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT - Heart of Wisdom Series 010

John 9:4, KJV

"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."

Our race is against the "night" that comes. I want you to really understand the Master and His speech here. He said, "for night comes when no man can work." He spoke with such emphasis and gravity that even the fool amidst men will get. Night has not come He said but it will come. It is even hurrying. It comes like a legion of soldiers whose feet causes a great earthquake. Don't rejoice it is far away. Be sober and make life count. That's why there are sayings like, "time's winged chariot", "how quick does time flies etc." The distance between where you are now and where you'll one day be (the grave) is the space or allowance you have to live and do the works of Him that sent you. God intentionally spares you that time. Out of it, we work, pleasure, marry, raise children and do all they were doing in Noah's time.

Have you heard of rain stopping people before, especially those that were warned to set out early so they'll reach before being interrupted by it? That's neglect on their part and they'll pay for it. In same way, Jesus was saying, night is coming. That's sure. That's why we have to live like there's no tomorrow now. We can't sleep that thought away. We may despise it but at its time on each person, it will find fulfilment. The "night time" of individuals on earth differs. When A will pass away is not when B will go. Even, out of the two couples, it is usually one who will first depart. Moses knew this truth. That's why under divine inspiration, he said, "our years is 70 and if by reason of strength 80." Ask yourself, when will my 80 come? That doesn't mean you can't exceed 80 years of age. Moses while speaking talked to set the end of usefulness. Anyone at 80 even if he's still living actively is a retired human being somehow and indeed he should begin to make preparation to meet his Lord. There's nothing you can do to it. He's already at his decline and termination nears. It is a law and set of system operating itself. You can't chance it but it can chance you. Aging is a reality even if any dies naturally. Death or this "night" chances people when they die young. So, learn all things that will make you fulfill the number of your days and then live by same. It includes not living contrarily to your body/ human sustenance, understanding your environment and not breaking its laws, living by faith, God's will, God's promises which can't be broken etc. Abiding by all these can elongate your "night time." It doesn't mean you won't die but you'll rather fulfill the number of your days. By the time you finalize your aging period, what is next is death, even natural death. We all know we arrive this earth by birth and must exit by death. It is not a return to childhood. It is a setting to rest at your final house. So, that truth is a secured truth. Night comes and you ought understand that. Night don't take a damn and it won't pity anyone. That's why we have this written in the Bible also.

Job 2:4, KJV

"And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life."

That verse confirms "night" to always appear. Man could give all he has to stay alive indeed. Life is precious and we're only privileged having it. That breath in us isn't ours. It is God's and He do take His thing when it's ripe (Gen.2:7). We've heard of those who sold all their properties to hold this night from being fulfilled on them. The woman with the issue of blood did it in the Bible. She came to penury to keep living. She does because if there's still life, there's still hope. However, once that "night is fully come", it can't be evaded. So, I'll say, "that verse only applies to temporarily holding of death." Man must return to dust from which he was taken (Gen.3:19). Dust is he and to dust he must return. Let that into you sink and in temperance and urgent urgency live your life. Affect lives and don't hoard your wealth for yourself only. Share to this and that. Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days, you'll find them. It is what any dead has done that will speak for him afterwards. Their deeds always follow them. Live remarkably and purposefully so that your voice will speak still like righteous Abel's even at rest. Death isn't the end of impact making. It may be the beginning for some. If Abel still speaks at his death, you can live on still speaking (impacting or having effect) even after dying.

PRAYER: Sensitize me to areas of adjustment and improvement for quickening and better functioning as night hurries.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 13:1-39; John 17:1-26; Psalm 119:81-96; Proverbs 16:6-7

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Friday, 27 May 2022




BECAUSE NIGHT COMES - Heart of Wisdom Series 009

Read John 9:1-9

John 9:4-5, KJV

"4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

I hope you know we don't have all day here. We will transit. We can't but pass to glory. This tabernacle of flesh will give way. Why we even call it "body" is because it is merely our house where the spirit, the hidden man of the heart indwells (I Pet.3:4). We've tarried on Psalm 90:12 specifically for these 8 days and we shall make further references to it. Jesus was confronted with the healing of a blind man from birth. After answering the question that confused his disciples, he proceeded to saying, "He must work the works of He that sent Him..." Did he stop there or indeed manifest the work of He that sent Him which he had afore referred to? Immediately, Jesus who knew His time was not as long as the tongue spits on the ground, makes clay and anoints the eyes of this blind with it. Then, He instructed him to go bathe in the pool of Siloam. He was healed!Jesus isn't a mere confessor. He is a doer. Realization has first of all dawned on Him. He knew He won't last for eternity and that He only have a short time for ministry to the children of men on earth. So, He never delays or postpones what is His appointed work dealt Him by the Father. Rather, after such confession of Himself as the light of the world, He makes preparation to heal the man. He has been equipped. He didn't waste equipping.

Have you gained a heart of wisdom like this or you're still beating the streets lamely and irrelevantly around? Jesus knew the season that's always upon Him. He said it and you saw His determination towards achieving what He has discovered to be true. If Jesus we respected said something, it should worth noting. He said, He  must do the works of He that sent Him while it is day because night comes. Something is inevitable. It is the night falling. It is the night shadowing and falling on you in particular. You'll then be trapped because you won't be able to further any work or device or knowledge again on this earth. The revelation is always, "the grave where you go (Eccl.9:10)." You draw nearer to it daily. It is your final destination and it's in front of you. You and I will one day get in. 

How many people are still veiled? Where are those that urgency of assignment has not yet gripped? I'll say, you can't but waste away. You'll not only waste away but waste men away. How? The divine ingredient given you to make impact amidst men won't be used at all. So, where you could have been felt, you'll just pass away like that like a snake that slithers on a rock without trace. Then, God will then allocate those who awaited your revelation and then manifestation to another so they won't be unfortunate and irrelevant on the earth (not finding their own purpose) because you've failed God and them. Be like your Master, Jesus who couldn't delay healing that man at the time He found him. His saying was, "look, I'm totally consumed, feeling compassionate towards healing this man. I must work the works of He that sent me. Why delay what I have to do since I don't have all day." That's the Word who was with the Father at the beginning speaking that way. Despite that, He acknowledges His being a human. If it were not so, He won't be hurrying against time. Let low of the truth that Jesus carried the anointing without measure. The day He was born is the day His time started counting. The fact that He'll die at thirty three plus started hurrying from that day onward and He knew it and so made good use of that knowledge. The knowledge some fear having at hand is what others uses to further themselves. This is why he admonished himself not to waste time but to be set to work. His admonishing himself before His disciples also mean they should model their lives after His. If you're a disciple of Christ indeed, you won't deny time is running against you and you won't deny setting right away to work and do with all your might, intelligence, resources, device what your hand has found to do. If the Master modelled it to us, we must do same and model same to men. (I Cor 11:1).

PRAYER: We have a perfect mentor in Jesus. May I do His works. May what gripped Him become my revelation to live out God's will in my soul. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 12:1-31; John 16:1-33; Psalm 119:65-80; Proverbs 16:4-5

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Thursday, 26 May 2022


FRIDAY - 27TH MAY, 2022



READ Luke 16:19-31

Luke 16:27-29, KJV

"27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them."

Yesterday, we saw that the prayer of Moses, "teach us to number our days..." which obviously was an address to God finds fulfilment through God finding preachers who could reveal the urgency and graveness with which man ought to do his work on earth due to his brevity of life which he needs to discover. Today's teaching reemphasizes that. God won't come from heaven to teach man like that. He'll rather oracle this truth and cause this revelation dawn on man by partnering with some called and taught men on earth. In today's passage, a debate of no mean importance ensues between a certain rich man and Father Abraham. He is thirsty (being in hell) and would want Father Abraham send Lazarus (who was in his bosom) to quench his thirst by just a dip of his finger tip into water. What value would that be to him? Nothing. He made that humble request because he had lost all sense of entitlement. So, he couldn't decree big in boldness. When people sin or are in any fallen state, they lose their right and act this way like a slave. If a partner commits adultery and the other gets to know, the same principle goes into play. They lose sense of entitlement even if they're no longer condemned or judged by the other. Until they could see themselves in the right image and as co-owner and possessor of things of the other, they'll continue to act as an outcast to acknowledge their status of having fallen from grace, favour or love. This is why you should avoid being tainted by sin as much as it lies with you. Run from all its appearances if you don't want to lose sense of entitlement, boldness or right. 

Father Abraham wouldn't send Lazarus and he argued why he won't. He gave two points to counter this rich man's request (Luke 16:25-26). What a debate! Seeing Abraham's position on the inability of dwellers from each sides crossing to either of the sides, he saw the vanity of having his request granted and pressed on Abraham another request. Being already doomed, he switched his attention and began caring for the living though dead. He advocated that Lazarus be sent to go witness to his five brethren living on earth. Abraham didn't grant this again. He refuted him and had his request discarded by saying, "they have Moses and the prophets on the earth" to instruct them. The rich man still not pleased pressed further that the testimony of someone from a supernatural or fearful realm like "of the dead" would be extraordinary, esteemed and persuading enough to be believed. Father Abraham said they won't believe the testimony from the dead if they can't believe the law and the prophets with them. That's how Father Abraham won all the cases which the rich man opened. God is just. He'll always give us a fear hearing and explanation that can't be debated any longer.

The point is this. Preachers were not send to earth from this place (Abraham's bosom), neither will they be sent to earth from heaven now. God is saying, "your teachers are with you." That man pressed for it but it always met with a stiff refusal. Father Abraham kept telling him they've been provided for and the provision is on earth already and not any where else. Don't be shocked, what many are looking for from the far distance is actually by their side but familiarity is blinding them to taking it. We men have falsely trained ourselves to believe in the super taste. We would ask, "can it take me further, give me a feeling that's beyond this world, launch me into a craze that's different?" That's how some became addicted today because they were chasing to catch feelings even to its highest level on the long run. Yet, an illusion. This craving for  what is but already there make men unnecessary thirsty of something from a world beyond even when God Himself has granted them that by placing it with them or amidst them. To long for the divine or the supernatural is part of our core. There's a gulf that only Eternity can satisfy. The Bible is there to have such wonder or truth revealed to you today. The Holy Spirit will give you its explanation as you read it. However, the preachers in all their offices are called and caused by God to bring revelation of this same written word on us all. So, we listen to them and hear God speak through them. God has not left us without witness. Did He not speak that He'll raise a prophet for his people from amidst them and He did (Acts 3:22). What I'm emphasizing on is that the prayer of Moses, "teach us to number our days..." has been answered and will be answered continually by God giving men to teach the truth that will bring such understanding and possession of a heart of wisdom on them. This is the dealing of God - that He raises mortal men to have released through them the will of the Immortal. The question should be, "how well have you been listening to what the Bible and those oracles of God teaches to be true in the will of God?" I hear, "your preachers are with you." If you won't be persuaded to receive the truth of the gospel through them, you won't still be persuaded if there's a supernatural rising or send forth from God. You can't but remain a waster, despiser, neglect and rebel to all divine inputs sent to salvage and save your soul. 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me estimation for your Word and ministers. I won't be a despiser of holy things.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 9:1-11:27, John 15:1-27, Psalm 119:49-64, Proverbs 16:1-3

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Wednesday, 25 May 2022





Read John 9:1-7

Psalms 90:12, KJV

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

The prayer of Moses was that God would teach the generation judged and soon to pass away that they might get a heart of wisdom. A heart of wisdom is one that has already been instructed or taught. It is a ready made heart indwelling man. In temperance of living, it is tempered while bearing eternity in mind. This manifests in what life of focus, purpose and dedication he lives daily. He has sieved himself away from what doesn't profit and only lives for one thing - "why am I here on earth?" Meanwhile, will God come down from above to begin to teach all men that are living life outside the revelations of death's inevitability and brevity of life to change in order to reroute them? No! He won't because such task is already given to men amidst men. Moses cried to God, "teach us to number our days..." God does that through His messengers. They're designated for same.

Romans 10:14, KJV

"14 ...and how shall they hear without a preacher?"

Preachers or teachers have been raised and equipped to teach all God's counsel. This includes not withholding from their congregation the ever stable fact that death is the end of all things and that that death might come even sooner than they think. They have victory over death though and it isn't a thing to fear but that fact should make them gird themselves with utilizing their short life here. If you ask any man, I don't think there's any who will naturally embrace death when the earth is treating him well. That's why many evades thinking about death but say, "it doesn't matter since I can't but one day  die eventually." So, they neglect the place of living with focus which comes by having the revelation of life being temporal on the earth. They however are numbered amidst those who scatter their forces, strength and ability and so couldn't be recognized for having achieved something in particular in this life. They chased too many things - of which many were distractions but of which one is their calling (which should have been the one thing they should have done) just like Paul said, "this one thing I do..." Paul also said to a congregation that he has not withdrawn from them God's whole counsel.

Acts 20:26-27, KJV

"26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God."

There are ministers now who select what to teach people and neglect others which are also fit for edification or setting right. Teach all is what we're admonished whether it is bitter to swallow or not. You must also know that your office is a special privilege. They can't hear if you won't preach or teach. God called and anointed you to teach all these things with the authority and strength of the called He has given you. Your office as a minister was given you by the Lord Jesus Christ who gave gifts to men and set men in their different offices for the perfecting of the saints (Ephesians 4:8-14). So, don't waver but teach them God's whole counsel which includes this one I'm on. You didn't call yourself. God did and it is He you'll also have to do with one day. So, rejoice in your calling as one called to teach men what God would want them know for respectful living on earth. Don't forget, time is running. We must therefore do the works of He that sent all of us while it is day because night comes when no man shall work no longer. If night (the day of death) is never sure, we could then recline a million years doing nothing with our might as we should do. As long as we are on this earth, we should choose to be the light of the world. We can't choose to be darkness because Jesus was not. He was the light of the world and conscience of it. We don't have much time for experimentation. This truth on right living or what is most suitable to abide by has been proven and given us. If we had a million years to live, then we could choose to be darkness for awhile before coming back to live with commitment as light - one who shows others the path to follow in Christ and lives out the coding on purpose left in his soul at creation. Today, God is saying, my teaching you how to number your days is not something you'll have to come to heaven for or get transported in a trance before you're instructed about it, the words are with my preachers - even the word of truth. Those preachers luckily are on earth. They're the ones I will move on and through to bring you timely messages by which you'll get a heart of wisdom on how to live life like he who has been slated not to see tomorrow. Preachers, preach it!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18; John 14:15-31; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 15:33

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READ John 4:31-38

Psalms 90:12, KJV

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

Discovery is useless without application. Application is what utilises discovery. Until application, you'll only wish results, it won't jump on you. Application rather births results, even types that many and those who won't abide by the law of application will still like to see. Moses in the view of how Israel (that generation will soon begin to fall down dead one by one ) said, "teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." "Teaching" is God's duty to man. As I write now, I'm teaching you as an anointed so that you'll learn the inevitability of death even if you're young and so double up. I am God sent to cause realization to hit you. The revelation of that teaching that we're but mere mortals who will soon fleet away even if we'd spend a million years on earth must therefore dawn on us. We are nothing but a breath. A syllable that's pronounced at one puff of air. "Getting a heart of wisdom", however is ours to do. The discovery which comes from God showing you how your years are but fleeting will teach you sitting right, doing with all your might any thing your hand has found to do and going full length in the little while you have to live. No room for distraction or decentralization of focus. God will teach you through His preachers and those with this insight. After discovery of learning the danger of inevitability of death, continuing in sin, giving of your strength to women or frivolous things of life, you'll need to become born again and start living anew. You must let discovery have its effect on you or else, teaching you and the knowledge from such teaching would have been wasted. 

In science, after following a particular process or step after step, they'll come to a discovery or a finding. Their findings are then used. That's application. That's why I titled this devotional "The Science of Application in the Mathematics of Year Numbering. "Applying" or "the effecting" of your discovery on yourself is what makes the process scientific. You discover how momentary life is, then you seek means to get the best out of life. It is process by process: one leading to the other. "Getting a heart of wisdom" there is not only receiving. It is putting down structures to ensure the revelation of not living a wasted life is actually ensured. It is to take action after discovery. So, it is a task to daily live out. There's no one who gets a heart of wisdom that goes to sleep. Like the Psalmist says, even if he has no man to put him in awareness of the proper ways to live, his reins will instruct him even in the night. 

Psalms 16:7, KJV

"I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons."

You'll see him while a youth therefore achieve what only the aged could have accumulated or garnered by experience (but because he has been taught or has received counsel and has come to the discovery of how to live). He will be doing things by revelation which comes from having been secretly instructed. By the time he's becoming an aged himself, he has achieved already and would even be in a strait whether to leave to be with the Lord or stay. Just like God showed me, once the meat for which you're here on earth is done, you may leave. That's why Jesus said, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish it (John 4:34). That's what he who has gotten a heart of wisdom only does. He focuses on his assignment or life's task and does away with all other chaffs and distractions in our world. While the disciples were busying themselves with physical meat or food, Jesus busied himself with harvesting of souls. He kept thinking and taking thought for that Samaritan woman and other souls beyond her. He was lost in the higher will even at the availability of food that comforts a weary soul (for we were earlier told that Jesus was wearied). 

A heart of wisdom deals with action. Living in the now and utilizing it fully. That's why Jesus told His disciples, you said the harvest is four months time, behold the field is white (John 4:35). If that be, what's the white or ready harvest calling for? Today, show seriousness of application having learnt it is not the hearer that's blessed but the doers.

PRAYER: May this revelation of the inevitability of death cause a u-turn into spending my minutes to the fullest by giving all to God and humanity. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 4:1-6:23; John 13:31-14:14; Psalm 119:17-32; Proverbs 15:31-32

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Tuesday, 24 May 2022


TUESDAY - 24th MAY, 2022


WE NEED THE TEACHING OF GOD - Heart of Wisdom Series 005

Psalms 90:11-12,KJV

"11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

We have been dealing with the mathematics of year numbering which consequent the gaining a heart of wisdom. It is that heart of wisdom that will now make you have eternity in mind while knowing you're only indwelling flesh momentarily. This will call for swift responsibility on the earth. So much more that your lifetime would have been used to live a purposeful life. Knowing you don't have all days, you'll have written books both by inspiration and effort. You'll have made scientific discoveries and also pour yourself into other men while advocating for a temperate use of all privileges on the earth. All these are revelations that settle on your heart of heart because you've discovered that man that is born of woman is of few days. 

When Moses prayed in that verse, his objective was that God would teach Israel (those deemed to die within the time frame of 40 years of journeying to Canaan) and know their death day has been fixed how to now use or live their lives. The word waiting to be fulfilled on this people is like the one issued to King Belshazzar here: 

Daniel 5:26, KJV

"This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it."

Their days have been numbered and it's to be brought to an end. This is where this teaching gets interesting.  For the murmuring generation, God said they won't see Canaan. So, He wore them all out within those 40 years time frame. All these people knew their fate. They've received God's judgement and not much that could be done to change that. Knowing this, Moses prayed that God would teach all this generation the numbering of their days. Currently as I speak, there are those with report of terminal diseases. They even know when they might die. They're not different from those awaiting execution in jail. Now, if there's somebody with the awareness of such time he has left to live and the one he doesn't have to live, what will you advise him to do? Will you say he starts drinking himself to stupor or you'll teach him the judicious use of the leftover? That's the case of any whose death's day has been fixed. These people (the judged Israelites) would still have lived in the ignorance of the years left for them unless they're taught. God must ensure the fact that they don't have much years to spare again irrespective of their age at the time of the prediction gets their attention. It must be so clear that they'll live today as if tomorrow won't be seen for sure. Unless you're taught the mathematics of your years or its numbering, you won't come to any discovery of earth being a temporal abode, man's years being fleeting or another destination hurrying. This matter was not taken with levity by Moses. He prayed, sought and begged God to actually set a remembrance, by making them not forget that their  life shall be cut short at the progress of the predicted 40 years. If this is understood and its revelation distilled and serenaded into each of them, they'll be tempered to only live for what is worthy to be lived for. They'll have fun when they should, order their children where they should go and put up a memorial for themselves. 

Man can't cause you into the revelation of having a heart of wisdom. It takes God for us to know in reality what fate soon befalls he who has been scheduled to die. If he knows so, he does what men who have not been caused to see their future won't do. He'll be full of action - practicing and seeking to accomplish more and the most of each passing time. Having such heart of wisdom, a sense of urgency doesn't come cheaply, God must confront us with it. I pray that the burden of this will weigh on your heart. Like lead do sink the drag net, it will sink you into meditation for correctional living until you brace up to take much from each of the day you have left to live. 

PRAYER: Teach me responsibility with each passing day.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39; John 13:1-30; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 15:29-30

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Monday, 23 May 2022


MONDAY - 23RD MAY, 2022


WE WILL DO A TEST - Heart of Wisdom Series 004

We will do a test. The test to do is the test of numbering. Without this test, we can't change the direction in which we're living our lives, especially if hitherto, it has been lived unsatisfactorily. It is the test carried out and the result obtained from such test that would teach us what life, seriousness, attention, carefulness, caution each must bring to live his remaining years on earth. Let's enter the test centre. Here lies a test tube before us. 

Test tube: He has lived 35 years on earth. 

Test tube: she has lived 70 on earth. 

Like Moses said, 70 is our years but eighty by reason of strength. So, let's say the terminal age of the two here is 80. After the test, we found out one is 35 and the other 70 for instance. One has 45 years left to live while the other has 10. That's how it is for each of us. Some will have much time left while others may not. Irrespective of what their age is, their hope of living lengthily like a just born baby isn't assured again because they've both spent a great deal of their lives. They are all near the grave than a child. The time each of them has left is therefore their leverage to catch up. 

If age numbering is what could be done at the hospital before the discovery of what years is left to live, you'll see that many will come out of the doctor's office with different reports. Some on discovery of nearing death might like terminal patients be discouraged first of all. A 78 year old man would be making preparation for dying. He'll finalize his will, sign peace with all and hope for the final call because of being near the terminal age than any other. Those below however might still be full of other life's activity but his (the 78 man's) can't but be different. Thank God for the test of numbering that exposes and betrays to us what years or days each may likely have left to live. If not, many of us will still recline carelessly in life the more. We'll still be saying, "today is not the day of salvation." This would have been trouble for mankind but we thank God that we could number and by the discovery from it order our lives, reset it or make new promises for it to outperform our past. May you not be without watch. May the day - your years not be fleeting away just like that without an awareness in your soul that you're aging. Science may help us delay ageing but no aged should fall in the error of being a youth when he/she is not. Do breast enhancement or tummy sulk. Do face surgery. It can't but somehow somewhere show that the dew of youth that once made your body its house has dried up long ago. This morning, God is saying, "do a test". This test will show you where you belong: whether your years are still much or almost gone. This test luckily don't have to be with the doctor. You can sit yourself down, account for when you were born, how many years you've lived and the likelihood of when to die. As blatant and confrontational the result might be, it will help you  live a brand new life.

PRAYER: Lord, may the truth on age numbering I should know not be hidden. Anything veiling the truth of temporal living on earth to me, I tear you off.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 29:1-31:13; John 11:55-12:19; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 15:24-26

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SUNDAY - 22ND MAY, 2022


HOW MANY EGG DO YOU HAVE LEFT? - Heart of Wisdom Series 003

Psalms 90:12, KJV

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

Yesterday, we saw the mathematics of numbering one's days or years. It is the discovery of the years already used that'll make any gird himself towards the thorough and purposeful use of the remaining in his future before being called home. That place says, "teach us to number our days..." It was a prayer point Moses, the man of God prayed to God. It seems forgetfulness is worrying many in this age. They need to be put in remembrance of their days being numbered by which they'll cultivate a heart of wisdom which will make them do what they should do now and not postpone till later. There's no one who's first of all brought into the awareness of the years he has left to live that doesn't do something different from what he's been doing before. You'll see new love, passion, commitment e.t.c by which he'll attack what his hands has found doing. 

May I say one of the reasons many don't want to number their days though they do birthday yearly is basically because they don't want to have thoughts of nearing death. They'll say, "I don't want my mood spoilt. Whether I learn what is left or not, life can't but go on and I can't but one day die." None of us debates those. Whether you live life consciously or not, life or time can't but pass. However, God wants you beware. If you're brought into the awareness of how little time you have left , you will wake up, hurry to fill it with so many objectives toward the fulfilment of your vision. You ought to number and seek to know whether you still have much years left to live naturally or not. That will bring you to a face to face confrontation with awareness.

Just like people won't intentionally number their years and thereby be affected with the temperance of the "coming night", so do people don't want to go for checkup for the fear of discovering one abnormality or the other. Do you know that if you do frequent checkup and it is found you have chances to become diabetic, you'll stop the eating of much carbohydrates and ensure other safeties. What if tendency towards diabetes was never discovered? Life will continue until the person finds himself a patient of what he could have controlled by discovery and then prevention. God is not here to spoil your fun or make you at discovery slip into depression. I don't know anyone who's daily fulfilling purpose who's unnecessarily put at alert of dying. He'll only like Paul contemplate whether to go or stay. His staying is to benefit mankind and the entire world the more. If he leaves, he has achieved enough and he'll have no regrets. That's the life God wants you live. A life that has discovered what to live for, is living it and is assured of eternal rest one day. Ask yourself, how many eggs do I still have left in the crate? This is the typical question housewives do ask. They'll check the level of rice, beans, palm oil and all other ingredients at home to determine what next to do; either to supplement them for longevity or continue feeding on same until it abruptly finishes early. If a driver doesn't know how much fuel is left in his vehicle, he too can't gain a heart of wisdom. That's why every vehicle has a fuel gauge. It is to prevent unwanted shocks of sudden stoppage. You may not cherish adequately what it means for fuel to be used up until it happens to you and you're stranded especially where there's no fuel station and complicatedly, on a path less trodden. But, what difference will it make if you had known that you need more fuel to reach your destination and have gone for it. This numbering to gain a heart of wisdom is really not despised by any general or military tactician too. They check before the D-day. They don't live on assumption. They live on facts gathered from investigations. This help them forestall events and make them live in the tomorrow that has not come. God is saying I should ask you, "put in the gauge. How much fuel is left in your tank?" Will the years left be enough to fulfill the unfulfilled or you simply need to double up to meet up? Count the eggs you have left in your crate and you'll immediately see how much you've eaten different from the leftover on which you'll plan your remaining life, activity, calling, career, purpose etc.

PRAYER: Sensitize me to the time I am in. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 29:1-31:13; John 11:55-12:19; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 15:24-26

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Friday, 20 May 2022





READ Psalm 90:1-12

Psalm 90:12, ESV

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

Why many don't get or receive a heart of wisdom is simply simple.  They neglect the mathematics of their years. One way or the other, all of us are involved in numbering somewhere so that we may get a heart of wisdom in that same area. For example, consider a fellow who receives #500,000 every month after the deduction of his tax. For him to put this money to effective use and leverage on same till another comes next month, he must first recon with how much he was paid. He can't budget on #1,000,000 when he was paid #500,000. This is the beginning of his having a heart of wisdom. Do you already recon you also don't have eternity on earth? Having known that, he'll draw a budget on that money. As he removes money for this and that, he'll come to the realization of being left with little and little. If he doesn't number how much is left and goes on spending unbridled as if the money were still the whole #500,000 he was earlier paid, he'll come to poverty before month's end. So as not to come to poverty, he must then bring in the calculation and mathematics of, "how much do I have left in my account?" If not, he might order a thing he doesn't have money to pay for again. You know that can't but be trouble. Relating with this example will make it easier for you understanding that verse that says, "teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom." A begat B. If you number how much years you've spent and set how much you may have left, you can't but learn how to live your life anew, purposefully and responsibly. It is he who has a spare tyre that drives roughly. If you know your status, you'll be tempered and live in that revelation. It means without learning the numbering of your years and having information at hand on where you stand, you can never gain a heart of wisdom. Lack of numbering of what is left is what is putting people in trouble. That's why they live like a new born baby who still have all years ahead him.

Let's say here is Mr A. He knows he'll spend 103 years on earth. If he celebrated his 50th birthday for instance this year, he ought know that the years he has left isn't increasing but rather diminishing. He is now left with 53 years. He should then measure himself. How much of purpose has he lived out? How many people could say he is a gift to humanity? What could he himself claim to have lived for? What legacy will he leave behind? Has he satisfied God even if he's not popular or had never been on the TV? If his conscience doesn't judge him wrong and God witnesses of his being a beloved son, he has lived well. If after these checkups, the report isn't satisfactory, it means he has 53 years left to make impact on earth and live out the coding left in his soul from birth which may manifest as calling, gift or passion etc. If we'll be true, we should justify his having 30 years left. This is because at old age, it is only little anyone could do. Depreciation sets in as we age. Even before death arrives, old age can retire anyone. That's why the time any could count on is his youthful years. Teens and youths should hear and gain a heart of wisdom now. I mean those who still have much years to cash out. Number your years because your race is against time. You don't have all day. As you live, you near the grave. As you near the grave and it seems your departure is at end, you must be settled that you have been a good manager of your lifetime, calling, gifts etc given you and has done God's will and achieved by same on earth. Today is the day of mathematics of number. Number your own years and gain the new hows by which you should live your life by.

PRAYER: Lord, may I gain a heart of wisdom by discovering my status of years at hand and ones already spent.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 26:1-28:25, John 11:1-54, Psalm 117:1-2, Proverbs 15:22-23

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Thursday, 19 May 2022


FRIDAY - 20TH MAY, 2022


IN THE GRAVE WHERE YOU GO - Heart of Wisdom Series 001

Ecclesiastes 9:10, KJV

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

What God wants you pay attention to in that verse is, "in the grave, where you're going." This verse is one of the verses in the Bible which if understood will make you live your life to the fullest. You have found a thing doing. Good! Are you a student, professional or a minister in God's vineyard? That's a thing you might have found doing. However, we can't talk of "doing well or labouring actively" in what you have found doing if you had not first of all found a thing to do. If you're on the wrong road, consistency is not your message. It is a u-turn. Meanwhile, if you have discovered purpose and you're beginning to live it, this place admonishes that you live it wholly to the utmost. Give yourself to it. Let it have you. Let it use you. Take purpose to its peak. Take calling, career, skill, gifting, vocation or that discovery to its apex where all eyes will see it and you'll be deemed to have made your "calling and election sure (II Pet.1:10)." The reason however for which you must be dedicated and become a spender of it all on that which you have found doing is because of a stated specific reason. What is it?

"...for in the realm of the dead, WHERE YOU ARE GOING, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom [NIV].

Our being admonished to be wise here and do all with our might is due to the grave in front which we near daily. Have you held unto, "the grave where you and I are going?" I found out as we sleep and wake up, we become a step closer to the grave. Even if you'll spend 500 years on earth, if you wake up from yesterday's sleep to read this, a day in this year's 365 days is already spent again! As you use it and use it, you actually draw near the grave because you decrease your allocated time by living it out. Time is the resources God gives to man to live by. All other things being equal, at birth, we all come with a tag in the spirit bearing the number of the full years we should spend here on earth . Once your time is up, you get called home. So, God through Solomon has seen the fate of man. Having beheld our end and final destination, that place says, "the grave where we're going." The tense is in the present continuous tense. We are always taking a journey towards the grave daily. The baby born today (with many years still ahead him) will have a year lesser than God allocated him when he does his one year birthday this time next year. The foetus in the womb is no better because in nine months time, he must obey his schedule and rush out to live out his lifetime. At birth, his time begins counting. At all stops and levels of life he reaches, that time reduces. His time will be much fuller as a primary school student than a married man. As he age and celebrates what we call birthday, he is actually making moves towards his death day. Note it, we are not insinuating his dying untimely. Even when God has ordained he lives his days and die like the patriarchs in the Bible who were gathered at old age to their children and children's children, he can't still but go. When he eats, he's fattening himself for death day. When he sleeps, it is an action towards this same grave. When he marries, he simply acknowledges that's what's next to do because a day of entering the grave will also soon come. So, he too is on the move against this day. His entire living is towards the grave. That is because birth is the entry point of all humans into this world and God has set death to be the exit of man also. We all have a span. God is so wise. He controls humanity's population by birth and death. I imagine how many people we will have in the world, that city of Lagos or Paris for instance if no one ever dies. Overpopulation can't but result. So, death is that means God uses to curtail overpopulation. Even if no one dies untimely, we can't still occupy the whole space. Today, God wants you remember that as you journey, the grave is actually ahead you. It doesn't matter your age now. You can't stop your time from counting. Even if you go into coma, day will continue to turn into night behind you and you can't but grow old on that same bed to heed death eventually. You can't stop time from ticking against you. Your being sent to school, your being told to be serious with life and be full of focus is so that you'll arrive early to eat the benefits of life and have sufficient time in front of you to enjoy life before slipping finally into the grave. As for the grave, it is fixed for us all. No one can evade it. It is the place we're all going yet as we live. This new morning will soon be darkened. As that happens, we all near it. If so, what sort of man we ought be?

PRAYER: Teach me activity, dedication and on time discovery to take much out of this life before my time is up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44, John 10:22-42, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 15:20-21

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Ecclesiastes 9:9, NIV

"9Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun--all the days of futility. For that is your portion in this life and in your work at which you toil under the sun."

You do not have time for experimentation. It is only one life you have which in every ramification must be lived to the fullest. Today, God is coming for homes and marriages. It is the intention and sweet intention of God that couples will live happily thereafter. However, many things may hamper their living joyfully as wanted.

That place admonishes men to live joyfully with their wives in the time they have to spend on earth. That place recognizes that life is short and is filled with wearying labour. Life itself with the cares to succeed can make one tired and casted down. There is nothing that seems like a reward or compensation for being here than one's spouse whom God has given one. While you therefore tarry in this momentary life of futility: which has not much to offer, you must enjoy yourself to the fullest. This ultimate satisfaction comes through living joyfully with your spouse. One way of doing that is being consoled through your wife and the wife through her husband.

You may be blessed with a good job, good things to satisfy your mouth with, build houses and study to a greater extent etc. However, all these and others don't measure the highest level of compensation you can receive during your years of futility on earth through your spouse. The picture of heaven on earth is a good home where the couple lives joyfully reciprocally. It won't be good living in clamour, arguments, and strivings with one's spouse in this fleeting life of toil. Tell me, what's in the world to enjoy within the short moment you have to spend here if not beautiful moments with the one called "lover"? Now that God has given or will give you a spouse to enjoy, shouldn't you enjoy it to the fullest? Shouldn't you explore it to the fullest?

It is unfortunate however that where the Lord wants many people's joy to come from, it is rather sadness that oozes from there. Where the Lord wants them to be strong, they are weak. Just imagine, the Lord wants you live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your life (which flies away very soon) and can't be compared to eternity and yet you're just trying to coast along. Have you not cheated yourself like this? God intends joy for you yet you're living in sorrow and great hurt daily. The regret that fills your heart is like a deep gorge in you.

There is nothing a man can take as a reward in this life and in his lifetime that's the highest of what God intends to give him except his spouse. You may be fulfilling purpose but there will be moments when you will long to cheer yourself through a man or woman. That's where a life of joy with one's spouse comes in.

Proverbs 5:18,KJV

"Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth."

This place confirms it again. Instead of rejoicing, many homes are down casted. May you be lifted up.

Change the plans for living with your spouse. You deserve joy. If God intends it for you; then you really need it.

PRAYER: Lord, I redeem my marriage from all things contrary to joy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR:1 Kings 12:20-13:34, Acts 9:26-43, Psalm 132:1-18, Proverbs 17:6

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Mark 14:13-15, KJV

"13 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. 14 And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? 15 And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us."

One day,  a minister was burdened for ministry and was praying to God to situate him and site his ministry on ground.  As he prayed, he was saying, "God, where have you prepared for us?"  He was saying this and praying this prayer as a thing that occupies all his heart when that passage of the Bible I quoted above was ministered to his heart. 

Are you looking for a place? Are you in search of a house to indwell? Do you want to start something by the Lord's commission and you want a place that will be free of trouble, losses, evil, etc that only God could prepare? You can receive your answer if you'll receive through this teaching. In essence, if you're in anticipation of a thing or person but you want it to be the prepared thing or person, God gives that. 

Jesus wanted to eat the passover and without keeping appointment with anyone ahead of time, He instructed His disciples to go to a place. He described their meeting a man carrying a pitcher. He told them to follow him into whatsoever house he enters and asks the owner of that house to show them the guest chamber where He'll eat the passover with His disciples. To my surprise, the exotic demand of Jesus was met. Jesus even said the owner of the house will show them a large, furnished and made ready place.

The reality is that what is yours from the Lord in the spirit can be seen and received as yours in reality. There's always a place prepared for us all. Now, if Jesus kept no appointment with this people and they did not keep with Him, how did they make preparation of that place ahead of time for use of someone they didn't know? That's God's business and dealing with those Jesus sent His disciples to. Look, may God deal with people on your behalf. If you do, you can't turn things. If He does, even if it is their last bread, like it was in the hands of the widow of Zarephath, they'll prioritise you and make for you first of all even when it concerns matters of life and death.  

Jesus has not gotten there yet he knew and had the assurance that a place has been prepared for him and was speaking like one who has already possessed it with high boast. What a thing! May you find each thing that has been prepared for you. 

On this journey of faith, if we won't be beaten, battered and turned down, we must ask God to do only one thing for us: lead us where He has prepared for us. I found out that if a thing is prepared, it is made ready and totally made fit for you to come and occupy. Jesus was not turned down because that guest chamber had his name on it in the spirit. He went to where He should go. He made demands on the right person. You too can propose to the right person. That's when they'll say yes. 

Who knows however whether that guest chamber was dirty? Who knows whether they had left it unoccupied for long but something just rose in the mind of the owner of that house to give instructions to clean that forlorn guest chamber? Even his children and the servants might have asked, "daddy, for what reason and he could have said, just clean it. I'm feeling we should and get every place clean."

Did you see? There will be moments that the body of people will be doing something unintentional to them because God is moving them to get ready for someone or something. There have been people who went to the market, cooked a special delicacy or acquired a property not because they needed it but because they're just being troubled or persuaded to do so. It was after they did that the fellow whose is it arrives and such is released to him. I heard a scripture. 

Ezekiel 21:27, KJV

"I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him."

If a thing is for you and has been prepared for you, it is one like a material with a name tag on it. No one will touch it. People may not know why they're not picking interest in it. I have heard over and over testimonies of how ministries come to possesses some lands. God will just do something that will make others not to see value in what God has prepared as value for you. For anyone awaiting the prepared of the Lord which includes a spouse, may the Lord continue to over turn until what is yours from the Lord is yours in reality. 

PRAYER: I thank You Lord for taking thought for me ahead. What is mine, none can possess. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Tuesday, 17 May 2022


TUESDAY - 17TH MAY, 2022



Acts 1:10-11,KJV

"And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven."

What these two men (who could have been angels) said here confirms again that our waiting will not be vain. It shows of a truth, Jesus will return. These men said something worthy of note. They said "in like manner Jesus left will be the manner in which He'll return." Since we know the manner in which He left, by that we can anticipate the manner in which He'll return.

Heaven hasn't left us without witnesses. They have left for us a prescription of how things will follow. They wrote a direct letter and sent a private e-mail or SMS into our boxes so we would not be uniformed and not some day give excuses. Jesus' return is real. 

Didn't the Bible say in II Corinthians 13:1,KJV that " the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.." Talks about His second coming littered the Bible. This happening (of two men appearing for confirmation) didn't happen while Jesus was on earth. It was while He (Jesus) was on His way to heaven. He had left. That made that witness stronger because He wasn't around to put words into anyone's mouth. He didn't convince any one to speak about His coming back. Those ones spoke separately (from God).

I believe this witness. What about you? I believe it is true and it will one day come to pass. I believe our waiting will be justified. I believe those mocking us will be ashamed. I believe those taunting us will feel the heat of that day.

Those angels said " *this same Jesus"* . They laid emphasis on who will return. Not another person but the same man that had left. That's what I Thessalonians 4:16 agreed to again when it says " *the Lord Himself."* It is not another man. It is rather the same man, Jesus that the earth experienced some 2000 years ago who will be back.

I tell you brethren, our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.  The night will soon break into day. How far with your preparation? Is your garment white? Is there oil in your lamp? Hope your head also isn't lacking oil? The D-day is here! Congratulations to the elect and woe to all unrepentant sinners.

PRAYER: Cleanse me from sins and give me a new garment. Sensitize me to the breaking of the day.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21

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Monday, 16 May 2022


MONDAY - 16TH MAY, 2022



Read Genesis 4:1-7

Genesis 4:6-7, KJV

"6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him."

Sin lies at the door. Why is it lying there? Has it come to stay there in vain? Obviously no.

In today's reading, Cain and Abel brought their offerings to the Lord. Abel and his offering were accepted but Cain and his were rejected. God is like a kind of father here that commends one and has the right to tell the other not to give up but strive to do better. God did just that. You must know that in the Father's house and as a Christian, we don't lose our rewards. You may have been doing good, don't be weary because everything is in record. The store will be opened to you one day. 

Now, when Abel was commended by God over Cain, Cain was displeased. It's normal for one's flesh to feel that way. We all want the spotlight to be on us. It's not interesting seeing your younger sibling or junior at work for instance winning the attention from those who gives it while you take the back sit. This has been the cause for sibling rivalry. When somebody does well and one doesn't do well, the other who doesn't do well may feel uneasy. That can be properly channeled however by striving to be better next time. One can disallow what could come after that which is negative from happening. That was what God was telling Cain. He was saying, "will you not be accepted if you do what's right but if you don't, sin lies at the door."

The possibility of sin coming in is very sure and it did for Cain. After he was displeased, he didn't keep watch. That led to bitter envy and contention. He motivated his brother for a walk and killed him there. He was bitterly jealous from the acceptance and commendation Abel received which he was dying to receive but didn't have. All of us must know that the sin the Bible says crouches or crawl at the door here is like Satan who is described as a roaring lion who seeks who to devour. That's the aim of the sin at the door. 

I Peter 5:8, KJV

" Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

It looks for whom to prey on if any opens the door to it.  The people this teaching is addressing are those that seems hurt. God is saying, be watchful less you do the desire of sin or Satan. God warned Cain that the chances are high if you continue this way. You can't but yield to sin and he did eventually. Have you being offended, the chances are high if you won't let go to do something that will sell you out into the hands of Satan.

Don't forget this, "sin crouches at the door. It's desire is to have you but you must master it by refusing it entrance."

PRAYER: I receive healing over hurts, offences, injuries. I am made whole. All doors for sin to enter or for Satan to pounce on me are shut!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Philippians 1:27-2:18, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 24:11-12

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Sunday, 15 May 2022


SUNDAY - 15TH MAY, 2022



Read II Kings 6:8-23, James 4:13-16

II Kings 6:8, KJV

"Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, IN SUCH AND SUCH A PLACE SHALL BE MY CAMP."

This Syrian king's action calls for derision. At the war room, he said to all his generals, "my camp is going to be situated in so and so place." His speech comes from boasting and a strong sense of self actualization also. He was talking as if he knew by such location where he commanded, things shall just fall in place for them and Israel shall be trapped.

He so much spoke with boldness, assurance and rejoicing of heart that you could see self deceit, and regard not for any other (especially the Almighty) in his utterance. The plan, stratagem and location of camp/ambush he was rejoicing in as a dream come through is what God without effort scattered through its disclosure to Israel by Elisha. God is quick to show to those who will tell Him to His face He's not part of their plans they're also on their own. 

Didn't the Bible say, "horses are prepared for the day of battles but victory belongs to the Lord (Prov. 21:31).

That's what he didn't look unto God for. He rather says in his vanity and lifting up of his soul with a sense of "I'm enough. It shall work", while saying, "in such and such place shall my camp be."

What right do anyone has to say this is how it shall be and that's how it must be? You can say that but you can't enforce it. What was the purpose of his building camps at those places? To trap Israel. Was Israel trapped? 

II Kings 6:10-11, KJV

"10 And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. 11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?."

The man that was boasting and rejoicing to the success of his well laid plan though which had not been achieved is same who now in confusion asks why his plans are not succeeding. All of us should exercise ourselves in humility and know that he who is putting off his armour shouldn't pride himself like one putting it on. 

Unless your plans succeeds and it is assured your success can't be reversed, don't rejoice. Look at the disappointment expressed by the king of Syria as to why his plans didn't to why his ambush was not catching Israel.

May God teach you not to glory, boast or celebrate when success is far away or at all not at sight. May you learn humility that plans and knows only God gives success. 

There are those who are saying, "I'll do this tomorrow, I'll do that tomorrow. I'll go into that city and trade, accumulating wealth. However, you don't know what would be tomorrow. Due to this, how do you ought to talk so that you won't connote independence of God?

James 4:15-16, KJV

"15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil."

Whereas, that was the mistake the Syrian king made. He was so assured of his trapping Israel where he'll camp that he was saying so boldly with utmost assurance, "in such a place will I situate." It doesn't take long to reveal to him that his plans are not his to fulfill like the man who says he'll pull down his barn, build a bigger one and say to his heart, "eat, soul; for you have goods for many years in store for you (Luke 12:16-20).

What happens to such man? It was that same night his soul was requested of him.  See this as a reason to be humble instead of exercising yourself in futility. Don't let your pride make God scatter what you're planning in order to show you He reigns in the affairs of men and without His consent, no man lifts hand or foot. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not incur Your wrath by leaving You out of my considerations. May I take You as my greatest counsellor. I receive humility to include You and put You in front. Take charge Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 16:12-13

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Saturday, 14 May 2022


FRIDAY - 13TH MAY, 2022



I Samuel 17:32-33, KJV

"32 And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. 33 And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.

Whatever will happen to you that has to do with destiny or purpose, let it start in your youth. Have encounters that will be testimonies when you're established now. From your youth, you can then bear the marks of things that have formed on and in you throughout the journey. The dangerous, fiery and scary citation read as testimony about Goliath by Saul is that he has been a man of war from his youth. While it seems to Saul that David was just starting and setting out, Goliath had endured the race. He has been proved and he's being respected for having been long on the journey since there's a thing being long on the journey does and gives you. He has the name, goods and even trophies. Why? He has been a man of war from his youth. By experience and multitude of knowledge of battles he has, who will easily defeat him? Not even David who's just a starter.  His chances are slim. If seasoned warriors are scared, what will be the lot of David?

David had said he'll go and fight Goliath but Saul in trying to take responsibility of a father who doesn't want to lose his child early to death counselled him why he won't be able to fight him. It is 'cause he has been a man of war from his youth.  What does being a man of war from your youth makes you? Why will Saul use that as a deterrent or warning against David's going ahead? What impact is left on you when you find your area of purpose and start out early? What happens is that you will shed the innocence of starters and enter into the maturity and stability of long sufferers in that field. What you start early in your life is what you can know better, be a master of and don't have to do guess work over again.  Everybody learns on the job. Even Goliath, when he started, he was probably not a good warrior though he has the gigantic physical stature. Somebody had to teach him what hand should carry the shield and how to wield the sword. It took time for him to acquire the skills that made it difficult for any warrior: old or young to defeat him. He was so sure of one on one fight that that was what he proposed. He was not foolish. If he was not an assured, seasoned and good fighter, he wouldn't have recommended that to be done. From this background knowledge of Goliath having being a seasoned fighter, experienced and one that has been on the road for years, Saul counselled David to reconsider. Saul needed someone to take away the reproach urgently but that doesn't blind him from seeing what could get David killed. Only that he didn't know that Goliath was reserved for David to shine through. That's why until David arrived, no one was able to attempt him. 

Saint, start now. Begin to count years now. Launch out into the deep this early and by adulthood, you'll have known the experience and joy of catching fishes that break the net. At the onset of your ministry, your church may be few but after staying there and bearing with time, your cup: church will run over. You will even need an extension to accommodate the overflow just like Peter needed another boat to gather the fishes. Nobody receives the witness of having being a man of war from his youth while withholding to start when his years are fresh and has years to grow and shine in that field. Your years in that field will teach you the field. It is this teaching that will make you conquer the field: become a demi-god or master and be able to handle things easily. No man takes this honour upon himself, except he that is called. If you're called, hearken today.  

PRAYER: Lord, set me out. I release myself to fulfill this heavenly vision. I shall not withhold, delay or postpone. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 28:15-16

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Read Luke 5:1-9

Luke 5:4 - 5, KJV

"4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net."

Today's devotional title is the excuse and reason for which many people don't try again. They'll say, "I've done that before. This same thing you just said, I worked it but nothing happened". 

Tell any who's too tired  to try again that he can't as well see the difference for which he had afore tried (though they may be said to be humanly understood for not wanting to try again). Let me ask, do you want all the labour you've done in the past to be vain labour eventually? Yes, it is vain labour eventually if you don't persist until you see the result for which you had first tried. You might have failed 100 times but if you succeed once, that lone achievement will swallow the 100 times of futility.

In today's reading, Jesus told Peter to let down his nets for a catch. His response was that of a tired, spent and discouraged man. He told Jesus point blank that he had tried before and despite the maximal time of trying, he caught nothing. He told Jesus how bad it was. "We caught nothing though we worked really well all night!" This is where people's labour don't equalize their result.  In labour, Peter and co didn't fail but in result, something was not adding up for them. Be delivered from such!

However, in order not to be blamed for being disrespectful or having taken the anointed for granted, he reluctantly agreed to let it down. When he did, he was not curious for result because he had proven that same act not to be result yielding all night. So, he was not in any way expectant. Let us imagine what would have happened if when he finally reluctantly let down the net, nothing happened. He could have hissed and said, "I said it. I'm a master in this thing. I just did that to satisfy you." We all know he let down the nets not because he indeed believed but actually to please Jesus. That's why he said "but at thy word." He was trying to create a ground not to be held responsible if things don't work. He excluded himself from the process of active participation.

Meanwhile, God proved him wrong. It was a large yield for Peter. His not believing in a thing happening in the first place added to what created such huge shock in him when he saw the net breaking and ship sinking miracle. That's why he knelt in humble submission and deviation from his pride of "I tried all night. I know what I'm saying" to saying, "I'm a sinful man" [Luke 5:8-9].

Have you also tried before? Have you had the futile result of Peter? Being a master and one who has expertise report over that thing, are you drawing a conclusion with that? For having tried and reaped nothing, are you saying, "I won't attempt again?" Are you by that disregarding the anointed or a stirring in your heart to try again?

This time is different from other times. When you tried those times, it was without a Word from God but now the anointing is easing things to bring you result. Have you failed an exam many times? Have you lost pregnancies? Are you tired of giving love to your spouse again because children have not manifested from it? Are you just tired of repeating that act because you've come to the realization that it didn't work these much times? God is saying, try again but AT MY WORD!

Noah didn't relent in sending out scouts. Finally, a dove came back with good news of the water having abated [Genesis 8:11].

I pray for you that you'll have a testimony this time. Life answers to authorities. The authority that asked Peter to cast the net was the One that gave the fish. Always ask yourself at whose word what you're doing is being done. If God is in it, even if the result has not come, it is not that it won't come but that it is oncoming. 

Experience differently on that note. Your going out is not like other times and so you can't reap as at other times. This interview will be different. Peter failed and failed because he had no assisting words at those times but at the declaration of the anointed, fish that were no where to be found gathered. I pray that your result will gather. The cloud will gather for you and result shall rain for you now. Now! 

PRAYER: Lord, I receive forgiveness where I've subtly disregarded You and taken your prophet a liar. I receive at Your Word now. I'm open to You.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Philippians 1:27-2:18, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 24:11-12

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Read James 3:1-12

James 3:11, KJV

"Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?"

One wise man of old - Solomon he bears, observed a reversal of a law in play. He was disturbed and in his careful observation said this. 

Ecclesiastes 3:16, KJV

"And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there."

Is this not absurdity that where justice should be vied for, it is denial that springs from there? If you come to discover that the throne that should be established on justice and truth is actually the nest of falsehood and criminality, how much would your disappointment be? People of God, it is God's utmost desire as citizens of His kingdom that our life won't bring forth mixtures. 

Our passage for today says, can a fountain bring forth fresh and bitter water from the same place? It is impossible as proved. A fountain or source of water either chooses to manifest one of the two when issuing from a place. You are a fountain of water. God would be the more pleased if you're sick and it's known you need restoration of health than you acting healthy when you're sick thereby leaving us without discernment of where you really belong. Did He not in the first place come to minister to the sick? [Matt.9:12]. He that is neither cold nor hot, God would spue out of His mouth. If God won't tolerate double lives, it therefore becomes a standard that we should be known for only the exhibition of one life - in our case - righteousness.

How many of you have discovered something about those who seriously profess to be Christians or ministers but who are not in deed and indeed? How did you feel at discovery that what he is reputed for or hailed to be is actually not the life he's living? Did you not feel disappointed? Did you not shout against pretence? Did you not say it would have been better even if she were a whore than projecting the picture of a sister to the world? At such discovery, you're shattered and you recline that it would be better if he were even known as the greatest evil doer. You see, each one of us loves honesty but many times, we don't play by its rule. We don't want deception in any form. We want somebody that belongs to this caste and indeed belongs there. We don't want a fellow who would profess to be with us but at discovery, they are not for us. Do you know why? We'll feel cheated. We'll feel like we've been used and deceived for long - having been taking for a fool. Put God in your shoe at the discovery of the double life you're living while still claiming loyalty to Him or righteousness. Just like you'll feel lied to and made a fool of, that's how God feels about us when we have divided heart and live double lives. On that note, God abhors double lives. He'll rather you're cold or hot [Rev. 3:15-16]. He always want to know who we are every time. It is that sincerity that determines what ministration we would need from Him.  Today, God is calling you to repentance and a jettisoning of that twin life that issues bitter water. God would have loved if you're a chronic sinner that all heart must stay on to get born again than a wolf in sheep clothing in the congregation of saints lifting up holy hands. That's an error but also, it shouldn't be found in you if you profess to be for Christ's that there's a commodity of Satan in you at inspection.  Please, how do we categorise you? Make it easier for God and we today!

PRAYER: I want to issue only fresh water (righteousness). Show me areas to shut down where my testimony before you and the world is bitter and contrary.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Psalm 43:1-5, Proverbs 10:18

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TUESDAY - 10TH MAY, 2022



Read Luke 5:1-9

Luke 5:4 - 5, KJV

"4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net."

Today's devotional title is the excuse and reason why many people don't try again. They'll say, "I've done that before. This same thing you just said, I worked it but nothing happened". Tell any who's too tired  to try again that he can't as well see the difference for which he had afore tried (though they may be said to be humanly understood for not wanting to try again). Let me ask, do you want all the labour you've done in the past to be vain labour eventually? Yes, it is vain labour eventually if you don't persist until you see the result for which you've first tried. You might have failed 100 times but if you succeed once, that lone achievement will swallow your 100 times of futility.

In today's reading, Jesus told Peter to let down his nets for a catch. His response was that of a tired, spent and discouraged man. He told Jesus point blank that he had tried before and despite the maximal time of trying, he caught nothing. He told Jesus how bad it was. "We caught nothing though we worked really well all night!" This is where people's labour don't equalize their result.  In labour, Peter and co didn't fail but in result, something was not adding up for them. Be delivered from such However, in order not to be blamed for being disrespectful or having taken the anointed for granted, he reluctantly agreed to let it down. When he did, he was not curious for result because he had proven that same act not to be result yielding all night. So, he was not in any way expectant. Let us imagine what would have happened if when he finally reluctantly let down the net, nothing happened. He could have hissed and said, "I said it. I'm a master in this thing. I just did that to satisfy you." We all knew he let down the nets not because he indeed believed but actually to please Jesus. That's why he said "but at thy word." He was trying to create a ground not to be held responsible if things don't work. He excluded himself from the process of active participation. Meanwhile, God proved him wrong. It was a large yield for Peter. His not believing in a thing happening in the first place added to what created such huge shock in him when he saw the net breaking and ship sinking miracle. That's why he knelt in humble submission and deviation from his pride of "I tried all night. I know what I'm saying" to saying, "I'm a sinful man" [Luke 5:8-9]. Have you also tried before? Have you had the futile result of Peter? Being a master and one who has expert's report over that thing, are you drawing a conclusion with that? For having tried and reaped nothing, are you saying, "I won't attempt again?" Are you by that disregarding the anointed or a stirring in your heart to try again. This time is different from other times. When you tried those times, it was without a Word from God but now the anointing is easing things to bring you result. Have you failed an exam many times? Have you lost pregnancies? Are you tired of giving love to your spouse again because children have not manifested from it? Are you just tired of repeating that act because you've come to the realization that it didn't work these much times? God is saying, try again but AT MY WORD!

Noah didn't relent in sending out scouts. Finally, a dove came back with good news of the water having abated [Genesis 8:11]. I pray for you that you'll have a testimony this time. The authority that asked Peter to cast the net was the One that gave the fish. Always ask yourself at whose word what you're doing is being done. If God is in it, even if the result has not come, it is not that it won't come but that it is oncoming. Experience differently on that note. Your going out is not like other times and so you can't reap as at other times. This interview will be different. Peter failed and failed because he had no assisting words at those times but at the declaration of the anointed, fish that were no where to be found gathered. I pray that your result will gather. The cloud will gather for you and result shall rain for you now. Now! 

PRAYER: Lord, I receive forgiveness where I've subtly disregarded You and taken your prophet a liar. I receive at Your Word now. I'm open to You.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 4:1-6:14, Revelation 2:18-3:6, Psalm 130:1-8, Proverbs 29:21-22

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Monday, 9 May 2022


MONDAY - 9TH MAY, 2022



I Samuel 17:50, KJV

"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David."

God wants to take all the glory which is why He uses foolish things to trouble the wise. In today's passage, David triumphed absolutely over Goliath but he did without what it takes to secure victory. To fight a Goliath, one's priority should be the sword, javelin, coat of mail and other weapons. They tried wearing him that but he couldn't move in it because he has not been used to it. In his own words, "I have not proved them". That's part of God's work to strip any man of what could have taken the glory of God and reduce the possibility of effortlessness of achievement of big things in simple manner God wanted it achieved.

However, it is recorded so that God might be praised that there was no sword in David's hand. That's the testimony. Goliath was killed but not according to popular public opinion. As soon as the people hears Goliath dies, they'll be interested in how he died. They'll be expecting a fierce battle between him and the fellow that killed him but the testimony is that there was neither a prolonged battle or even a sword in David's hand. The sword is the esteemed instrument of victory but God gave the honour to the sling and the stone, the lesser instrument. How many people will hear, "a sling and a stone" that won't sit well to declare the impossibility of such story?" They'll declare it as non plausible until another confirms its validity. What a surprise and a miracle! Did that trouble you at the reading? A sword should be in his hand but he got the job done without one. You know when you expect a job to have been done some how because of how esteemed the job is but the job that seems that big is rather accomplished almost without effort and with the least instrument (one despised as unable to do the job), shouldn't one wonder at how it has suddenly become easy as to be so cheap to be attempted that way. Those of you that are always putting trust in big things to achieve big things, it doesn't have to be like that. May God lean you down to face all Goliaths with what could really win the awe of men. If Goliath had died by the sword, the shock wouldn't have been much. Many would have predicted a warrior like him dying through such war tool. However, a sling and a stone downplays the almightiness of Goliath and reveals him as no mighty man that a sword should even be drawn at. It's like saying a notorious robber is arrested without charm or a gun. You know he's notorious. His being notorious makes him invincible to any human mind but at last, his arrest just happen like that. God will touch your mind and hands. Henceforth, you'll begin to secure your Goliaths without sword. That will be the testimony. People will come around to question you as to how you won so cheaply. They'll want you explain how the victory took place and the moment you say you recovered without using drugs, birthed without CS despite the complications, they'll wonder and say, "abnormal". This is the kind of awe God wants to command.  Look, the testimony is Goliath dies without a sword in David's hands. May you accomplish in such simplicity what is tough. 

PRAYER: Downplay what is hard before me. If it takes them years to do it, let me accomplish same in a month. Let there always be a place of testimony and the desire to confirm if my testimony is plausible. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Psalm 127:1-5, Proverbs 29:15-17

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